Personally I think Metatron started crying because he's happy he got through to God and feels his warmth and light again. Think about it. Metatron loves God, so seeing him being so cowardly about Amara, and uncaring about what she's doing to his creation destroys him on the inside. Then Metatron gives an amazing speech, and he turns God a full 180. I'd feel super emotional too.
My thinking on this is that she's so old that she doesn't exist in any lore. The Bible starts with God letting there be light, so there isn't anything before, other than the Darkness.You know, here is a slight nit pick. But I kinda wish Amara was called something else.
Something from some kind of lore, because even gadreel was based in real biblical lore.
Amara just kinda feels like another random mooks name.
You know, here is a slight nit pick. But I kinda wish Amara was called something else.
Something from some kind of lore, because even gadreel was based in real biblical lore.
Amara just kinda feels like another random mooks name.
This show is amazing again. Why was the ratings so low this week? It's one of the lowest rated episodes of not only the season but the show in general. Was it preempted or something? 1.54 million if anyone is curious.
That's kind of the thing, though. To God, Earth is pretty much just a LEGO building. Amara could knock it over, and He'd be upset, but it's not like He can't just build another one whenever. That's probably why He didn't care to intervene until Metatron convinced him that this one is worth putting some Kragle on.Amara is that annoying sibling who destroys your sand castle and lego buildings as soon as you look away. No wonder he doesn't want to tell people about her.
It seems like this show is on the exact same schedule as Arrow, so whenever that's new, this is new.I honestly forgot that it was back, I'm used to so many shows going on hiatus that I didn't see it the day of. Maybe some people thought it did a hiatus, after all Gotham came back after like three weeks did an episode then skipped a week.
I wanna know more about God & Lucifer though. We constantly saw that Lucifer was Gods must trusted, Gods most beloved, Gods favourite, etc. But Now we learn Lucifer isn't Gods favourite? I wanna dig deeper into that, also why he shows absolutely no consideration for his Angels, like Michael. Maybe he's pissed they jump started the apocalypse.
My thinking on this is that she's so old that she doesn't exist in any lore. The Bible starts with God letting there be light, so there isn't anything before, other than the Darkness.
God appears to deeply resent her ("this is my story") so I'd wager he kept all that stuff on the down low.
The Darkness is just what everyone else calls her, since they don't know her name.Yeah I guess from lore would be nearly impossible as only god, lucifer and death would probably know her real name, however didn't she call her self Amara to dean though when she was still in her younger body?
I think if they had just stayed with just The Darkness it would have been better than Amara which feels really generic.
But again, this is really just a nitpick.
It's kinda funny before season 5 a popular fan theory was that the trickster was god since he was so much more powerful than anything in the show so far.
But they it turn go just be Gabriel hiding after dealing with all the shit in heaven.
It turns out God is doing the same as chuck.
We all know God's real favorite.
You know, here is a slight nit pick. But I kinda wish Amara was called something else.
Something from some kind of lore, because even gadreel was based in real biblical lore.
Amara just kinda feels like another random mooks name.
Season 12? Could be the real reason God took off.I think God's wife, Asherah, would have been a pretty nice story.
Discovery News: God's Wife Edited Out of the Bible -- Almost
What are they gonna do now that they have Chuck is their back pocket?
Bring back Bobby
Assemble the dream team:![]()
Bring back Bobby
No thanks. We waited 5+ years for the show to dump all of its extra characters and get good again.Assemble the dream team:
Sam, Dean, Bobby, Rufus, Jo, Ellen, Ash, Charlie, Bennie, and John Winchester.
No thanks. We waited 5+ years for the show to dump all of its extra characters and get good again.
Here, here!I want to see John Winchester one more time. Such a badass(Despite his flaws)
I wonder (Lucifer spoilers, yes that crappy procedural show)I think God's wife, Asherah, would have been a pretty nice story.
