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Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment |OT| Now in English | #YOLO - You Only Live Online


And even that runs out, which means you really need to pick and choose what you do carefully during said period and when you want to activate the skill. So its not as if it will always be your key to victory, but it is a large part of the strategy.
Yeah, it's pretty reliable in 1.0 but apparently the duration length is heavily nerfed in the 1.03 patch :(


Any chance we'll get a translation patch? :(
Doubt it :(

Shame since there are some parts that do really need it. The "Talk about battle" stuff is horrid, because the translation is so bad it's really obtuse and hard to understand (It's exactly the same as the Asian translation I'm willing to bet) and there are a lot of typos in the chatting with partners minigame (Silly stuff like Lisbeth saying "What are we doing hereg" etc). Story parts seem full of grammar errors but still understandable at least.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Any chance we'll get a translation patch? :(

No idea seeing how quiet they have been about the game itself and the huge update as in how long it took them to get info out, even Isshak apparently had his hands tied so truthfully I wouldnt hold your breath.

As stated before take the questions / concerns etc respectfully to the official Twitter chans for BanNam and tell / ask them about the situation / express concern over it. Since truthfully nothing else asides letting them know its going to effect their bottom line is going to really change it.

While hoping that there will be something in the huge content update patch is great, truthfully folks wont know for sure till its out. And thats IF they even touched the current translations.

truthfully am surprised SCEA didnt fail the submission just based off of the engrish. granted its not exactly a TRC thing cept for system related for the most part, but they are the last line of defense on when a company tries to pull a fast one and pass off shoddy work like this. for asia where english isnt exactly the main language sure not perfect english works and do know for a fact bannam does 'as long as its understandable' type of decisions but in the west stuff like this should not go unchecked.

id say all of you with twitter accounts and the game hit up the bannam twitter accounts regardless if they check it or not and RESPECTFULLY voice you dissatisfaction with the poor localization.

once again i stress be RESPECTFUL as it puts far more weight on your words in these situations.

as stupid as it sounds should voice dissatisfaction to Shuhei also about Sony allowing such poor localization through the approval process.

the more noise you make and be well spoken and respectful about more chances of mainstream media picking it up making articles bringing pressure on bannam

Yeah, it's pretty reliable in 1.0 but apparently the duration length is heavily nerfed in the 1.03 patch :(

Should make the fights a lot harder thats for sure when folks get too reliant on it. So will be a lot more focus on having weapons specifically made for accuracy / taking on stronger enemies than just trying to keep the skills going also. Should be good though as it will make things a lot more challenging. As this will force you to use the other skills more in conjunction with each other.

Its not like bad balance changes in games where we are left with little to no other options when changes are made.
Well the asian copy did get a few typo fixes with the 1.03 patch (aka JPs 1.05) but it was just that, some very minimal cleanup, no sentence restructure or anything of sort. Now could the US/EU fix the script in that patch? Surely they could. Will they allocate the sources to do it, with only one month to go, considering that they had much longer than that before and didn't do it? Yeah, you get what I mean right.


No more Swords for me, just couldn't resist :D



No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
No more Swords for me, just couldn't resist :D

Yep that thing served me well for quite a long time. Esp when I wanted to collect ore for upgrades and whatnots killing multiple smaller enemies at once. Also if you are a more offensive type of player the battle skills from the 2HAxe are most def things you will want to get your hands on.

Well the asian copy did get a few typo fixes with the 1.03 patch (aka JPs 1.05) but it was just that, some very minimal cleanup, no sentence restructure or anything of sort. Now could the US/EU fix the script in that patch? Surely they could. Will they allocate the sources to do it, with only one month to go, considering that they had much longer than that before and didn't do it? Yeah, you get what I mean right.

