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Super Metroid |OT| Prequel to Other M


After the consecutive wall jumps, on your right there is a hole that you can get by morph ball. But between this hole and you there is a gap(that if you fall in you should do the wall jumps again).

As mentioned before, no powerups are needed. It is a bit of a tricky spot though so make sure to abuse that restore point feature xD
46:58 Any % World Record speedrun by Garrison

I remember watching Garrison stream this run when he got the world record live. Really interesting for new players who just finished the game for the first time to see whats possible.

I wish they kept his voice over though, he was talking about all the intricacies about frame data and how to do all the little tricks etc.

Love this game. Finished it for the first time ever last week and jumped straight back in.

Prime was always my favourite game ever until now.
First time playing it since 1998, 78% completion and 7 hours. I'm pretty pleased with what I remembered. Saved those critters too! I remembered it half way out of the countdown, "Oh shit where are those guys!".

....Now I gotta get under 3 hours.


For Euro-Gaf:

Just an update on the "50Hz sucks" posts on Miiverse: it looks like the majority of posts in the "Popular Posts" section are essentially "50Hz sucks, please release 60Hz version", so let's keep up the requests and "yeahs" for 60Hz :)

Just a quick question - What exactly is is that stops Nintendo from releasing 60hz games on the Euro VC?

It it just a case of "Because Nintendo" or is it a case of it being a major pain in the arse for them to do or something?


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Finally found the time to get into Super Metroid again, and man, this game is glorious. By far the best game of the series (yes even Metroid Prime).

I do have change the controls from the default tho.

Y-fire weapon
X-cancel item


Yeah I agree the difference is pretty big. I own the US version on my NTSC Wii (I use it for imports and the US VC), but my WiiU is PAL. I purely bought the PAL version just to see the difference first-hand and if you're used to the smoothness of the original version, the PAL version really is bordering on unplayable. I just can't ever shake the feeling that I'm not playing it as intended.

As a kid I was forced to play PAL snes and really, I didn't know any better at the time, but this day and age, it's just not acceptable.

It's still reasonally playable, but if you're used to the 60hz version, it really is unattractive to look at, and the responsiveness is garbage in comparison. What was a tight, beautifully-controlling expert's game in NTSC is now a hit-and-miss affair of late/missed inputs.

This kind of treatment just isn't going to be worth paying full price for at all. I'm staggered that they've somehow managed to release games in worse form than their original PAL incarnation.

Just a quick question - What exactly is is that stops Nintendo from releasing 60hz games on the Euro VC?

It it just a case of "Because Nintendo" or is it a case of it being a major pain in the arse for them to do or something?

Nothing at all. And as we know, they already have released several. Everything so far is 60hz except for Balloon Fight, Kirby's Adventure, and Super Metroid.

The language thing doesn't seem to be an issue either, since Nintendo offers multilingual versions of games for download on the 3DS eShop, such as Link's Awakening. While optional US downloads is perhaps unfair on non-English speakers, a lot of people are stating that they'd rather play in US 60hz than a language they understand (although English is common enough to negate language barriers to an extent), and I'd have to agree. I'd rather have the option of fumbling my way through a 60hz Japanese game than suffering sub-50hz quality.

My guess is that maybe, just maybe, all the promotion games were coded/rated some way back, before the 60hz furore came to light, and all the games coded since were simply lifted from the US store to appease customers. We'll know when the first non-promotion game is (god forbid) 50hz, but if they continue doing this, I don't think it's going to work out too well for them.
Heh, I found that wall jump room last night but couldn't get it to work (thought I needed a wall jump upgrade lol). Fortunately, I already had the spin jump so I was able to get to the top anyway.
Stopped at the golden statue boss last night, seems like I'm nearing the end of the ride. Pretty awesome game. I'm disappointed in my younger self for not giving it a better shot. I recall being a little frustrated with the rigid aiming back then, but it's totally manageable.

100% in 01:26.

Not my best but good enough for how long it's been.
Just a quick question - What exactly is is that stops Nintendo from releasing 60hz games on the Euro VC?

It it just a case of "Because Nintendo" or is it a case of it being a major pain in the arse for them to do or something?

Euro version has German or French text added to the game in the game's cutscenes...can't turn it off as well =/ need to choose to have either, so my guess it's due to Euro languages:

Davey Cakes

I could never imagine beating the game itself in less than 2 hours, never mind getting 100% in that time. Crazy.