Discovery News: God's Wife Edited Out of the Bible -- Almost
Assemble the dream team:
Sam, Dean, Bobby, Rufus, Jo, Ellen, Ash, Charlie, Bennie, and John Winchester.
Man... I don't even remember who Jo, Ellen, and Ash were.
I swear, for some reason I barely remember anything about this show.
I think God's wife, Asherah, would have been a pretty nice story.
Discovery News: God's Wife Edited Out of the Bible -- Almost
Yeah something like this is what i meant, that woulda been cool. It's a minor thing though, ultimately it doesn't matter lol.
you need to go back and rewatch the series then. outside of charlie, the rest are awesome
I want to see John Winchester one more time. Such a badass(Despite his flaws)
Bring back Bobby
We all know God's real favorite.
It's kinda funny before season 5 a popular fan theory was that the trickster was god since he was so much more powerful than anything in the show so far.
But they it turn go just be Gabriel hiding after dealing with all the shit in heaven.
It turns out God is doing the same as chuck.
I can't wait to see the lovely and calm conversation between God and Dean
Dean: why didn't you do anything to help you dick son of a bitch
and then he punches God in the face.
Yeah that's how I see it. I think even an Angel mentioned that his real name is too long and unpronounceable by humans.Amara is like Chuck. It is just easy for her to have a real name.
You know, here is a slight nit pick. But I kinda wish Amara was called something else.
Something from some kind of lore, because even gadreel was based in real biblical lore.
Amara just kinda feels like another random mooks name.
I thought Metatron was moved because God decided to give humanity a second (third, fourth, fifth, etc?) chance.Personally I think Metatron started crying because he's happy he got through to God and feels his warmth and light again. Think about it. Metatron loves God, so seeing him being so cowardly about Amara, and uncaring about what she's doing to his creation destroys him on the inside. Then Metatron gives an amazing speech, and he turns God a full 180. I'd feel super emotional too.
Amara just kinda feels like another random mooks name.
Holy fuck! Metatron has fucking balls the bigger than the size of VY Canis Majoris! Calling God a coward, TO HIS FACE! Honestly, this episode kinda reminded me the the movie Legion becauseI was starting to really dislike the direction they had God heading, with him being a jerk, super angry, anxious about what Metatron thought, annoyed, being a complete dick "You're not special..." shrugging off his sister and his entire creation and just being plain pitiful...however, that caused the transition to be even more powerful and have a bigger impact, when Chuck started singing and everything started becoming good again it hit really hard, so kudos to CW. I also like how they delayed showing the title, where he was like call me chuck then "Don't call me Shurley" the timing was excellent. Also Chuck talking about how he brought back Cas more times than he could count(I wonder if Cas died more than the three times we saw, also begs the question, did Amara end up killing Lucstiel, and God brought back Cas?You have an Angel that is responsible for giving God hope again and getting to him save humanity.
What are they gonna do now that they have Chuck is their back pocket?
Edit: I didn't really see God as writing his own death scene in the paper. Surprised others saw it tbh, I still stand that God created Death(or maybe Armara did and she used him to destroy everything, and when she got locked up he got set free?). God seems to resent his sister, and for good reason I supposed, you try creating things only for someone else to destroy it...reminds me of the asshole griefers in Minecraft.
Personally I think Metatron started crying because he's happy he got through to God and feels his warmth and light again. Think about it. Metatron loves God, so seeing him being so cowardly about Amara, and uncaring about what she's doing to his creation destroys him on the inside. Then Metatron gives an amazing speech, and he turns God a full 180. I'd feel super emotional too.
Edit edit:surprised no one mentioned that...ya'll are jerks!NOW WE JUST NEED GABRIEL BACK
God didn't create Death. Remember he said he was around long before god and will be around long after god and that one day he will reap god.
thats not gonna happen though ?
God didn't create Death. Remember he said he was around long before god and will be around long after god and that one day he will reap god.
God didn't create Death. Remember he said he was around long before god and will be around long after god and that one day he will reap god.