There's a Third Strike Kuroda exhibition running right now, Kuroda on 2P with a 24-game win streak right now:
Gamerbee makes America look gamerfreeJoekage said:Since Kadey says it, I have to believe it. Seks is better than Sabre, I'll be coming for you then ^_^.
Also, lol at gamerbee blowing valle up. FRRRAAAYY
Lol, I wholeheartedly disagree. Gamerbee worked hard to take full advantage of adon's tools._Xenon_ said:Adon is plain broken, simple as that. I'm not saying Gamerbee is not good but the reason why he's bodying everybody all over the world is mainly because he's using Adon instead of he's outplaying the others.
I'm not sure why people act like faster wake-up is no big deal but for most characters especially shotos safe jump-in is mostly the only way to get their mix-up game on, and Rufus is pretty much screwed.
_Xenon_ said:And Jag kick needs some nerf as well. At the moment it's -3/-1/-1 on block, which means the only way to punish it is 360/720/Akuma super/Chun mk super ... and it can be done in mid-air. They should have made it as punishable as fei long's lp rekka (-4) or as punishable as Juri's dive kick (in my dream, I know).
I dunno if any of you guys were watching that, but Kuroda got to 44 wins before being beaten by a Makoto (thought to be Boss)?USD said:There's a Third Strike Kuroda exhibition running right now, Kuroda on 2P with a 24-game win streak right now:
ShinobiFist said:Ryu is plain broken, simple as that. I'm not saying Diago is not good, but the reason he constantly wins is because he's using RYU instead of outplaying others......
If you want to play a game based on skill and not match-up base, don't play SF, play Virtua fighter instead. SSFIV is fine, unlike that broken mess know as BlazBlue.
OK, watched the second LainySky/Gamerbee match. When Viper gets her offense going, she can absolutely crush Adon. Nice that stand roundhouse totally stuffs Jaguar Tooth. Lainy got blown up though, Gamerbee made some adjustments from the first match and Lainy got screwed over by some execution errors.USD said:Fell asleep during the levelup stream, so watching what I missed. Gamerbee free to Viper?
Joekage said:Since Kadey says it, I have to believe it. Seks is better than Sabre, I'll be coming for you then ^_^.
WTF??_Xenon_ said:According to the loketest result he IS nerfed. That should mean something right?
_Xenon_ said:According to the loketest result he IS nerfed. That should mean something right?
lol I used to think that too before I started to realise the players who used him weren't very good oh and not jumping always helps. And because he is so common online, when you face a decent one you know exactly what to expect and can adjust better than most of the other match ups.Kimosabae said:Yeah, unfortunately, you don't know half as much about fighting games as you do about hip hop.
People are still saying Ryu is broken?? I truly hope this is sarcasm.
Joekage said:Since Kadey says it, I have to believe it. Seks is better than Sabre, I'll be coming for you then ^_^.
Also, lol at gamerbee blowing valle up. FRRRAAAYY
PhatSaqs said:I think people need to stop looking at Adons quicker wake up as part of his toolset. That shit is broken. Many people didnt even realize he had it until Evo. I was telling people during the JWong match that it was different and they thought I was crazy.
I think they should maybe reverse the focus properties of Jag Kick as well. As it is, only Air JK is focusable and he's a focus break monster as it is. Characters without DPs are kinda screwed in dealing with it on the ground and even those with it have to have damn good reaction to it. Increasing the recovery frames on block is somethong im not a fan.
At a charity tournament I remember Adon's fast wakeup surprising my opponent, allowing me to get a free grab. I was totally rocking the troll face.PhatSaqs said:I think people need to stop looking at Adons quicker wake up as part of his toolset. That shit is broken. Many people didnt even realize he had it until Evo. I was telling people during the JWong match that it was different and they thought I was crazy.
I think they should maybe reverse the focus properties of Jag Kick as well. As it is, only Air JK is focusable and he's a focus break monster as it is. Characters without DPs are kinda screwed in dealing with it on the ground and even those with it have to have damn good reaction to it. Increasing the recovery frames on block is somethong im not a fan.
PhatSaqs said:I think people need to stop looking at Adons quicker wake up as part of his toolset. That shit is broken. Many people didnt even realize he had it until Evo. I was telling people during the JWong match that it was different and they thought I was crazy.
I think they should maybe reverse the focus properties of Jag Kick as well. As it is, only Air JK is focusable and he's a focus break monster as it is. Characters without DPs are kinda screwed in dealing with it on the ground and even those with it have to have damn good reaction to it. Increasing the recovery frames on block is somethong im not a fan.
~Devil Trigger~ said:WTF??
Capcom nerfed a BUNCh of characters for no good reason, means nothing.