Anyway, I didn't think I'd do a playthrough right away, but this game has such a pull for replayability. It affects me like, for example, RE4. I've beaten the game before, I've achieved 100%, and yet once I start a new game, do some things, sequence-break a little bit and collect some missile expansions I...can't stop.

It's one of those addictive experiences that you can't stop playing once you're on a roll.

In my current playthrough, which I've been doing mostly on the Gamepad, I've been kicking ass in terms of obtaining missiles and bombs. I've been wall-jumping better than ever and getting more secrets "early" than ever. None of my playthroughs have been the same so the game continues to beckon as I discover how my skills have made progression much faster.

And there are little things, like obtaining the X-Ray before the Grappling Hook, which I never did until this current run.

What a game.


Nothing at all. And as we know, they already have released several. Everything so far is 60hz except for Balloon Fight, Kirby's Adventure, and Super Metroid.

The language thing doesn't seem to be an issue either, since Nintendo offers multilingual versions of games for download on the 3DS eShop, such as Link's Awakening. While optional US downloads is perhaps unfair on non-English speakers, a lot of people are stating that they'd rather play in US 60hz than a language they understand (although English is common enough to negate language barriers to an extent), and I'd have to agree. I'd rather have the option of fumbling my way through a 60hz Japanese game than suffering sub-50hz quality.

My guess is that maybe, just maybe, all the promotion games were coded/rated some way back, before the 60hz furore came to light, and all the games coded since were simply lifted from the US store to appease customers. We'll know when the first non-promotion game is (god forbid) 50hz, but if they continue doing this, I don't think it's going to work out too well for them.

Euro version has German or French text added to the game in the game's cutscenes...can't turn it off as well =/ need to choose to have either, so my guess it's due to Euro languages

Thanks guys.

Davey Cakes

this this day I still can't do the stupid wall jump...
It's a ridiculously useful skill once you learn how to do it at least somewhat consistently.

I'm still working at it myself, but I've learned that it requires a lot of finesse. Very satisfying to pull off.

The idea is to jump at a wall until you're grazing it in the spinning motion, then push slightly in the opposite direction until you see Samus' "hanging" animation, and then press the jump button again. Samus only keeps the hanging animation for a split second so timing is everything.

The best advice is this: don't push away from the wall and press the jump button at the same time. You push away first, then jump once you see Samus wall-hanging, but it's still a quick motion.

What helps me is taking my thumb off of the d-pad once I'm grazing the wall, and then tapping away from it rather than holding down. Finesse!

In my current playthrough I accessed one of the rooms in Norfair that seems to require the Grappling Hook, way before actually getting the Grappling Hook. Getting to it otherwise required wall jumping twice, first off a regular wall and then off of a platform edge on the left side of the room. Because the platform edge is only a sliver of usable wall space, there's only a small window of opportunity to pull off the second wall jump but it's entirely possible and when I hit it I was ecstatic.

In the end, it's all just for a minor expansion but hey, even the simplest of sequence breaks are really fun and satisfying.


I'm at Ridley now. Sitting at 7 energy tanks and 85 missiles. Doesn't feel like quite enough after my few attempts, but I think it should be doable. Looks like i'm gonna finish in around 6 hours for my first playthrough, which isn't bad from what I understand.

I feel like that's easily cut in half on a second run.


I've tried persevering with the PAL version, just to see if I was overreacting, but it seems I'm not. The frame inconsistencies, aside from looking ugly, really make life harder. Wall jumping, missile blitzing, and quicksand escaping all require precision, which you don't always get due to the duplicate frame lag, and I've suffered way too many instances where the game simply fails to respond to a split-second button press, with often dire consequences. I've also had the chance to have a decent listen to the glitched Wrecked Ship music, and it's laughably bad.

I know it was only 30p, but this is even more of a shell of the legendary original than I initially thought.
Just beat it. 6:43 with 64%. Kinda gave up on searching for items towards the end lol. In my youth I would have looked for everything but I don't have the patience for that shit anymore, especially when the map isn't as helpful as it is in later games in the genre. Still, it was a pretty great game and lives up to its reputation.
Going to play through Fusion next, since I have that on my 3DS. Wish they had Zero Mission on the eShop, though.


Welp finally beat Super Metroid. I'm not sure why I never beat it when it came out originally. I know I played it because the first part is very familiar, but I don't think I ever beat it but I can't remember for sure because I've seen all the end bosses but I think those were mostly screen shots in magazines.

