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Supergirl: First Look (~6 minutes of clips from the upcoming Fall CBS show)

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Please don't tell me that's a super horse.

Legion of Super-Pets for life.



Oh I agree. Didn't make the video.

I do think though they shouldn't have release a video as long as they did. They could have broken it up into perhaps three with each focusing on different aspects but each one including action. Then a shorter one that covered everything instead of the massive we got. I didn't really like that Flash did the same thing ultimately in the end after a

In the end the first trailer was never meant for us, that is what the second trailer is for.
That 6 minutes thing was awful. That tween pop song bullshit at the end was like a crawl through knives. Second trailer. Sweeter, shorter, no shit pop song. Much better. Actually wants me to watch it.

I'll give it a shot, definitely. Might be good fun.


I have to assume that that video is oddly zoomed in because otherwise it features hilariously terrible camera work that artfully clips all the characters' heads off for some reason.

Also, I was definitely still watching Glee at that point in time (feel free to judge me) and I don't even remember that scene. What forgettable trash that show became.

It was back when they wanted to duplicate the Finn-Quinn-Rachel triangle with Puck-Marley-Ryder. It came after Puck and Ryder song Superman. So if they want to mess with us, they can always get her husband/fiancee to play Superman.


They need those scenes. Kara is someone who is desperately trying to fit in, to not excel. She needs to accept who she really is to shine.

The recut trailer also aims the show at a different audience than they want.

They don't want 30-40 year old men to watch. Going by Arrow, they'll watch it and bitch about it anyway. They want girls and women to watch, people who can relate to Kara as a character and won't type 'LOL, THE VILLAIN PLOT SUCKS' each week on a message board and vow to quit if the show doesn't improve.


Some of the reactions here are so ridiculous but I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I'll definitely watch it because I liked the trailer.


Well, it seems like I'm not in the target audience, looks like crap for teenage girls.
I'll admit I don't think I'm in the target audience because I'm not a huge superhero fan, but it seems pretty much like The Flash to me, do you think The Flash target audience is teenage girls?
Or do you think that having a female protagonist makes it so.

Not sure I see it.

If anything, it showed much less relationship drama than that show (not that I think that having relationship drama automatic makes a show targeted at teenage girls, but that's a different discussion.


Literally downloaded this because fuck y'all, your dicks aren't going to fall off by having to listen to a pop song.

I think that song actually fit very nice. Especially when she zoomed into screen while flying in clouds. I got chills. God help me. :D
The recut trailer also aims the show at a different audience than they want.

They don't want 30-40 year old men to watch. Going by Arrow, they'll watch it and bitch about it anyway. They want girls and women to watch, people who can relate to Kara as a character and won't type 'LOL, THE VILLAIN PLOT SUCKS' each week on a message board and vow to quit if the show doesn't improve.

Obviously this show is going to be targeted more at a female demo, don't think there's any debating that so I think there should be more of an acceptance of what that could entail but Arrow... Arrow was intended to attract the male demo (while obviously still having something for the ladies) that the network had been neglecting for years and it was successful at that with males still being the larger audience for the show, it's that success that lead to The Flash and its success now leading to Legends of Tomorrow. I think the drama would've been fine had it not been so over the top and poorly written. I hope the apparent tonal shift that's going to take place with the next season means less bad drama and just kind of feeling depressing with little humor to lighten things up and get back to making the show fun again.
To be honest, the other DC shows have been pretty arse. So I'll give this one a try. It looks good though. She suits a more laid back and fun hero than the dark and serious crap we've been getting a lot lately.
So you have the same complaint of Superman?

ِA doormat to who?

Her boss really. Just because Peter Parker has a bad boss who bullies him doesn't mean every "bright & colorful" hero needs one too. CW Flash doesn't have this problem.
Thier secret lives can have other issues besides being a girly show knock off where the poor nerdy girl is unlucky in love and being bullied by her uber bitch boss.

Honestly the trailer does leave a poor impression and everything after the pilot will determine what kind of show this is going to be.
I don't want say Pretty Little Liars but occasionally the protagonist puts on a suit and smashes a bad guy into concrete. Neither do I want a hero crime procedural because EVERYONE is doing that
I thought the point of that argument was that the show runners are essentially admitting that girl is not empowering and that they're getting around that by having her named by her psychopathic boss. I mean, Kara even says it would be better for her to be named Superwoman.

Then her nuts boss essentially says, "It's Supergirl because I like girl. You will also like girl or you will be fired."

Or at least, that was the implication I got.

The show isn't getting around anything, is she wanted to be called Superwoman she would just say so in public while in costume.

BOOM, F-you boss.


Literally downloaded this because fuck y'all, your dicks aren't going to fall off by having to listen to a pop song.
Heard this on the radio a few times before the trailer even came out so when I heard it I was surprised cause it's pretty much thematically relevant to how the trailer is painting the show/Kara.

Of course this is GAF so pop songs are literally the devil unless you are POP-GAF, which is also literally the devil.

Also Holding Out For A Hero is a fucking awesome song. Come at me.


Unconfirmed Member
Heard this on the radio a few times before the trailer even came out so when I heard it I was surprised cause it's pretty much thematically relevant to how the trailer is painting the show/Kara.

Of course this is GAF so pop songs are literally the devil unless you are POP-GAF, which is also literally the devil.

Also Holding Out For A Hero is a fucking awesome song. Come at me.
Worked before

Heard this on the radio a few times before the trailer even came out so when I heard it I was surprised cause it's pretty much thematically relevant to how the trailer is painting the show/Kara.

Of course this is GAF so pop songs are literally the devil unless you are POP-GAF, which is also literally the devil.

Also Holding Out For A Hero is a fucking awesome song. Come at me.

I like pop music alright (more of a classic rock guy, but there's good stuff out there), but I do find POP-GAF absolutely terrifying.

And yeah, Holding Out For a Hero is goddamn legit.


Heard this on the radio a few times before the trailer even came out so when I heard it I was surprised cause it's pretty much thematically relevant to how the trailer is painting the show/Kara.

Of course this is GAF so pop songs are literally the devil unless you are POP-GAF, which is also literally the devil.

I think that song actually fit very nice. Especially when she zoomed into screen while flying in clouds. I got chills. God help me. :D

Okay, not just me then.

I mean, yes, it's a cheesy pop song, but this is a show about Supergirl for god's sake. Can people seriously handle the cheese-factor of this:

...but not thirty seconds of pop music? We're not playing Katy Perry over Citizen Kane here.


That Glee Song is stuck in my head. Thanks, whoever posted it.
I'm excited for Supergirl. I like Flash and Gotham alot, haven't seen anything of Arrow besides the Flash Crossover episode.


I think you'll survive.

Show some skin and all is fine right? It's quite sad that many only watch shows for that. At least there are alternatives.

Hopefully this show isn't as bad as the first previews.


Please don't tell me that's a super horse.

Is that a super...horse?

^^^^ Edit: Err...I guess that was a thing haha

Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Kara and the Horse

Comics are weird.

I don't read comics, but I love seeing them out of context. Always hilarious.


I guess it's natural of a farm gal to dream about the horses every once in a while...


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