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Survivor: Heroes vs Villains - Thursdays at 8:00pm ET/PT (beginning Feb. 4th)!

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Gunloc said:
Russell voted for Courtney. It was Parvati & Danielle that switched. (Probably pissed at Russ for flip flopping.)

Russell's "management" of the tribe has resulted in 5 straight loses and his own alliance just went against him. (Who knows if that will stick though.)

If JT gives Russell the idol......................... >_<

I'm sure that Russell's vote was strictly for strategic purposes. Coach is a jury member. The vote tonight went exactly how Russell wanted it to go.
DukeSucks said:
got to be some reason Russell signed his vote though.
It could just a kiss off, or it could be so Coach (or Jerri) sees that Russell didn't vote for Coach. I'm wondering if Jeff might of let on that this would be the first jury member before the vote. They didn't show him saying anything until he revealed the votes though. (Producer intervention?)

As for next week, I could see Russell claiming an all-girl alliance to the Heroes and that's what inspires JT to give him the idol. And then he turns around and plays it to take out JT or maybe Colby.

Though if JT falls for that, then I wouldn't even know what to say. That would be ridiculous.


BigJonsson said:
OMG @ the preview


Amazing how the preview built it up... may have even exceeded my expectations. I'm not surprised JT is stupid enough to do this, but still wow. :lol Can't wait to hear Russell's opinion on JT just handing him the idol... if it does end up that way. Russell's Ego is going to be off the charts with this, not that it wasn't already. :lol

Gunloc said:
As for next week, I could see Russell claiming an all-girl alliance to the Heroes and that's what inspires JT to give him the idol. And then he turns around and plays it to take out JT or maybe Colby.

This is what I see happening, but even if not. JT is likely to be one of the first ones voted off after the merge.
Galang said:
Amazing how the preview built it up... may have even exceeded my expectations. I'm not surprised JT is stupid enough to do this, but still wow. :lol Can't wait to hear Russell's opinion on JT just handing him the idol... if it does end up that way. Russell's Ego is going to be off the charts with this, not that it wasn't already. :lol

This is what I see happening, but even if not. JT is likely to be one of the first ones voted off after the merge.
If JT does do that, it would just further cement that JT is an awful player. Flopping all over the place and relying on his hallowed "integrity" to skate through.
Meier said:
Was not expecting Coach. Also, how the hell did Courtney get second her season?!
Hardcore under the radar player. Her whole alliance were the "weaklings" that took out all the physical threats. She didn't even get any votes cast against her in her first season.

Also, I loved her telling off Probst.

Jeff: "So 99 out of 100 would totally take Rob over Courtney, why did you force them to keep you instead?"
Courtney: "I didn't vote for Rob."
Jeff: "But Courtney, aren't you to blame for Rob's ousting?"
Courtney: "Uh, no."
Jeff: "Then why on earth would you vote out Rob and make your tribe weaker?"
Courtney: "Shut up Jeff."

Mikey Jr.

Not surprised Coach was voted off. They knew that there was close to zero chance of winning the challenges again so whether they had a strong player or not was irrelevant. What was more important is the individual immunity and offing all the players who could pose a challenge.

Next week there wont be a merge, villians will 100% lose again (Russell being the only male player now and Sandra and Courtney aka "sticks" on the team) and then the week after they will merge making it 5 on 5.

Unless I'm wrong and the preview made it sound like they merged already which would be kind of stupid. Why put one team at a disadvantage?


I don't remember the last time it was even right before the merge. Even if it was, I don't think this season it really matters, since most the players left are wishy washy and likely to flip a few times anyway.
To be fair, the show is happy to suspend the merge for as long as possible - Stephanie being the infamous soul survivor of a tribe that melted down for weeks - but it's usually more to force the tribes to stop expecting a merge to happen.

The preview for next week. Wow. Can't believe they trotted out the James footage too. :lol


Haven't watched for three weeks or so, been relying on GAF for updates.

My God, Amanda looked so good.


I kinda feel as if Russell is going next week...

He may not think its an all-girl alliance but all it takes is the girls coming together to decide to vote him off and Parvati didn't seem all convinced with how Russell played the votes this week..

I guess it depends on JT giving Russell the idol but I'm sure someone on the Heroes team will stop him.


