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Super Meat Boy |OT|


Finally beat the Light World last night. I was a bit irked when
I got to the end with the bottomless pit and jumped down it before Dr. Fetus thinking that the level continued.

Either way, a really enjoyable game even when it's hard as nails. Going back through now to try to get more bandages and tackle some of those Dark World
and Cotton Alley
levels. Just one more bandage until
the Alien Hominid alien


AniHawk said:
Let's not go nuts.

But it is very close.

Okay, I guess it's not that crazy.

Also: a decade? What 2D platformer from 1999-2001 are you comparing this to? Klonoa 2? Shantae? Wario Land 4?

Anyway, I think this should have had a retail release.

you're right maybe I should have expanded it to TWO decades.

i don't really have any problem toppling sacred cows, and my love of Super Mario World/Super Mario Bros. 3/Klonoa/etc are not so high that nothing else can beat it. The type of platforming joy I am getting in this game is very close if not better to any other platformer I've played. It's just got stellar controls, stellar level design... I can't say enough good about it. It is a game Nintendo would make if they weren't so tied to trying to make everything family friendly.

Slermy said:
Either way, a really enjoyable game even when it's hard as nails. Going back through now to try to get more bandages and tackle some of those Dark World and Cotton Alley levels. Just one more bandage until the
Alien Hominid alien!

Also, this game unconditionally has the best usage of cameos EVER. EVAR.


Amir0x said:
you're right maybe I should have expanded it to TWO decades.

seriously, because a decade ago, the 2D platformer was comparatively nonexistent. What a wonderful generation it's been.

i don't really have any problem toppling sacred cows, and my love of Super Mario World/Super Mario Bros. 3/Klonoa/etc are not so high that nothing else can beat it.

Oh I agree. That's pretty much where I'm coming from when I praise NSMBW. Wireframes versus artistry and all that.

Also, this game unconditionally has the best usage of cameos EVER. EVAR.

That was a really pleasant surprise.
I'm looking forward to the next time I get the chance to really sit down with the game for a while. I only played a tiny bit today, and managed to finish off the last Dark World levels of The Rapture. I've now beat all the Light and Dark Worlds up to The End, and I have 85 bandages. I'm determined to get 100% in this game, and ultimately clear everything with an A+ rank (including the minus worlds; I've currently beat 4 of them). That said though, I'm not looking forward to the
Cotton Alley
stages, as I hear they're evil. Or are the minus stages harder?

EDIT: What the hell? There's somebody who's at the top of the overall leaderboard with 357 levels beat, and a total time of 1648.00 seconds. When you look at the person in second, who has 307 levels beat (which is the actual number of levels in the game), with a total time of 2190.26 seconds, it looks like the person in first is hacking/glitching. More fucking assholes ruining it for everybody. This shit should be bannable.
After not having much trouble with this game (some levels were hard, but I always got through) I have now been stuck on 6-5 for a whole day. The worst thing is that there is no one place I keep dying... I am just dying all over the place as many of the walljumps between the buzzsaws seem like sheer luck to me. I even went back and got an A+ on3 of the other World 6 levels, but it did not help up my skills :/

I think I will stop for a while, as this is the first time I am getting angry at the game itself instead of getting angry at myself for being shit at parts of the game

Ben2749 said:
EDIT: What the hell? There's somebody who's at the top of the overall leaderboard with 357 levels beat, and a total time of 1648.00 seconds. When you look at the person in second, who has 307 levels beat (which is the actual number of levels in the game), with a total time of 2190.26 seconds, it looks like the person in first is hacking/glitching. More fucking assholes ruining it for everybody. This shit should be bannable.

That guy has only 1 acchivement too, which means something weird is up - he'd have to have more if he finished the game. And he has only played one other game on his account - Halo: Reach
Ben2749 said:
I'm looking forward to the next time I get the chance to really sit down with the game for a while. I only played a tiny bit today, and managed to finish off the last Dark World levels of The Rapture. I've now beat all the Light and Dark Worlds up to The End, and I have 85 bandages. I'm determined to get 100% in this game, and ultimately clear everything with an A+ rank (including the minus worlds; I've currently beat 4 of them). That said though, I'm not looking forward to the
Cotton Alley
stages, as I hear they're evil. Or are the minus stages harder?

