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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS |OT3| Little Mac and Cheese


I've come to specifically rely on Japanese players for smoother matches. Pretty sad that the people on the opposite side of the world of me are lagless nine times out of ten, but the people a couple of states away get half-second input lag. Apparently we Americans like our dial-up internet from our toaster oven routers.
Literally trying my absolute best with ROB on For Glory. Got smacked down by someone named 'yh' and ironically in the next matchup, someone named 'Rob'. I need tips on this version's ROB because i'm new to using him.

WHY is it that no matter what I do, people can still seem to break past all my attacks? It's like everyone has priority over ROB's moves. Especially the fast characters. Rob's Sonic fucked me up 2 stock.

I'm lurking SmashBoard's ROB section for tips and i'll keep practicing but damn...this is tough. What's worse is when i'm playing someone on For Glory and they switch up characters and STILL beat my ass. It's frustrating and normally I don't trip over games like that but damn it sucks seeing yourself constantly losing...

Also is it just me or do all the good people play For Glory at night/late in the morning?
Speaking personally, I think one of my bigger problems is that I keep forgetting Nosferatu exists. It's a command grab, so it ignores shields (I do believe?), and it's useful for punishing rolls or surprising someone on a platform (thanks to a vertical hitbox). It's great when you're stock-even and at high percents, and not to mention utterly demoralizing for the opponent (particularly if you've got a stock lead). But it's just when I remember, I get so determined to land it that I screw up my momentum, heh. Don't be me! Use with caution, since it's pretty easy to punish and a little tricky to land. Just don't get hungry since you'll often lose more percent than you'd stand to gain by eating percent with it, even if you eventually succeed.

I can't believe your Bowser Jr/Larry, though. You were all over me. I can say part of that was just kinda unfamiliar with the match-up in general, but damn. You've got game. That last stock of that last game was just you all over me. I just had nowhere to run, ack. Couldn't believe how much Mecha-Koopa was mind-fucking me, either. Had to keep rolling out and none of my projectiles were blowing it up. Just the inevitable, clockwork approach of death. And those item tosses! Felt like you had an answer up your sleeve for pretty much anything I was trying to do, heh.

I haven't checked it myself but I saw people on smashboards saying Nosferatu CAN be blocked :/
I do love it though... I land it a lot more often than I probably should and I think people either forget or don't genuinely know that you can do it in the air XD People I fight with locally get to experience the additional benefit of hearing me saying "OM NOM NOM NOM" when I connect it and drain their delicious life points too :3

Quick tip vs Bowser Jr: You can pick up the mecha-koopas :p


someone 1vs1?
a friend asked me to join a clan in smashboards. Maybe i will do this, is there anyone from here in such a clan? Is this even fun?


Literally trying my absolute best with ROB on For Glory. Got smacked down by someone named 'yh' and ironically in the next matchup, someone named 'Rob'. I need tips on this version's ROB because i'm new to using him.

WHY is it that no matter what I do, people can still seem to break past all my attacks? It's like everyone has priority over ROB's moves. Especially the fast characters. Rob's Sonic fucked me up 2 stock.

I'm lurking SmashBoard's ROB section for tips and i'll keep practicing but damn...this is tough. What's worse is when i'm playing someone on For Glory and they switch up characters and STILL beat my ass. It's frustrating and normally I don't trip over games like that but damn it sucks seeing yourself constantly losing...

Also is it just me or do all the good people play For Glory at night/late in the morning?

Oddly enough, ROB freaking out-prioritizes all my close-up attacks. And it survives like crazy.


The best thing you can do to improve is record the matches you lose (go to the last page of results and press Y) then look over then later to see what you did that got you hit and why. Look for things you did that worked and incorporate them more into your playstyle and find the things that failed miserably and either modify them or change them completely. Between matches, try and think of your opponent's playstyle as a puzzle and try to think of direct solutions to any problematic tactics they've been using on you (e.g. if they always use running attacks to catch you off guard, start shielding when you see them run towards you more often rather than trying to beat them to the punch if it wasn't working already :3 )
Very good suggestion, thanks. I think I'll start doing this when I have interesting matches.

In truth I think there are about a thousand ways that I can improve. I definitely don't have any shortage of technical things to work on.

I just wish the online matchmaking were a little more deliberate. It would be nice if I could jump into For Glory 1 on 1 matches against people of roughly my level instead of people who annihilate me. It's hard to feel like you're improving if you're never even in the match.