I'm sure it's editing, but it always seems like the people who find an idol stare at it forever when they get it., only to backfire. Get out of there! You can admire the thing whenever :p

EDIT: That signature had to be strategic. And by the looks of the post-vote handshake between Russell and Coach, it was successful.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Kozak said:
Can you guys explain the previews? I only started watching Survivor since Russell, so fill in please??

Here is one.....


From the final episode of Survivor Palau.......

Back at camp, Tom and Katie accused Ian of being two-faced albeit well-liked, but the latter exclaimed that they are on a competition. After a tribute to their fallen castaways, the three remaining Korors took part in the final Immunity Challenge. Katie stepped down after 5 hours. With the challenge running for 12 hours, Ian and Tom are still fighting for Immunity. But with the feeling of guilt after Tom and Katie's accusations against him, Ian steps down and asked the now-Immune Tom to vote him out as a sign of integrity. Tom grants his wish as he verbally voted Ian out from the game (Since the challenge ended at late night and it was too late to conduct a Tribal Council, Ian became the first person in Survivor to be voted out outside Tribal Council).

And the one with James was him getting out with not one but TWO immunity idols in his back pocket.


Villains self destructing :lol but i dont care for coach after his bullshit vote in the episode before this....would be crazy if the girls joined together and voted out Russel, his plan makes sense though if the Heroes think they can target him to flop. Please tell me JT is not that stupid?


Ducks said:
I'm sure it's editing, but it always seems like the people who find an idol stare at it forever when they get it., only to backfire. Get out of there! You can admire the thing whenever :p

EDIT: That signature had to be strategic. And by the looks of the post-vote handshake between Russell and Coach, it was successful.

Yeah. Another smart move by Russell. You have to get rid of both Coach and Courtney, but they will be on the jury, so why not piss off only one instead of both.

On the other hand, he did fall for Sandra's "convince Russell to vote out Coach instead of Courtney" plan...


I would just like to remind people at this point that NO SPOILERS for who gets voted out next week are permitted. I haven't read any spoilers, so I have NO idea who gets voted out (whether it's J.T. or whomever), and feel free to discuss the prospect of J.T. being dumb enough to get voted out, but please do not talk about it as if it's a sure thing... especially if you're spoiled ;)


BowieZ said:
I would just like to remind people at this point that NO SPOILERS for who gets voted out next week are permitted. I haven't read any spoilers, so I have NO idea who gets voted out (whether it's J.T. or whomever), and feel free to discuss the prospect of J.T. being dumb enough to get voted out, but please do not talk about it as if it's a sure thing... especially if you're spoiled ;)

Honestly sounds like you just spoiled it....

xbhaskarx said:
On the other hand, he did fall for Sandra's "convince Russell to vote out Coach instead of Courtney" plan...

I don't know if he did though. Remember before he came back to Danielle and Parvati he said "I've had a change of heart" there was a scene in which Russell and Coach walked together and you could see them discussing something. I have a feeling Russell told Coach what Sandra had spread around so Russell wanted to look like the good guy to Coach and Jerri.

I think Sandras stupid to believe that shes bossing Russell around..Russell will do what he needs to do to stay in the good books of his alliance. By voting for Coach himself he would have had Jerri at his throat.

Sandra or Courtney is definitely next and it suits Russell very well that they're losing the immunity challenges.
The best part about this vote is that Coach and Jerri might realize how stupid they are. Jerri ate Russell's BS and systematically voted out her 2 strongest allies (Rob and Coach) so that she could be the bottom rung in Russ' alliance. Coach decided he was going to do a throw away vote, which is essentially the same as voting for Rob, and shift power away from his allies and to his enemies.

What terrible play. I can't believe Russell's getting away with this shit. And now JT might give him the idol?

How can people be so bad at the game after playing it multiple times? I don't get it.


I don't care what happens from here on out, this is the best season of Survivor ever.

When the tribes do merge it's going to be an epic scramble. I still like Sandra's chances in winning this whole thing.


I think what is clear in this episode is that Jerri, Sandra and the Heroes are all just really dumb. How the fuck did the Heroes come to the collective conclusion that the women are in an alliance? In a tribe consisting of some of the biggest conniving players in the game ever, they actually think that something as simple as gender will create alliances? WTF? And does Sandra really think that she's manipulating Russel? Jesus.....
I love Russell, but I don't think he's got a shot at making it. It's pretty clear he's no longer running the show. Yes, I think Sandra completely pulled one over on him. He bought it hook, line, and sinker. I didn't think he did, but all of his interviews after that seemed to show that he believed it. Who voted for Courtney this episode? Coach, Jerri, and Russell. Parvati has finally made her move and taken Danielle with her. Russell better hope for a merge, because otherwise it's likely going to be Parvati, Danielle, Sandra, and Courtney against him and Jerri.

