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Tales of Graces ƒ |OT| Gracing the PS3 with the Best RPG Combat


Yer crazy, AlphaDragoon. Future Arc is exactly what the game needed, considering the game led us on entirely about
Asbel and Cheria, Hubert and Pascal
and even the ENDING of the main arc
with grown up Sophie, because that was impossible and never even brought up once

Asbel and Cheria
has always been explicit enough. They're dumb, but we get it, and like you said the ending cleared up any doubt shippers might have. Future Arc is too heavy-handed about it and the really interesting part
wasn't the romance itself but the whole situation about needing to consider the future, Asbel's role as regent of Lhant and how you need to deal with time going on.

I already explained my view on the other part, but here I am again :
I think there wasn't any thing remotely romantic between Hubert and Pascal during main game. She was teasing him because it was the logical thing to do when a stuck-up ass like him comes into the picture, but that's it. Hubert being so totally in love with her in Future Arc came out of nowhere and was really unneeded.
Man, the Parasite boss on hard mode is absolute bullshit.

Might just ruin my Hard Mode streak.

I had both of my brothers playing with me and he was wrecking our shit!!!

Take a deep breath, go level up some of your titles to get crysas defense and try your best to kill the small slimes everytime they get out. It was smooth sailing after that on hard mode until
Yer crazy, AlphaDragoon. Future Arc is exactly what the game needed, considering the game led us on entirely about
Asbel and Cheria, Hubert and Pascal
and even the ENDING of the main arc
with grown up Sophie, because that was impossible and never even brought up once

I didn't need
Asbel and Cheria to happen period, let alone to get my gameplay completely crushed by 10-ton anvils about it. I was perfectly fine with him being clueless about it and it being used for laughs as Asbel/Sophie's friendship/familial bond was the main relationship in the game and they didn't need to supersede it for any reason IMO.

Hubert and Pascal wasn't stereotyped to all hell like the garbage Asbel/Cheria thing so I didn't mind it (I actually like it), but I also didn't need to get hit over the head with the romance stuff on their end, either.

About the only thing I think they "needed" to explain was the magic grownup Sophie, which I'm guessing they will before Future Arc is over.


Well I still can't really figure out a good way to make money, it's quite frustrating. Spend 2 hours in the sandstretch trying to farm Perilous shards and I only got 2 in the entire time. Yippee.

What are other people doing? It's going to cost me close to 700k gald just to go from rank 8 to rank 10 stamp at the Turtlez, not to mention all the other stuff I need to spend money on.

I've been doing this with Mythril Weapons (Barbed):

Dualize Solemn (-> Haughty)
Dualize Wicked (-> Wicked)
Dualize Wicked / Stuffy / Solemn (-> Magical)
Repeat -> Wicked -> Magical until sell value is high (make sure to Temper before checking).

Should only need to do this a few times per weapon. Takes no time at all with Miso Stew in the Mixer for 4x Tempering Rate and my current location nets me 6-letter Qualities most of the time anyway. If not, Olden leads to Wicked and has a decent Resell Multiplier and Inheritance in the process. I have so many shards due to playing on Chaos so doing this to try and deplete them is nice.

Too bad I still get them basically one per fight :/


I also enjoyed the resolution of the what-if scenario of Future Arc of
Sophie living forever, when everyone is dead. Plus they explain who that child is, which I'm sure many people assumed it was a direct descendant, when in fact its like, three descendants when both people have moved on at I assume some point. They even took the time to build on the whole "Lambda is my fwend ^^;" aspect. Though the only big hole is who Lambda went to after Asbel passed, I assume Sophie.

Future Arc saved the game, imo. I woulda tossed in the bin if I had played the Wii version.

So I've noticed my party using their special abilities which do a shit ton of damage, how do I use my own? I've tried looking through the manual (in-game) and didn't see anything about it.

I'm level 32 and about 20 hours in, if I somehow missed how to use it this whole time I'll feel like a.....well ya
Special abilities like the Mystic Artes? Hold L1 during a combo while in Eleth Burst

Yep, that sounds like it. When their portraits come up and this whole animation goes down, that's what I'm talking about. I haven't been doing what you said during an Eleth burst, so that must be it....thanks mucho!


So I've noticed my party using their special abilities which do a shit ton of damage, how do I use my own? I've tried looking through the manual (in-game) and didn't see anything about it.

I'm level 32 and about 20 hours in, if I somehow missed how to use it this whole time I'll feel like a.....well ya

There's two ways.

1. During an Eleth Burst, hold L1 during a combo. Depending on how high your meter is (1, 2, 3) you will perform the respective Arte. - you earn these from various titles

2. When you reach a combo of 25 hits (in the corner), hold L1 and your character will perform his Level 1 Arte - but you can only do this once a fight (I think you can swap characters and do theirs?) - you earn this from various titles


Ending Side Quest spoilers

The Fendel Valkines dragon is tough... i'm level 62 or so right now and I' getting wrecked when he starts breathing fire because the AI is too stupid to get out of the way. Any tips on beating it? Should I level up a bit or something?


