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Super Scribblenauts: Avoid the obvious adjective jokes |OT|

So, I ended up having a really big change of heart on the levels after going through world 3. There are still some real bad puzzles that fall prey to the problems I described, but there are a lot more gems this time around. I was genuinely surprised by a few levels today.

More level discussion!

This was the first adjective level that I felt really showed how neat this new feature is. People wondered how oxymorons would be handled in the game, and I think it was clever to include the level. Not hard at all, of course, but I liked the idea

I didn't really know what to think about this level...until I realized the "space station" was slowly dismantling, causing the airlock chambers to release. I didn't fully understand until I suffocated in the vacuum of space. Great concept - easy solution - but great concept. I'm anxious to try this one again and see if I can make a "2-for-1" solution

What a fantastic idea only a game like this could really support. I haven't seen any since, but this idea of adjective "math" is absolutely innovative.

Screw cheering that kid up. I spawned some paint and painted him a different color. Not so blue anymore, and the solution actually worked

I loved the premise behind this level, and I really liked how long it was. Very involved, not particularly hard, but I had to think about each solution before I put it to paper. I spawned a "map" on instinct, and it actually worked. A backhoe accidentally knocked the tree down while I was digging, so I spawned a beaver to eat it away. After arranging the skeleton I gave the guy a glue gun, and that worked as well.

Everything clicked in this level. Items worked, the situation was interesting and involved, and it was a lot of fun

It may be a day to day thing, or at least a level to level thing, but I definitely want to keep progressing to see how the levels go.
How isn't it the games fault that he will take scuba gear, but not a life vest? certainly isn't my fault...
Yeah, I'm 100% with you here; it's never obvious when or why a certain object just can't be equipped or used by an NPC. I ran into the same problem in 3-8. One of the hints mention to give the kid a certain item...except the kid could not even wear the item.

As if that wasn't bad enough, the kid had run out of the little "zone" he was assigned to (because he was afraid), so when I gave him the very item the hint suggested and it didn't work, I thought I had broken the damn game.

Finally, by accident, I equipped Maxwell with the item and walked into the zone the kid was suppose to be in. The solution dinged and I got the starite.


SirPenguin said:
Yeah, I'm 100% with you here; it's never obvious when or why a certain object just can't be equipped or used by an NPC. I ran into the same problem in 3-8. One of the hints mention to give the kid a certain item...except the kid could not even wear the item.

As if that wasn't bad enough, the kid had run out of the little "zone" he was assigned to (because he was afraid), so when I gave him the very item the hint suggested and it didn't work, I thought I had broken the damn game.

Finally, by accident, I equipped Maxwell with the item and walked into the zone the kid was suppose to be in. The solution dinged and I got the starite.
Yeah. When the game 'clicks'. it's amazing. 11/10 goty all years etc.

But when it doesn't.... like they say "when it rains it pours" :lol


I spent two hours trying to bribe the "gamer" in 3-7. All you need to do is touch the game on the table?!

It took me a long while too to bribe the first person (the rest are easy). I even got desparate and put "Smelly Pig" and see if the smell can scare him away (doesn't work :lol )
In the end I used tornado and freak him out.


shaowebb said:
Not the games fault then. You had options, and didn't use them. Personally I would've typed sticky immovable bridge and glued it down to the enbankment. If it wasn't big enough I would either make more or make a bigger one.

I also would've made it neon. Just because.

On a sidenote type "Maxwell's Notebook" and give the notebook to any NPC. They will then start randomly creating shit everywhere.
Maxwell's notebook does that if you use it, too. Also, it sounds like he had options and did try to use them -- trying water wings, a snorkel, a boat etc., but having the knight refuse to use them. *shrug*

And now I'm spoilered and will know how to solve the level! It will be un-...frustrating for me? :p Also yay penguin! You're just about to 4-1!


Holy shit guys here comes some fun antics.

Whenever you add the adjective "rideable" to a creature that already has the ability to ride OTHER objects they become stackable.

I now have a tower of 8 androids all stacked straight up vertically as my mount. I can't even see the ground.



The Cryptarch's Bane
shaowebb said:
Holy shit guys here comes some fun antics.