I know people are saying this is what Russell wanted and now he looks good with the jury, but Russell has never really wanted to look good with the jury. Look at Samoa. He just wants them to know that he played a good game. He has no idea at this point that he didn't win Somoa and has every reason to think he did. That's part of the reason for his ego, and part of the reason he still isn't going to be caring about his social game or about currying favour with the jury.
ElyrionX said:
In a tribe consisting of some of the biggest conniving players in the game ever, they actually think that something as simple as gender will create alliances? WTF?

In fairness, Parvati engineered an all-girls alliance in Micronesia and rode it out until the very end. A lot of experienced players fell victim to that alliance. It's somewhat understandable why the Heroes would assume that the villains have an all-girls alliance when you consider that Courtney, Danielle, and Sandra outlasted Rob and Tyson.

In any case, I think JT is too paranoid this time around. But, then again, he came into the game with a bigger target on his back than anyone else. He's the most-recent winner in the game, he went through his season without a single person voting against him, and he had an unanimous vote at the final tribal council. Physically, he's clearly the biggest threat in the game right now. JT's gameplan thus far has been based around eliminating the untrustworthy players. He gave Stephanie the boot as soon as he could, he campaigned to get Candice voted out, and he even voted outside of his alliance just to get rid of Cirie (whose entire M.O. is based around taking out power players as soon as she can.) JT is in the worst possible place he could be right now. If the villains get the numbers advantage after the merge, they'll target him first. If the Heroes end up losing a challenge before the merge, they'll probably give him the boot. Nobody is going to want to compete with JT at this point, and he probably thinks he needs to make a big move in order to survive. Either way, he's pretty much fucked at this point.


ScrabbleDude said:
I love Russell, but I don't think he's got a shot at making it. It's pretty clear he's no longer running the show. Yes, I think Sandra completely pulled one over on him. He bought it hook, line, and sinker. I didn't think he did, but all of his interviews after that seemed to show that he believed it. Who voted for Courtney this episode? Coach, Jerri, and Russell. Parvati has finally made her move and taken Danielle with her. Russell better hope for a merge, because otherwise it's likely going to be Parvati, Danielle, Sandra, and Courtney against him and Jerri.

I know people are saying this is what Russell wanted and now he looks good with the jury, but Russell has never really wanted to look good with the jury. Look at Samoa. He just wants them to know that he played a good game. He has no idea at this point that he didn't win Somoa and has every reason to think he did. That's part of the reason for his ego, and part of the reason he still isn't going to be caring about his social game or about currying favour with the jury.

That's what I thought until I read the comments here that Russel engineered that vote. But when I think about it again, Russel's expression at the end of the episode looked really genuine. He really looked as if he got blindsided. Not too sure what to think here now.
Anyone watch the Ponderosa videos? Even if Russell signed to show Coach he voted with him Coash still isn't happy with him.

I personally think Russell isn't going to win partly because of how desperate he was to get Natalie's sole Survivor title last year. I'm assuming he had already done this Heroes vs Villain's season and knew he didn't win. Just a theory though. I have no idea.
ElyrionX said:
That's what I thought until I read the comments here that Russel engineered that vote. But when I think about it again, Russel's expression at the end of the episode looked really genuine. He really looked as if he got blindsided. Not too sure what to think here now.
I can't see any strategic advantage for Russell to vote differently than his alliance. Especially if he is signing his vote. No one on the other tribe can see it and think there might be a girl alliance. And I'm sure his alliance wouldn't be happy with him voting differently. And they never showed what happened, but someone must have talked to Danielle and got her to switch her vote to Coach. She wanted to vote out Courtney and Russell agreed. Parvati's interview showed that she wanted Coach gone. If Russell keeps Jerri with him at the merge, they might be able to make a new alliance and get to the end, but all in all, it's not looking good.