Anyone know where I can find a prince plushie, lost anklet and feather badge are?

Also, about the rockagong.
I can get him like halfway, then he starts taking party members out of the fight for good, can't res or heal them. I'm assuming you have to burn him down before he does all this? Am I missing something?


Lost Anklet is a reward for collecting enough Magic Cartas (go to Zahvert Port, there is a guy there)

Feather Badge, Prince Plushie are Dualize items, I dont know the recipies, someone should have it posted somewhere.


Feather Badge:
Whirling Seashell + Hard Scale => Collar Frills
Hazardous Liquid + Venomous Needle => Caustic
Puffpetal Down + Caustic => Balloon Cloth
Balloon Cloth + Collar Frills => Feather Badge

You also get one in Wallbridge during a sidequest (well, I don't think it's part of the sidequest itself ...)

Prince Plushie:
Soft Stone + Lump of Clay => Bizarre Clump
Hazardous Liquid + Venomous Needle => Caustic
Puffpetal Down + Caustic => Balloon Cloth
Balloon Cloth + Puffpetal Down => Stuffed Doll
Stuffed Doll + Bizarre Clump => Prince Plushie

Probably got a few names wrong since this is from memory. Most the components are drops but a few are Discoveries (Puffpetal and Clay, I believe?).

Edit: In which case, those discoveries are in:
Puffpetal Down:
South of Barona along the road. Pretty hard to miss.
Lump of Clay:
Region 66, far east.


Feather Badge:
Whirling Seashell + Hard Scale => Collar Frills
Hazardous Liquid + Venomous Needle => Caustic
Puffpetal Down + Caustic => Balloon Cloth
Balloon Cloth + Collar Frills => Feather Badge

You also get one in Wallbridge during a sidequest (well, I don't think it's part of the sidequest itself ...)

Prince Plushie:
Soft Stone + Lump of Clay => Bizarre Clump
Hazardous Liquid + Venomous Needle => Caustic
Puffpetal Down + Caustic => Balloon Cloth
Balloon Cloth + Puffpetal Down => Stuffed Doll
Stuffed Doll + Bizarre Clump => Prince Plushie

Probably got a few names wrong since this is from memory. Most the components are drops but a few are Discoveries (Puffpetal and Clay, I believe?).

Thanks man! And ugh at inn requests. You think you are done, then bam, more pop up. Do you get a notice when completing them all for an inn?


Thanks man! And ugh at inn requests. You think you are done, then bam, more pop up. Do you get a notice when completing them all for an inn?

I have no idea, I just assume more pop up as you get to the point of being able to complete them. Or when the game feels like screwing with you and "lol, can you get me this shit? thx."

Seriously though, why are Frying Pans worth 9k? And what the hell are these people doing with these weapons I get for them?


lol, well apparently because I didn't find it and so I kept asking myself "how the fuck do I get Balloon Cloth"?

Well, it's hard to miss IF you go that way. I don't think that part of the South Barona Road is ever actually required to traverse unless you're going after all the skits or walking from Barona to Gralesyde instead of Turtlez. The plot reasons on the road don't send you up that way if I recall.


Perfect, now here's a little spreadsheet of my own.


Page 1 lists shard types and qualities sorted by location. A few of the locations I wasn't sure how to translate from the JP wiki.

Sneak Institute
Cornell Research Facility
Wind Machine Ruins
Alien Paradise

If anyone knows what these are, I'll fix it up.

Page 2 is the interesting stuff though. This way you can see exactly where the particular quality of shard you are looking for drops rather than looking in every single specific row for the one you want.

If you're looking for a Dazzling quality shard, for example, just go down to row 30 and see that it drops in Zhonecage 2F, Zhonecage 8F, and Sandshroud Ruins.

To keep the width of the page down, I've abbreviated the column headers. However, they appear in the same order as the list on the first page, so you can go back if you want. In the next update I'll add little hover tooltips to each column header.

Also in the next update I'll do the same thing for the shard types (e.g. Attack, Mind, etc). I think this way of organizing is far more useful than listing them grouped by location.

Finally in the next update I'll add shard combinations for each quality.

Congrats! :D

My first JP playthrough plat took about 110+ hours on one playthrough and I felt quite relieved when I finished it off. Two playthroughs are recommended if you don't want to tear your hair out, honestly.

I never bothered getting the plat for Vesperia PS3 at all. Xillia's plat is much easier than Graces' and Vesperia's by comparison because it's all grinding stuff.

I'll try to come up with some based on both graphs. There is a quality list on the Japanese Wiki which corresponds to the Google Doc if you think it might be more helpful, though.

Edit: Here.

There are six ranks of qualities, so I'll organize them that way.

