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Super Meat Boy |OT|


Corporate Apologist
Holepunch said:
I got the same thing. I guess now you unlock English!

I really wonder how much effort went into this port to have things like that left in, bosses left out and a third of the PC exclusive characters broken. I mean I'm glad they're patching it but how did this happen in the first place?
There is two guys, so they likely have been working on the game this whole time. I guess they decided it would be better to release a mostly working game then delay it.


Prodigal Son
@SuperMeatBoy What are the chances of a Meatloaf Boy Skin?

@Antwhan that would be rad, get us in touch with meatloaf and hes in!

The joys of Twitter.


Great game. Really fun, and the controls are spot on. Man, why the hell did I play that crappy Meat Boy flash game first. :(

One weird bug though, when I exit the game, the program crashes instead of exiting normally. It doesn't really seem to have any negative impact, but it's weird. I wonder what's causing that.


duckroll said:
Great game. Really fun, and the controls are spot on. Man, why the hell did I play that crappy Meat Boy flash game first. :(

One weird bug though, when I exit the game, the program crashes instead of exiting normally. It doesn't really seem to have any negative impact, but it's weird. I wonder what's causing that.

Same thing happens with me.

Planescape Torment does the same thing. Dunno why.


duckroll said:
Great game. Really fun, and the controls are spot on. Man, why the hell did I play that crappy Meat Boy flash game first. :(

One weird bug though, when I exit the game, the program crashes instead of exiting normally. It doesn't really seem to have any negative impact, but it's weird. I wonder what's causing that.

They know about the crash on exit (happens every time) and a fix is coming. It doesn't affect your game, or at least they say it shouldn't!


Volcynika said:
They know about the crash on exit (happens every time) and a fix is coming. It doesn't affect your game, or at least they say it shouldn't!

Ah okay. That's great. Was just a bit weird seeing it crash when I tried to quit. Maybe it's a hint that I shouldn't quit. :lol
Reading Team Meat's tweets on Twitter, it seems that some people are being huge fucking assholes and insulting them in angry e-mails.

Way to go, shitheads. What better way of encouraging an incredibly talented small indie team that it's worth making more games than being dicks to them? Is the fact that they started working on this patch the very day of release not enough for you?

I'd understand being pissed off if launch-day issues weren't addressed after a few weeks or whatever, but god forbid you have to wait an extra day to play your precious game. Are your lives that empty and meaningless that an extra day's wait warrants being a little bitch about it?


slayn said:
still not out on direct2drive? bleh. The "release date" keeps delaying every time I refresh the page.
I've never used them before and I certainly won't be using them again.

Should be there tonight (according to their twitter page). Shoulda went with Steam for leaderboards alone (and really quick updates)


Corporate Apologist
duckroll said:
Ah okay. That's great. Was just a bit weird seeing it crash when I tried to quit. Maybe it's a hint that I shouldn't quit. :lol
"You can't quit, I just crashed, HA!"


Lyphen said:
Woohoo, beat everyone else's World 1 scores again (sorry Volcynika!). I need to stop checking the leaderboards so I can progress through the game.

You think that's bad. I started checking global leaderboards. Right now it has it's problems. Some jerk already got 100 bandages and unlocked Mr. Minecraft and is absolutely crushing some leaderboards with no one to oppose him. Also prior to the patch that little robot Josef was bugged and moved super fast, faster than Meat Boy. Now theres times up there that no one can compete with. One of them just happens to be mine:lol

Currently topping 2 leaderboards, only 298 more to go!


Man this game is so awesome. Just hit ch5. I love it when you feel like a certain level is near-impossible and then you complete it, you wonder why you had so much trouble with it in the first place.:lol

One weird bug though, when I exit the game, the program crashes instead of exiting normally. It doesn't really seem to have any negative impact, but it's weird. I wonder what's causing that.
Yeah the same thing happens to me. Although some other games have had that same issue. (for me).


Ben2749 said:
Reading Team Meat's tweets on Twitter, it seems that some people are being huge fucking assholes and insulting them in angry e-mails.

Way to go, shitheads. What better way of encouraging an incredibly talented small indie team that it's worth making more games than being dicks to them? Is the fact that they started working on this patch the very day of release not enough for you?