Even if Russell get to the final, I feel that he's going to suffer the same fate. He's already hated by many, only going to piss more off in order to get to the final.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
ScrabbleDude said:
I can't see any strategic advantage for Russell to vote differently than his alliance. Especially if he is signing his vote. No one on the other tribe can see it and think there might be a girl alliance. And I'm sure his alliance wouldn't be happy with him voting differently. And they never showed what happened, but someone must have talked to Danielle and got her to switch her vote to Coach. She wanted to vote out Courtney and Russell agreed. Parvati's interview showed that she wanted Coach gone. If Russell keeps Jerri with him at the merge, they might be able to make a new alliance and get to the end, but all in all, it's not looking good.

He did it because it still achieved the outcome he wanted and he didn't even have to piss Coach off to get in done.
Brian Fellows said:
He did it because it still achieved the outcome he wanted and he didn't even have to piss Coach off to get in done.
No, instead he pisses off everyone he's allied with. He has no reason not to piss off Coach. He thinks the jury is going to give him the money because he's a better strategist. He has no idea this didn't win him the money in Samoa. When it comes right down to it, he knows it is better to piss off the person leaving than to piss off the people still with you that you want to vote how you tell them. I've been a fan of Russell since day 1 of Samoa, but he's running on borrowed time now.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
What if Russel gets to the final with one or two other winners, though? The jury might just go for that. I thought the players were more conniving at first, but, hey, coach.
I want to look at spoilers, but I'm not going to. I'm going to make a prediction for the final 3 though. I imagine it's going to be something most people think is stupid. So: Colby, Rupert, Jerri.
ScrabbleDude said:
I love Russell, but I don't think he's got a shot at making it. It's pretty clear he's no longer running the show. Yes, I think Sandra completely pulled one over on him. He bought it hook, line, and sinker. I didn't think he did, but all of his interviews after that seemed to show that he believed it.
The chaotic self-destruction of the Villains camp really suits Sandra's gameplay style. She pulled the same maneuver of pitting alliances against one another & skirting by in Survivor 7 following Rupert's ouster post-merge in that season. She wound up taking the million without taking so much as a single vote against her or winning any challenges due to her knack for understanding people's motivations and deflecting votes to threats that aren't her.

You can argue whether or not Sandra was successful in convincing Russell of Coach's faux-treachery but you can't argue that she's got him read EXTREMELY well. She has his gameplay approach pegged and this will not bode well for him so long as she's able to ingratiate herself to him more as a confidante.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
B-Rad Lascelle said:
The chaotic self-destruction of the Villains camp really suits Sandra's gameplay style. She pulled the same maneuver of pitting alliances against one another & skirting by in Survivor 7 following Rupert's ouster post-merge in that season. She wound up taking the million without taking so much as a single vote against her or winning any challenges due to her knack for understanding people's motivations and deflecting votes to threats that aren't her.

You can argue whether or not Sandra was successful in convincing Russell of Coach's faux-treachery but you can't argue that she's got him read EXTREMELY well. She has his gameplay approach pegged and this will not bode well for him so long as she's able to ingratiate herself to him more as a confidante.

Fist bump



Kozak said:
Honestly sounds like you just spoiled it....
I assure you I'm not spoiled, I just don't want people who are spoiled to get the impression people who aren't spoiled are lol


ScrabbleDude said:
I want to look at spoilers, but I'm not going to. I'm going to make a prediction for the final 3 though. I imagine it's going to be something most people think is stupid. So: Colby, Rupert, Jerri.

Agh, that would be horrible. I can't see that happening at all, but I guess you never know... Usually the final three is predictable after the merge, but this season is all over the map.

BowieZ said:

Thought that speech was kick ass, but I don't see her winning this at all. :lol


Anyone that has knowledge of spoilers, are they still holding up? I know they got leaked during the second or third week and I was wondering if they were still dead on.


Gunloc said:
It was much more a mistake by Tyson than a victory by Russell. He may have saved Parvati for the time being, but he's directly in Rob's sights now.

As soon as he's vulnerable, Russell is a goner.
I love comments like these, soooo much crow eating to be done. :lol :lol :lol

Russell is not the perfect player. He's playing the game in his own way, too bad "grown up" "well educated" people like "Jaison" as well as the transporter lookalike took the game too personal. Heck even Coach wasnt this personal in his original season .. contestants should really take this game for what it is, backstabbing is very part of the game. Or you keep winning challenges back to back like Tom did in his season and not get your hands dirty. I think even Tom did some blind side in his season, not 100% sure. The so called golden boy JT also backstabbed Taj, who was his very close aide .. not sure why he was edited out to be such a good guy. He was equally deceitful as the "glasses guy" who was in the finale with him.