Rank 1
するどい -> Keen
かたい -> Hard
かっこいい -> Cool
うつくしい -> Cute
ざらざら -> Rapt
つるつる -> Oily
ごつい -> Buff
さわやか -> Cold

Rank 2
豪快 -> Grand
優雅 -> Noble
上品 -> Suave
古風 -> Olden
温厚 -> Sunny
頑固 -> Rigid

Rank 3
禍々しい -> Wicked
刺々しい -> Barbed
寒々しい -> Frosty
暑苦しい -> Stuffy
堅苦しい -> Formal
重々しい -> Solemn

Rank 4
野性的 -> Untamed
紳士的 -> Gallant
威圧的 -> Haughty
刺激的 -> Sketchy
神秘的 -> Magical
画期的 -> Epochal

Rank 5
ワンダフル -> Fabulous
ゴージャス -> Dazzling
デンジャラス -> Perilous
ソウルフル -> Poignant
ダンディ -> Vigorous
ハートフル -> Gracious

Rank 6
なんでもない -> Worthless
平々凡々 -> Tolerable
気にならない -> Easygoing
どうでもいい -> Diffident
淡々 -> Impartial
ふつう -> Competent
地味 -> Unadorned
目立たない -> Concealed
ものたりない -> Deficient
存在が空気 -> Pointless

You sure can. Just use the clear save from the main arc to start a new one up.

This dualizing/shards/quality business... I feel dumb trying to understand it :p


This dualizing/shards/quality business... I feel dumb trying to understand it :p

Honestly, it's pretty complicated in the amount of "stuff" there is but pretty easy when you focus on what you want to do. Just copy/pasting my last post on this:

I wouldn't fret too much about them. Basically, all shards have two (well, three) components:

1) A Quality type; Cool, Cute, Keen, Hard, Buff, Barbed, Wicked, etc.
2) A Shard type; Attack, Mind, Defense, Resist, Aim, Evade, Rise, Exceed, etc.
3) A value; [1], [2], [3], etc.

When you dualize a shard with a piece of equipment, you'll get two immediate bonuses:

1) A permanent stat boost dependent on the Quality type; the Quality you get on the item is determined by the Quality of the Shard and the Quality of the item being dualized.
2) A temporary bonus effect dependent on the Shard type and value.

After fighting some battles, the equipment will become tempered (the name turns yellow) and you'll get an extra effect of +Damage% Dealt (Weapons) or -Damage% Taken (Armor). This, like the bonus effect, is temporary.

Now, if you dualize together two tempered pieces of equipment, you'll extract the bonus effect from them and create a Gem with both their effects. The bonus effects from the equipment involved will be lost (as will the tempering bonus, though the Gem doesn't get this bonus) but the stat boosts remain. Now, you return to step 1 and repeat the process.

I'd just try it out to get a hang of it. Take an item you want to dualize and check what your shard qualities give you; the game shows you them when you select them so you won't be doing it blind. There's also a list in the Library > User's Guide > Qualities menu. It's a lot easier than it sounds since it's basically just:

1) Dualize shard onto equipment.
2) Fight some battles to temper equipment.
3) Dualize two tempered pieces of equipment.
4) Repeat.

To give an example, let's take this list of Qualities and apply some things. The first thing to note on how the process works is all shards are split into "tiers" based off of how many letters are in their quality. So the lowest tier is for Cute, Buff, Hard, Keen, etc. with 4-letters and goes up to the 8-letter ones of Fabulous, Dazzling, Perilous, etc. The Easygoing, Tolerable, Diffident, Impartial, etc. ones are special cases so don't worry about the letter count in them.

These bonuses are from memory so sorry if some of them don't match up in-game. Oh neat, they're in the Google Doc I just linked. I should read what I actually link more often :|

So, first we'll Dualize a Shard with the Buff Quality onto a Weapon with the starting Quality of Cute:
Cute + Buff => Olden (+3 P.Atk, +3 C.Atk, +4 Accuracy)

So our item will end up with the Olden quality and gain those stats permanently. Let's fight some battles to temper it and gain +5% Damage Dealt and we'll Dualize this piece of equipment with another tempered one to remove the effect (and tempered bonus) from the Shard. Again, these stats will remain and the item will still be of Olden Quality at this point.

So, next, we'll dualize this Olden Weapon with a Shard with the Rigid Quality:
Olden + Rigid => Wicked (+8 P.Atk, +3 C.Atk, +2 Accuracy)

And, again, we'll do some fights until it is tempered and gains +7% Damage Dealt. And, again, this will be dualized with another tempered equipment slot to remove the effect of the Shard but those stat bonuses will remain and it will still be of Wicked Quality.