The way people have been describing things it sounds like they did their text passes from folks reporting stuff as they played the game rather than actual full scrub of the master text file, since if that was the case the text wouldnt start to get worse as you proceed in the game. Which shows that they were having people play then do small fixes from reports rather than a full fix itself. Seriously if they put someone on there for at least 5 work days doing it non-stop full passes of just looking at the master text as an English native speaker, it would not have turned out this way.
No more Swords for me, just couldn't resist :D

No shame in it, both this and the Katana are amongst the best weapon class you can equip. The AoE skills on that thing are crazy for dealing some heavy damage in large groups. katana is good for one on ones, raising the enemies risk, and making them bleed, so not only is their health continuously dropping, with their risk up high they are more likely to stagger, and receive more damage.
The way people have been describing things it sounds like they did their text passes from folks reporting stuff as they played the game rather than actual full scrub of the master text file, since if that was the case the text wouldnt start to get worse as you proceed in the game. Which shows that they were having people play then do small fixes from reports rather than a full fix itself. Seriously if they put someone on there for at least 5 work days doing it non-stop full passes of just looking at the master text as an English native speaker, it would not have turned out this way.

Well it made for some good and easy profit... Heck even the marketing for this was screwed, how ambiguous their message was with the whole "exclusive inclusion of Infinity Moment" when actually it is part of the original game...

As an aside, wow Parakeet I just took this in, how much this community grew. I came in around page 10 and now we are where we are. We went from just a small bunch of people to a community so big and so active that I can barely keep up with it on my phone anymore aha. If the game is doing well I would say it's, in part, thanks to this place right here and all of us keeping folks excited and informed about the game. Man I'm so disappointed in Namco, they really dropped the ball with this one :/

EDIT: Woops, mobile DP, my bad.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Well it made for some good and easy profit... Heck even the marketing for this was screwed, how ambiguous their message was with the whole "exclusive inclusion of Infinity Moment" when actually it is part of the original game...

As an aside, wow Parakeet I just took this in, how much this community grew. I came in around page 10 and now we are where we are. We went from just a small bunch of people to a community so big and so active that I can barely keep up with it on my phone anymore aha. If the game is doing well I would say it's, in part, thanks to this place right here and all of us keeping folks excited and informed about the game. Man I'm so disappointed in Namco, they really dropped the ball with this one :/

EDIT: Woops, mobile DP, my bad.

Seriously they hardly marketed it let alone did any sort of real PR for it. Thankfully we had Isshak to give info whenever he could, but as we all know since hes part of the company he has to follow the chain of command unfortunately. So even with his assistance to those here at GAF still many were left in the dark.

Let alone its insane how late in the game they let people know about the price.

The only thing that they really seemed to have done right by in the West, besides well the obvious which is releasing anything, is the fact that they are going through with giving the content update patch also. So things "sort of" even out, but even then this is quite possibly one of the biggest mis-managements Ive seen when it comes to localization. And it will bite them in the ass unfortunately as its fucking with the momentum of the game sales now that the cat is out of the bag. So unless they fix it, its going to hurt things in the long term sales.


In regards to double posts folks as long as its in an OT I run I really dont care and would like to imagine the mods dont either for the most part as long as its relevant information to the conversation. Hell you people see I do it all the time, mostly since its from a mobile device, but asides from that. As long as you stay on topic dont feel bad about accidental DPs. Just though for the most part with the rest of GAF do try to be careful.
Yes isshak deserves a good mention actually, he tried to help out as much as he could, but just like you said, he does not run the company, there are things that have to go through that chain of command.

The patch coming over, and this quickly too is great, as of September everyone will pretty much be up to speed (only if JP and AS get a new big patch, which as far as I know still hasn't been announced).

If they really fixed the script, I feel like it would be a great move of redemption from their part, but we'll see how that goes. It drops I believe in exactly a month right?

As for the DP, yeah, I generally don't even have this much to talk about in other threads but here, I know that other places can be reall strict about it. It's hard to control when you are on a small screen lol!
let them know we want one. write bamco/sony/someone; i did. zero reaction though :(

Well to be fair we are talking about the company that said that if we got 50,000 signatures, they would do possibly bring the Digimon vita/3DS games over. Signatures are way over that, and still no news from them either... I imagine they are a busy bunch, but it really seems like when things aren't in their favor, they take a bit of backseat and avoid the issue altogether. I would say those with the game, take screenshots, show them that you care. Of course don't badger them, nor be disrespectful, but show them that they screwed up, and that the community wants to know why they did what they did.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
let them know we want one. write bamco/sony/someone; i did. zero reaction though :(

You cant expect a single comment to stir the giant, you need to apply pressure and for that to happen the media has to be involved. For that to happen you need noise. Sorry forgot to add that your actions are appreciated, as in these types of situations every little bit counts.

