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Super Scribblenauts: Avoid the obvious adjective jokes |OT|


Ok, I'm gonna have to get another DS to play this. I was super hyped over the premise of the first one, got it, but my girlfriend(ex) played it most of the time(bought the DS for her) so I didn't get much hands-on time with it(I played Chrono Trigger, FFIV and Phantom Hourglass when I was 'allowed' to play it). This one sounds even more amazing, and very few people seem to have much bad to say about it, so I'm gonna go out, buy a DS, buy this game, buy a Leyton game and kinda put aside my console gaming for a while I think. :D


Just, got the game, its really fun :lol
The adjectives are great and combining them creates lots of funny things.

I summoned a evil moon and a friendly sun, they both duked it out until the moon destroyed the sun :lol


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
I like the adjectives. I put in Flaming Cat and it spawned an obvious cat on fire, so I put in Fireman, who promptly put out the cat, who in gratitude turned around and killed the fireman.


I got home and have finally started trying it, just with the main screen so far. It looks like heavy objects still can have issues (a cat pulls an anvil off a cliff, a fishing rod and rope pull a cement mixer off a cliff), but you can suspend a cat from a tower, or a hat from an anvil, so it's an improvement. :D A cat pulls a "heavy" anvil off a cliff, but more slowly.

There also seem to be some cases where things with objects attached can't be rotated as a group, and it can be hard with small things (like a cat) for me to select the cat (and thus attached objects as a group) instead of just making the rope disconnect. A giant anvil did the trick though! Neither a cat nor a dog made it budge as far as I can tell.

A catapault can now be filled with a cat (once you get rid of the rock), and then the cat can be fired a short distance. :D :D :D

*edit* Remember last time, I pointed out that "piton" was the one word that wasn't in the game, from my list I sent to Jackson? It's in this one. "pivot" and "divot" are NOT in the game, though, so you still have more to add, Jackson!


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.

I can't get past the title screen. This is just endlessly entertaining. Experimenting with multiple adjective objects is an addiction.



Immovable Magnetic Keyboard Cat + Angry Metal Dac + Extreme Flaming Crossbow

God I love this game.
Maxwell jumps with the up button on the Dpad.

So far, I also think the game does a really good job at making you be more creative. The solutions might be a bit more linear (or maybe I'm just stupid), but I was actively thinking more creatively with it in the first few levels I've played. When I say linear, I mean one puzzle had you arming these people with weapons. I wanted to be creative so I made a sharp chair hoping it would qualify as a weapon, but that didn't work. I had to resort to the usual weapons. That reminds me, no Uzi in this game? Oh well, nothing's perfect.

The mixing animals with builds puzzle was kind of lame though. I had scaly buildings and the game wouldn't accept them.
Cow Mengde said:
Maxwell jumps with the up button on the Dpad.

So far, I also think the game does a really good job at making you be more creative. The solutions might be a bit more linear (or maybe I'm just stupid), but I was actively thinking more creatively with it in the first few levels I've played. When I say linear, I mean one puzzle had you arming these people with weapons. I wanted to be creative so I made a sharp chair hoping it would qualify as a weapon, but that didn't work. I had to resort to the usual weapons. That reminds me, no Uzi in this game? Oh well, nothing's perfect.

The mixing animals with builds puzzle was kind of lame though. I had scaly buildings and the game wouldn't accept them.

That's disappointing, and was a major problem of the last game as well. It's tough, as you'd think the game would look for certain qualities an item has to acknowledge it as a solution, but sometimes it feels like answers to levels were hardcoded in.

Anywho, picked this up from Gamestop tonight. Looking forward to cracking it open and playing it on my commute tomorrow; it seems like the perfect game to play for an hour at a time
SirPenguin said:
That's disappointing, and was a major problem of the last game as well. It's tough, as you'd think the game would look for certain qualities an item has to acknowledge it as a solution, but sometimes it feels like answers to levels were hardcoded in.

Anywho, picked this up from Gamestop tonight. Looking forward to cracking it open and playing it on my commute tomorrow; it seems like the perfect game to play for an hour at a time

Well, the game has some limitations. I think this game forces you to be more creative compared to the original. That can be look at as a good thing and a bad thing. I personally don't mind it. Sometimes the most outrageous and unpredictable thing will work, while other times they don't. You'll just have to experiment on it.


Cow Mengde said:
That reminds me, no Uzi in this game? Oh well, nothing's perfect.