Now, we'll dualize this with a Barbed Quality:
Wicked + Barbed => Epochal (+9 P.Atk, +3 C.Atk, +2 Accuracy)

After tempering it'll get +8% Damage Dealt yadda yadda blah blah. Now, to demonstrate what happens when you dualize a lower tier shard, we'll use an Olden Shard here:
Epochal + Olden => Olden (+3 P.Atk, +3 C.Atk, +4 Accuracy)

So here it'll just take the effect of the lowest "tier" Shard Quality in the mix.

To sum up what we did though, we started with a Cute weapon and then went to Olden, then to Wicked, then to Epochal, and then back to Olden. This means you have a +4 Weapon (since you did 4 total dualizes) and you permanently added the following stats:

+23 P.Atk, +12 C.Atk, +12 Accuracy. Since your current Quality is Olden, you'll end up with a +5% Damage Dealt Tempering bonus once it gets tempered. The effect on the item is dependent on the kind of Shard you used; I'll just say we used a Rise Shard so we have +1 Minimum CC.

For the record, I chose Olden on purpose here to get us back to the starting point. This way you can then go into Wicked again by dualizing a Rigid Quality with the weapon and then go into Epochal by used a Barbed Quality next. If you had a lot of Barbed Shards though, you could skip that Olden step entirely and go Epochal -> Barbed -> Epochal -> Barbed -> Epochal -> Barbed, etc. to really get a lot of +P.Atk out of doing this over and over. This is basically the process I'd do to get a lot of P.Atk and some C.Atk/Accuracy onto a weapon.
Thanks for that post. Throughout the whole game, I haven't touched the shards or investigated the gems. You've motivated me to do so.

Right now, I'm trying to dualize every possible meal I can. It became a little annoying when I kept finding new foods (like Eel) and the Future arc added new foods, some that I think can only be stolen from enemies (like High Quality Beef I think it's called). When I dualize, I always try to leave 1 of everything, so it makes it harder.

I'm in what I'm almost certain is the last dungeon of the Future arc. It's annoying because it seems so large, bigger than its counterpart, which was already sort of annoying.


Honestly, it's pretty complicated in the amount of "stuff" there is but pretty easy when you focus on what you want to do. Just copy/pasting my last post on this:

I wouldn't fret too much about them. Basically, all shards have two (well, three) components:

1) A Quality type; Cool, Cute, Keen, Hard, Buff, Barbed, Wicked, etc.
2) A Shard type; Attack, Mind, Defense, Resist, Aim, Evade, Rise, Exceed, etc.
3) A value; [1], [2], [3], etc.

When you dualize a shard with a piece of equipment, you'll get two immediate bonuses:

1) A permanent stat boost dependent on the Quality type; the Quality you get on the item is determined by the Quality of the Shard and the Quality of the item being dualized.
2) A temporary bonus effect dependent on the Shard type and value.

After fighting some battles, the equipment will become tempered (the name turns yellow) and you'll get an extra effect of +Damage% Dealt (Weapons) or -Damage% Taken (Armor). This, like the bonus effect, is temporary.

Now, if you dualize together two tempered pieces of equipment, you'll extract the bonus effect from them and create a Gem with both their effects. The bonus effects from the equipment involved will be lost (as will the tempering bonus, though the Gem doesn't get this bonus) but the stat boosts remain. Now, you return to step 1 and repeat the process.

I'd just try it out to get a hang of it. Take an item you want to dualize and check what your shard qualities give you; the game shows you them when you select them so you won't be doing it blind. There's also a list in the Library > User's Guide > Qualities menu. It's a lot easier than it sounds since it's basically just:

1) Dualize shard onto equipment.
2) Fight some battles to temper equipment.
3) Dualize two tempered pieces of equipment.
4) Repeat.

To give an example, let's take this list of Qualities and apply some things. The first thing to note on how the process works is all shards are split into "tiers" based off of how many letters are in their quality. So the lowest tier is for Cute, Buff, Hard, Keen, etc. with 4-letters and goes up to the 8-letter ones of Fabulous, Dazzling, Perilous, etc. The Easygoing, Tolerable, Diffident, Impartial, etc. ones are special cases so don't worry about the letter count in them.

[strike[These bonuses are from memory so sorry if some of them don't match up in-game.[/s] Oh neat, they're in the Google Doc I just linked. I should read what I actually link more often :|

So, first we'll Dualize a Shard with the Buff Quality onto a Weapon with the starting Quality of Cute:
Cute + Buff => Olden (+3 P.Atk, +3 C.Atk, +4 Accuracy)

So our item will end up with the Olden quality and gain those stats permanently. Let's fight some battles to temper it and gain +5% Damage Dealt and we'll Dualize this piece of equipment with another tempered one to remove the effect (and tempered bonus) from the Shard. Again, these stats will remain and the item will still be of Olden Quality at this point.

So, next, we'll dualize this Olden Weapon with a Shard with the Rigid Quality:
Olden + Rigid => Wicked (+8 P.Atk, +3 C.Atk, +2 Accuracy)

And, again, we'll do some fights until it is tempered and gains +7% Damage Dealt. And, again, this will be dualized with another tempered equipment slot to remove the effect of the Shard but those stat bonuses will remain and it will still be of Wicked Quality.

