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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS |OT3| Little Mac and Cheese


So using Le Sick Upboats Reddit made a tier list. It's mostly made up of stuff people have won/lost to on For Glory, unpopular characters getting barely any votes and bandwagoning.

What do you guys think?
Ignoring that it's way too early to be making a tier list, I do have a couple comments.

- No way should Charizard be that low. It's between him and DeeDeeDee for best of the heavyweights and I think he takes it.

- Mac is too high. Mac is one of those characters that seems really good in the early meta and then drops like a rock as people figure him out. He's not bottom five or anything, but I think he'll end up in low tier before long. Especially when you look at who's shaping up to be top tier in the game and how good most of them are against him.

- I'd drop Bowser a level. He's the best he's ever been, but that's still only mid-tier.

- Can't really disagree since I haven't played against enough of them, but surprised to see Yoshi in top tier. Egg Gawd that real this time around, yall?

- Capt. Falcon is mid-tier at best. Melee is over guys. Let it go.

- Toon Link and Link should be in the same tier. Link is the more effective of the two, but T. Link is still good.

- Overall, I don't think there are any totally bad characters. Like, utterly hopeless like there were in Melee and Brawl. I feel good about the balance in this game so far.


I'm glad that one of my mains is Toon Link, but I doubt I'm as good as the Links people are describing in here.

Right now, I'm only really good with Toon Link and kinda good with Dark Pit. Trying to get good with Villager, but damn that's a struggle. Lost 10 straight matches with Villager. Any good tips for Villager or any videos?


So using Le Sick Upboats Reddit made a tier list. It's mostly made up of stuff people have won/lost to on For Glory, unpopular characters getting barely any votes and bandwagoning.

What do you guys think?

Yoshi reigning supreme; as he should have for all previous games.


Peach is my best character and it's not even close. Doesn't help that I can't stick to a secondary. Since the game came out, I've jumped between ZSS, Sonic, Bowser Jr., Pac-Man, WFT, Lucina, Luigi, Dark Pit, and Lucario. I do alright with Sonic and Lucario due to Brawl experience, but part of me also thinks that's more them being so good now as opposed to me being good with them. lol
Hello everyone. You may remember me as the gal who had 0.14 MB download speed and 800 ping. But startig last night, unless there is a megabyte limit on timewarner cable internet (please no) I just arrived at our new place for awhile and have a whopping 1 Meg download an upload speed. I can actually watch youtube videos as long as I keep it on sd, which only the bita has that option lol.

But mainly, I have around 150 ping, which is apparently enough to play Smash online, because I played several matches without any lag. I am so happy to play online, its the reason I bought it afterall.

If anyone is still playing, my fc is 3351-4051-6189 (NiN ID is AbbyVampire) I play a variety of characters, but have lost most of my matches so I guess I'm not really all that good and just can't deal with simple things sometimes like projectiles always hitting me lol. But if anyone wants to add me, I'll be on and off all day for the next few days.

Also is there any upcoming tournaments I can sign up on for the 3DS version? So mad I missed the first two.
Trying to get good with Villager, but damn that's a struggle. Lost 10 straight matches with Villager. Any good tips for Villager or any videos?

Constantly use Lloyd. If there isn't one on the screen, make one. Harass people with the slingshot. Learn to nair out of shield, as it's a great "leave me alone" tool. You can also slingshot before you hit the ground if they come back at you. FSmash and the tree make great edgeguarding tools since they both drop off the stage.

Also, pocket pocket pocket.
Mega Man is still by far my best character and I've hardly had a chance to play as him since the game first came out. I've been stuck grinding those challenges for a while. Unfortunately, I rarely get a chance to play against actual people. Fortunately, that will change with the Wii U version.
Mentioned this before in a post. The Smash online playerbase is overflowing with shitty attitude players. I get these on a regular basis:

-Disconnects while getting demolished or a split second before a game-winning KO.

