Finally got a platinum on the game! Took me 105 hours and 2 playthroughs, but it was very enjoyable (except those Inn Requests... ugh). I never bothered going for all the achievements in Vesperia, but the battle system keep me going.
My first JP playthrough plat took about 110+ hours on one playthrough and I felt quite relieved when I finished it off. Two playthroughs are recommended if you don't want to tear your hair out, honestly.
I never bothered getting the plat for Vesperia PS3 at all. Xillia's plat is much easier than Graces' and Vesperia's by comparison because it's all grinding stuff.
Do yo happen to have EN <-> JP quality translations? That would be HUGE if so because the JP wiki lists what area to actually find each quality in
I'll try to come up with some based on both graphs. There is a quality list on the
Japanese Wiki which corresponds to the
Google Doc if you think it might be more helpful, though.
Edit: Here.
There are six ranks of qualities, so I'll organize them that way.
Rank 1
するどい -> Keen
かたい -> Hard
かっこいい -> Cool
うつくしい -> Cute
ざらざら -> Rapt
つるつる -> Oily
ごつい -> Buff
さわやか -> Cold
Rank 2
豪快 -> Grand
優雅 -> Noble
上品 -> Suave
古風 -> Olden
温厚 -> Sunny
頑固 -> Rigid
Rank 3
禍々しい -> Wicked
刺々しい -> Barbed
寒々しい -> Frosty
暑苦しい -> Stuffy
堅苦しい -> Formal
重々しい -> Solemn
Rank 4
野性的 -> Untamed
紳士的 -> Gallant
威圧的 -> Haughty
刺激的 -> Sketchy
神秘的 -> Magical
画期的 -> Epochal
Rank 5
ワンダフル -> Fabulous
ゴージャス -> Dazzling
デンジャラス -> Perilous
ソウルフル -> Poignant
ダンディ -> Vigorous
ハートフル -> Gracious
Rank 6
なんでもない -> Worthless
平々凡々 -> Tolerable
気にならない -> Easygoing
どうでもいい -> Diffident
淡々 -> Impartial
ふつう -> Competent
地味 -> Unadorned
目立たない -> Concealed
ものたりない -> Deficient
存在が空気 -> Pointless
Esura said:
Could you replay the future arc after you finish it?
You sure can. Just use the clear save from the main arc to start a new one up.