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Superman - Behind the scenes footage

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Wow, they didnt use CG for that?


"What a fucking hack."


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Nice homage to Donner.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
ManaByte said:
Seeing as how this movie is a sequel to Donner's, that's not surprising.

True,I was just saying it was good to see :p


Awesome. I would've thought they would've gone CG with that, or mix film of him throwing with film of the ball going and spliced together. Good to see some old style fillming for once.


Here are direct links to the previous 13 video journals along with their descriptions:
*Click the title of each journal to open or right click and "Save Target as.." to save to your computer.
#1 - Hello From Sydney
A special hello message from Bryan Singer in Sydney, and a peek at what fans have to look forward to over the course of the Superman Returns production!

#2 - Tamworth Scout
Bryan Singer takes us on a brief tour of the Kent Farm location in Gunnedah Shire, about 40 minutes outside of Tamworth.

#3 - Children of the Corn
This time we catch up with Stephan Bender, who plays young Clark Kent, as he learns first hand about the flying/running/jumping rig we've all heard so much about. This thing is every kid's dream, and while it looks like it's a bit uncomfortable, it also looks like the gain is worth the pain.

#4 - Up, Up, and Away!
Today we take a ride with Bryan and friends on their flight to the Kent Farm location, and get a unique birds-eye view of the farm, the cornfields, and the flying rig in position to send Stephan soaring.

#5 - If You Build It...
Production designer Guy Dyas takes us on a guided tour of the Kent Farm, including a look at Clark's new bedroom, his original Fortress of Solitude, and some hints at the types of scenes we could be in for at the Kent Farm.

#6 - Sure This Is Safe?
The Supercrew has moved back to Sydney now for the duration of the shoot, and Bryan's Journal's are back. Today Bryan takes us for a closer look at the ship that's double-parked in a rural Kansas neighborhood.

#7 - The Call
Singer to the Rescue! While laboring through another mild-mannered day in Sydney, director Bryan Singer gets a call from a friend in need. Singer takes to the skies and upon landing, finds a dire situation indeed! But have no fear, Bryan rises to the challenge, facing his most gargantuan challenge ever! How will it all end? Who will prevail?! Watch todays journal to discover answers to these riveting secrets, and more!

#8 - Extra! Extra!
See what its like for an extra on the set of Superman Returns!

#9 - Big, Scary, Lit-up, Director Face
Bryan takes us into a screening room in Sydney where he's looking over the digital footage shot in Tamworth at the Kent Farm. He and the crew discuss shooting digitally, and we get our first glimpses at actual footage from the film!

#10 - To Fly
RA Rondell, Glen Suter, and Neil Corbould take us beyond the linear flying rig from the corn field to give a peek at how they'll be achieving some of the more advanced flying maneuvers with technology far beyond what the original film could ever have hoped for.

#11 - Clark Returns
Production Designer Guy Dyas gives a quick walk-through of the magnificent Daily Planet set. He and his team work busily trying to make the final preparations before Bryan comes in to direct a scene of Clark Kent's return to his life as a mild-mannered reporter for the world's greatest news publication.

#12 - Shake, Rattle, and Roll
The special effects team has put together an enormous gimbal for the film. Take a look at what goes into constructing such a mechanical monstrosity, and start forming your opinions about just what this mechanical marvel is going to be used for.

#13 - Ma Kent Andretti
Just how fast would you drive to an alien crash site to find your son? Ma Kent (Eva Marie Saint) shows us in this fiery night shoot. Meanwhile Bryan has a really cool trailer - at least for a few seconds...

Harry Knowles at AICN did mention this tidbit of information today that has me intrigued...
Recently - I managed to get an eye on some of what Singer is planning with SUPERMAN RETURNS and tonally it is very much following Richard Donner's film, save in how it concerns Luthor, which was painfully camp. His story has the emotional anchor between Lois & Clark of the ol failure to communicate. Clark goes galavanting off into the heavens on a multi-year (Earth Time) search, while time passes on Earth. If you remember Margot's Lois bitched at Supes for being gone when her car ran out of gas, imagine what she'd do if he disappeared for a month or two... or 3 years or more? The world has gotten used to not having the Man of Steel, they've grown to resent the dependance they felt on him to "save us". It's really dealing with what SUPERMAN would mean to the world, and what it would mean if he simply left us one day to fend for ourselves. I mean - think about it. Would 9/11 happen in a Superman reality? And if he left and 9/11 did happen, wouldn't we resent him for it happening?

The action is huge. I don't want to spoil one of the huge action beats that's in this... but it comes when Lex, having stolen something Kryptonian... an object we're all familiar with, does something twisted and scientific to it, then uses it completely without thinking of the possible side effects which are... world altering in scale... something that only a Superman could lessen the impact of. Then on the small scale side of the film... They're thinking of new ways to show Superman's invulnerable nature. Again, without spoiling it... they're thinking about bullets and the most fragile parts of the human anatomy to give you a sense of just what invulnerable means. It really does amount to a "Holy Shit" moment. My spy, "Sepo" says, "It's all pretty fucking cool. The fucking action is awesome!" Chatting with this spy has me dying to see the film more so than even The BlueTights Site Videos...