Now, we'll dualize this with a Barbed Quality:
Wicked + Barbed => Epochal (+9 P.Atk, +3 C.Atk, +2 Accuracy)

After tempering it'll get +8% Damage Dealt yadda yadda blah blah. Now, to demonstrate what happens when you dualize a lower tier shard, we'll use an Olden Shard here:
Epochal + Olden => Olden (+3 P.Atk, +3 C.Atk, +4 Accuracy)

So here it'll just take the effect of the lowest "tier" Shard Quality in the mix.

To sum up what we did though, we started with a Cute weapon and then went to Olden, then to Wicked, then to Epochal, and then back to Olden. This means you have a +4 Weapon (since you did 4 total dualizes) and you permanently added the following stats:

+23 P.Atk, +12 C.Atk, +12 Accuracy. Since your current Quality is Olden, you'll end up with a +5% Damage Dealt Tempering bonus once it gets tempered. The effect on the item is dependent on the kind of Shard you used; I'll just say we used a Rise Shard so we have +1 Minimum CC.

For the record, I chose Olden on purpose here to get us back to the starting point. This way you can then go into Wicked again by dualizing a Rigid Quality with the weapon and then go into Epochal by used a Barbed Quality next. If you had a lot of Barbed Shards though, you could skip that Olden step entirely and go Epochal -> Barbed -> Epochal -> Barbed -> Epochal -> Barbed, etc. to really get a lot of +P.Atk out of doing this over and over. This is basically the process I'd do to get a lot of P.Atk and some C.Atk/Accuracy onto a weapon.

I will try to do the exact same sequence you did to get hold of it.
Is there a limit or can I keep dualizing the same tempered equipment until I get tired of it or create weapons with amazing stats?
There must be some kind of money exploit doing this :p

Quick questions:
- At what point are you able to steal from enemies?
- Sometimes, after a battle, the legend "<insert arte here> has been upgraded" appears (or something along those lines). I imagine the arte's stats are what got upgraded and the reason was because the number of times it got used. Is that right?
I will try to do the exact same sequence you did to get hold of it.
Is there a limit or can I keep dualizing the same tempered equipment until I get tired of it or create weapons with amazing stats?
There must be some kind of money exploit doing this :p

Quick questions:
- At what point are you able to steal from enemies?
- Sometimes, after a battle, the legend "<insert arte here> has been upgraded" appears (or something along those lines). I imagine the arte's stats are what got upgraded and the reason was because the number of times it got used. Is that right?

When it tells you an arte was upgraded, that's because you have a title equipped that ranked up, and the particular rank you just gained strengthened a certain arte. For example, open up your titles list and go look at a random one for Asbel. Maybe you'll see something like:

Rank 5 - Burning Blade Damage +5%

I just made that up, but the point is when you reach rank 5 of that hypothetical title, it will say "Asbel's Burning Blade was upgraded".

You steal from enemies by, coincidentally, upgrading your weapon skills as previously described. Sometimes you might get a title that says, for example:

Rank 3 - Moonlight Circle Chance to Steal Item

again hypothetical, when you reach rank 3 of that title it will give you the "Asbel's Moonlight Circle was upgraded", and now every time you use Moonlight Circle there is a small chance an item will be stolen.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Ending Side Quest spoilers

The Fendel Valkines dragon is tough... i'm level 62 or so right now and I' getting wrecked when he starts breathing fire because the AI is too stupid to get out of the way. Any tips on beating it? Should I level up a bit or something?
That thing is level 110. Don't touch it yet unless you're on Easy modo.

I have no idea, I just assume more pop up as you get to the point of being able to complete them. Or when the game feels like screwing with you and "lol, can you get me this shit? thx."

Seriously though, why are Frying Pans worth 9k? And what the hell are these people doing with these weapons I get for them?
The inn requests were stupid. That's why I said the Gentleman Defeated! trophy was probably the worst one out of the lot. More than the Arles Pot @ 9999 one.

They're going to do Suikoden II-esque cooking contests with those frying pans.


Thanks for that post. Throughout the whole game, I haven't touched the shards or investigated the gems. You've motivated me to do so.

I will try to do the exact same sequence you did to get hold of it.
Is there a limit or can I keep dualizing the same tempered equipment until I get tired of it or create weapons with amazing stats?

Glad to help :x I'm at work so my example just came from some random item as a base (and I wanted to start at the lowest tier); I'll see if I can give a "real" example with an actual starting weapon, actual stats, and so-on.

As for a limit, I don't think there's one. I have a Rare Sword+30, I think, on my Asbel. It does get pretty expensive, though. I think that sword is at ~40k or so Gald per dualize.

