Passive Assassin
mhhm on the fence for the new vlx... will it be at ncr?
You can always order black/black OBSF-30 from Focus Attack:
Does anyone here have experience with Hori Kuro buttons? I'm most familiar with Sanwas, but I have one of the new Kais on order and it comes with the Kuros. I took to Google and read a dozen or so comparisons and it seems that the Kuros can have a sticking/squeaking issue. I was a click away from ordering some Sanwas but think I'm going to force myself to at least give the Kuros a fair shake before doing so. I do like the idea of them being more "tactile" feeling that some have mentioned.
Does anyone like the Kuros? Has anyone modded them (filing/etc.) to eliminate sticking/squeaking/etc?
EDIT: I'm really looking forward to trying the Hayabusa.
Those of you that have used silent sanwa buttons - is there any difference in the feel between them and the standard sanwas? Might be a worthy investment for me..
Are these just drop in replacements for the buttons on the VLX and other HRAP sticks? Or is soldering required?
Those of you that have used silent sanwa buttons - is there any difference in the feel between them and the standard sanwas? Might be a worthy investment for me..
Drop in. Just make sure you get 30mm pushbuttons, and one 24mm if you want to replace the Options/Start button.
Resistance is futile. We will add your technological joystick inputs to our own.Oh my!!! The VLX sounds so tempting MUST RESIST!!!
So does anyone think this will sell out quick? I might not be able to order till April.
I'd be surprised if they're still taking pre-orders next week.
If you are picky like me, I would stay away from them because they are sure to feel at least slightly different. Arcade Shock has silent 30mm Sanwas in stock and I was considering picking them up before I found standard versions at akishop.
Custom articulating table arm.So torn. I've wanted a VLX since checking out Hori's booth at Evo years back, just wasn't sure how I'd be able to haul it back from with me.
I'm not sure how I'd use it. Has anyone played with a VLX on their lap?
So torn. I've wanted a VLX since checking out Hori's booth at Evo years back, just wasn't sure how I'd be able to haul it back from with me.
I'm not sure how I'd use it. Has anyone played with a VLX on their lap?
Q: When I play mk9 on a 360 pad I have a bad time doing the "forward, forward" motion mid combo. I always seem to initiate a jump instead of a dash. Will an arcade stick help with precision of directional movement?
How about facilitating less mashing and more precise button pressing?
The square gate on the Hayabusa will give you very precise directionals, so you shouldn't have any trouble accidentally hitting up. Given that there are no diagonals in MK inputs (that I recall, usually it's DF+P, etc), you should have a very good experience on it.
Some people prefer an Octagonal gate for SF and others, but there isn't one available for the Hayabusa without modding, as far as I know.
The buttons on an arcade stick require less force to activate and the layout permits you to rest your fingers across the buttons, so you should be able to improve your execution with a stick.
Note that if you are just making the transition from a pad, there's going to be a learning curve. I made the transition in the PS1 era (Namco Arcade Stick and Sega HSS-0136 FTW!), and it took several weeks to get back to where I was on a pad. Once you get to that point, you keep getting better, so the effort is worth it.
My impression of the kuros is that they are mushy and require more force to depress compared to the Sanwa OBSF-30s. The Kuro plungers also tend to wiggle a bit, which adds noise and occasionally throws off my execution.
I have both the HRAP4/PS4 and the original Fighting Edge, and interestingly enough, the Kuros in the FE actually feel quite a bit better (less mushy, less prone to wiggle) than the ones in the HRAP4. That said, I still prefer the OBSF-30s.
The Hayabusa level is fine, I actually prefer it over the JLF.
That bit about them feeling different between the HRAP and FE may account for the varying opinions that I'm finding. I guess I'm just going to have to find out for myself if they'll need to be replaced or not.
does the vlx have the same spacing as the kai? looks like only the fe has the same amount of space between the stick and buttons. is that right?
So I just ordered a second VLX, LOL. At least I'll have a matched set!
That VLX Kuro is absolutely stunning, but it will be 324 EUR to import one. Then probably 80 EUR on top of it for custom fees. So I guess I'll go with the RAP4 Kai instead.
Would have definitely considered the Kuro if it were to be sold within Europe but I don't want to do with the ridiculous costs on top of the stick itself.
Was the VLX diamond ever available in Europe? I'm holding out for a brushed steel version of the new VLX and because I don't want to spend $500+ on sticks right now. Hopefully I won't regret it.
So torn. I've wanted a VLX since checking out Hori's booth at Evo years back, just wasn't sure how I'd be able to haul it back from with me.
I'm not sure how I'd use it. Has anyone played with a VLX on their lap?
Could someone please give me insight on how to remove the wiring from the buttons on the USF4 TE2? I'm sweating bullets as I feel as though I'm going to rip out the wires. Any help would be greatly appreciated. MarkMan?
There's actually a button for the QDs to get them to slip off. I had the same problem.
(2nd post)
Noir layout da bes, btw.
That's exactly my concern. I've used sit-down cabs for fighters and this form is great at that height given the way the controls would protrude over my legs. This shape seems odd for other uses with the slope at the wrist-rest area, and the horizontal size makes it awkward for placement in a seated setup or even floor setup. Can't position it between my legs.I have the OG VLX and use it primarily on a table. Lap play is unwieldy for me, not only because of the size/weight, but also because of the wrist rest area (i.e., the slant on the front of the stick). That area is designed for your wrists to naturally slope downward when your hands are at the controls, but that doesn't work very well if the stick positioned low and close to the body, such as on the lap. You can mitigate this to an extent by pushing the stick out towards your knees, but then the stick gets a little harder to balance due to its weight.
I have the OG VLX and use it primarily on a table. Lap play is unwieldy for me, not only because of the size/weight, but also because of the wrist rest area (i.e., the slant on the front of the stick). That area is designed for your wrists to naturally slope downward when your hands are at the controls, but that doesn't work very well if the stick positioned low and close to the body, such as on the lap. You can mitigate this to an extent by pushing the stick out towards your knees, but then the stick gets a little harder to balance due to its weight.
Could someone please give me insight on how to remove the wiring from the buttons on the USF4 TE2? I'm sweating bullets as I feel as though I'm going to rip out the wires. Any help would be greatly appreciated. MarkMan?
Please refer to Skilletor's post! Let me know if there are any other questions.
There's a pushbutton on the quick disconnects. It was discussed earlier in the thread, but I can't find the post right now. I'm pretty sure I posted a link to an SRK thread about it, though.
Here it is:
Looks like the HRAP Kai's are out of stock now.
Glad I got in when the gettin' was good.
Looks like the HRAP Kai's are out of stock now.
Glad I got in when the gettin' was good.
Looks like the HRAP Kai's are out of stock now.
Glad I got in when the gettin' was good.
It's delayed til the 13th of March on Amazon UK.
What's your favorite arcade stick related memory since SF4 launched?