When I first started with the game, it was nice to play against level 9 CPUs, but I passed that level a long time ago.

Oh well, I guess I will just try to work on getting better at all of the different components in order to improve my overall game.
Very good suggestion, thanks. I think I'll start doing this when I have interesting matches.

In truth I think there are about a thousand ways that I can improve. I definitely don't have any shortage of technical things to work on.

I just wish the online matchmaking were a little more deliberate. It would be nice if I could jump into For Glory 1 on 1 matches against people of roughly my level instead of people who annihilate me. It's hard to feel like you're improving if you're never even in the match.

When I first started with the game, it was nice to play against level 9 CPUs, but I passed that level a long time ago.

Oh well, I guess I will just try to work on getting better at all of the different components in order to improve my overall game.

Well, if you're serious about becoming good, here's some more drastic measures that'll make you get better A LOT that I basically learned from getting super good at Soul Calibur.

* Find a group of people to regularly play
Preferably they should be better than you but equal works too. For Glory won't do this for you as it's too mixed: you need consistency to get better initially. I'd personally prefer a group in real life as it makes it easier to talk about stuff during the fights and for easier demonstrations but if your situation doesn't allow for it then it's probably a good idea to friend up with some gaffers. When I say regularly, I mean regularly too. Once a week or the like is too little. It doesn't have to be every day but the closer you get to that, the better :p

* Know your range
Ideally, if you want to get to crazy good levels at a fighting game, you want to know as many moves down to as ridiculous detail as possible. You could look at hitbox pictures if you like but it's not really necessary: the key is being able to 'feel' it in the moment (thinking takes too long for such minutiae during actual play :p ) Obviously you'll want to start with the character you actually play first though and the way I did this back in my Soul Calibur days was I would pick a move and go to town with it. I'd go into practice and then try to hit the dummy from as far away as possible with it to build up experience of eye-balling the range. You can quiz yourself by running away from the opponent then approaching until you think you're at the farthest possible range you'll hit. If it does hit then congrats, if you can get the same distance and move a pixel away and have it miss then EXTRA congrats: you want to squeeze every pixel out of a move's range :3

* Personal Challenges
Too often people get stuck in a rut of doing what feels safe or comfortable. If you want to learn something intimately though, you're going to have to use it well outside of it's comfort zone. The way I handled this was personal challenges. Against people I felt equal to (or better than) I'd often announce that i was going to set myself a challenge. Most of the time it was "I'm only going to hit you using this one single move" though I would sometimes do other silly stuff like "I won't block at all this fight" or even "I will always announce the next attack I will use"
The most important personal challenge is denying yourself moves you rely too heavily on though. For example, in Soul Calibur my nightmare went from strong to insane when I learned to fight with him entirely without using his sword. By taking away from myself the thing that I leaned on the most, my overall playstyle improved, especially when i reintroduced them back into my game again and as an added bonus there are now some people in the world who instinctively flinch if you say the phrase "Kicks of doom time!" XD
Just be sure that the people you're fighting with won't take it to heart when you pummel them while doing this :p
Against players significantly better than you, then it might not always be a good idea to do this as you're already struggling against them as it is without self-imposed restrictions. That said, when fighting a better opponent don't be afraid to try utterly insane things: Worst case scenario? They won't work. Best case scenario, though, they can often turn the tide and may even bolster your playstyle/repetoire in unexpected ways.

* Always try to find ways to lose :p
Ok, this might sound weird but simply put, if you DO get good and start winning all the time then you're basically going to stagnate. You need to start either finding better opponents or expanding into less comfortable areas like playing new characters or doing more and more crazy personal challenges. Winning might be a goal to some, but if you're winning most of the time then it can be very boring and you're probably not learning anything. Do everything you can to make matches challenging for yourself, just be careful not to make your opponent think you're not taking them seriously as that's just not nice ^.^;

* Don't fight people worse than you if you can help it
If you fight someone who's worse than you, especially by a noticeable margin, you will develop bad habits and actually get worse. I'm being utterly serious about this.
So, some of your friends aren't too hot at the game but still want to play? Luckily there IS a way to get better with those who are behind you on the curve of mastery and that's to teach them rather than fight them :3 Surprisingly, the simple act of trying to explain how you play and going through it with someone will often open your eyes to things you've been taking for granted and can often lead to some interesting new discoveries you can fold back into your playstyle to bolster it. It can help so much that i'd honestly suggest you seek out people to train up when you feel you have sufficient knowledge to share as the differences can be pretty huge and, hey, the more people you can bring up to your level, the bigger your pool of worthwhile opponents will be ;D

