
As a Greninja user feels good to own these
As a Greninja user feels good to own these
Hope they buff Ness
Biggest system wide change I'd like is changing projectiles priority.
God damn tired of smacking shit like Luigi's fireballs and ZSS uncharged shots and bouncing back. It's especially annoying when you're hitting Luigi's fireballs with like 12% move and being sent back, making it an effective strategy to get hit by it so you have enough time to counter Luigi's run in.
It don't make no sense
It's never happening though.
I wish it were knockback based
Or at least it was a 4-5% differential.
Also hope Sheik gets some buffs, she needs it.
Hope they buff Ness
He is the one replay I knew I wanted to save. I don't want to go through my other ones, so no idea if any of them are good. But the first kill in this one was worth it.
Only one? I save basically anything where I outplayed someone and got a bair kill. I'll probably have to go back and clean out less notable ones I've uploaded at some point. Almost all the view counts on my videos are from me. I can't help but go back and watch them occasionally. I fucking love bair kills.
I hope they at the very least reduce Lucas' recovery frames on pkthunder and pk2 to Ness' level. No reason why it should be longer
Lucas' PK Thunder is such a stronger harassment tool. It definitely needs more recovery frames. That thing devours shields.I hope they at the very least reduce Lucas' recovery frames on pkthunder and pk2 to Ness' level. No reason why it should be longer
Oh god why?Bring back Wectoring pls
Don't sleep on Ryu brahDLC characters aren't allowed to be high tier unless you're Roy
I read something about concerning Charizard. Not much evidence so I didn't pay too much attentionApparently Ryu got buffed in the last update but it went unnoticed until recently. Something to do with moves with hitlag modifiers being safer on shield. Since a lot of Ryu's moves have hitlag modifiers some of his moves are more safer on shield now. I think this affects other characters as well with hitlag modifier moves?
Oh god why?
Was that first stick against ZSS worth it nami
I read something about concerning Charizard. Not much evidence so I didn't pay too much attention
Because characters that force everyone to play the game on their terms suck.Why not?
Why?Because characters that force everyone to play the game on their terms suck.
Because the other player doesn't get to play until the opponent decides so. It makes the game non-interactive. It's why Sonic is so awful.Why?
Because characters that force everyone to play the game on their terms suck.
Okay, I uploaded three more replays. Take a look if you care to.
Donkey Kong vs. Bowser
(For this one, I actually thought the Bowser was good because the match beforehand he was punishing me with OoS up-B, and doing smart Bowser stuff.)
DAMNIT! MAINTENANCE! I still want to upload more!
Watched this one cause there wasn't a Yoshi involved. As to your comment, the Smash games can really make otherwise good players look terrible based off a series of bad decisions in the face of the other player's momentum. Many of the people I have videos of on my Smash youtube account aren't bad players, and maybe even won a match or two, but when the momentum is against you it's hard to reset it. It's the reason sometimes someone who loses every time with their main can switch to Ganondorf and beat me. The indignance of being hit by Ganondorf leads me to DI in and get hit some more, and Ganondorf only needs me to make a few bad decisions before taking a stock.
I've gotten better at resetting momentum after losing my first stock, I've clutched out a lot of matches lately where I got momentumed or SD'd on my first stock, there's an element of ego that has to be under control - like in Zero's earlier videos where he'd say (paraphrasing) "so we lost our first stock, but we can come back." Smash 4 has a lot of systems that work towards making comebacks easier, but facing the morale loss of losing the first stock to an opponent who's barely taken any hits takes a certain attitude, and is not necessarily sustainable from moment to moment. For me, anyway.
Too bad we can't communicate slightly more complex things on FG, if I could make a "You'reDoingaLotOfThingsRight" profile I would. Because a lot of players there are just a few adjustments away from being good. But in the meantime they can look like they barely know how to play the game in a replay because the things they aren't doing are getting taken advantage of.
Was that first stick against ZSS worth it nami
Watched this one cause there wasn't a Yoshi involved. As to your comment, the Smash games can really make otherwise good players look terrible based off a series of bad decisions in the face of the other player's momentum. Many of the people I have videos of on my Smash youtube account aren't bad players, and maybe even won a match or two, but when the momentum is against you it's hard to reset it. It's the reason sometimes someone who loses every time with their main can switch to Ganondorf and beat me. The indignance of being hit by Ganondorf leads me to DI in and get hit some more, and Ganondorf only needs me to make a few bad decisions before taking a stock.