Those of you who are reading this in the media even smaller sites if you guys start to make articles about it bringing the situation to light larger sites will pick up, even if its for them to try and line their pockets from clicks, still yet its working towards the goal of what the community here wants. Fixes to an obvious horrible localization. If they want to take your money, then they must know that simple standards are expected back from said company.


While the petition garnered some interest, I don't think the usual Bandai Namco staff like Edwin, Isshak, Joseph Walsh etc are in a position to comment on it yet.

Ultimately, they are still a business and it's up to the higher-ups to make a call on that. They can't possibly announce that the Cyber Sleuth game will be coming west as soon as it crosses the 50,000 signatures threshold.

You can get people to sign, but how will it translate into actual sales? The upcoming Digimon Arena game might just be Bandai Namco's "experiment" or "barometer" about Western interest in the series, as much as I hate it (since it wasn't quite what we requested for). It might very well be the Yakuza Dead Souls (which kind of bombed in the West and hence, why SEGA decided it wasn't quite worth the effort on bringing more Yakuza over)

Cyber Sleuth might very well depend on one of the bigshot in Bandai Namco to bring it up during a meeting. For example, Tekken's Harada-san was quite forthcoming when he revealed to fans that he's proposed for Project X Zone to be brought over to the West.

While totally unexpected, it goes to show that Digimon fans can let these producers know of their interest as well. Who knows? Maybe they are looking at the sales of Digimon Rumble Arena first, or maybe someone might propose Cyber Sleuth during another meeting.

It's coming out in 2015 for Japan anyway. Maybe the timeframe just isn't right for them to announce anything yet. They could be still at the planning stages or something (if a localization is already confirmed)

Still very glad that Project X Zone paid off for Harada's decision to propose it...think they mentioned it sold 10x their expectations of sales in the West? Granted, it was quite a long game, but the fanservice (VALKYRIA CHRONICLES 3. SQUEAL) provided by the game was pretty satisfying for me.


so i got Philia walking around in her "defense outfit" which is basically her in her panties with a blue cloak "sometimes" covering them.

good game :D


The localization should have been far, far better but at this point it has actually become a source of entertainment for me in regards to what the females say.

I look at it as "this is sort of what it's like to be a 16yr old boy trying to figure out how to communicate with a girl" You sort of get the gist of what they are saying (sometimes) but other times you have no clue and you just have to wing it.

Kirito, I sympathize with you buddy. I've been there and I know what it's like!

So perhaps there is some actual brilliance on display in this shoddy localization. (If you happen to be a straight male. Otherwise, forget everything I just said.)
Can someone briefly explain the social stuff to me or maybe link me to a good guide?

I got lucky talking to Yui once and her happiness shot up very, very easily. She let me hold her hand and walk with her after I did that. I've tried this again with her and others but when I talk to them, their meters barely move. I usually pair up with Asuna and it looks like her affection towards me is the highest of all (level 3?) but she won't let me hold her hand or anything.

It looks like some of you guys know exactly how to get this stuff to work so I thought I'd ask.
Fights with stuff higher level than you basically requires the PFT Style buff to stand a chance at winning.

Ahh okay that makes sense I will look into it :eek:

Generally its why its always a good idea to look at enemies you may be unfamiliar with in a new area with the triangle button. As while something may look the same, the level diff could be huge. The
golems are a pain in the ass due to their spinning attack which does a huge amount of damage if all hits land on you, the punch or was it a smash they do also you cant parry it therefore dodging is your only option. Its resistant to piercing so dont try to use a rapier on it unless you like long drawn out fights lol

And even that runs out, which means you really need to pick and choose what you do carefully during said period and when you want to activate the skill. So its not as if it will always be your key to victory, but it is a large part of the strategy.

Oh yeah I remember now Triangle is also good for pulling enemies and I know the game warned me about crimson red names to show the level is quite a bit higher. Also oh dear it wasn't even the
whom I fought but the
and based on what you write I was lucky because the former sounds even more annoying even though I will stick to Dual Blades for the moment till I fully grasped the battle system :)

And okay I will remember not to get too reliant on the buff thanks for the warning! I love battle-systems that aren't consisting of simply mashing everything to hell and back :D


I love how quick weapons gain mastery early on, I'm suddenly drowning in skill points. That said it slows to a crawl later on... Trying to get my dual wield to 1000... Wouldn't mind mastering rapier either to unlock the katana branch.