* Nothing is 'cheap'
At the end of the day, you're not making the game and you're not the designer so worrying about balance is pointless. Use the tools you have. Too many people hide behind accusations of 'cheapness' rather than learning to actually deal with things and some even handicap their game by not using something, ever, because someone somewhere thought it was 'cheap'. Don't fall into these traps. Use everything and learn to overcome everything. It's surprising how often something that is 'cheap' turns out to be a fairly basic tactic that's easily overcome once you work out it's often glaring weakness and you'll be a better player, heck a better PERSON, for having run that gauntlet too :3

* Question everything! :D
If someone kicks your ass with something and you don't fully understand it, ask them about it. If a character gives you trouble then talk to people who main that character to find out what they struggle against and even give the character a shot yourself just to get a 'feel' for things like their weight, speed and some of their moves ranges/nuances. Watch videos of other people playing your character to see if they're doing anything new or interesting you don't already do or if they somehow accomplish something you do in a different manner. Always be looking for answers and life will be a lot more generous in giving you them :3


The only challenge I have left is collect all Smash Run powers. I think I'm only missing a few. Is there any kind of trick to farm these things or just keep playing through Smash Run collecting the bags with question marks?

Ricky 7

I've come to specifically rely on Japanese players for smoother matches. Pretty sad that the people on the opposite side of the world of me are lagless nine times out of ten, but the people a couple of states away get half-second input lag. Apparently we Americans like our dial-up internet from our toaster oven routers.
People from the UK have the worst connection, I get less lag from players in any other country and I live in the UK. >_<
hope you didn't mind me turning items back off again, I don't get a chance to fight Wario very often so i wanted to see more his moves ^.^;
Ah! okies :3
Is the bike supposed to be a problem? I'm sure I've seen people complain about it but it seems fairly easy to deal with :eek:
It's a solid approach move move and it messes up spacing. Shielding it is normally the best way to deal with it, but after jumping off Wario can follow up with a grab. I'm not really good enough to demonstrate that though.
Hitting with it isn't necessarily what you want. It's really a utility move first and foremost.


I've fought a grand total of like... 1 Wario, and had no idea what to do about the bike. What's the general approach, just jump over and wait for him to get off of it?
It's a solid approach move move and it messes up spacing. Shielding it is normally the best way to deal with it, but after jumping off Wario can follow up with a grab. I'm not really good enough to demonstrate that though.
Hitting with it isn't necessarily what you want. It's really a utility move first and foremost.

Fair enough. Having trouble adapting to your crazy air manoeuvrability and judging what that bite can do XD
Interesting fights so far though :D


If he jumps off, shield it. If he's still on it, hit him with an aerial.
Hitting him with an aerial seems tricky to do without getting hit. I'll need to try it though. We need to play sometime Spinosaurus.

You too Geminosity. I've never played a legit Palu either from what I can remember.
Hitting him with an aerial seems tricky to do without getting hit. I'll need to try it though. We need to play sometime Spinosaurus.

You too Geminosity. I've never played a legit Palu either from what I can remember.

Maybe you shoujld join and we could get a 3 player going? ;D

As for the bike when you're Palu, I think I've already mentioned a good few time that her dash attack categorically eats/beats every attack in the game so you can imagine what it does to Wario's poor bike :p

I dunno if I'd consider myself a 'legit' palutena though: my execution is terribad as spino just witnessed via my SD ^.^;

Azure J

lucina in the sky with dairmonds would be a good thread title even if it's the fair that keeps killing my mac

well, that's my story, good bye

Potentially the single thing that justifies her inclusion in this roster right here. I can't hate on Lucina/Lucina fans anymore. :lol

Really good stuff. I'm not the biggest fan of base Palutena, but I might mess around with some of this and try to get down some fundamentals from it all so I have a pocket Palu to play with.
In general the bike isn't that great against Robin but I still use it on every opportunity anyway and I need to break out of that habit :lol
After getting KO'ed by it 3 times, I'm kinda curious about the deadly waft. I know it has to build up or something signfied by his belly button going outtie but is it just a sort of AoE around him more of a vertical hitbox or what? :eek:


Some characters can do that too. :lol (mainly ones with disjointed hitboxes)

Yeah, first time I did that yesterday was user error. Then I just rolled with it, lol

Robin can stuff the approach with Arcfire, too. It's absurdly easy to punish random Warios on FG who just spam the fuck out of the bike, lol.