I was probably more a fan of the original on the NES but this is a fine game. I like the first half the best, it feels like a constant treasure hunt where with each bit of progress you make you get a new item or ability to play with. The exploration is more fun in the early going where you can move freely and easy in a smaller area. I found as the game got into the later part the exploration wore a bit thin especially because the rooms you go through become more of a chore(I hate quicksand) and having to constantly use the X-ray Scope(if it was always on it would have been much less annoying). Plus so many of the hidden stuff you find are missiles which is kinda disappointing at the time.

I think if I had finished the game back when it was originally released I wouldn't have been bothered by some of this stuff but playing it now I just don't have the patience to be searching and scanning all these rooms for hours just to get 5 missile upgrades.

Unfortunately I seemed to get stuck constantly in the latter part of the game. The part where you go underneath the lava with those heads shooting at you and those lizard guys that are invincible at first both stalled me for long periods as I went searching through all the levels trying to find something that could help. I'm a pretty slow player, but looking at some of the times around here I think I was even slower than usual. My time was 16:09 with 83% completion. I never got the Spring Ball, 2 energy tanks and one of the reserve tanks. There were some items I just couldn't figure out how to get to.

I think I'll probably watch some youtube videos to see some of the stuff I missed.


Gojeran taught me to speed run! lol much better then my previous 8 hours, 60% items lolololololol.



add me to the time list!

This puts me in 2nd place btw hehe


Welp finally beat Super Metroid. I'm not sure why I never beat it when it came out originally. I know I played it because the first part is very familiar, but I don't think I ever beat it but I can't remember for sure because I've seen all the end bosses but I think those were mostly screen shots in magazines.

I was probably more a fan of the original on the NES but this is a fine game. I like the first half the best, it feels like a constant treasure hunt where with each bit of progress you make you get a new item or ability to play with. The exploration is more fun in the early going where you can move freely and easy in a smaller area. I found as the game got into the later part the exploration wore a bit thin especially because the rooms you go through become more of a chore(I hate quicksand) and having to constantly use the X-ray Scope(if it was always on it would have been much less annoying). Plus so many of the hidden stuff you find are missiles which is kinda disappointing at the time.

I think if I had finished the game back when it was originally released I wouldn't have been bothered by some of this stuff but playing it now I just don't have the patience to be searching and scanning all these rooms for hours just to get 5 missile upgrades.

Unfortunately I seemed to get stuck constantly in the latter part of the game. The part where you go underneath the lava with those heads shooting at you and those lizard guys that are invincible at first both stalled me for long periods as I went searching through all the levels trying to find something that could help. I'm a pretty slow player, but looking at some of the times around here I think I was even slower than usual. My time was 16:09 with 83% completion. I never got the Spring Ball, 2 energy tanks and one of the reserve tanks. There were some items I just couldn't figure out how to get to.

I think I'll probably watch some youtube videos to see some of the stuff I missed.
Space Pirates.

And I'd say the X-ray scope is pretty much inessential unless you want to find practically everything.


I plan on doing a faster one but I'm really deep into a Metroid bender and playing through Fusion atm as well. After I'll do another one and then hit Zero Mission.

Never played those so it's kind of eye opening after having just played Super again. What a great series. damn.


Ok I've played through the game three times this weekend, twice on Wii U and then once on SNES. First I did a casual run in about three hours with 70%, then a meager attempt at a speedrun at about 1:30. First time I've beaten the game in under 2 hours though and the first time I've looked into glitch techniques like mockball and quick charged shinespark. I really struggled on Ridley and Draygon (no grapple) with so little health, and I had way too few missiles in the end so I had to go and recharge several times to to reach Mother Brain, which added quite a lot of time. For my third run I wanted to get 100%, had to use a guide and go back for a the last few though.

I kindof want to make another speedrun attempt, this time on SNES, but I should probably stop.


Is this a known glitch in the game (bomb jumping)? I am trying to access new areas by bomb jumping early in the game, but I am having trouble timing the bomb explosions.

I can jump pretty high, but eventually Samus falls. :/


Is this a known glitch in the game (bomb jumping)? I am trying to access new areas by bomb jumping early in the game, but I am having trouble timing the bomb explosions.

I can jump pretty high, but eventually Samus falls. :/

bomb jumping isn't a glitch. it's another ability Samus has. But... you don't really need it. Practice wall jumping again and later Shinepsparks.