I've gotten better at resetting momentum after losing my first stock, I've clutched out a lot of matches lately where I got momentumed or SD'd on my first stock, there's an element of ego that has to be under control - like in Zero's earlier videos where he'd say (paraphrasing) "so we lost our first stock, but we can come back." Smash 4 has a lot of systems that work towards making comebacks easier, but facing the morale loss of losing the first stock to an opponent who's barely taken any hits takes a certain attitude, and is not necessarily sustainable from moment to moment. For me, anyway.
Too bad we can't communicate slightly more complex things on FG, if I could make a "You'reDoingaLotOfThingsRight" profile I would. Because a lot of players there are just a few adjustments away from being good. But in the meantime they can look like they barely know how to play the game in a replay because the things they aren't doing are getting taken advantage of.
Edited: let me see if we could do it.
There is also a case of getting tired from repeated play. There are times that I look like a FG scrub because I get tired out after several matches of precise inputs involving shield grabs, pivot grabs, alignment with dair spikes, Up OoS Fortress and what have you.
Demoralization from swift defeats can also effect how you play. And then there are some people on FG who literally gave up.
Need confirmation of this.
If true then GAF TOURNEYS GO!
Where did you read about that? Are there patch notes?
You should enjoy a Sheik losing more than your hate for Yoshi!
I agree that replays and just a couple matches don't allow you to determine a player's skill level, but I don't think that Bowser was actually good from playing him. A lot of his moves that hit me the first match were mostly from me playing unsafe or thinking they will play like you or Karsticles. They did a lot of unsafe dair, and once I realized they would do it almost every time I was below them, I started punishing them for it.
People can also play random characters against me and win. There was a Pit that was just smashing, F tilting, and using side-B, and I for some reason wasn't able to beat him in the first match, The next match went a lot different, but sometimes I can get really frustrated and not adjust, even while being able to win. I am sure the same applies to a lot of other people. I also make a lot of bad mistakes against characters like Ganondorf, and getting randomly up smashed and trying to make up for it quickly can just make me lose the entire match. There are Ganondorfs who would constantly down-B, and I knew they would do it every time, but I still fell for it.
The tag system is hit and miss. Yesterday I had some guy fight me, and when I accidentally used down-B off the side of the stage to kill myself, he switched his tag to "Whoops" and "Lol". When I won the next game, he switched to "Nice", and the next one I switched to "GG" after winning, and he switched to "GG" and then "RESPECT". You can't really tell someone how to improve with the tag system other then telling them to add you, and then conversing through Miiverse. Increasing the character limit on the tag system would just allow the bad people to make longer insults.
Ha that welling feeling of unfairness with Yoshi doesn't hit me much when playing Sheik. If they get me with a bouncing fish or uair for the stock that's on me. You can't play Sheik lazily, I appreciate that the Sheik is putting as much effort into the match as I am.
The Ganondorf stuff is really strange to me, sometimes I think I have it figured out but then another person switches to him and I die to scrubby 'Dorf play again. What's probably happening is I overextend on my first stock cause I want to style on him for disrespecting me with his character choice, then get impatient on my second stock when I lose the first one. Ganondorf's down b is surprisingly fast on startup, I was having trouble shielding it on reaction not long ago myself.
I've thought about giving general advice like "StopRolling," or something, but I doubt it'll be useful. Everyone interprets everyone else's profiles names as being passive aggressive at best, regardless of my good intentions. Whatever.
In the meantime, too bad about this not being a new patch eh...
Lucas' PK Thunder is such a stronger harassment tool. It definitely needs more recovery frames. That thing devours shields.
However, the current recovery frames are pretty absurd.
Ness' PK Thunder is still better for harassing, because Lucas' is so slow. Once you figure out Lucas, it is pretty easily avoidable for most characters unless you are in a bad spot recovering off stage.
Seeing the SFV costume thread just reminds me that we still don't have any for this game besides the Mii stuff.
Which is a shame because Many would easily pay for character costumes before miis.
Which is a shame because Many would easily pay for character costumes before miis.