I rewatched the last moments of the TC here. Doesnt look to me that Russell was surprised that Coach was gone, as soon as Coach walked off, there was a hint of a smile on Russell's face when Jerri was trying to look over. Coach was a goner anyway after Parvati also voiced strong opinion of voting him out, if you check Parvati's unshown interview on ponderosa, she's all giddy and excited before the TC that they're getting rid of Coach. Obviously at this point, it doesnt make sense for Danielle to keep harping on about keeping him against her two closest allies' opinions. Then Russell might have thought why waste a vote on Coach when you can vote Courtney and buy some good "honor" cookies in Coach's books. According to Russell, he's not worried about Courtney so he didnt mind speaking what he thought in front of Rob and he didnt think twice before signing his vote in this TC either. Smart move? Maybe, we've to see if it pays off.

Russell has made a lot of mistakes, he has not played the perfect game. But he has played THE most entertaining & clever game of ALL-TIME (previous season) and also this season is not bad either, we already have the Tyson episode which was golden. If next episode pans out like it was shown in the preview (not guaranteed) then this season will be great too. Cant believe how silly people can be for hating the guy who's giving us such entertainment.
irfan said:
I love comments like these, soooo much crow eating to be done. :lol :lol :lol
I stand by my comments. Russell has put himself in danger through reckless playing, and will pay the price for it eventually just as he did last season.

The reason he is still here is because of Coach's lame indecisiveness. Coach didn't want to see his "friends" fight last week, so he threw away his vote. Russell then turned his attention to Coach rather through Sandra's suggestion or his own devices (most likely a combination of the two) and took him out.

Russell has been served up two easy wins due to others' incredibly foolish actions, (Tyson & Coach) but instead of playing these advantages discretely, he's acted like his same smug old self. Now if next week's previews are true (JT giving Russ the idol), then I wouldn't even know what to say as that would be so monumentally incompetent. (I'm hoping that's just a red herring, and that the "mistake" is referring to something else.)

Bottom line, Russell's brash gameplay style has once again put him in peril. It's caused his tribe to lose 5 back to back challenges and has pissed off many of his other tribe mates, including his own alliance. His gain in the short term will cost him in the long term.

irfan said:
Russell has made a lot of mistakes, he has not played the perfect game. But he has played THE most entertaining & clever game of ALL-TIME (previous season) and also this season is not bad either, we already have the Tyson episode which was golden. If next episode pans out like it was shown in the preview (not guaranteed) then this season will be great too. Cant believe how silly people can be for hating the guy who's giving us such entertainment.
Personally, I don't rank players based on how entertaining they are. (And I find Russell far more annoying than entertaining.) Also I wouldn't call his gameplay last season the most clever of all time, due to the fact he lost because he couldn't stop patting himself on the back and take one second to take into account how his attitude was affecting how the jury felt about him.


Gunloc said:
I stand by my comments. Russell has put himself in danger through reckless playing, and will pay the price for it eventually just as he did last season.

The reason he is still here is because of Coach's lame indecisiveness. Coach didn't want to see his "friends" fight last week, so he threw away his vote. Russell then turned his attention to Coach rather through Sandra's suggestion or his own devices (most likely a combination of the two) and took him out.

Russell has been served up two easy wins due to others' incredibly foolish actions, (Tyson & Coach) but instead of playing these advantages discretely, he's acted like his same smug old self. Now if next week's previews are true (JT giving Russ the idol), then I wouldn't even know what to say as that would be so monumentally incompetent.

Bottom line, Russell's brash gameplay style has once again put him in peril. It's caused his tribe to lose 5 back to back challenges and has pissed off many of his other tribe mates, including his own alliance. His gain in the short term will cost him in the long term.
Well, you cant stick to your comments because it was short sighted and also it didnt come true; Rob taking out Russell. End of story right there.

You can twist it around and make it look like a dream scenario where if Russell would have voted off Parvati, he would have been saved by Rob and it could have been some one else. Too much "woulda", "couda" for anyone to buy that theory. :D Russell had to save Parvati and his trio. He made the perfect move. You cant discredit Russell's gameplay by saying that others are foolish, well he's tricked them into making foolish decisions - thats the stinger right there.