I'd understand being pissed off if launch-day issues weren't addressed after a few weeks or whatever, but god forbid you have to wait an extra day to play your precious game. Are your lives that empty and meaningless that an extra day's wait warrants being a little bitch about it?
Seems to be all PETA fans and for some reason Bieber fans raging on SMB now :lol


Crashed like five times so far in less than three hours. Pretty terrible on that front.

Not sure what I think of the game itself. Beating the levels as far as time goes is a lot more fun than getting the bandages. Some of the latter are stupid and feel annoying compared to how quickly the stages normally flow.


GAF parliamentarian
Holepunch said:
You think that's bad. I started checking global leaderboards. Right now it has it's problems. Some jerk already got 100 bandages and unlocked Mr. Minecraft and is absolutely crushing some leaderboards with no one to oppose him. Also prior to the patch that little robot Josef was bugged and moved super fast, faster than Meat Boy. Now theres times up there that no one can compete with. One of them just happens to be mine:lol

Currently topping 2 leaderboards, only 298 more to go!
I dunno, Global just looks to weird to me, so luckily I don't think I'll get addicted to it. Seeing someone complete Cactus Jump in 2 seconds also seems just a little fake. Seeing dozens of 0:00 completions too.


After playing the PC one with a wired X360 controller for a while and feeling like there is a tad bit of lag between when I hit jump and he jumps I checked out the X360 demo and yeah it feels a bit more responsive.

It could be that I'm using an LCD on my PC and a CRT on my X360. But I'm using the "Evo certified" fastest response time LCD so I wouldn't think it'd be an issue. It's very minor (like maybe 1/10th second or 1/5th second lag), but sometimes when I'm doing a running jump off a block I just run off instead of jumping :X I'm getting used to just hitting the button a tiny bit before I need to jump. It also affects re-adjusting myself in the air for landings a little.


Unconfirmed Member
I always hit the buttons too hard in dire situations, which means that this game is killing me. I tried to switch to the classic controller pro for the bigger buttons, but I'm far to used to the sideways wiimote to change now :/


Lyphen said:
I dunno, Global just looks to weird to me, so luckily I don't think I'll get addicted to it. Seeing someone complete Cactus Jump in 2 seconds also seems just a little fake. Seeing dozens of 0:00 completions too.

0s are bugged, probably will be patched out. Not sure which one Cactus Jump is. Personally besides the bugged robot one I did my second one was complete a 20 second level par in 1 and a half seconds. Turns out you can just barely jump between 2 saws and reach bandage girl a lot quicker. A lot of people figured it out and theres a ton of 2 second times. People cheated, I just cheated the bestest.


Ben2749 said:
Reading Team Meat's tweets on Twitter, it seems that some people are being huge fucking assholes and insulting them in angry e-mails.

Way to go, shitheads. What better way of encouraging an incredibly talented small indie team that it's worth making more games than being dicks to them? Is the fact that they started working on this patch the very day of release not enough for you?

I'd understand being pissed off if launch-day issues weren't addressed after a few weeks or whatever, but god forbid you have to wait an extra day to play your precious game. Are your lives that empty and meaningless that an extra day's wait warrants being a little bitch about it?
I don't know, man. As consumers they have the right to be upset when a product is delivered with serious issues. Yeah, Team Meat is small, and yeah they started working on the problems nearly immediately. But most people probably don't know the specifics, and were justifiably upset when their $10 purchase turned out to be broken.

Was it patched today? Seems to run much better than it was for me, though it does still crash when changing resolution in-game.


Well I beat the game (regular levels, not done near enough Dark World levels), and tried
Cotten Alley

Man, FUCK Cotton Alley. :lol The music doesn't help!


I just noticed someone on my friend list who barely played has a global rank of #20420. Those are some sweet sales. Has anyone seen a rank much lower than that?
So earlier i was playing the PC version and it said i unlocked "Teh Internets" I thought this was a 360 only world? also, i cant seem to find it, where is it?


Any tips for speeding up 2-18...? There are folks more than a second faster than me on that one which by my current route would be quite impossible. What's the trick?


You know what it was, d3doverrider makes the effect that removes key blocks slower. Maybe triple buffering messes with the effect or something. Random.