I found the Dark World
Cotton Alley
stages to be far more ruthless than the majority of the Kill Screen levels. Have you cleared the
Dr. Fetus
Dark World? If you didn't have trouble with that,
Cotton Alley
won't be too bad. Personally, I believe the
Warp Zone stage tried my patience the most, and it was the last thing I did before I got 100%. Good luck!
MyEpitomeCliché said:
I found the Dark World
Cotton Alley
stages to be far more ruthless than the majority of the Kill Screen levels. Have you cleared the
Dr. Fetus
Dark World? If you didn't have trouble with that,
Cotton Alley
won't be too bad. Personally, I believe the
Warp Zone stage tried my patience the most, and it was the last thing I did before I got 100%. Good luck!

Do you mean The Rapture warp zones? I've cleared all of those, yes. Bloody hard they were too. I haven't done any of The End levels in either Light or Dark worlds, but if Dark World
Cotton Alley
are on par with The Rapture warp zones, I might be OK.

EDIT: Just looked it up; Skyscraper is the first warp zone in The Rapture. That one was hell, especially when going for the bandage in the second level, as it requires you to go through the whole level a second time. I managed it in the end though, and I've done all the warp zones in the game (unless there are more after The Rapture?), which have so far been the most aggravating things in the game, on account of the fact that you have a finite amount of lives.


AniHawk said:
seriously, because a decade ago, the 2D platformer was comparatively nonexistent. What a wonderful generation it's been.

Oh I agree. That's pretty much where I'm coming from when I praise NSMBW. Wireframes versus artistry and all that.

That was a really pleasant surprise.

you need to be on my MS friends list trying to beat my times. Right now, I top the list of all my friends on the levels I've beaten. I'm taking the game slowly of course, really trying to soak in all these platforming greatness and such, and mastering each level along the way.

The glitch levels are fucking masochistic BULLSHIT.

And I love it :D

Small Complaint: On level 3, I think it is, the leaderboards won't register any time below a certain point for me (or any of my friends, it seems like), which is irritating considering I've beat that time about 12 times already.


man I beat Chapter 4.

at first I was like yo this chapter aint shit!! No more missile cannons, it'll be pie!!

but then late in the chapter they introduce freakin
the abbadon

now Im scared to play the Dark versions :(
Snuggler said:
I play in short bursts and I kinda suck so I'm taking my time with this game, but I got a few levels into The Factory and I just found my first warp zone (holy shit).


You got all the way to the Salt Factory without finding any warp zones...


GOD DAMN this game is unplayable while drunk. Picked up Bit.trip Fate tonight when I started drinking and beat the first few levels (btw, go buy it, it's fucking GREAAAAAAT), and then this game. Fun as fuck. I'm getting my ass whooped though! I'll probably just need to come back to it tomorrow.
Any word on when the leaderboards will be fixed? Referring to all the 0 times. On 2-20 for example I'm currently 286, but without the 0 times I'd be 74.
JEKKI said:
man I beat Chapter 4.

at first I was like yo this chapter aint shit!! No more missile cannons, it'll be pie!!

but then late in the chapter they introduce freakin
the abbadon

now Im scared to play the Dark versions :(

That level is very easy. Just go
wall jump up the wall on the left right away then jump over to the key.

Adam J.

After playing it for two hours straight, I finally beat the last Light World stage... Man, that sucked, but damn did It feel good to finally get it (this was the first time a game has made me jump from my chair and start dancing around my room).

Absolutely amazing game. It's crude, but when it comes to level design and controls, go ahead and put me down as saying it's the best platformer as of yet.

I barely collected any bandages and only found a handful of warp zones. I think if I was to start playing for all that stuff, it'd stop being fun and probably send me into a controller-throwing frenzy. I guess that is the beauty and brilliance of it's design though; you can follow that little cube of meat as far down into the hole as you like, depending on how sick you are.


BolognaSoup said:
That level is very easy. Just go
wall jump up the wall on the left right away then jump over to the key.
what level?? I beat the whole ch.4 already... Im saying if those things are in the dark ch.4 then Im gonna have trouble becoz the missiles in dark ch.3 gave me a harder time than anything else.

those things are missiles... but to the next level!!


I'm taking a break from The Kid levels for tonight. Anyone have any tips for the second level with the elevators? Am I risking some serious burn in on my tv if I keep at a single level?
Scarecrow said:
I'm taking a break from The Kid levels for tonight. Anyone have any tips for the second level with the elevators? Am I risking some serious burn in on my tv if I keep at a single level?

Can't you just turn the TV off anyway?