-Leaves after a very narrow victory because he doesn't wanna risk losing in a second match. Particularly disappointing if he's a good opponent (not cheesy or a roll spammer) and I thought we would get a good series of matches going.

-Leaves after one loss for same reason above (record obsession).

-Advanced player: leaves after one match if he thinks he's too good for you, or if you're figuring him out and catch up in subsequent matches.

-Plays with main and loses, switches to alt and loses, switches to your main and loses, switches to Little Mac and leaves whether he wins or loses.

-Plays as Little Mac. Stays for cheesy wins. Leaves after one loss of any kind, unless he believes you got lucky and thinks he can definitely win the next one.

-Loses consistently. Switches to cheesy/spam tactics, finds some success in being a shitty player, leaves after one or a couple of perceived guaranteed wins.

-The one you mentioned: Loses a bunch, leaves after the first win to be a spiteful asshole like someone who needs to get the last word in an argument.

Basically, there are a lot of petty, immature players who want the easiest wins possible across the board and want to lose as little as possible regardless if it's a better opponent who could improve their game or someone they could have fun matches with. Win or lose, I will play anyone for a few matches unless there's lag or something, and will generally be a good sport. I'm amazed on a daily basis how bad the overall community is, but I haven't played many online games. Maybe this is normal. I still really like this game (honest).

Fortunately I've never had someone disconnect while in a match, but I've encountered all the others.

I always stay in matches with someone until they opt to leave. I've done about a dozen fights with the same opponent a few times. It feels like the most honest way to gauge my skills, whether the person is way better or way worse than I am.
So using Le Sick Upboats Reddit made a tier list. It's mostly made up of stuff people have won/lost to on For Glory, unpopular characters getting barely any votes and bandwagoning.

What do you guys think?

I mean it's not intended to be an official list or anything, but it's not terrible at least.
My immediate reaction for a tier list would probably end up being something like this:
A buddy of mine that also plays competitively made a tier list because I told him I needed one to start arguments with.
I think I like yours more. As much as I like C.Falcon a lot of people are overrating him (and no idea why Ganon is as high as he is on this one).
I finally got one of Bowser's standard B customs after playing every day since launch week! Crazy how these drop rates work. I don't even have any of Charizard's standard Bs.

Neo Child

A buddy of mine that also plays competitively made a tier list because I told him I needed one to start arguments with.
I think I like yours more. As much as I like C.Falcon a lot of people are overrating him (and no idea why Ganon is as high as he is on this one).


dr mario being all the way down there.

come into my office and let me fix you up a prescription m8

let me just say its just what the doctor ordered

PK Gaming

Danganronpa is worthless.

Also I'm pretty sure Mario is great in this. He racks up damage so easily.

He's considered by many to be bottom 5. It's funny that you claim he "racks up damage" when his damage per hit is extremely low in this game.

A2ZOMG said:
And...someone else did no research on the character.

Mario's stuff combos? Mario only did 11% there before being interrupted. Keep in mind U-air only does 7% in this game, as opposed to 11%. Brawl Mario in one read, yeah. He could do about 30% or so. Smash 4 Mario struggles to break 20% with a single read.

By the way, Brawl Mario's combos were good. They required reads, but you could put people at around 64% easily if you got two reads from D-throw (D-throw -> U-airx2 -> D-throw -> turnaround U-air -> B-air -> D-smash does ~68 damage if my math is right). Smash 4 Mario needs no less than three reads just to barely reach 50% in this game.

Priority? Virtually everyone still outranges Mario. And Mario's recovery got NERFED because Cape Stalling is nowhere nearly as good in Smash 4 as it was previously.

So like, Smash 4 Mario. He's crap at winning trades. His combo game is still unreliable and requires hard reads. He still sucks at getting KOs because none of his aerials KO meaning he needs to land Smashes or get lucky FLUDD/Cape gimps. ESPECIALLY since Mario does not have Jab canceling to set up his ground game anymore...yeah.