Can someone briefly explain the social stuff to me or maybe link me to a good guide?

I got lucky talking to Yui once and her happiness shot up very, very easily. She let me hold her hand and walk with her after I did that. I've tried this again with her and others but when I talk to them, their meters barely move. I usually pair up with Asuna and it looks like her affection towards me is the highest of all (level 3?) but she won't let me hold her hand or anything.

It looks like some of you guys know exactly how to get this stuff to work so I thought I'd ask.

Don't talk to them. Wait until they talk to you. When their speech bubble is yellow, press circle.

Do it until their mood reaches level 5 (In love) then stand on the stairs that lead to your room. Make sure the heroine isn't facing towards the inn door (if she sees another heroine her mood will reset). Bridal carry her to your room and then towards your bed. Repeat until their affection is maxed (level 5).


Heh the newest episode of SAO has a couple of advertisements at the beginning floating around on the screens kinda weird seeing a Bandai Namco logo in an anime.


Is it just me or are some of the requirements for unlocking Implements pretty ridiculous? And you can only accept one at a time so you can't just accept a bunch and let them unlock as you play through. 1000 sword skills in Hollow Missions? Really? And then there's ones that require 1000 Sword Skills in Hollow Missions on enemies above a certain level. Seems like a pain in the ass.


Unconfirmed Member
Is it just me or are some of the requirements for unlocking Implements pretty ridiculous? And you can only accept one at a time so you can't just accept a bunch and let them unlock as you play through. 1000 sword skills in Hollow Missions? Really? And then there's ones that require 1000 Sword Skills in Hollow Missions on enemies above a certain level. Seems like a pain in the ass.
The big patch lessens the requirements for the more grindy implements. The 1000 sword skills one gets reduced to 200 iirc if it's the OSS one you're talking about. There's actually an exploit for that one where you can just spam the stun skill from the skills menu (L+R) since it doesn't require a cooldown to be reused.
Don't talk to them. Wait until they talk to you. When their speech bubble is yellow, press circle.

Do it until their mood reaches level 5 (In love) then stand on the stairs that lead to your room. Make sure the heroine isn't facing towards the inn door (if she sees another heroine her mood will reset). Bridal carry her to your room and then towards your bed. Repeat until their affection is maxed (level 5).

So that's what I was doing wrong. Thanks, I will try this out!


Lets just put it this way. The game was NOT designed for instant gratification.
Yeah but there's that and then there's being grindy for the sake of being grindy. I wouldn't mind if the Implements didn't need to be accepted one at a time and you could just play through the game normally and they would get unlocked as you go, but as it stands you have to select one with the intention of maxing it out before moving on to the next. It encourages you to do mundane activities over and over again.
The big patch lessens the requirements for the more grindy implements. The 1000 sword skills one gets reduced to 200 iirc if it's the OSS one you're talking about. There's actually an exploit for that one where you can just spam the stun skill from the skills menu (L+R) since it doesn't require a cooldown to be reused.
Wow, that is a HUGE reduction, and much more reasonable a number. Looks like they realised how unreasonable 1000 was for the average player.

Also seriously? So you can just spam stun over and over again from the menu with no cool down? That's pretty crazy. Still, might wait for the 1.03 patch to try out any of the more crazy Implement requirements...


downloading now, thread has been way too much hype for me <3
Hope you enjoy it! I'm sure you'll have lots of questions at first so don't hesitate to ask.

Speaking of questions, how frequently do the Hollow Missions rotate and appear? I noticed earlier that some missions I had already completed have reappeared. I finished it and now I wanna do it again to grind some Implements.


So when should I be going to the hollow area. I just beat floor 76 and got a quest from silica to collect 3
bell ore
but when I get to the area that they are supposedly found in the random mobs, I never can get one to drop. Something I'm missing?


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
So when should I be going to the hollow area. I just beat floor 76 and got a quest from silica to collect 3
bell ore
but when I get to the area that they are supposedly found in the random mobs, I never can get one to drop. Something I'm missing?

Just keep killing things, the drop rates on ores is pretty low thats why.

Hope you enjoy it! I'm sure you'll have lots of questions at first so don't hesitate to ask.

