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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS |OT3| Little Mac and Cheese

kimtish requested a write-up for Wario, so I figured I might as well do it!

Before I start though do note I'm not the best Wario player, I'm not even a good one in this game. I'm still learning this character and trying to find his best options. However, I do think I have a general understanding of this character and his strengths and weaknesses.

This isn't an in depth analysis, it's just a basic guide on his playstyle. Hopefully this helps anyone who wants to pick the character up and try him out. He's very under represented in this game.


So, Wario in Brawl was a very interesting character in that he had a unique playstyle of being an aerial punisher. Basically what that means was that thanks to his amazing aerial mobility and fast aerials he was fantastic at baiting other characters into approaching, and punishing them as a result, since he was fast enough in the air to get in for a hit and retreat afterwards. That, coupled with his small frame and heavy weight, made him an exceedingly hard character to KO. Most of these hold true in Smash 4.

Wario is a character that demands your patience. He has trouble getting in the opponents because of his very low range, and he can be very easy to punish up close, so you can't be reckless. You have to be very slippery and deceptive with Wario to work around his shortcomings and get the results you want. He's a very defensive character, so keep that in mind.

Ground moves:
Wario's ground options in Brawl was decent at best. In this game, however, his ground options are much better. All his moves are now faster, which helps a lot. Still, combined with his slow walk and dash speed, and little range, it's not his strong area. A good Wario should be able to mix up his ground and air game so they can be unpredictable.
Jab: This is solid if you want a fast punish in the ground. The range is decent enough. Make sure to delay the second hit a bit to connect with it. Jab 2 launches your opponent in the air which is what your territory.
Jab1 might be useful for set ups.
FTilt: This is a very good move for spacing. Though it has a bit of a start up, it has little ending lag, and it can even KO at higher percents. The range on it is good, and it's his longest reaching normal aside from forward smash.
Pivot FTilts are excellent for spacing, so use it.
UTilt: This move is alright. It hits in front and above Wario, and it launches the opponent into the air, which is always good! It has a good vertical range, but it's a little slow.
DTIlt: This is a pretty fast move with pretty good range, mostly useful to mess up your opponent's spacing. Unfortunately, it doesn't have as much utility as in Brawl, as it doesn't launch upwards anymore, and instead just flinches the opponent in place. You can chain multiple together.

Dash attack: Don't use this to approach! Now without frame data, I'm not sure if this is still his fastest move, but it's still very punishable because of the high end lag! Use it as a punish if you need a fast attack or as a surprise attack, but be careful with it.
However, since the tip of the hitbox now trips, it has uses. If you manage to trip right at the end of the move, you should be able to follow up with a hit, including a waft!

FSmash: Wario's new FSmash has very good range and kill power, but is ultimately too slow with lots of end lag. If you can pull of a hard read, this is really good for early kills.
USmash: Though, if you ask me, this is what you'd want to kill with out of his Smash. Wario's USmash has a deceptive hitbox in front of him, so you can use it out of shield. It's a solid anti air and punish.
DSmash: I rarely ever use this since I forget it's not as awful as it was in Brawl. It's still a bad move from my experience though. It's mostly useful for punishing rolls, but if you miss, expect to get punished.

Air moves:
THIS is where Wario shines. With his great air mobility and aerials, Wario can dance around his opponents. This is where you mostly want to be with Wario. Know his advantages in the air, including his off stage game.

NAir: Although it's slower than in Brawl and it doesn't chain as good, the range is better and it's STILL a very solid Out of Shield option. You can follow up the second hit of this move with a fair.
Fair: His best poking and spacing move. The range of this got buffed so it's even better. Since it's very fast and it lasts a while, this is pretty much the best option for punishing aerial approaches. Also his best gimping move.
Uair: Although it's not an early kill move anymore, it's a very good juggler now. If the opponent is right above you, this is the move to use. Deals GREAT damage, and can still be used as a surprise kill.
DAir: This move doesn't autocancel anymore, so using it out of a shorthop is risky. Regardless, it's still very amazing to poke shields with and combo with it, and thanks to the increased knockback on the last hit, it shines off stage. Chase your opponents off stage and use this.
First hit of it is a weak spike.
BAir: This actually has pretty good range and is your primary aerial for KOing and retreating. It autocancels out of a shorthop but timing is strict, Overall very strong, but has a lot of landing lag so don't use it too close to the ground.

Wario's specials have great utility and synergy with each other. Each have their own individual uses, and you should know which situation each one should be used for.

Bite (Neutral B): A command grab. Your go-to move to punish approaches, and to trade hits with. Although it doesn't have insane priority anymore, it still beats a lot of attacks. Use it to punish side steps and shields, as well.
As a bonus, this move can eat projectiles, and eating items (your Bike parts for one) raises health and, most importantly, builds up the charge for a waft!

Corkscrew (Up B): This move was terrible in Brawl, but it's better now! Even preferred over the Bike as a recovery close to the ledge since it sweetspots the ledge now! Just don't use it as an attack, for now.

Wario Waft (Down B): This is one of Wario's most important tools and by far his best KO move, even if it isn't fully charged. In Brawl, a half waft dealt less damage but more knockback than a full charge, but here it's the opposite. Don't be afraid to use this move if it isn't fully charged since a half waft can still kill VERY early, especially off stage.
This is your best punish, and is at its best in the air. Off stage wafts are fantastic for early kills.