Character is weaker than he's ever been in the Smash series. The only thing that saves him is that the top tier is not nearly as ludicriously broken as it was in previous games, and Mario can viably fight Rosalina, who is arguably the best character in the game.

I'm not digging all this down-time in this tourney. Really hope Nairo plays soon.


Ignore him, he's always loved taking witless potshots at me for reasons I can't quite understand.


As in "Heathcliff"
Just 2 more hats to go, i have been playing nothing but this game and still no sign of them

Do Target Blast all the way (with your best character or Mii Fighter)

When the stage got loaded, if you don't see wrench green ball then play again to refresh until you see Wrench Green Ball.
Yeah you can still be viable in tournaments with just about anybody. I'd like to see somebody other than Lucario, Sheik, Rosalina, Yoshi, and Greninja win a tournament, though.
I think it's just the 'playing to win' thing. Low-risk/high-reward is much easier to win with.


Mentioned this before in a post. The Smash online playerbase is overflowing with shitty attitude players. I get these on a regular basis:

-Disconnects while getting demolished or a split second before a game-winning KO.

-Leaves after a very narrow victory because he doesn't wanna risk losing in a second match. Particularly disappointing if he's a good opponent (not cheesy or a roll spammer) and I thought we would get a good series of matches going.

-Leaves after one loss for same reason above (record obsession).

-Advanced player: leaves after one match if he thinks he's too good for you, or if you're figuring him out and catch up in subsequent matches.

-Plays with main and loses, switches to alt and loses, switches to your main and loses, switches to Little Mac and leaves whether he wins or loses.

-Plays as Little Mac. Stays for cheesy wins. Leaves after one loss of any kind, unless he believes you got lucky and thinks he can definitely win the next one.

-Loses consistently. Switches to cheesy/spam tactics, finds some success in being a shitty player, leaves after one or a couple of perceived guaranteed wins.

-The one you mentioned: Loses a bunch, leaves after the first win to be a spiteful asshole like someone who needs to get the last word in an argument.

Basically, there are a lot of petty, immature players who want the easiest wins possible across the board and want to lose as little as possible regardless if it's a better opponent who could improve their game or someone they could have fun matches with. Win or lose, I will play anyone for a few matches unless there's lag or something, and will generally be a good sport. I'm amazed on a daily basis how bad the overall community is, but I haven't played many online games. Maybe this is normal. I still really like this game (honest).

Smash online is filled of mostly cowards, roll and dodge spamming stallers (stalling till sudden death at times), and everything in between. As fun as I think the game is, I think it is lame to resort to some of these things.

Leaving after one match is lame. You don't just play one match with someone locally then dip do you? The best matches are with people who aren't obsessed with winning and afraid of losing. Getting an SD, or some other inconvenience - then watching a player leave after barely winning is lame. Especially since I do not always use my best mains, and like to play For Glory to practice and have fun with them.

There should be some other way to measure For Glory performance, the win loss thing will always have players resort to being dicks. I can kinda see why Sakurai is sort of hesitant on implementing certain things into the game. I could not imagine some of these people on voice chat. My best matches have come from Gaffers, and the rare amount of players that like to stay (win or lose) and run a bunch of sets with different characters. I learn a lot from these types of players. I'll even cycle through my mains, while they stick to theirs and we sort of help each other get better.

A bit off topic but man is it dumb that you cannot pair up with a friend for 2-2 For Glory online.
Well, you need to sit down and learn how to control the arc of bombs with specific attacks. Also you can use brick wall for bomb to bounce off toward to higher part of target blast stage.

Yeah I've tried for hours, but I still can't routinely hit the moves I want to use in the position I want.

PK Gaming

I've always considered Dark Pit to be just a better version of Pit. Am I wrong?


Outside of Neutral B and Forward B, they're functionally identical.

I prefer Pit, due to his superior forward B and his neutral B is better at chasing opponents off stage.
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