Yup a Batman trilogy and a Superman trilogy and then we finally get a World's Finest movie only they'll be fighting each other.

There's a rumor that Warner will alternate Bat/Supes each summer. So 2005 is Batman Begins. 2006 is Superman Returns. 2007 Batman 2, 2008 Superman 2, 2009 Batman 3, 2010 Superman 3.


ManaByte said:
There's a rumor that Warner will alternate Bat/Supes each summer. So 2005 is Batman Begins. 2006 is Superman Returns. 2007 Batman 2, 2008 Superman 2, 2009 Batman 3, 2010 Superman 3.

That would be freaking awesome, but only if they keep the everyone together for the trilogies. I dont want a X-Men 3 thing happening -_-


DMczaf said:
That would be freaking awesome, but only if they keep the everyone together for the trilogies. I dont want a X-Men 3 thing happening -_-

Oh they are. I know at least for Batman everyone involved with Batman Begins was signed for 3 movies and Goyer/Nolan already have 2 and 3 planned with Begins setting up the villain in 2.
Off topic, but whatever happened to those Batman SE DVDs that were supposed to come out around Batman Begins? I haven't heard anything else about them...


I would bang a hot farmer!
ManaByte said:
There's a rumor that Warner will alternate Bat/Supes each summer. So 2005 is Batman Begins. 2006 is Superman Returns. 2007 Batman 2, 2008 Superman 2, 2009 Batman 3, 2010 Superman 3.
I wouldn't be surprised but I would think that they'd have it a little more spread out.

2005 - Batman Begins
2006 - Superman Returns
2008 - Batman 2
2009 - Superman 2
2011 - Batman 3
2012 - Superman 3


Prince of Space said:
Off topic, but whatever happened to those Batman SE DVDs that were supposed to come out around Batman Begins? I haven't heard anything else about them...

They come out with the Begins DVD.


DMczaf said:
They? You mean were getting a SE DVD of Batman and Robin?!


You know, there are some...decent things you could say about Batman Forever. The Riddler was near perfect, Val Kilmer made a good Batman/Bruce Wayne, Nicole Kidman, the Metropolis mention, as well as combining all three Robins into one...but there is absolutely NOTHING redeeming about Batman & Robin. NOTHING.


karasu said:
Goyer , dude he makes awful trilogies. Just look at Blade!

Blade 1 and 2 were awesome. Also, Nolan works in the Batman scripts with him. The final shooting screenplay of Batman Begins was by Nolan and Goyer using Goyers original FUCKING AWESOME BEST SUPERHERO MOVIE EVER script as a basis.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
ManaByte said:
You know, there are some...decent things you could say about Batman Forever. The Joker was near perfect, Val Kilmer made a good Batman/Bruce Wayne, Nicole Kidman, the Metropolis mention, as well as combining all three Robins into one...but there is absolutely NOTHING redeeming about Batman & Robin. NOTHING.

Mana has gone bat nuts insane....Riddler dude :p


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
DMczaf said:

Come on Manabyte, how can you hate the nipples?

It wasnt just the nipples.. We got ass shots and crotch shots FUCK YEA!



Hollywood Square
While Goyer and Nolan have discussed plans for two sequels, Nolan is not signed on for two sequels. Whether or not he continues with the franchise remains to be seen. I'm sure fans would like for Warner Bros. to retain him and if Batman Begins does well at the box office, I'm sure they'll throw enough money bags at him to do so.

But Batman Begins is a total enigma. It could sink or swim at the box office because it's a very, very radical departure from previous Batman films. Fans would say it's good, but we'll have to wait and see what the mainstream movie-goer thinks. To think that they're going to get a trilogy wrapped up in four years time is a nice pipe dream at this point in time.

And there is absolutely nothing penned for a Superman trilogy. Not even a rough outline. There was when Abrams and Ratner were on board, but Singer's movie is completely different. Singer is so focused on the moment right now. Plus, he really wants to do Logan's Run as well. He discussed displeasure about being stuck on one project for so long with the X-Men franchise, we'll see how he stands with Superman once the honeymoon is over.

So this alternating year thing is just a bunch of mumbo jumbo. It's a nice dream and may very well become a reality, but it's nothing but fan speculation at this point.

The World's Finest is definitely in the works at Warner Bros., though.


But Batman Begins is a total enigma. It could sink or swim at the box office because it's a very, very radical departure from previous Batman films. Fans would say it's good, but we'll have to wait and see what the mainstream movie-goer thinks. To think that they're going to get a trilogy wrapped up in four years time is a nice pipe dream at this point in time.

I agree...in fact, most casual movie-goers I know, if not all of them, are just not interested in Batman...hell, they are actually anticipating Fantastic Four. :p


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
jett said:
I agree...in fact, most casual movie-goers I know, if not all of them, are just not interested in Batman...hell, they are actually anticipating Fantastic Four. :p

God help us all :(
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