Whenever you add the adjective "rideable" to a creature that already has the ability to ride OTHER objects they become stackable.

I now have a tower of 8 androids all stacked straight up vertically as my mount. I can't even see the ground.




5-9 was fucking awful.
Scuba gear? Floating bridges? I just made a huge invulnerable pink motorboat and dashed right over that shark. Easy. :)

This game is unbelievably grand. Adjectives are a surprisingly massive improvement, and I'm happy to have the controls fixed. It's sad there's so little hype surrounding the release. I wish I could send 5th Cell a giant pregnant rainbow coin as thanks.
5-9 was easy peasy.
It was like the penguin level from the first, only you can just let the dude follow you. Two sets of wings. Two jetpacks. Two winged backpacks. Gold crown. DONE.

Loving this game so far. Only rented the first and was glad for it. The camera resetting to Maxwell every few seconds made multi-step levels painfully frustrating. That an the stylus controlling both movement and camera? It drove me nuts. They fixed all that and more, AND added a fun adjective system. I'd pay $50 for this, no lie.

Here's hoping for a third one! I want more levels!
I just inadvertently made my new favorite thing. I was testing out the level editor by using the template that has you scaring some NPC. I made a "brave little toaster" and booted it up.

I decided to make an electrical fork and hope that would scare him, but it really just pissed him off. I dropped the fork to equip something else, and the little fucker picks it up and starts killing me with it.

I ran off and he chased me the whole while, climbing up stairs and attempting to jump up cliffs hoping to stab me with his new found fork.


Also, I love just adding "flying ridable" to really absurd things. Like termites. Or skyscrapers. My "doppleganger" apparently had the same idea, as one of the random items he made ended up being a flying "communist" house. The house was holding a hammer. In response, I made a "capitalist garage". Unfortunately, as in real life, the two hated each other. The lawnmower, tire, and broom that spawned were all holding huge bags of money and attacked the house. The house effortlessly destroyed them all.

This game.


seady said:
It took me a long while too to bribe the first person (the rest are easy). I even got desparate and put "Smelly Pig" and see if the smell can scare him away (doesn't work :lol )
In the end I used tornado and freak him out.
I gave him a parcel. Why you in line?! You got work to do!!


bard said:
Scuba gear? Floating bridges? I just made a huge invulnerable pink motorboat and dashed right over that shark. Easy. :)
Tried stuff similar to scuba gear.

bridges he'd fall between. I tried boats and he'd fall off or attack them and destroy it.

You all act like I tried one thing over and over and over until it finally worked. I tried a bunch of stuff. All of it goofed up in one way or another. Hence my frustration at the level.

Edit: On a puzzle involving giving monsters what they want... there was a zombie so I decided to see if BRAIIIIINS would work, like how a zombie says it...


Yes I did mean Babysitter's house...


Ya know that no drug reference thing? Yeah...right out the window with what I'm about to tell you.

Make a hippie.
Make a hallucinogenic ANYTHING
Hippie sprints toward it with a spiral over his head.

Also if you type Gargantuan hallucinogenic Rainbow you can check out the pattern really easily for "hallucinogenic". I also used rainbows to check the textures of zombie, golden, meat, and wood.


For what it's worth, I did the knight level with two
extra long immovable purple (maybe) bridges
, no mistakes or retries needed, maybe a minute or so to do it. Of course without being tipped off that "extra long" exists I suppose I might have needed more. :p

I think I also discovered "hallucinogenic" last night, but I didn't have any hippies or rainbow vans involved. I was a little saddened that I couldn't find a way to make a Mario-like mushroom to make you grow (the 4-1 mushroom doesn't do that).

The thing that probably took me the longest last night was the stupid psychiatrist. I tried
making the prisoner insane, crazy, schizophrenic (adjective not in the game), depressed, and suicidal (prisoner killed himself with suicidal potion), but nothing worked. Finally I was going to make Sigmund Freud, not in the game, but it suggested "faun"...which made the psychiatrist come in. :lol The hint says that psychiatrists will come comfort the prisoner if they are panicked, but there wasn't a "panicked" potion, and a "terrified prisoner" didn't make anything happen. If I put a mermaid in the cell, bam, psychiatrist comes in. So why do psychiatrists examine mythological creatures? :lol

It also took me a while to think up enough adjectives for the haunted house level. I wish there was a good way to make something scary without it having that one big mask attached to it (I know there's also "haunted"). On the plus side, "foggy woods" can be spawned, but that didn't work for that level.