Speaking of that. Idk what to do with fast ass characters in regards to Arcfire. Feels like they can just run under it on reaction.

Probably terrible spacing by me.
ggs gemi. Gotta go now.

Not often do I get practice against characters that can deal with the bike easily like Palutena, so it breaks my habit on using it too much, or at least be more varied with it, so thanks a lot! Your Palu is great.

EDIT: The waft actually doesn't have that much of a big hitbox, although Wario himself is a sourspot for the move. (Still kills though) You can miss it easily.
It's mostly a punish move, or one you use after getting a read.
I'm loving this game but lag is killing me :( I've pretty much had to reside to playing only CPU matches, which is a shame because I'd love to get some practice against real people.

I've played people from Japan, America and even someone that lives about 10 minutes away from me, all of them are slow as hell and near unplayable.

Such a shame :( Oh well, here's hoping the Wii U version is a bit better.
ggs gemi. Gotta go now.

Not often do I get practice against characters that can deal with the bike easily like Palutena, so it breaks my habit on using it too much, or at least be more varied with it, so thanks a lot! Your Palu is great.

Haha, thanks but you're too kind :3
Your Wario is very tricky! I'll need to get some more matches against it to work out some of the nuance sometime :D

EDIT: The waft actually doesn't have that much of a big hitbox, although Wario himself is a sourspot for the move. (Still kills though) You can miss it easily.
It's mostly a punish move, or one you use after getting a read.
Ah! okies. Good to know. So it's basically like Palu's smashes XD

Gah, I really need to work on my tilt/smash differentiation. Tilting as Palu is a death sentence unless you're using it as a wide-coverage read against a roll/spot-dodge, while her smashes can often be the opposite :p
I noticed you were starting to land the bite more towards the end too after fishing for it a lot of the matches ;D

Rebel Leader

I'm loving this game but lag is killing me :( I've pretty much had to reside to playing only CPU matches, which is a shame because I'd love to get some practice against real people.

I've played people from Japan, America and even someone that lives about 10 minutes away from me, all of them are slow as hell and near unplayable.

Such a shame :( Oh well, here's hoping the Wii U version is a bit better.

1vs1 or ffa?


Just got all Smash Run Powers yesterday, and currently at 650 Trophies. all that is left on the challenge board is get all custom moves, hats and to beat Classic on 9.0. so i am not even close to finish lol
The only challenge I have left is collect all Smash Run powers. I think I'm only missing a few. Is there any kind of trick to farm these things or just keep playing through Smash Run collecting the bags with question marks?

I find, if you're not looking for anyone in particular, use Miis for Smash Run. All their moves are already unlocked, so you're just finding stuff for other people.


Yeah, first time I did that yesterday was user error. Then I just rolled with it, lol

Speaking of that. Idk what to do with fast ass characters in regards to Arcfire. Feels like they can just run under it on reaction.

Probably terrible spacing by me.
Fast characters are generally problematic match-ups for Robin. Fighting a half-decent Sheik or Little Mac is a special kind of hell for me, haha. I'd say the best way to use Arcfire against faster characters is to use it to try and wall them out and rely more on Elthunder or Arcthunder to harass them from afar. A stored Thoron can also make some of these faster characters a little hesitant to approach, and force people to play more defensively than they otherwise would. You won't get any easy follow-ups like with Arcfire (unless you're really close on connecting the Arcthunder), but a fast character getting in on you and putting up fast and consistent pressure is not something Robin has that much of a response to, besides their neutral air.


Maybe you shoujld join and we could get a 3 player going? ;D

As for the bike when you're Palu, I think I've already mentioned a good few time that her dash attack categorically eats/beats every attack in the game so you can imagine what it does to Wario's poor bike :p

I dunno if I'd consider myself a 'legit' palutena though: my execution is terribad as spino just witnessed via my SD ^.^;
Can't play right now, but hopefully one evening I'll find (one of) you (two) online.
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