That was a tough one! I still haven't beaten it, but it has a good flow so far. Can't make it past the first bullet bill, hah.
Soooo I ended up buying a Wii U for this game. So far, I have no regrets.
Here's my level:
P-Puzzle Mystery
No enemies, using the smallest available stage (default). Tried to make a small puzzler. Good luck!
Hey guys, never thought i would enjoy so much a level editor!! Just finished a level I think its mid advanced! Not really sure!! would love some opinions! The level was made to go fast, hope its a good challenge!!
It would be nice to try some gaf levels as well! Any recommendations!?
Is there a single player experience with built in levels?
And what are the graphics like on a big screen?
it was ok.![]()
Not bad, but felt a bit dull to me. Needs more stuff happening IMO
Noted! Will try!
I enjoyed that, one of my favourites so far for sure. Although I died several times it was never frustrating, good balanced use of a core idea (the moving platforms/piranhas).
I made my third level! It was really hard to make a ghost house level without things like bony beetles, fishin' boos, and so on, but I tried my best!
Twisted Trial of the Boo Buddies: EF79-0000-0024-75D2
Please let me know if you find all three of the 1-up mushrooms.
New level. Of course as soon as I posted it I noticed some major flaws in its design, but I hope you all still enjoy it.
bring that with you...
Any feedback would be immensely appreciated, especially since this is only my second level ever!
Thank you so much for a-playing my game!
We'll see if short and sweet levels get more stars from random people.
Hocus Pocus! : 31C6-0000-0024-6C33
Got the game today and I've spend most of today creating levels.
I'd love it if some of you checked out my latest full blown level
Super Koopa Fortess
I've spend way too much time on that one. Feedback would be very welcome.
Golden Cliffs
My primary goal was to make the jump sequences feel fluid, with lots of conserved momentum, but I also threw in three secret 1-up mushrooms and some automated contraptions. Thanks to the people that have already given it a shot!
Made a Super Mario World-style level, hope you enjoy if you play it
ID: 9DE0-0000-0025-1B84
i managed to find one of the three (the one in the boo circle). anyway a twisted level, indeed! i found the beginning portion pretty challenging but not unreasonably so. i think you could even remove one of the mushrooms so that you can't brute force your way through the boo part leading up to the door. the highlight was undoubtedly the clown car section which i enjoyed a lot. one suggestion i have is to make the p-switch section more interesting. you pretty much know what's going to happen when you see the coins in the beginning so it would be even cooler if that expectation was subverted later!
The graphics look like the respective games. There are 60 pre-built levels + the NWC levels.
max! i would have doubled down on the 'bring the spring with you' part by not offering a second one. the falling platform section could have been more challenging, adding a few more enemies into the mix would have helped, i think. a second lakitu, for example. speaking of lakitu, i really, really like the idea of lakitu flying below instead of above you. that is something that could be worked into another level, for sure!
I thought you didn't have to wait 9 days to unlock content with the update patch why can't I get more stuff till tomorrow? Still only have day 1 content
Another level i made, a bit easier than my first one i t to stay within low-med difficulty level.
This thread is moving so fast... so it will be hard to play everyone's level but i'll try play as many as time allows me to.
I thought you didn't have to wait 9 days to unlock content with the update patch why can't I get more stuff till tomorrow? Still only have day 1 content
Have you used every item/feature unlocked at least once? The game requires you to do this before the next batch is unlocked.
Try mine. Feedback and criticism is always welcome on my levels. One of them is in the community showcase in the OP and my other two are in my post history.
Sawblade Sneak
It's not really different though, just some tweaks to make it a tad easier near the end and I shuffled some boxes around. Thanks a lot, though - and yeah, the pipe is pretty tricky, but I think it'd be fair for something secret-exit like.
There is something else to do in the P block section (that's the reason there are two switches in that room). If I added anything else to it there might not be enough time to do what you need to do to reach the secret area. I guess you didn't find the cape I hid in the level?
I really enjoyed creating and testing that clown car section.
another thing I'd like to see in addition to worlds and a checkpoint system is a way to tag 'collectables' in your level, and have it tally up upon completion. something like the red coins in yoshis island or mario 64
I thought you didn't have to wait 9 days to unlock content with the update patch why can't I get more stuff till tomorrow? Still only have day 1 content
ha, i figured there was something else to do with the second switch but after playing very sloppily for some time and dying a whole bunch, i was just rushing to the exit at that point. i did take the second switch with me and pressed it in the flag area but you probably didn't hide a cape right at the end of the level, i would assume!
thanks! did you get any of the invisible blocks? I had coins hinting at where they were but I'm not sure how obvious it was
Thanks for the feedback Daydream! I'll try to shake things up a bit more, but I found myself running out of bandwidth so I kind of went with some basic enemy placement in the second to third section of the level. The fireball feedback on the lower path is duly noted. I'll try to revise the level some later this week.i liked the level a lot, really cool obstacle design, the enemies are very well choreographed and your sense for architecture rounds out a great level. i have one, let's call it, medium-sized, nitpick: one third of the level is just koopa hopping which is a bit worn out at this point. i checked out the bottom part of the level and while it was super interesting to look at, i thought it was pretty much impossible. the problem with the bottom path are the fireballs. you can't see them if you're on the skull platform and one just pops up from underneath you. luckily, the aforementioned architecture makes up for a lot. if you could mix up the koopa jumping somehow, you got yourself a fantastic level. if you balance the bottom part to make it a more challenging but doable alternative, you got a virtually perfect level. also, did you put down the design note? i would remove that, let the level speak for itself! anyway, really good job, can't wait to see more from you
So it's SD on those games? I was expecting it to be all 1080p - of course it will have the same pixel art but I did expect it to look nicer than, say, the VC versions.
Oh well. Still might get it.
thanks! did you get any of the invisible blocks? I had coins hinting at where they were but I'm not sure how obvious it was
Spin my head right round
P-Puzzle Mystery
No enemies, using the smallest available stage (default). Tried to make a small puzzler. Good luck!
Just have the first two unlocks available so far, but I spent some time on a decent stage.
Anyone tried tackling mine yet??
Title: Ghosts and Blades
Difficulty: Hard (9/10 but not cheap)
Tileset: Mansion / Super Mario World
Level Code: 4678-0000-0023-7B41
It's 1080p for the 2D games, miles better than VC. There's even a shadow behind everything to show the difference between Mario Maker and the original artstyles.Thanks.
So it's SD on those games? I was expecting it to be all 1080p - of course it will have the same pixel art but I did expect it to look nicer than, say, the VC versions.
Oh well. Still might get it.
Game is like at 50k views on twitch due to some big streamers but its really got to be getting a lot of exposure through this.
The only mushroom I could consistently get was in a hidden block above 3 other blocks.
A fun level. You could have gone overboard with the Fireplant/Koopa combo, but you used the perfect amount.
Played your level too and I liked it. I only found the first hidden block. The others may have been off the path that I tookin the sub world above three blocks - I think the coins made this one too obvious. A single hidden block above three blocks is understood by every decent Mario playerwith the P switch
I was able to find the initial vine but was really stumped after that. Any tips?