Right now, I'm trying to dualize every possible meal I can. It became a little annoying when I kept finding new foods (like Eel) and the Future arc added new foods, some that I think can only be stolen from enemies (like High Quality Beef I think it's called). When I dualize, I always try to leave 1 of everything, so it makes it harder.

I'm in what I'm almost certain is the last dungeon of the Future arc. It's annoying because it seems so large, bigger than its counterpart, which was already sort of annoying.

I think High Quality Beef is the 4 Stamp required item from Turtlez vendors. Every shop in the game has a few cooking ingredients you'll need stamps for. They're not limited to the vendor (to use the Turtlez again, they also have Minced Beef, Vegetable Set, Spice Set, Seafood Set which are all attainable elsewhere) but some can be found earlier/easier this way.

There must be some kind of money exploit doing this :p

That's the one part I left out since it's a little confusing. If you check the Menu > Library > User's Guide > Qualities menu, you'll see a list of all the Qualities you've found and what they do. Of those listed stats, you'll see Resell Multiplier and Resell Inheritance; these determine the value of the item you're dualizing.

One of the better low tier ways to get money is to try to alternate between Wicked or Frosty (2.2x/2.3x resell multiplier respectively with +90% inheritance) and aim for Magical (3.5x resell multiplier with +160% inheritance). Wicked + Wicked / Stuffy / Solemn should lead to Magical; Frosty + Solemn will also lead to Magical.

If we want REALLY low-tier shard burning, Oily + Keen/Oily => Suave, Suave + anything 5-letter is good and just repeat between those two. So:

Oily + Keen => Suave
Suave + Any 5-letter => Barbed / Wicked / Frosty (Frosty is ideal which is Suave or Olden)
Barbed/Wicked/Frosty + Oily => Oily
Oily + Keen => Suave
Suave + Any 5-letter => Barbed / Wicked / Frosty
Barbed/Wicked/Frosty + Oily => Oily

And so-on. Doesn't really require any "good" shards so it works really early game.

They're going to do Suikoden II-esque cooking contests with those frying pans.

I loved that mini-game. Good to know my frying pan empire is going to good use. They're made from Dragon Scales!
If you really want to steal from enemies, know which artes have a chance of stealing.

In my case, when I go through the A arte tree, the 2nd arte needs to be up/down, and the 3rd needs to be left.


Something I kept forgetting to mention. I really dislike how this game lets you choose one of four artes depending on where the stick is pointed.

In other Tales games, the stick would be neutral, up, down, or either left/right to get the four artes.
However, in Graces, it's neutral, either up/down, left, or right. It makes less sense to me, and as a result, I can't push down to do artes like Demon Fang and up to do artes like Lightning Blade. It might sound a little nit-picky, but it was really perplexing to me.

I think High Quality Beef is the 4 Stamp required item from Turtlez vendors. Every shop in the game has a few cooking ingredients you'll need stamps for. They're not limited to the vendor (to use the Turtlez again, they also have Minced Beef, Vegetable Set, Spice Set, Seafood Set which are all attainable elsewhere) but some can be found earlier/easier this way.
Oh, thanks for that info. I wasn't considering that the shops would have food unavailable or scarce elsewhere. I was hoping to not have to get shops to Level 10 for a while, since that's a totally expensive process, but oh well.


In other Tales games, the stick would be neutral, up, down, or either left/right to get the four artes.
However, in Graces, it's neutral, either up/down, left, or right. It makes less sense to me, and as a result, I can't push down to do artes like Demon Fang and up to do artes like Lightning Blade. It might sound a little nit-picky, but it was really perplexing to me.

The difference makes sense to me because you move your character in battle vertically in this game rather than horizontally.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
lol, scy, you caught on to dualization faster than I did. I was so lost when I started doing it for inn requests and harder battles towards the end of the game. After a while, it's just easier than it sounds.

scy said:
I loved that mini-game. Good to know my frying pan empire is going to good use. They're made from Dragon Scales!
New Suikoden games should have that game. Best minigame I've played through. Though the PSP Suikoden has like, dinner conversations. Basically, every time you go back to your HQ, night falls, and you have dinner with them. You can talk to people to build your rapport with them. It's pretty neat.

After you defeat
The dragons
, where do you go to finish the quest?
It unlocks Zonecage Level 10 (though you'll need to wager an item that's worth 204800 gald; dualize Pascal's Dreamer Flange from Rare shotstaff (from the Cube minigame) +High-grade crystal (and make it a Perilous nature cuz you'll need it for a inn request. You need a Dreamer Flange +2 so use a fragment that'll make it retain the Perilous nature while making it rank up.))

Something I kept forgetting to mention. I really dislike how this game lets you choose one of four artes depending on where the stick is pointed.

