FTFYWhy don't you guys like Drunk Yukiko?
FTFYWhy don't you guys like Drunk Yukiko?
A lot of other Japanese media like One Piece and One Punch Man have the same stereotype of the effeminate gay man shamelessly hitting on the straight guys. It's a thing for them.
I find the whole "you can date anyone (as long as they're a girl)" thing really creepy. Some people are just not going to be into you. Human relationships are not like a game where everyone will want to have sex with you as long as you are sort of nice to them and put enough friendship points in
Why don't you guys like Ohya?
edit: not turning this into waifu talk or anything but i'm like halfway through her and currently thinking it's fine.
A lot of other Japanese media like One Piece and One Punch Man have the same stereotype of the effeminate gay man shamelessly hitting on the straight guys. It's a thing for them.
Well it is in Persona! It's especially jarring because some of these confidant routes go from building a friendship to "we're in love now I guess" completely out of nowhere. Ann's confidant route was boring as hell and all of a sudden she's like ILU. What? Why this game is held up as an example of any kind of good writing is truly beyond me.
I've got a legitimate question that I'm sure someone will take completely out of context but I'm just genuinely curious, would it be as offensive if they weren't so flamboyant? Like, if they were just two gay dudes that were sexual predators without the ridiculous stereotypes, would there be as much anger? Is there any scenario where a gay dude being some sort of predator in a game would be acceptable?
For example, let's The Last of Us,there's the scene where David has Ellie prisoner and basically tells her if she'll willingly have sex with him, he'll be able to talk the others into letting her stay. If Ellie was a boy in the game, and everything else happened exactly the same, would that be something that would draw anger? Or would it be acceptable because it's clearly shown to be a fucked up thing and is not in there just for laughs?
And please don't take this as me somehow giving this a pass. I thought the scenes were pretty fucking ridiculous and had me rolling my eyes and skipping through.
Oh yeah that One Punch Man guy was real real bad. Only thing I remember from One Piece is Bon Clay and Ivanakov( is that their name?). While I'm sure it's played up as more of a joke, they didn't bother me cause they are at least treated with respect by Luffy. Though now I just remembered Okama Island so scratch that, that is awful.
A lot of other Japanese media like One Piece and One Punch Man have the same stereotype of the effeminate gay man shamelessly hitting on the straight guys. It's a thing for them.
On the topic of the weirdness of how they handle stuff...question about the social links with girls, is it like Persona 4 where you can just be friends and still max it out, or is it like Persona 3 where you have to date everyone to min-max?
That doesn't make it right. Japanese have conservative and liberal mindsets depending on the person like every other human being, but negative stereotypes like that should not stand just because 'its a thing' that is allowed.
Question about the social links with girls, is it like Persona 4 where you can just be friends and still max it out, or is it like Persona 3 where you have to date everyone to min-max?
On the topic of the weirdness of how they handle stuff...question about the social links with girls, is it like Persona 4 where you can just be friends and still max it out, or is it like Persona 3 where you have to date everyone to min-max?
What I take away from that, other than the questionable stuff, is that this game's writing is not that good. Everything is an evolution, but the writing just seems lame.
You have a choice to just be friends or pursue a relationship with them.
Like Persona 4. You can max everyone without dating anyone (though why would you)
You can be friends with everyone if you want.
I find the whole "you can date anyone (as long as they're a girl)" thing really creepy. Some people are just not going to be into you. Human relationships are not like a game where everyone will want to have sex with you as long as you are sort of nice to them and put enough friendship points in
It's OK for a fictional character to not be a perfect model of tolerance. Yousuke was being a dick; that's what he does.
I also thought the boat scene was awesome. There's a lot of humor in Yusuke being entirely oblivious to the situation, too. Can see how people might have taken it the wrong way, though.But the boat scene with Yusuke was funny tho, I just thought at the time that the protag didn't want people to think that he dated Yusuke more than he dated someone of the same sex.
You don't have to romance anyone, thankfully. Your ending may be slightly different (by just a few lines of dialogue) if you go with multiple people. I think it was getting stuck at 7 in P3? Yeah that's gone.On the topic of the weirdness of how they handle stuff...question about the social links with girls, is it like Persona 4 where you can just be friends and still max it out, or is it like Persona 3 where you have to date everyone to min-max?
The "Okama" stereotype seems very pervasive in Japan, and there seems to be little distinction between gay men and transwomen. Many people don't understand that you don't have to be feminine if you're gay.
Are you talking about that specifically in relation to Persona 5 or the series in general?
Haven't played Persona 5 yet, and this is making me have second thoughts. (Second thoughts about P4G as well.) Even if Japan is behind the west on LGBT+ representation, that's no excuse for negative stereotypes being present in the Persona games, especially considering the now flourishing international audience for them. Though I wish that more reviews would mention it, and as more than just a footnote, as pressure from western gaming markets would certainly make Atlus think twice, and possibly even promote dialogue in Japan.
This actually isnt the case. In many cases its the opposite where if your super macho and overly manly, your gay. So its not just a case of being feminine.