As for the level, I used the D-Pad on the left column and the Analog on the right column. The amount of time it takes to hit back and forth on the analog is about the perfect timing to avoid the spikes. (Without using the run button).
JEKKI said:
man I beat Chapter 4.

at first I was like yo this chapter aint shit!! No more missile cannons, it'll be pie!!

but then late in the chapter they introduce freakin
the abbadon

now Im scared to play the Dark versions :(

Here's a hint, if you want an easy way of beating certain levels with projectiles that the developers might not have thought of (seriously, some levels become an absolute cakewalk):

If you use Tim from Braid and double tap the action button, and hold it on the second press, you'll stay suspended on the spot and remain invincible until you release the button.
Scarecrow said:
I'm taking a break from The Kid levels for tonight. Anyone have any tips for the second level with the elevators? Am I risking some serious burn in on my tv if I keep at a single level?

For the first and last shafts, you can quickly tap left or right on the analog stick twice in order to move two "pixels" worth of space. Do that back and forth, and that's enough to dodge them. (I don't know about the D-pad, as I haven't tried it)

As for the second and third shafts, I got a "beat" going in my head, and counted: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6."

I *really* struggled on that level to begin with, but I kept at it, and now I can do it in relatively few attempts. I've played through all The Kid stages three or four times now, just for the fun of it.

EDIT: Sorry, double post.
Ugh. I just checked the leaderboards to see if I still have the #1 legitimate time on 1-18x, but it says I used Meat Boy, when I used Spelunky.

They really need to fix this. I can see myself really wanting to get into time trialing after I'm done with the main game, but I won't bother until they fix all the problems. There's this, hundreds of people with times of 0.0 seconds, and discrepancies between the time you clear a stage in, and the time it shows in the leaderboard (I still don't know if that discrepancy is the same for everyone).

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Kworn said:

i spent like 3+ hours on world 1 + 2 Last night

Fuck me what a game

I know right? I'm going back through the game at a leisurely pace now I beat light worlds and a+ and bandaging whatever I can. If I get stuck/frustrated I move on. I'll keep doing this and going back for 'the rest' when I run out of progression I can make in decent time frames. I'll 100% this bastard if it takes me a year.

Mike M

Nick N
Is there a guide for bandage locations yet? I'm one bandage away from 100%ing chapter 1, and I just can't find it. I've gone through every level both light and dark (Twice, sometimes more), plus the warp zones in search of it. Except the glitch level, haven't managed to get to the end of that. Fuck me, is it in the glitch stage? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...

My only gripe with this game is that the bandages are awfully small and occasionally hard to see (ESPECIALLY the warp zone stages with the GameBoy color palette, I never manage to see those fuckers). Fantastic game otherwise.

Also, is there a use for
Alien Hominid
that I'm just not aware of? His gimmick really doesn't really give much height to your jump, and is clearly not worth sacrificing the ability to sprint. Does it destroy enemies? Pretty meager power if it does, enemies are usually the least of my problems in this game. He just seems completely useless compared to the occasionally super-useful
Captain Video and Jill
Mike M said:
Is there a guide for bandage locations yet? I'm one bandage away from 100%ing chapter 1, and I just can't find it. I've gone through every level both light and dark (Twice, sometimes more), plus the warp zones in search of it. Except the glitch level, haven't managed to get to the end of that. Fuck me, is it in the glitch stage? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...

My only gripe with this game is that the bandages are awfully small and occasionally hard to see (ESPECIALLY the warp zone stages with the GameBoy color palette, I never manage to see those fuckers). Fantastic game otherwise.

Also, is there a use for
Alien Hominid
that I'm just not aware of? His gimmick really doesn't really give much height to your jump, and is clearly not worth sacrificing the ability to sprint. Does it destroy enemies? Pretty meager power if it does, enemies are usually the least of my problems in this game. He just seems completely useless compared to the occasionally super-useful
Captain Video and Jill

His gimmick does give a lot of height and distance to your jump if you use it right (start mashing the action button as soon as you jump. But he's still rarely worth using, as he's far too situational.

Oh, are you holding the trigger to sprint and using one of the face buttons to shoot? That way you can sprint around and shoot. He's still not too fast, but it's slightly quicker than his normal movement speed.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Mike M said:
Is there a guide for bandage locations yet? I'm one bandage away from 100%ing chapter 1, and I just can't find it. I've gone through every level both light and dark (Twice, sometimes more), plus the warp zones in search of it. Except the glitch level, haven't managed to get to the end of that. Fuck me, is it in the glitch stage? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...

My only gripe with this game is that the bandages are awfully small and occasionally hard to see (ESPECIALLY the warp zone stages with the GameBoy color palette, I never manage to see those fuckers). Fantastic game otherwise.

Also, is there a use for
Alien Hominid
that I'm just not aware of? His gimmick really doesn't really give much height to your jump, and is clearly not worth sacrificing the ability to sprint. Does it destroy enemies? Pretty meager power if it does, enemies are usually the least of my problems in this game. He just seems completely useless compared to the occasionally super-useful
Captain Video and Jill

it's not in the glitch stage. I had this same issue and I think it was on 1-5, right beside a saw on a jump if you take the right most path. it sits on a white background and is hard as fuck to see. that occurs once more, I forget where.

