Looks like season 12 is only 22 episodes instead of 23 this year. CW president has gone on record yet again saying that the show is going to be going on for a long while yet. Also stating that a spinoff could happen if the studio wants to try an idea.
They seem to be standardazing season length.Looks like season 12 is only 22 episodes instead of 23 this year. CW president has gone on record yet again saying that the show is going to be going on for a long while yet. Also stating that a spinoff could happen if the studio wants to try an idea.
Anyone know when the last season of Supernatural hits netflix?
I think that stops around season 10.I've been sort of binging this series from the start the last 6 weeks and have gotten halfway through season 7. I have to ask: Do Sam and Dean split up at some point after a fight in every season?
I've been sort of binging this series from the start the last 6 weeks and have gotten halfway through season 7. I have to ask: Do Sam and Dean split up at some point after a fight in every season?
I've been sort of binging this series from the start the last 6 weeks and have gotten halfway through season 7. I have to ask: Do Sam and Dean split up at some point after a fight in every season?
Looks like season 12 is only 22 episodes instead of 23 this year. CW president has gone on record yet again saying that the show is going to be going on for a long while yet. Also stating that a spinoff could happen if the studio wants to try an idea.
Jared and Jansen must be so bummed this show isn't on a main network. Like yeah I'm sure they're making bank at this point, but they would be making huge dough on a main 4 network in season 12.
This show would have never survived probably past season one if it was on any other network. The actors have been very happy with the show and say at every convention that they are on board for more seasons and really enjoy doing the show for the fans.
You think so? Started rewatching it, and while the 1st season is a bit shaky, by the 2nd its really started hitting its stride and really gained an identity
Yes they've pretty much said as much. The ratings for years are vastly lower then the numbers on other television networks and Fox, NBC, etc would not have renewed it as many times as the CW in which it has found a cult following and has thrived because of it.
The show is low budget but the writing keeps things interesting and the CW is happy with it's ratings to keep it going and honestly I'm still enjoying this show a lot and I personally am happy to see it continue.
If you're watching S7 you're right in the thick of the bad stuff. Stay strong for a couple more seasons.
Is S7 considered the worst? Is it because of the leviathans?
Is S7 considered the worst? Is it because of the leviathans?
My issues with 7 thus far (turns out I'm actually 70% through) are:
1: Dean Killing Amy Pond. They literally introduce a character from Sam's past just to kill her off. And it was in a way that sort of back peddled on some of the character development I thought I was reading. That is, I thought they were beginning to realize maybe the 'monsters' aren't all things that deserve to just die. I mean, Dean kills her because "she'll feed again, it is what she is" but then lets the kid go? With his logic wouldn't kid-kitsune eventually feed, meaning Dean allowed someone to die (assuming another hunter doesn't off the kid).
2: Due to the events in the last point the two bicker and break up... again. It's a bit of annoying trope after 7 seasons of this and makes it feel like, again, there's not much character progression going on for the two mains.
3: Head-Lucifer (or is it real Lucifer? I don't know yet) is too goofy. I liked his previous portrayal of being more prideful and overly presentable. Not something that cracks jokes to Sam, and makes juvenile expressions/body language.
4: Chronos episode's time stuff was super poorly written. Actually I shouldn't list this as a fault, because it was so bad it was hilarious.
5: I miss Castiel, and would like more Crowley.
My opinion of the leviathans is a bit mixed. At first they seem to be introduced as these hungry murderous monsters that just want to feed. Then suddenly theyre all super bureaucratic and controlled. It seemed silly to me, but then I noticed that they take on the memories and some character traits of the person theyre impersonating. And the big-bad one seemed to inherent the traits of a successful businessman, so the flip began to make more sense.
This is probably all old news to most but like I said, Ive just starting watching 6 weeks ago and am working my way through it.
Did anyone buy the Supernatural adult colouring book?
It hasn't shown up at work yet, but I am tempted to look through it. I have no plans to buy it, but if there isnt a "color your own Devil's Trap" section, I will be very disappointed.
And how about an angel sigil? You know some nut bar will color that one with their own blood.There is
I'm tempted to buy it but I already have so many I need to colour.
And how about an angel sigil? You know some nut bar will color that one with their own blood.
I think season 11 is my all time favorite now. Which is crazy as hell because it used to be five![]()
I believe so. Someone got it early and posted a flip through on Amazon, I believe.
Really? I didn't like it nearly as much as some of the classic seasons, but it was still solid. Needs less Rowena, Crowley, etc. And drawn out plot.
To each their own, though. It's definitely a big step in the right direction.
Baby and Don't Call me Shurly propelled it to the top for me.
Ironically it was the writer that wrote both of those episodes that has left the show now. A damn shame. :/ Robbie Thompson wrote many of the best episodes in the last few years. Even the musical and he got a different job on I believe Jessica Jones now.
1. This does start to become addressed in a big way in future seasons which is good.
2. They do that for awhile but they start getting along more in season 10 and beyond. I think the writers finally realized that nobody liked the bickering and so they took steps to improve greatly in this area.
3. Well I don't want to spoil anything here but this doesn't really change going forward. I actually like the humor of Lucifer because it made the character come off as more twisted and evil.
4. Don't remember much of that episode.
5. You will get a LOT more Crowley and Castiel in the coming seasons.
Baby and Don't Call me Shurly propelled it to the top for me.
Yeah, those were two really good episodes.
Don't get me wrong, I liked this season and appreciated it after some duds in recent years, but I've just had enough of the whole Cas/Crowley/Rowena thing. I still miss the old days where it was more monster of the week.
Yeah, those were two really good episodes.
Don't get me wrong, I liked this season and appreciated it after some duds in recent years, but I've just had enough of the whole Cas/Crowley/Rowena thing. I still miss the old days where it was more monster of the week.
Huge fan of Cas and Crowley, so that explains why we disagree at least![]()
Supposily they are going a bit back to their roots with more scary monster of the week episodes in season 12. At least this is what was implied. I think the Men of Letters stuff could help incorporate this some.
They haven't, though. In the early post-Kripke seasons, they acknowledge that there are monsters not native to North America that have been appearing, and they can always retcon new monsters that were created by Eve when she wasn't onscreen. New monsters can still be scary if they don't instantly have the lore for how to beat them.The issue is it's hard to do scary monster of the week stuff now because they've seen it all. Unless they're going to face off with something crazy like Nessy or a Chupacabra I can't really see anything really creating the sort of tension we felt in the first two seasons.
They haven't, though. In the early post-Kripke seasons, they acknowledge that there are monsters not native to North America that have been appearing, and they can always retcon new monsters that were created by Eve when she wasn't onscreen. New monsters can still be scary if they don't instantly have the lore for how to beat them.
Yeah. That's what makes the foreign monsters so enticing for me, since the way to kill them could be completely different, depending on how monsters evolved. If nothing else, at least we'd get a break from the usual vampires, ghosts, and werewolves.The problem is, and we've seen them do this a few times, that they can just draw on previous experiences to deal with the monster. So even if they haven't seen a monster before, it'd have to have an all-new weakness to really create that sense of tension we had in the first two seasons. The boys are just too experienced at this point for that to work.
It's like when you're a veteran of Monster Hunter and they release a new monster. You don't know what it can do, but you have a pretty good idea based on what it looks like.
Yeah. That's what makes the foreign monsters so enticing for me, since the way to kill them could be completely different, depending on how monsters evolved. If nothing else, at least we'd get a break from the usual vampires, ghosts, and werewolves.