Bike (Side B): Perhaps his best move in this game. The bike is an amazing utility move with many purposes. Since it now has a hitbox after Wario gets off it, it can be uses as a pseudo-projectile to zone. This move is fantastic to punish approaches. It can absorb hits as well, so it's a pretty solid defensive options as is. You can kill with the wheelie.
This is the best move to recover with though. Wario jumps VERY high after dismounting it. Also thanks to the increased air speed of the bike it's also incredible to recover horizontally. The bike makes Wario one of the hardest characters to gimp or challenge off stage.
Make sure it isn't on stage however. Eat it if it is.
Don't use it TOO much though, as Wario is still very vulnerable on the bike.
I unfortunately can't say much about the bike in this game since it got changed big time and is largely unexplored, but when used at the right opportunities this move is absolutely phenomenal.

Wario's grab game is fantastic. Wario gets one of the best boosts out of a roll cancel grab, which basically means that his grab range is pretty ridiculous. His pummel is average, but it's hilarious. :lol

FThrow: This move is your kill throw near the ledge at high percents. Even then, it's very useful for launching your opponents off stage, so that's always a great thing.
BThrow: This one doesn't have as much knockback, and honestly from what I know FThrow is just better in every way...except that this actually has a hitbox. This is THE throw to use against Rosalina since it'll hit Luma away, making Wario one of the few characters that can grab Rosalina even with Luma up close without getting punished.
UThrow: This is pretty good against characters that have a hard time landing, so it's pretty useful against them. You can go for UAir juggles with it since it sends the opponent straight up.
DThrow: The chain grab property of this is gone, so it's not as good. Still, it's great to keep the opponent away.

I guess that's it. Sorry if it isn't much, but this character is still very new to me in this game. I hope that this can help anyone who is looking to pick up this character. Again, this isn't an in-depth analysis, so sorry if it sounds very basic.

So to sum it up:

-Very fast aerial mobility and solid aerials gives him an amazing air game
-One of the best grab ranges in the game thanks
-Very difficult to KO for having a small frame and a really high weigh
-Great at baiting and punishing
-A fantastic off stage game
-One of the better camp games in the game thanks to all the above

-Has a very difficult time approaching
-Poor range gives him a hard time getting close
-Pretty slow in the ground and punishable


Finally done the challenges! Got
Trophies right now, am I right that there should only be two left? Also, is a trophy run that gives me 30-35 Trophies/Parts good? That's my general "good" run (of course completing characters has me switching more than I'd like), occasionally dipping as low as 20. Also, any quick way to cycle the shop? Haven't gotten anything from there in like 2 days, but still...

Either way, think I'll take a more relaxed approach to grabbing those and finishing off the game's single player completely.

Anyone? Surely I'm not the only trophy obsessed one in this thread?


Hey guys, don't be afraid to join my rooms. It doesn't hurt to try joining and the worst that can happen is I decline or the person I'm playing with declines.
Anyone? Surely I'm not the only trophy obsessed one in this thread?
Yes and yes.

3 Trophy Rush runs should cause the shop to have different trophies, do not check in between the 3 Trophy Rush runs or it won't update. 1 Classic Run or Smash Run can also update the shop. I don't know about anything else.

Did you get all headgear or did you use a hammer on that challenge?


Hey guys, don't be afraid to join my rooms. It doesn't hurt to try joining and the worst that can happen is I decline or the person I'm playing with declines.

Yes and yes.

3 Trophy Rush runs should cause the shop to have different trophies, do not check in between the 3 Trophy Rush runs or it won't update. 1 Classic Run or Smash Run can also update the shop. I don't know about anything else.

Did you get all headgear or did you use a hammer on that challenge?

Used a hammer on that one, the 50 hours one, and the one for smash run powers.

Edit: Also, thanks!


Ah, I see. There was a single lag spike during one of my 1v1 matches vs. Conman, so I guess the connection because of the probable distance wasn't having it when another player came aboard. Haha, too bad; I was into that FFA.

I think the lag was trying to save us from more beatings :p

GGs Prinny. That Greninja is tricky >:)


I'm about to give up on Mega Man, guys. He's got like zero good response to half the characters on the roster. If they are fast and in-your face your screwed. If they have a reflector, you lose like half your arsenal (all slow enough to easily reflect). If they are combo-y in the air, you are screwed (Mega has powerful aerials, but none except bair are fast enough and have enough priority to defend against them), if they are a heavy character and can rack up damage on you in a few hits, you are super screwed.

All-around characters I can generally handle, unless they have a reflector, of course. When you start getting into extreme characters, Mega Man really falls off. Fast characters pose a huge thread, as do slow and heavy characters.

It seems to me like Mega Man loses half his moveset in some matchups. If they are in-your-face, you have no defense or "get off me!" because you lack a jab and a forward tilt. Your forward smash, while powerful, isn't fast enough to punish and neither is it quick enough to hit a competent player off guard unless you luckily read a roll or ledge jump or you hitstunned them enough to get them with it. His downsmash is strong, but awfully laggy. His dash attack is good but again, super laggy and punishable. His dtilt is good, but hardly good enough to do over and over. His uptilt is godlike but has a small hitbox. Hit Usmash is good, but doesn't hit characters on the ground. His projectiles are too slow for characters to have to do much to deal with them.

Pretty much, bottom line, I love playing Mega Man but his attacks aren't quick enough to make him useful int he majority of situations. All his attacks are super laggy, and he has so much less options on the ground as other characters. In the air, he's way better but he has nothing that you can combo into to rack up damage.

I feel so predictable when I play MM because on the ground I can only do a few moves without getting punished everytime: dtilt, pellet...that's pretty much it. Dash attack is super easy to punish with it's lag. He has no jab, he has no ftilt. His buzzsaw is a good change-up but too slow to hit most of the time. Crashbomb is useful when it hits, but again, easy to shield.

Maybe I'm missing some obvious Mega Man thing that everyone is doing that I just can't. the only thing that stands out to me is grabs, which are good, but when all you have is grabs at your disposal on the ground, your opponent knows you are going to grab all the bloody time.

Who out there has some tips or something? It's becoming a frustrating experience against some characters.
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