I have a strong feeling that the relationship between Atlus USA and Japan is weak.Haven't played Persona 5 yet, and this is making me have second thoughts. (Second thoughts about P4G as well.) Even if Japan is behind the west on LGBT+ representation, that's no excuse for negative stereotypes being present in the Persona games, especially considering the now flourishing international audience for them. Though I wish that more reviews would mention it, and as more than just a footnote, as pressure from western gaming markets would certainly make Atlus think twice, and possibly even promote dialogue in Japan.
It can even be an inverse proportion thing at times. So while being super macho and over manly gets coded as gay, being immensely effeminate can eventually hit a point where a character is taken absolutely seriously and is treated as the biggest badass around, while still not being gay. Admittedly, more of a villainous than heroic trope. Prime example: Frieza from Dragonball
Yeah, but in the case of it being mentioned prominently by reviewers and players, then Atlus Japan would receive the message directly - it doesn't need to go through Atlus USA.I have a strong feeling that the relationship between Atlus USA and Japan is weak.
What was their line about not being able to use the share button on PS4? "Our masters in Japan don't get it" or something
It does need to be called out in wider anime too. It seems to be something people have "gotten used to", rejecting the bigotry aspect and seeing it as a quirk from Japan - but its harmful nonetheless. Particularly if you're LGBT+ in Japan, where negative stereotypes are presumably the norm, if we go by what we watch and play in the west.Its baked in as an "anime thing", because of stereotypes present in Japanese media, usually in the same fashion.
It is harmful and should be called out, but it should probably be called out everywhere instead of just making it an Atlus thing which kind of takes away from a broader discussion about tolerance portrayal in gaming.
As a gay man, super not stoked that this is still the stereotypical go-to hand gesture.
I have a strong feeling that the relationship between Atlus USA and Japan is weak.
What was their line about not being able to use the share button on PS4? "Our masters in Japan don't get it" or something
They didn't at all, don't see a problem with any of it, think it's funny, haven't grown up at all.
Less and less to like about Persona 5/this series as I go on, really.
Okama (which isn't their preferred nomenclature anymore but I've forgotten what the other one is and I'm sorry) culture is a distinct entity from Japanese gay culture, they are intertwined but not the same thing.The "Okama" stereotype seems very pervasive in Japan, and there seems to be little distinction between gay men and transwomen. Many people don't understand that you don't have to be feminine if you're gay.
This actually isnt the case. In many cases its the opposite where if your super macho and overly manly, your gay. So its not just a case of being feminine.
Okama (which isn't their preferred nomenclature anymore but I've forgotten what the other one is and I'm sorry) culture is a distinct entity from Japanese gay culture, they are intertwined but not the same thing.
you can date older women huh
what's the age gap ?
Forgive my ignorance, but is this a cultural thing with Japan, or what?
I mean, even BotW had a "flamboyant" gay character, albeit in a "macho" construction job. I'm pretty much a straight guy, but I was excited when I thought Kanji was going to figure his shit out and be openly gay in Persona 4. When that never happened, I was flabbergasted. It flirted with it up to the point of almost handling it maturely, and then *poof*.... nothing.
People need to get over it. Some folks is gay. It's fine. Represent them equally.
At a root level, Japan still has issues with regards to LGBT representation. Those concepts and ideas will have informed the creators of the game when figuring out their narrative. But ultimately how they chose to use those concepts - especially in a game normally about how stereotypes and social expectations are bullshit - must be laid at their feet as much as the society that fed them those ideas (particularly as counter examples do exist and have notable places within that culture).
I have a question, why does this problem seem exclusive to Persona? I can't think of any other Japanese games that ive played where LGBT representation is offensive. Absent is much more common, but Persona is the only I can think of that I've been offended by.
Nier Automata seemed fine. I remember one operators mentioning another female operator that she was in love with. As a positive example, Danganronpa 3 (it's an anime but a sequel to the games) had a major character who was gay and wasn't treated as a joke. It was part of his characterization and explained some of his actions throughout the show.
Point is, I don't think it's a Japan problem, it's an Atlus/Persona Team problem.
DanganRonpa usually has about two or three LGBT characters a game and barring one of them in DR2, they're generally not very offensive. Honestly though, it's pretty annoying to me that games can have themes like "embracing your true self" and "revolt against a society that puts you down" and yet it TOOOOOOOOTALLY glosses over these groups (I mean Persona 4 kinda looks into them before backpedaling at 80 mph) and yet games that have literally nothing with progressive themes have a more diverse cast. There are a couple of reasons I'm not really a fan of the Persona series but this thematic dissonance is a pretty huge one.
Wait who's gay/queer in Danganronpa? I can only think of Teruteru but that perv was more of a "anything that moves" trope
Well it is in Persona! It's especially jarring because some of these confidant routes go from building a friendship to "we're in love now I guess" completely out of nowhere. Ann's confidant route was boring as hell and all of a sudden she's like ILU. What? Why this game is held up as an example of any kind of good writing is truly beyond me.
You can date your could do it in P3 as well, but its over an MMO and she doesn't find out until the very end that its you. She still tries to get in your pants though for like half a second before she bolts in embarrassment.