Adon is not broken, Gamerbee winning does'nt mean anything is broken, He did'nt win SB for free he put put in losers and almost got eliminated a couple of times. Adon does'nt win for free, he's not even Vanilla Sagat status.
~Devil Trigger~ said:Its not fun eating a random focus get crumpled and lose half your life, specially low Health characters like them.
Yeah, Tsurugi in my opinion should definitely be armor break. Either that or always an overhead (god mode = it's both :lol). I think Capcom has this thing about air specials being either though. If an air special is overhead, it's usually only on EX. And the only air armor breakers I can readily think of are Condor Dive and Juri's dive kick.~Devil Trigger~ said:god i disagree, outside of RH the guy barely has any footsies, focusable Jagkick would kill the agressive nature of the character completely. Hell i think Capcom should've approach Makoto the same way and give Axekick armor break= property the same as Jagkick.
Its not fun eating a random focus get crumpled and lose half your life, specially low Health characters like them.
Brobzoid said:oh jeez, I get one pro Adon player and now he's cheap. ;_;
There are some 5/5's in that tier list that are so not in Honda's favour, like Fei Long.SonOfABeep said:well look at honda, he's at the top of that tier list, but look at his bad matchups -
Chun, Ryu, Guile, Sagat, Seth, Dhalsim
Those some top tier motherfuckers, and popular to boot.
Shoutouts to reversal MP Rekka, fuck random headbutts. :lolLakeEarth said:There are some 5/5's in that tier list that are so not in Honda's favour, like Fei Long.
It's hard to get in though! Don't take my tools away ;(SonOfABeep said:he is frustrating to fight because so many of his moves are so safe on block. If you don't have a 2 frame jab or a 3 frame punish you don't get to do much on block against him.
Once he gets you in that rushdown it's very hard to get out. Fortunately honda has some good answers for his stuff![]()
Adon players would just have to mix in more Air JKs *shrug*. Making it crazy punishable on block is certainly not an answer IMO.hitsugi said:and people would eat them all fucking day long as Adon if you could just spam focus against jag kicks.
sorry saqs but that'd be kind of a brain-dead way of handling the match.
WOW. If feilong / cammy / bison can live with it why can't Adon? His Jagkick is already safer and faster than rekkas / cammy arrow so how is it killing his nature by making it focusable? Seriously people today just want a safe move that can be spammed over and over instead of putting more efforts on footsies and spacing.~Devil Trigger~ said:god i disagree, outside of RH the guy barely has any footsies, focusable Jagkick would kill the agressive nature of the character completely.
DryEyeRelief said:This isn't much of a parody because Xenon complains about fireball spamming Ryu as well.
Comparing apples and oranges here. Rekkas and Spiral Arrow are much faster than Jaguar Kick. Rekkas are focus punishable with a good read and proper timing, but when in range, crouch jab cancelled into Rekka counters that. Cammy has cr.MK > Arrow. Assuming you're talking about Bison's scissor kick, it's two hits and a natural focus break unless poorly spaced._Xenon_ said:WOW. If feilong / cammy / bison can live with it why can't Adon? His Jagkick is already safer and faster than rekkas / cammy arrow so how is it killing his nature by making it focusable? Seriously people today just want a safe move that can be spammed over and over instead of putting more efforts on footsies and spacing.
SonOfABeep said:I just hope he doesn't lose his damage, he does a ton but people should know jab/EX hb is godlike anti air and not to let him get in close. Cause what can he do at range? nothing.
Kimosabae said:So much complaining. I wish people had the maturity to just wait and see how people deal with Adon. So what if his wakeup throws off your mix up game? Find other places to mix him up, maybe?
cHaotix8 said:That's part of the problem. Honda also has a lot of REALLY good jump ins that not all of the cast can anti air. Then again, I don't think Honda is TOO bad, just needs a slight damage nerf.
Dudley's mixup game is on wakeup. Hell, the majority of the casts mixup starts with a knockdown.
Lost Fragment said:You'd think if it was a bug, they would've fixed it when they fixed Ibuki's wakeup.
:lol Son, did you read who i quoted? I guess not. Homeboy stated the only reason Gamerbee wins is because of the character he use's, not because he "outplays" others. And thats why I mention the Ryu/Diago statement. And apparently you didn't read my finishing statement homie. And trust me, I've been part of this fighting game scene longer than most of you TE sticks virgins homie. Been competing in VF and GG for years fam, kill that noise. And once again, no one is saying Ryu is broken, next time I'll use "Bold" font for my comments so you could see them easier.Kimosabae said:Yeah, unfortunately, you don't know half as much about fighting games as you do about hip hop.
People are still saying Ryu is broken?? I truly hope this is sarcasm.