Mike M

Nick N
Heh, I'm so used to holding the trigger, I completely forgot that you could use the face buttons.

Still don't foresee myself using him that much, so whatever : )


Wow, just got the game, played all levels up to the boss in chapter 1.
A+, Bandages and warp zones on the light side
What an amazing game, so much fun to play.


Just bought it, but i got the bandage in level 1-7 or something like that two times and it doesn't save... i also got A+.

I got another bandage in another level and it shows so in the world map.

Is it a bug? what can i do?
Wizpig said:
Just bought it, but i got the bandage in level 1-7 or something like that two times and it doesn't save... i also got A+.

I got another bandage in another level and it shows so in the world map.

Is it a bug? what can i do?
Don't collect the same bandage twice. Don't jam on Y immediately after completing a level. If you collect the same bandage twice, exit the game and restart. It's a known bug.


OpinionatedCyborg said:
Don't collect the same bandage twice. Don't jam on Y immediately after completing a level. If you collect the same bandage twice, exit the game and restart. It's a known bug.
Basically if i collect a bandage and, well... die before completing the level, then immediatly pick up the bandage again, the save bug happens?

EVERY TIME?!? the patch can't come soon enough, because if it's like this you can't afford to pick up a bandage and then die.

This reminds me of the N+ save bug.

Another question!
I found three warp zones in the first world...
one of these was commander video, the other 2 are zones with 8-bit SMB.
The point is, the commander video zone is marked red on the map, while the other 2 are still marked purple (if i remember correctly),
and i don't know if that means i still have to collect something there to make it turn red, or if it's just supposed to be a different color.

Wizpig said:
Basically if i collect a bandage and, well... die before completing the level, then immediatly pick up the bandage again, the save bug happens?

EVERY TIME?!? the patch can't come soon enough, because if it's like this you can't afford to pick up a bandage and then die.

This reminds me of the N+ save bug.

Another question!
I found three warp zones in the first world...
one of these was commander video, the other 2 are zones with 8-bit SMB.
The point is, the commander video zone is marked red on the map, while the other 2 are still marked purple (if i remember correctly),
and i don't know if that means i still have to collect something there to make it turn red, or if it's just supposed to be a different color.

Red zones = characters
Purple zones = just pain levels

They don't change colour, which I find annoying because I skipped about half of the warp zones, and now, with 270 levels beaten, I'm trying to figure out which ones to complete.

Yes, I believe that's how the save bug works. Pick up bandage, die, and then pick it up again and beat the level: game wont' save progress after this.


Collecting the same bandage twice doesn't necessarily trigger the save bug, despite Team Meat's claim just after the game had come out. I got tired of exiting the stage every time I failed to complete a dark world level after I got a bandage, so I decided to just keep retrying the same level and I never got the save bug. I do recommend relaunching the game after particularly difficult stages just to "lock in" your progress.

Also, before it gets suggested, saving/watching replays to trigger autosave doesn't help. I thought it did but it was just a coincidence as I eventually lost my progress anyway. Mashing Y to replay a level right after completing it is what Team Meat is claiming triggers the bug now, but I honestly don't remember reloading levels that often. I don't think Team Meat is even sure what the problem is 100%, so I just recommend relaunching the game now and then by exiting to the dashboard.


While I know collecting the same bandage twice doesn't trigger the bug, I'm also positive that pressing Y too quickly isn't what caused it either. The first time I ever encountered the bug was on a Warp Zone, which doesn't even have replays. I failed the zone, but it failed to save that I had unlocked it, which left me floating in the middle of the map. I was able to move off of where the warp zone was supposed to be, but I couldn't move back.


Trucker Sexologist
Stuneseht said:
Man that sucks. The last stage almost broke me too.You've probably built alot of muscle memory by now:lol
If I were you, I would have just paused the game and returned to it later. Though you may have taken the smarter route; becuase my thumbs are in pain from pressing the A button so much:lol
It should be much easier the second time around.
You're right about the muscle memory. I went back and cleared the first two stages without much trouble. The third one was vexing me until I figured out how to float my jumps in the middle section. So I finally got The Kid but I don't wanna be the guy. :lol


OpinionatedCyborg said:
Red zones = characters
Purple zones = just pain levels

They don't change colour, which I find annoying because I skipped about half of the warp zones, and now, with 270 levels beaten, I'm trying to figure out which ones to complete.