Uzi is probably a trademarked word, actually. It's not a single type weapon name (like rifle)

Really looking forward to this game. Fiance just texted me from work saying we need to get it now... I was planning on waiting a month or two but maybe not :lol


hort22 said:
so do the dpad controls make maxwell jump or just move him and the buttons jump and such?
If you like Mario-style controls (kinda), you can move left and right with the dpad and jump with X (B for flying down I think)...or you can jump/go down with up and down on the D-pad.

Cow Mengde said:
That reminds me, no Uzi in this game? Oh well, nothing's perfect.
I'm sure the game has flaws (I already mentioned divot and pivot not being in the game), but Uzi is a proper noun, I think. Try "submachine gun".

For anyone wondering, pitchers don't throw balls, pitcher/batter combinations with a ball and bats don't do anything special, golfers pick up golf balls (or golf clubs instead if they can find them) etc., so no sports simulators that I've found so far.

Side note, the game remembers what items were last on the main playground screen (plus I seem to remember the manual mentioning you can make your own playground screens?), which is cool. I think you have to press Start to get it to save, though.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
I think it was the same in the first game, but I found it amusing that if you have both "god" and "atheist," the atheist instantly kills the god.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Gunloc said:
Pro Tip: Type
arcade machine
for something fun.
That was AWESOME. I got a score of 3743 on my first try, lol.
DarthWoo said:
I think it was the same in the first game, but I found it amusing that if you have both "god" and "atheist," the atheist instantly kills the god.
In the first game, an atheist runs away from a god.


Gunloc said:
In the first game, an atheist runs away from a god.
Yeah, I was going to say that. It's a bit surprising that an atheiest would kill god this time around since I thought some of the Fifth Cell guys were religious, but maybe they're being politically correct. :p

SirPenguin said:
That's disappointing, and was a major problem of the last game as well. It's tough, as you'd think the game would look for certain qualities an item has to acknowledge it as a solution, but sometimes it feels like answers to levels were hardcoded in.
The hardcoded answers may be true in some cases. The level editor allows you to specify what words/objects can solve your level (I think, I've only touched it a bit), so some levels might have something similar.
Oh man, Gamespot did not like this game, eh? 6.5


Super Scribblenauts wastes its amazing object-creation mechanic. The huge improvement to the core mechanics may lead you to believe this is a better experience than the rough-around-the-edges original, but that is sadly not the case. The levels are so restrictive that things spiral down into boring territory rather quickly, forcing you to think of ultraspecific solutions instead of letting your imagination take control. The wealth of creative ideas at your fingertips feels like a cruel tease here because you're rarely able to take advantage of them. Super Scribblenauts is still fun if you enjoy tinkering around in the sandbox mode, but the bland puzzles in the single-player levels don't live up to their incredible potential.


Cow Mengde said:
You can't please them all.

Yeah, I have to imagine that any experiences could vary widely with this game, as with the last (sans control issues and other improvements). Some great ideas just won't work, whereas other incredibly creative ideas will. I love finding the ones that will. Sometimes ones that should won't, but if you happen to have a mind that tends to things simply won't work, I can see it being less fun. Granted, the review's example regarding professors was a bit unusual. Hopefully this isn't consistent, but it has yet to be mentioned yet elsewhere. I'm still holding out for a few more reviews myself. Either way, I'm buying at some point, and I got my money's worth from the first--my only complaint was physics, controls, and that 3 items would beat any level
Sklorenz said:
Yeah, I have to imagine that any experiences could vary widely with this game, as with the last (sans control issues and other improvements). Some great ideas just won't work, whereas other incredibly creative ideas will. I love finding the ones that will. Sometimes ones that should won't, but if you happen to have a mind that tends to things simply won't work, I can see it being less fun. Granted, the review's example regarding professors was a bit unusual. Hopefully this isn't consistent, but it has yet to be mentioned yet. I'm still holding out for a few more reviews myself. Either way, I'm buying at some point!

I posted like 4 really good reviews in the 2nd page I think.


Cow Mengde said:
I posted like 4 really good reviews in the 2nd page I think.

Yep, already read them. I'm just being a scrooge here, given the number of games that are coming out soon. Since I'm buying this for my niece, I will inevitably pick it up before christmas, I'm just not sure when yet. If reviews continue to be mostly glorious, then sooner. If not, then my time will go toward other games. Either way, I look forward to all the good spoilers in this thread (arcade machine: can't wait to see).


The atheist seems to be an ultimate monster. The atheist makes god disappear, is scared by a devil but not hurt (even if the devil has a weapon), took no noticeable damage from a firebreathing dragon, and took like 30 seconds for an "enemy" to kill it with a gun. o_O

30+ exploding barrel launcher shots, not even a health meter to indicate damage? :lol black Black hole killed a regular atheist (but killed me too), petrifying made it stay invincible, and using a "wand" to turn it into a frog worked since I could kill the frog statue.
Bought. Not playing until my plane right to my folks' place on Thanksgiving.