_Xenon_ said:WOW. If feilong / cammy / bison can live with it why can't Adon? His Jagkick is already safer and faster than rekkas / cammy arrow so how is it killing his nature by making it focusable? Seriously people today just want a safe move that can be spammed over and over instead of putting more efforts on footsies and spacing.
~Devil Trigger~ said:Jagkick is not an impossible move to deal with, you act like there's NO answers for it
Rekka and SA are faster only if they are close, and they are dead punishable if blocked close enough. Besides being fast, jagkick can be airborne, which makes it even tricker to deal with. And who would dumb enough to do focus if it's in the jab range? Everybody's jab x 2 or jab cancel into whatever breaks armor.USD said:Comparing apples and oranges here. Rekkas and Spiral Arrow are much faster than Jaguar Kick. Rekkas are focus punishable with a good read and proper timing, but when in range, crouch jab cancelled into Rekka counters that. Cammy has cr.MK > Arrow. Assuming you're talking about Bison's scissor kick, it's two hits and a natural focus break unless poorly spaced.
_Xenon_ said:Rekka and SA are faster only if they are close, and they are dead punishable if blocked close enough.
_Xenon_ said:Rekka and SA are faster only if they are close, and they are dead punishable if blocked close enough.
_Xenon_ said:Rekka and SA are faster only if they are close, and they are dead punishable if blocked close enough. Besides being fast, jagkick can be airborne, which makes it even tricker to deal with. And who would dumb enough to do focus if it's in the jab range? Everybody's jab x 2 or jab cancel into whatever breaks armor.
At the moment the problem of Adon's offensive game is he can push enemy into corner with MUCH less effort. All he does is:
1. get in
2. cr.jab x2, cr.strong
3. Blocked? jagkick. Hit? jag knee
4. repeat step 2
He may have a problem at the first step (get in) but it's highly arguable (fast jump, fast walk speed, st.rh). Plus his buggy wake up he's pretty much broken in this game.
~Devil Trigger~ said:Bison's technically has 2 armor breaking specials, Scissor kicks are 2 hits(right spacing), safe on block, and knock down, what does he have to live with again???... Fei got insane footies normals and Rekkas are far faster and leads to knock down. i dont think i need say anything about Cammy.
Jagkick is not an impossible move to deal with, you act like there's NO answers for it
1. People still use well spaced focus to deal with scissor kick in tournement.~Devil Trigger~ said:Bison's technically has 2 armor breaking specials, Scissor kicks are 2 hits(right spacing), safe on block, and knock down, what does he have to live with again???... Fei got insane footies normals and Rekkas are far faster and leads to knock down. i dont think i need say anything about Cammy.
Jagkick is not an impossible move to deal with, you act like there's NO answers for it
nycfurby said:One more thing I forgot to mention.
Adons wakeup while annoying, can be worked around.
Its extremely weak to certain crossup setups (for example with shoto, try to throw Adon, then safejump crossup tatsu. 9 out of 10 times the DP will not autocorrect and Adon gets tagged.
Gief can also use this as well after green glove in a lot of situations.
Viper can use low BK on Adon wakeup to make his DP whiff as well..but she has other problems in the matchup.
People shouldnt complain that Adon is broken when they dont know the matchup. Ty to play him and youll see his weaknesses.
Rekka is always faster (the slowest is 10 frames). Any smart Fei is spacing out Rekkas properly so that they're either unpunishable or very hard-to-punish, and if the opponent mistimes the FA, you get a free counter hit. Fei's crouch jab also has a significantly longer range than most jabs, so jab-cancel into Rekka is viable._Xenon_ said:Rekka and SA are faster only if they are close, and they are dead punishable if blocked close enough. Besides being fast, jagkick can be airborne, which makes it even tricker to deal with. And who would dumb enough to do focus if it's in the jab range? Everybody's jab x 2 or jab cancel into whatever breaks armor.
At the moment the problem of Adon's offensive game is he can push enemy into corner with MUCH less effort. All he does is:
1. get in
2. cr.jab x2, cr.strong
3. Blocked? jagkick. Hit? jag knee
4. repeat step 2
He may have a problem at the first step (get in) but it's highly arguable (fast jump, fast walk speed, st.rh). Plus his buggy wake up he's pretty much broken in this game.
1. Then that's the Bison's fault._Xenon_ said:1. People still use well spaced focus to deal with scissor kick in tournement.
2. All of those 3 moves don't do much damage while Jagkick does 130 at the moment (163 on CH).
3. Being able to land a techable knock down isn't much of an advantage.
I'm not saying there's NO answer to it. But most of the 'answers' aren't that efficient.
Axis said:the plus is he's also grabbable out of the startup frames of his DP if you read it that should help a little as well