Yes, I believe that's how the save bug works. Pick up bandage, die, and then pick it up again and beat the level: game wont' save progress after this.

Just for the record, I've picked up a bandage, died, then picked up a bandage again like one hundred times already and have not encountered the so-called "save bug."

So, as far as that goes, it isn't guaranteed to happen to everyone.

Also, some of these bandage locations are fucking with my head. How the HELL do you get that one bandage in the Salt Factory (light world) that's hanging over a pit of salt between two conveyors!? I tried all the characters I have up to this point and none seem to have quite the special ability to do it...


Amir0x said:
Also, some of these bandage locations are fucking with my head. How the HELL do you get that one bandage in the Salt Factory (light world) that's hanging over a pit of salt between two conveyors!? I tried all the characters I have up to this point and none seem to have quite the special ability to do it...
I got it using Ogmo, but I'm sure Tim, The Kid, or a few others would also work.


Mimir said:
I got it using Ogmo, but I'm sure Tim, The Kid, or a few others would also work.

oh haven't got Tim yet. He has, um, rewind abilities right? Shit. Knew it would be something like that. Welp, only a few more bandages until I get Tim.
Huh? I have 20/20 bandages in Hell, all levels done at A+ in both the Light World and Dark World, all of the warp zones, and the minus world complete, but I'm at 96%. What the fuck is going on? If this is a bug, they better patch this shit soon. I'm trying to get EVERYTHING in the game, including A+ rank on all levels, and I'm going to be pissed beyond belief if I can't.


Ben2749 said:
Huh? I have 20/20 bandages in Hell, all levels done at A+ in both the Light World and Dark World, all of the warp zones, and the minus world complete, but I'm at 96%. What the fuck is going on? If this is a bug, they better patch this shit soon. I'm trying to get EVERYTHING in the game, including A+ rank on all levels, and I'm going to be pissed beyond belief if I can't.

I don't know if TEH INTERNET counts toward your total?
Amir0x said:
I don't know if TEH INTERNET counts toward your total?

No, I mean I'm at 96% for Hell. Despite beating/clearing everything in that world.

And apparently, Teh Internets has no bearing on your completion/leaderboard ranking.


Ben2749 said:
No, I mean I'm at 96% for Hell. Despite beating/clearing everything in that world.

And apparently, Teh Internets has no bearing on your completion/leaderboard ranking.

There is a unique leaderboard for Teh Internets that tracks best total time for levels completed.

Also, just review carefully:

Chapter 4: Hell

Light World

4-2: Brindle – Bandage
4-6: Leviathan – Bandage
4-8: – Warp Zone (Brimstone) – Thanks to xXCanadian JrXx and ecamirG for this one.
Warp Zone: Brimstone 1-2 – Bandage
Warp Zone: Brimstone 1-3 – Bandage
4-9: Deceiver – Bandage
4-13: Lazy – Bandage
4-14: Adversary – Warp Zone (The Key Master)
Warp Zone: The Key Master 1-2: Bandage
Warp Zone: The Key Master 1-3: Bandage
4-16: Bow – Bandage
4-17: Lost Highway – Bandage
4-18: Boris – Warp Zone (The Fly Guy)
4-20: Babylon – Bandage

Total Light World Bandages: 11
Total Light World Warp Zones: 3

Dark World

4-3X: Char – Bandage
4-4X: Altered – Bandage
4-7X: Thistle – Warp Zone (MMMMMM)
Warp Zone: MMMMMM 1-2 – Bandage
Warp Zone: MMMMMM 1-3 – Bandage
4-8X: Billy Boy – Bandage
4-10X: Gallow – Bandage
4-14X: Old Scratch – Bandage
4-18X: Sag Chamber – Bandage
4-19X: Long Goodbye – Bandage (Please note there are actually 2 Bandages in the level, one above, one below, but the game will only count 1)

Total Dark World Bandages: 9
Total Dark World Warp Zones: 1

Total Chapter 4 Bandages: 20
Total Chapter 4 Warp Zones: 4
I meant Teh Internets has no bearing on overall completion percentage/leaderboard rankings. Stop nitpicking. :p

Thanks for the list, but I posted that a little while ago, so I've already used it.

Besides, apparently, some other people are having the same problem, but they said they got the achievement. I just hope they mean the "I am a Golden God!" achievement, as if I'm denied that, I'll be livid. I currently have absolutely everything done (A+ ranks, bandages, warp zones, minus levels) right up to
Cotton Alley
, in which I'm up to Light World level 15 (all A+ rank so far). If I get absolutely everything, but get nothing for it due to a glitch, I won't be happy.
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