Blizzard said:
I was a little saddened that I couldn't find a way to make a Mario-like mushroom to make you grow (the 4-1 mushroom doesn't do that).

Type Incredible red polka dot mushroom

You should interact with it, and it will start beeping. When it explodes it should make you big if it hit you.

Also, make a rideable baby. And then stack another on top of it. Keep doing this.
The angle at which these babys stack is a bit off and you can create a ball made out of babies. It nearly locked my game but by God I made legion from Castlevania Curse of Darkness.

Also, rideable mega baby gets kind of weird if you ride it. When Maxwell mounts this he does so...um...literally. Started making it jump around, and it looked like something that should earn Maxwell a trip to prison. Not sure if they meant for Maxwell to ride it from behind instead of from on top. This is likely to come back at them.

Video of baby mount



Sambo is no longer in the game :( That was my go-to gourd.

Anyway, I'm glad that Maxwell can now properly throw a flying disc, rather than tossing it upwards in a limp arc like a sissy.
This game contains simulated sex.

A fertile woman will become pregnant when she touches Maxwell.

She gives birth three second later.

EDIT: A twist! She's also incestuous. She continuously has sex with her children, who are apparently and inexplicably also fertile.


Just got it today, haven't opened it yet. Never played the first one so I don't know what to expect, but I hope it won't suck up my time because I have two midterms next week. :lol


Catapult has been fixed!
I am now able to drag objects or creatures over my catapult to " load " it and when I interact with it they are flung across the screen.

My ammo of choice? Invincible flaming penguin.


Sorry to double post, but I just discovered something great.


Anything with this adjective will no longer be able to turn around and they must moonwalk towards anything behind them.
shaowebb said:
Sorry to double post, but I just discovered something great.


Anything with this adjective will no longer be able to turn around and they must moonwalk towards anything behind them.

holy shit

Mike M

Nick N
Oh man, FUCK stage 3-5 and the
Man minus clock
adjective equation. Gold crowning that level was a colossal pain in the ass, sooooooooooooooo many answers that should have worked but inexplicably didn't.


I've been having a lot of fun with this. I've gotten into the habit of making myself a Fast Flying (Article of Clothing) at the start of every level where I can move around, though :p

Fear the Fast Flying Invisible Panties.

8-5 is making me angry. It's so easy to wake the damned dragon up, and you can't kill him or knock him out.

Mike M

Nick N
This "make the smallest possible object" merit is killing me. Is there a specific that adjective that the game has tagged as "smallest size" that I don't know about? Because I've gotten objects down to what appears to be a single pixel, and still nada...


Mike M said:
This "make the smallest possible object" merit is killing me. Is there a specific that adjective that the game has tagged as "smallest size" that I don't know about? Because I've gotten objects down to what appears to be a single pixel, and still nada...
Microscopic as adjective? Atom or gnat for noun...?
:lol :lol In the giant bomb quick look of super scribblenauts they wrote me (as for dooplehanger) and the dopplehanger invoked ME as a character :lol
minute 27:43
They call me green gentleman :lol

Mike M said:
This "make the smallest possible object" merit is killing me. Is there a specific that adjective that the game has tagged as "smallest size" that I don't know about? Because I've gotten objects down to what appears to be a single pixel, and still nada...

I can tell you, we talked in the art team about that merit, and they told us the word, but for the life of me I cant remember what it was. Also, I dont think you need to put a "small" adjective to get the merit.

Mike M

Nick N
Unicorn said:
Microscopic as adjective? Atom or gnat for noun...?
Tried microscopic, minuscule, molecular, atomic, etc. as my adjective and a whole host of particles and sub atomic particles to no avail. : (

I can tell you, we talked in the art team about that merit, and they told us the word, but for the life of me I cant remember what it was. Also, I dont think you need to put a "small" adjective to get the merit.