Speaking of questions, how frequently do the Hollow Missions rotate and appear? I noticed earlier that some missions I had already completed have reappeared. I finished it and now I wanna do it again to grind some Implements.

Not sure on exact time, but the best course of action is just run circuits of the map try to hit up all the hollow mission points. Since they dont seem to come back like fast enough to keep hitting the same one over and over if you stay within the Hollow Area unfortunately. D:

Some of the missions are impossible to do with a partner too as they will kill something by accident causing you to fail the mission. Since dont think the devs thought out some of these mission designs too well lol.


So when should I be going to the hollow area. I just beat floor 76 and got a quest from silica to collect 3
bell ore
but when I get to the area that they are supposedly found in the random mobs, I never can get one to drop. Something I'm missing?
Like Parakeetman said it's kinda low but shouldn't be too low. It drops from the knight looking enemies in white armour.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Like Parakeetman said it's kinda low but shouldn't be too low. It drops from the knight looking enemies in white armour.

Hollow area has those guys wandering around inside of the "dungeons" that you can find. So hit those up and you should be able to collect a good amount.

Though dont the skeletons drop it too?


Not sure on exact time, but the best course of action is just run circuits of the map try to hit up all the hollow mission points. Since they dont seem to come back like fast enough to keep hitting the same one over and over if you stay within the Hollow Area unfortunately. D:

Some of the missions are impossible to do with a partner too as they will kill something by accident causing you to fail the mission. Since dont think the devs thought out some of these mission designs too well lol.
Ohh true, I guess I'll just go do the ones that have appeared for now and see if it comes back after that. Btw how do you do the stealth missions? There was one to find the Orc's Shrine or something without being seen but the corridors are so narrow that I get spotted right away :/
Hollow area has those guys wandering around inside of the "dungeons" that you can find. So hit those up and you should be able to collect a good amount.

Though dont the skeletons drop it too?
Not sure on the skeletons but I got all 3 from the knights in the Weapon Plant area pretty quick.
I suppose its just particularly disappointing for me seeing as the fact that this wasn't given a dub (understandably...) was a major turn off for me. After following it and being excited, though still not pulling the plug until the september patch, its just frustrating that they couldn't be arsed to give it that last bit of polish.

Still buy it eventually but...sad face.
Yeah but there's that and then there's being grindy for the sake of being grindy. I wouldn't mind if the Implements didn't need to be accepted one at a time and you could just play through the game normally and they would get unlocked as you go, but as it stands you have to select one with the intention of maxing it out before moving on to the next. It encourages you to do mundane activities over and over again.

Wow, that is a HUGE reduction, and much more reasonable a number. Looks like they realised how unreasonable 1000 was for the average player.

Also seriously? So you can just spam stun over and over again from the menu with no cool down? That's pretty crazy. Still, might wait for the 1.03 patch to try out any of the more crazy Implement requirements...

This is my biggest gripe with the game, so many aspects of it are so goddamn grindy to the point of absolute tedium.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Ohh true, I guess I'll just go do the ones that have appeared for now and see if it comes back after that. Btw how do you do the stealth missions? There was one to find the Orc's Shrine or something without being seen but the corridors are so narrow that I get spotted right away :/

Not sure on the skeletons but I got all 3 from the knights in the Weapon Plant area pretty quick.

The stealth missions are a HUGE pain in the ass as its all luck with how the monsters spawn. Ill tell you guys this with no spoilers, since its pretty important so you dont get all stressed out too. There is a 2nd part to the mission once you reach the shrine initially which has you doing the same stealth BS again.

You need to basically consider the enemies to have a circle around them which is the area they can detect you in. It may not be as large as this, but they most def do have a detection area behind them also if you get too close.

Black Dot = Hostile NPC
Red Circle = Detection Area

So you need to pray that they are facing in a way that allows you to run behind them. If not it takes forever to wait for them to move on occasion. Im not 100% sure if the friendly AI can set them off or not. Ive had an occasion that it seems like so and another where Ive seen them run & bump into an enemy and nothing.

The other highly irritating hollow mission is the one that requires you not to kill a specific enemy type, since with friendly AI they can hit them by accident screwing everything up. Doesnt help that they are hostile to the player too on occasion.
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