Survivor is a game where you cant and dont plan things that are out too far. You plan for a couple TCs and execute for one. Anything further than that like what you are suggesting is pure waste of energy.

Gunloc said:
Personally, I don't rank players based on how entertaining they are. (And I find Russell far more annoying than entertaining.) Also I wouldn't call his gameplay last season the most clever of all time, due to the fact he lost because he couldn't stop patting himself on the back and take one second to take into account how his attitude was affecting how the jury felt about him.
You dont find any of the twists in the tribals Russell has provided thus far in two seasons to be entertaining? Sure the guy is cocky, I dont expect him to be feet on earth kind of guy. He thinks too much of himself and you got to give him credit cause he's partially true. He's not like few whiners (Rob) neither delusional (Randy). I dont think anyone else including Hatch can even come close to pull such kind of moves off with success. Russell's end game and his failure last season was because he played on a season where people were petty and far less forgiving and didnt have a clue what this game is about.
irfan said:
Well, you cant stick to your comments because it was short sighted and also it didnt come true; Rob taking out Russell. End of story right there.
If you read my comment again, I didn't specifically say Rob would take out Russell. I said Russell is in Rob's sights (which was true) and then separately I said as soon as Russell is vulnerable that he will be gone. It would be a likely scenario, but I didn't contribute Russell's presumed demise to it specifically.

irfan said:
You can twist it around and make it look like a dream scenario where if Russell would have voted off Parvati, he would have been saved by Rob and it could have been some one else. Too much "woulda", "couda" for anyone to buy that theory. :D
I'm not sure what you mean by this. Why would Russell be "saved by Rob"?

irfan said:
Russell had to save Parvati and his trio. He made the perfect move. You cant discredit Russell's gameplay by saying that others are foolish, well he's tricked them into making foolish decisions - thats the stinger right there.
Tyson's vote was meaningless. It would have made absolutely no difference to the outcome if the vote had gone the way he thought it was going to. He just wanted to skip the tiebreak and get Parv voted off immediately. This was very foolish.

Again, when Coach voted for Courtney the week Rob went, that vote was a throw away. He didn't want to "take sides" but in effect his non-vote damned Rob anyway and it obviously didn't strengthen his position with his new alliance as they booted him at the next TC. Another foolish decision that made no impact rather than to doom the player who perpetrated it.

I don't fault Russell for taking advantage of these mistakes (it's what you should do), but to act like he orchestrated everything that went down is a bit much. He had a hand in the Tyson situation (which still boggles my mind) but the Coach scenario was a "gift" given by a someone that plays quite erratically.

irfan said:
You dont find any of the twists in the tribals Russell has provided thus far in two seasons to be entertaining? Sure the guy is cocky, I dont expect him to be feet on earth kind of guy. He thinks too much of himself and you got to give him credit cause he's partially true. He's not like few whiners (Rob) neither delusional (Randy). I dont think anyone else including Hatch can even come close to pull such kind of moves off with success. Russell's end game and his failure last season was because he played on a season where people were petty and far less forgiving and didnt have a clue what this game is about.
No, I don't find him entertaining. I'm not usually fond of pompous blowhards.

The fact that he didn't take into account the feelings of the jury, (petty or otherwise) is exactly why he failed. Russell's goal was/is to win (a he constantly says) and he has not accomplished that.

He still can't see that scheming alone is not the key to victory. He needs to work on his personal interactions.


Gunloc said:
If you read my comment again, I didn't specifically say Rob would take out Russell. I said Russell is in Rob's sights (which was true) and then separately I said as soon as Russell is vulnerable that he will be gone. It would be a likely scenario, but I didn't contribute Russell's presumed demise to it specifically.

I'm not sure what you mean by this. Why would Russell be "saved by Rob"?
You are just willy wallying your way around the post you'd made. You meant it exactly in that context, cant see in any other context given what we knew at that point in time.

Gunloc said:
Tyson's vote was meaningless. It would have made absolutely no difference to the outcome if the vote had gone the way he thought it was going to. He just wanted to skip the tiebreak and get Parv voted off immediately. This was very foolish.

Again, when Coach voted for Courtney the week Rob went, that vote was a throw away. He didn't want to "take sides" but in effect his non-vote damned Rob anyway and it obviously didn't strengthen his position with his new alliance as they booted him at the next TC. Another foolish decision that made no impact rather than to doom the player who perpetrated it.