Well that's a little helpful I guess. So instead of trying to put together the smallest modifier with the smallest thing I can think of, it's looking for the smallest art asset in the game?
Scribblenauts 3 should definitely have an entire section devoted to various "word games". Tic-Tac-Toe, adjective math, etc. have so far been my favorite levels I think...even if they fall prey to the "play by our rules" mantra.

I don't think I'll ever stop laughing at alive inanimate objects. I made a ridable forest and made the coolest vehicle you can imagine. After I crashed it into a fire and got it destroyed a squirrel popped out.

I can't quite figure it out, but it seems that "magical" and "innovative" may be the same adjective according to this game, and they both produce some really weird shit. I made an innovative dog and he grew huge when he got into a fight, then shrunk after. When I found that blacksmith in one of the playground levels I happened to be on fire (long story) and he either spawned a fireman or turned into one. I'm not sure. At the very least I think he turned into a frog when he died.

Anyone know?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Heh, I just stole back a wedding gift by hiding it in a crate, and roping the crate to my flying purple scooter. They didn't suspect a thing :D


Trucker Sexologist
The_Technomancer said:
Heh, I just stole back a wedding gift by hiding it in a crate, and roping the crate to my flying purple scooter. They didn't suspect a thing :D
When taken out of context, most of the posts in this thread sound like crazed rambling. :lol

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
SapientWolf said:
When taken out of context, most of the posts in this thread sound like crazed rambling. :lol
why won't the robot love my steel colossal robotic girlfriend?
This one is driving me nuts!


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Mike M said:
Tried microscopic, minuscule, molecular, atomic, etc. as my adjective and a whole host of particles and sub atomic particles to no avail. : (

Quark? Planck particle?

If neither of those work I can only figure the answer is a joke of sorts, or flat out wrong.

Mike M

Nick N
EatChildren said:
Quark? Planck particle?

If neither of those work I can only figure the answer is a joke of sorts, or flat out wrong.

Quark, neutrino, photon, electron, atom, etc. all yielded a Bohr model atom sprite. The sprite was bigger than plenty of things I've seen in the game, so if the game is looking for the art asset with the smallest physical dimensions instead of the smallest thing in existence...


Trucker Sexologist
Mike M said:
Quark, neutrino, photon, electron, atom, etc. all yielded a Bohr model atom sprite. The sprite was bigger than plenty of things I've seen in the game, so if the game is looking for the art asset with the smallest physical dimensions instead of the smallest thing in existence...
That would just be a pixel, wouldn't it?


The_Technomancer said:
Heh, I just stole back a wedding gift by hiding it in a crate, and roping the crate to my flying purple scooter. They didn't suspect a thing :D
The way I did that one was fairly retarded. I used a wedding dress to get in, then pulled out a stun gun and shot the bride, the groom, and the security guard. I then donned a jetpack, tied myself to the trucker guy, and hauled him to the gift :p

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Nishastra said:
The way I did that one was fairly retarded. I used a wedding dress to get in, then pulled out a stun gun and shot the bride, the groom, and the security guard. I then donned a jetpack, tied myself to the trucker guy, and hauled him to the gift :p
:lol :lol You sound like some insane James Bond

Also, anyone know why the robot won't accept any girlfriend I make for him?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
The_Technomancer said:
:lol :lol You sound like some insane James Bond

Also, anyone know why the robot won't accept any girlfriend I make for him?

Make him a female toaster or something.


I believe I made a metal cheerleader with a flower for the girlfriend.

I just tried an innovative moose on the title screen. Any item he got near (including ones I was wearing), he'd turn into a "temporary exploding starite", which he would then set off.

The first time one blew up in his face, he became enormous and happy. The second time, he turned into a frog and died.
Nishastra said:
The way I did that one was fairly retarded. I used a wedding dress to get in, then pulled out a stun gun and shot the bride, the groom, and the security guard. I then donned a jetpack, tied myself to the trucker guy, and hauled him to the gift :p

action game in disguise
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