I don't know about this game, but I was pleased with the way 5th Cell handled the religious material in the first one (considering their logo is a cross).
Disappointed that jobs/NPCs are still gender specific. You can add male or female as an adjective, but their appearance won't change. :/
First blush: The "feel" of the game is far, far superior than the original. The weight of the objects, Maxwell's movement, the GUI, everything is so much more improved. Also, adjectives really capture that Scribblenauts magic again. I had to help a party in one level, so I wrote "crazy bum" and "energetic cooler". Well, the former didn't count. He did run and jump all over the place swinging a trash bag, so there's that. But the latter definitely worked as he excitedly jumped back and forth between the two party goers. So cute!

Also, I used a flying, ridable oven to solve a level. Adjectives make you feel like you're constantly breaking the game, but in a good way.

So far I've already run into a lot of solutions that should have worked but didn't. For some reason a "muffler" didn't count as a part to fix in a car...I wish I could have told that to my state inspection mechanic who made me spend $400 on a new one!

All in all, a vast improvement, and I think fans of the series will most appreciate the small changes


Gamespot is filled with a bunch of window lickers who couldn't give a game a good review if they tried. If Maxwell was in a war, sported a beard, and carried a gun with arms the size of very muscular tree trunks Gamespot would give him a 10 on principle.

Try to lick the back of your shoulder with your eyes crossed and you are now doing an impression of their reviewers.


It seems like that may be the main issue so far, SirPenguin -- some/most answers may be hardcoded lists of words or adjectives, so using certain things (muffler would work, you'd think) may not work. It doesn't bother me too much since I just try other ones.

I really really like the constellation hub world/graphics/feel. It's so peaceful and cool-looking with the telescope outline etc. I played through three worlds last night and one of the special constellation levels, and I have 50% or so of the merits last I checked (I played around on the main playground screen to get a bunch of them).

So far things are pretty short and easy, but it seems more well-done and polished this time aside from sometimes words/adjectives either not being in, or not working for a solution. That perhaps crops up more this time around since nearly all of the puzzles involve picking particular items to satisfy conditions -- understandably, since otherwise they would be left with get-to-the-starite missions like the first game, and people could complain that flying carpets solve most missions.

At any rate, in world 3 to 4 I ran into some things that were funny, well done, or starting to get more difficult, and I imagine there are at least 3-4 more worlds to go. Frankly, after playing mission 4-1 with spring boots on, I can't bring myself to complain too much about the game. That was fan service, but it was well done, darn it. :D

4-1 spoiler:
I tried to make fire-breathing gloves which didn't work, I think, but fortunately one of those boxes contained (instead of a coin) a fire-breathing red flower. I didn't check to see if I could eat the mushroom and make Maxwell bigger, though I don't know how that would work. :lol


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
bon said:
So can you apply ANY adjective to ANY noun? That sounds crazy.
You bet your shiny pregnant lampshade it is.


Ugh, I didn't realize this game was out already. I have so much school work, but it looks like I'm going to be going to Toys R Us later.
Although the first game was deeply flawed, I'm going to give the new one a whirl. Why not? It looks like a serious improvement. And, although the first game was kind of busted, it was still a fair bit of fun.

On a different note, I think the game is going to sell terribly. Post-realease word of mouth on the first game was pretty rancid and my guess is that a lot of people felt let down. And, further, I think that given that some people were just turned on by the idea of being able to spawn thousands of things on command -- and that those people have now had that itch scratched -- the demand for a second version will be significantly weaker, regardless of whether people felt let down last year. So, yeah. I predict bad sales. :-\


TruthJunky said:
On a different note, I think the game is going to sell terribly. Post-realease word of mouth on the first game was pretty rancid and my guess is that a lot of people felt let down. :-\

Well based off that line off thought, the original game should have sold awful too after release, but it sold over well over 1m, while it's initial launch numbers was 290k units.
This game is amazing, and vastly improved over the first one. There's no way you can sit down with this in your DS and not have a blast.
That is, unless you are Gamespot.


Jackson said:
Well based off that line off thought, the original game should have sold awful too after release, but it sold over well over 1m, while it's initial launch numbers was 290k units.

Right, and it didn't sell a million because of internet hype, it actually caught on with the parents/kids that make up the DS market. I can imagine this being another hit with the same crowd. Especially now that it is a recognized name.


Really liking the game so far. I can't stop playing a level until I do the challenge where you complete it 3 times using different words.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I can't stop playing the title screen. This game is endlessly fascinating.
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