I don't fault Russell for taking advantage of these mistakes (it's what you should do), but to act like he orchestrated everything that went down is a bit much. He had a hand in the Tyson situation (which still boggles my mind) but the Coach scenario was a "gift" given by a someone that plays quite erratically.
Even Coach's vote was orchestrated by Russell. He "won over" Jerri and knew if she was on board, Coach would follow suit. Russell didnt knew that Coach would be as stupid to waste a vote for no good reason like he did, in the end it didnt matter if Coach voted for Rob or Courtney, Rob was gone. That was Russell's plan and that is what happened. Gotta give him credit.

Gunloc said:
No, I don't find him entertaining. I'm not usually fond of pompous blowhards.

The fact that he didn't take into account the feelings of the jury, (petty or otherwise) is exactly why he failed. Russell's goal was/is to win (a he constantly says) and he has not accomplished that.

He still can't see that scheming alone is not the key to victory. He needs to work on his personal interactions.
Richard Hatch won the first season and is still known as one of the best players to have played the game ever. Did he take into account jury's feelings? Heck no. The only difference here is that Hatch was on a season where people voted the way the game was and I give them props for realising the game's nuances in the first season itself. And here in season 19 we had a bunch of turds who thought there were either on a vacation or on some righteous game.

For this reason alone, I think Russell's the greatest followed by Hatch.
irfan said:
You are just willy wallying your way around the post you'd made. You meant it exactly in that context, cant see in any other context given what we knew at that point in time.
Considering that was the entirety of my post, I can see why you'd come to that conclusion. I'll concede the point.

Rather, I'll just restate that when Russell in vulnerable, he will be taken out.

irfan said:
Even Coach's vote was orchestrated by Russell. He "won over" Jerri and knew if she was on board, Coach would follow suit. Russell didnt knew that Coach would be as stupid to waste a vote for no good reason like he did, in the end it didnt matter if Coach voted for Rob or Courtney, Rob was gone. That was Russell's plan and that is what happened. Gotta give him credit.
Coach could have just as easily voted for Russell and made it a tie as he was upset with the way Russell was treating the situation. And he didn't even really follow Jerri, as he chose to opt out instead of going with the group.

irfan said:
Richard Hatch won the first season and is still known as one of the best players to have played the game ever. Did he take into account jury's feelings? Heck no. The only difference here is that Hatch was on a season where people voted the way the game was and I give them props for realising the game's nuances in the first season itself. And here in season 19 we had a bunch of turds who thought there were either on a vacation or on some righteous game.

For this reason alone, I think Russell's the greatest followed by Hatch.
But he can't expect the same mind set in every season. It's always going to be different depending on the people you play with.

To come into the game thinking that people should "respect" your gameplay style because others have rewarded similar styles in previous seasons is not very intelligent.

You have to read and manage the people your with, not the people you think should be playing the game.


Gunloc said:
Considering that was the entirety of my post, I can see why you'd come to that conclusion. I'll concede the point.

Rather, I'll just restate that when Russell in vulnerable, he will be taken out.
Thanks. :)
Gunloc said:
Coach could have just as easily voted for Russell and made it a tie as he was upset with the way Russell was treating the situation. And he didn't even really follow Jerri, as he chose to opt out instead of going with the group.
Coach was swaying towards voting Russell out. That is before Jerri 'committed' their votes in front of Russell. This commitment didnt come out of the blue, it included blindsiding Tyson by risking Russell's own ass. In the end, you could attribute it all to one thing but it wont be correct. Like wise I cant attribute everything to Russell's gameplay either - like I said he's gameplay isnt perfect and he's made mistakes in the this and also the last season.
Gunloc said:
But he can't expect the same mind set in every season. It's always going to be different depending on the people you play with.

To come into the game thinking that people should "respect" your gameplay style because others have rewarded similar styles in previous seasons is not very intelligent.

You have to read and manage the people your with, not the people you think should be playing the game.
True. But you can never know which way the jury is going to sway until and unless you are at the interrogation part. And by that most (maybe) of them have already made their minds up. So keeping this in mind, I'd say Hatch was lucky that the jury put their pettiness behind them, Russell was not. Maybe this is why he's giving two shits about what Coach thinks on his way out .. (I know that Russell didnt knew the result of S19 when he was playing this, I'm just thinking that he's doing something different that he didnt do before. Maybe he's self analyzing and doing things like he wished he would have done in S19)
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