In other Tales games, the stick would be neutral, up, down, or either left/right to get the four artes.
However, in Graces, it's neutral, either up/down, left, or right. It makes less sense to me, and as a result, I can't push down to do artes like Demon Fang and up to do artes like Lightning Blade. It might sound a little nit-picky, but it was really perplexing to me.
It makes sense in this game since you're moving the character on a vertical line most of the time and just shift around with sidestep (or hold L2 or R2 (I don't remember) to free run and get penalized CC for it, I dunno).

But in other Tales games, it's different since you typically move on the horizontal line so thus it's either left or right to attack.

I can't remember off-hand, but in Xillia, it's like the scheme you prefer. I'm at school right now, so I can't check.


Oh, thanks for that info. I wasn't considering that the shops would have food unavailable or scarce elsewhere. I was hoping to not have to get shops to Level 10 for a while, since that's a totally expensive process, but oh well.

It's not AS bad as it seems. Dualizing costs add up so a lot of shops will go up without too much effort. Plus, selling some good weapons can clear most of it pretty fast! I got a lot of the shops up to 8+ with minimal dualizing for selling purposes (just the few for the titles for Asbel).

Edit: I mentioned it earlier but the Mythril Weapons you can buy late game come as Barbed so you can dualize them up in value pretty easily:

Starting Quality of Barbed:
Dualize Solemn (-> Haughty)
Dualize Wicked (-> Wicked)
Dualize Wicked / Stuffy / Solemn (-> Magical)
Repeat -> Wicked -> Magical until sell value is high (make sure to Temper before checking).

Getting it to just +5 or +7 (Magical two or three times) should net you 200k+ I believe per weapon. I'd have to check exacts when I get home as I'm doing this right now just so I can afford dualizing my real equipment :(

lol, scy, you caught on to dualization faster than I did. I was so lost when I started doing it for inn requests and harder battles towards the end of the game. After a while, it's just easier than it sounds.

Figuring out these things is like ... my job. Well, not really but that'd be something I'd be good at :x Seriously though, it really isn't too difficult, just has a lot to it. There's a lot of Qualities and the game keeps track of everything but the most important part: What + What = What. Sure, they tell you what each one does but keeping an in-game chart as you unlock them would've made it so much simpler.

New Suikoden games should have that game. Best minigame I've played through. Though the PSP Suikoden has like, dinner conversations. Basically, every time you go back to your HQ, night falls, and you have dinner with them. You can talk to people to build your rapport with them. It's pretty neat.

Cool. Dinner talks reminds me of the little scenes from Grandia :x Dang, I should just import this Suikoden and deal with the lack of understanding :(


It unlocks Zonecage Level 10 (though you'll need to wager an item that's worth 204800 gald; dualize Pascal's Dreamer Flange from Rare shotstaff (from the Cube minigame) +High-grade crystal (and make it a Perilous nature cuz you'll need it for a inn request. You need a Dreamer Flange +2 so use a fragment that'll make it retain the Perilous nature while making it rank up.))

Thanks! I'm still having trouble getting into floor 9. :p I can buy the rare weapon from the trutlez, but i'm assuming it has to be dualized just right in order for it to work.


When it tells you an arte was upgraded, that's because you have a title equipped that ranked up, and the particular rank you just gained strengthened a certain arte. For example, open up your titles list and go look at a random one for Asbel. Maybe you'll see something like:

Rank 5 - Burning Blade Damage +5%

I just made that up, but the point is when you reach rank 5 of that hypothetical title, it will say "Asbel's Burning Blade was upgraded".

You steal from enemies by, coincidentally, upgrading your weapon skills as previously described. Sometimes you might get a title that says, for example:

Rank 3 - Moonlight Circle Chance to Steal Item

again hypothetical, when you reach rank 3 of that title it will give you the "Asbel's Moonlight Circle was upgraded", and now every time you use Moonlight Circle there is a small chance an item will be stolen.

Glad to help :x I'm at work so my example just came from some random item as a base (and I wanted to start at the lowest tier); I'll see if I can give a "real" example with an actual starting weapon, actual stats, and so-on.

As for a limit, I don't think there's one. I have a Rare Sword+30, I think, on my Asbel. It does get pretty expensive, though. I think that sword is at ~40k or so Gald per dualize.

I think High Quality Beef is the 4 Stamp required item from Turtlez vendors. Every shop in the game has a few cooking ingredients you'll need stamps for. They're not limited to the vendor (to use the Turtlez again, they also have Minced Beef, Vegetable Set, Spice Set, Seafood Set which are all attainable elsewhere) but some can be found earlier/easier this way.

That's the one part I left out since it's a little confusing. If you check the Menu > Library > User's Guide > Qualities menu, you'll see a list of all the Qualities you've found and what they do. Of those listed stats, you'll see Resell Multiplier and Resell Inheritance; these determine the value of the item you're dualizing.

