So if I have this straight, in the JP version...
Title 158 was the suit costume.
Title 159 was the Haseo costume.
Title 160 was the pilot costume.
Title 161 was the high school costume.
Title 162 was Leon Magnus.
Title 163 was Suzaku.
Title 164 was Kyle.
...kayos, I think you might be disappointed.
Edit: I want to see if the Idolmaster costumes are still in.
Cheria's title 142 was her Vesperia costume
143 was her Idolmaster costume
144 is her small devil/imp costume
145 is her school costume
146 is her Natalia costume
147 is her Geass costume
Ugh, I'm such a DLC whore. I said I didn't want the costumes and I still bought it anyway. But, my actions means I can answer this!
I don't have Kyle's costume but
158: Suit
159: Pilot
160: School
For Cheria,
143: Imp
144: School
So I guess we are losing out on all the cool outfits.
Though can anyone find out what was Kyle's costume's number so we can maybe see if we are getting the other DLC.