Tons of videos on youtube on various tricks.


bomb jumping isn't a glitch. it's another ability Samus has. But... you don't really need it. Practice wall jumping again and later Shinepsparks.

Tons of videos on youtube on various tricks.

Is wall jumping an ability that Samus aquires? I know that bomb jumping isn't a glitch, but I am trying to perform consecutive ones.


you have the ability to wall jump the moment the game starts. It takes some practice. go near a wall -- You have to be spinning -- then press away and jump.

It'll take awhile for you to get it but it's really useful if you plan on getting a decent time and also just for general usefulness throughout the entire game.


you have the ability to wall jump the moment the game starts. It takes some practice. go near a wall -- You have to be spinning -- then press away and jump.

It'll take awhile for you to get it but it's really useful if you plan on getting a decent time and also just for general usefulness throughout the entire game.

Thank you!! Just did it


I haven't completely beaten this game in years. Is 25 minutes to acquire the Varia Suit a decent time to get the < 3 ending?
Nice. I've never been much for 100% runs, mainly because I'm so used to the route for my normal speed run, but I'll have to give it a shot one of these days.

I'm kind of similar--I am so used to my current 100% run that I fear changing it.

Speaking of, I decided to run through it again today after I had broken it in earlier, and...


That's 100% in 01:19. Shaved seven minutes off my previous time, helps that I didn't screw up as often as I did before. Much faster Botwoon and Phantoon fights as well, who can be kind of pains in the asses. Ridley was a little slower but not by much.

That said, I think this is the upper bound on my route; execution really isn't the problem any longer (not entirely, but it won't make a significant difference I think), the route is just inherently flawed. But I'm so stubborn and used to my current one that I think I'll just live with this one.


welp now I finally get why people rave about this game so much. Great game, hope they put more SNES (and N64/GBA/GC) classics that I missed up on VC.
Finally found the time to get into Super Metroid again, and man, this game is glorious. By far the best game of the series (yes even Metroid Prime).

I do have change the controls from the default tho.

Y-fire weapon
X-cancel item

I'm playing around with the controls and switched the run button to R.


Damnit, how are you guys getting 100% in an little over an hour? I just did another speedrun attempt and still wasn't able to get below the one hour mark (1:06) and I skipped like half the game. I'm playing far from perfectly obviously but I think I'm using a pretty good route, and I don't think I'd be able to shave off that much more without resorting to savestates


Damnit, how are you guys getting 100% in an little over an hour? I just did another speedrun attempt and still wasn't able to get below the one hour mark (1:06) and I skipped like half the game. I'm playing far from perfectly obviously but I think I'm using a pretty good route, and I don't think I'd be able to shave off that much more without resorting to savestates

Aside from the route you follow there's some tricks that increase the speed of your run like:

** http://www.metroid2002.com/3/techniques_arm_pumping.php
** http://www.metroid2002.com/3/techniques_mockball.php
** http://www.metroid2002.com/3/techniques_quick_charge.php

Also you've mastered the walljump, you'll need it




I can't land a shot on the ceiling from below at the part when you can walljump to the crateria instead of going to norfair. I have to go up there first then shoot and have to climb again, it bother me!


I can't land a shot on the ceiling from below at the part when you can walljump to the crateria instead of going to norfair. I have to go up there first then shoot and have to climb again, it bother me!

Ughhhh.......... been there too buddy, when i didn't dominate the walljump i just said "fuck it" and go to grab the ice beam
I got to Maridia last night – the worst part of the game immediately after the best part: the ghost ship.

yeah i feel that pain, just got past the ghost ship and dreading going there, hate dat water

i think when i attempt to speed run after playing through, Maridia will kill me :p

Davey Cakes

I got to Maridia last night &#8211; the worst part of the game immediately after the best part: the ghost ship.
Maridia is the worst part? I think it's one of the best parts. The music makes it. I'm talking the side that you enter from the surface, though, rather than the side you enter from the tube.

Over the years I've realized that my least favorite part is probably Norfair. I don't know why, though. Then again, opinions. I might like the Wrecked Ship even less.


Maridia is the worst part? I think it's one of the best parts. The music makes it. I'm talking the side that you enter from the surface, though, rather than the side you enter from the tube.

Over the years I've realized that my least favorite part is probably Norfair. I don't know why, though.

Norfair has some annoying bits, especially later on, but nothing is worse than the quicksand in Maridia. Hate it. Hate it. Hate it.
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