Just started doing hell and the stages are getting pretty nasty >_<

Wallach said:
You know what it was, d3doverrider makes the effect that removes key blocks slower. Maybe triple buffering messes with the effect or something. Random.

Hmmm, I have this running too. I should try turning it off.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
A+'d dark/light for world 1. I enjoy playing the game on and off and taking my time.


Prodigal Son
snack said:
Where'd you hear this?
From the team themselves.

@18thandi we will gen codes tonight, you will get one pinky swear

Attention internets!: Just finished animating Tofu Boy, he will be playable in the next update via code (update coming tomorrow)

Tofu Boy will be exclusive to pc, we cant update xbla like we can on steam, so its not possible


Ok, that was it.

If you use d3doverrider, TURN IT OFF FOR THIS GAME. It creates a tiny amount of input lag which makes games like these that are very reflex based much harder. Feels so good now that I turned it off.
snack said:
Are the Goo Ball character unlock codes unique or can they be used on multiple computers?

lol, what's so funny? :lol
I didn't read the previous post about tofu boy so the tweet was the first I heard about it and found it hilariously awesome they are doing it.


Bebpo said:
Ok, that was it.

If you use d3doverrider, TURN IT OFF FOR THIS GAME. It creates a tiny amount of input lag which makes games like these that are very reflex based much harder. Feels so good now that I turned it off.

It helps, but honestly I'm not super impressed with the controls given the precision needed on some of the levels, particularly the "glitch" levels. It's got kind of a... slide-y/floaty feel to it that makes a few of the sections more annoying than they should be.


Prodigal Son
snack said:
Are the Goo Ball character unlock codes unique or can they be used on multiple computers?
We don't know yet, except they'd like to have codes for the Goo with non-Steam copies of the PC game.


Wallach said:
It helps, but honestly I'm not super impressed with the controls given the precision needed on some of the levels, particularly the "glitch" levels. It's got kind of a... slide-y/floaty feel to it that makes a few of the sections more annoying than they should be.

Really? I really disagree with that. The controls are pretty much spot on. I consider myself someone who really cannot stand floaty controls or non-premise platforming. I -hate- the way LBP controls. SMB plays pretty much like how I would expect a Nintendo 2D platformer to control. There's nothing floaty at all about the controls. If you're talking about the momentum, that's part of the way the character handles. It's not any different from how Mario accelerates, and how you use that to your advantage in tackling the stages.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
As the levels get harder and harder, it becomes less frustrating instead of more. Sort of transcendent. I don't just look for a way to proceed, I look for an optimal way to proceed, and build a good time section by section as I figure out how to actually navigate the level, while developing mastery of the required execution. I might die 100 times before finishing the level, but as soon as I do I can repeat it at a high percentage and with a solid time.

Wonderful game.


Do non-completed glitch worlds stay on your map after you access them, and quit the game? I accessed the second glitch world 3 times, and it never saves on the map, and I have to go get it again.

duckroll said:
Really? I really disagree with that. The controls are pretty much spot on.

No he's right. Meatboy has floatyness to him. This game relies heavily on pressure sensitive movements so being spot on most of the time just won't happen. It's a huge step up from the flash game, but Meatboy is too fast, and sliding to your death while running happens more often then it should.

Also, the fan mechanic is total ass.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Many levels are meticulously built for speed runs too. Because of this I find going very quickly through stages is just as easy of not easier than being slow and careful. Everything lines up nicely for clean, quick runs.
Ha ha, they're actually making Tofu Boy a playable character. I knew they would :lol

I just hope that he's terrible to control, that would be really funny :lol


EatChildren said:
Many levels are meticulously built for speed runs too. Because of this I find going very quickly through stages is just as easy of not easier than being slow and careful. Everything lines up nicely for clean, quick runs.

Yeah, I'm enjoying the game most when figuring out the fastest routes. Not quite as fond of gathering some of the bandages so far, especially when the fans are involved. A couple of them I looked at and was like "helllllll naw" and went right on my way. :lol

Edit - Anyone playing this on Steam should add me, I want some more time scores to compete against! (Steam ID: Wallach)


Just about beat it on 360, bought it on PC just for VVVVVV. Plays great on my netbook (Aspire 1551), however, -lowdetail and 1024x600 is a must, it takes a lot for an indie game.
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