One of the better low tier ways to get money is to try to alternate between Wicked or Frosty (2.2x/2.3x resell multiplier respectively with +90% inheritance) and aim for Magical (3.5x resell multiplier with +160% inheritance). Wicked + Wicked / Stuffy / Solemn should lead to Magical; Frosty + Solemn will also lead to Magical.

If we want REALLY low-tier shard burning, Oily + Keen/Oily => Suave, Suave + anything 5-letter is good and just repeat between those two. So:

Oily + Keen => Suave
Suave + Any 5-letter => Barbed / Wicked / Frosty (Frosty is ideal which is Suave or Olden)
Barbed/Wicked/Frosty + Oily => Oily
Oily + Keen => Suave
Suave + Any 5-letter => Barbed / Wicked / Frosty
Barbed/Wicked/Frosty + Oily => Oily

And so-on. Doesn't really require any "good" shards so it works really early game.

Thanks again :D

If you really want to steal from enemies, know which artes have a chance of stealing.

In my case, when I go through the A arte tree, the 2nd arte needs to be up/down, and the 3rd needs to be left.


Something I kept forgetting to mention. I really dislike how this game lets you choose one of four artes depending on where the stick is pointed.

In other Tales games, the stick would be neutral, up, down, or either left/right to get the four artes.
However, in Graces, it's neutral, either up/down, left, or right. It makes less sense to me, and as a result, I can't push down to do artes like Demon Fang and up to do artes like Lightning Blade. It might sound a little nit-picky, but it was really perplexing to me.

I agree. I didn't realize at first what was so different about the battle controls, but that's exactly it. Left/right feels more logical when you are moving horizontally.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Thanks! I'm still having trouble getting into floor 9. :p I can buy the rare weapon from the trutlez, but i'm assuming it has to be dualized just right in order for it to work.
I believe you have to level it up a little. That's what I did, anyway. Though I wonder if you can get in with it being a vanilla Rare weapon. You can always try the perilous dreamer's flange for level 9, since if it's good enough for Floor 10, it should be good enough for floor 9. Edit: I heard that Perilous Valkyraffe (I think it's called that in the English version) works too.

Figuring out these things is like ... my job. Well, not really but that'd be something I'd be good at :x Seriously though, it really isn't too difficult, just has a lot to it. There's a lot of Qualities and the game keeps track of everything but the most important part: What + What = What. Sure, they tell you what each one does but keeping an in-game chart as you unlock them would've made it so much simpler.
I really wish they did that. Having to turn around and reference the wiki over and over to see what worked and what didn't was somewhat time-consuming. I always had to save before I carried out a dualization in case it didn't work to my advantage.

Cool. Dinner talks reminds me of the little scenes from Grandia :x Dang, I should just import this Suikoden and deal with the lack of understanding :(
Yeah, it does feel like those scenes in Grandia. You can choose to eat with people you don't talk to much, your favourite members, your current party, etc. Foods also give you certain bonuses for the next day.

I'm not sure you'll like the difficulty much. Crafting stuff is interesting and it's pretty basic, but the game is so easy that you don't really need it. Magic works differently too. You need to get magic stones in order to use magic, but they're pretty plentiful so you aren't really going to run out. And in order to execute skills or attacks you need to keep your "stamina" meter up. Regular attacks take up 5 points, I think, and some skills take at least 20 points to execute. It's... different, I guess.

But the voicework is top-notch, and the animated cutscenes look nice. Story's intriguing so far (and I'm honestly getting the most out of that), and the main character--even though he isn't a silent protagonist--is somewhat enjoyable. The rest of the game looks kind of dour in terms of the graphics/colour palette. I wish this had been sprite-based, or the backgrounds should have been 2D because I don't like the colour palette much. Oh, and towns and the HQ are point and click. And the camera in environments is pretty bad.
I was going to Platinum in one playthrough but as I came up to the final dungeon I realized I want to play again with stupid bonuses so I abandoned that idea and can't wait to play again... skipping cutscenes for the win.

Going to nail the final 60 second trophy on the way to New Game + then grab the one missable inn request on the way through my NG+ and just have a ton of fun getting the platinum.


I really wish they did that. Having to turn around and reference the wiki over and over to see what worked and what didn't was somewhat time-consuming. I always had to save before I carried out a dualization in case it didn't work to my advantage.

"Dualizing? Better save." Every. Single. Time.

On that note, I think I did solve that conundrum I had earlier. If you dualize, say, Attack onto two weapons and then dualize those two together to extract the effect, one of the weapons will keep the effect. I only did the one test where I remembered to check but it seems to be the case. I'll try more when I get home~

Yeah, it does feel like those scenes in Grandia. You can choose to eat with people you don't talk to much, your favourite members, your current party, etc. Foods also give you certain bonuses for the next day.

I'm just picturing that one group of people I never, ever use just sitting off to the side eating dinner all by themselves. Unloved by their cruel leader.
silently plotting rebellion

I'm not sure you'll like the difficulty much. Crafting stuff is interesting and it's pretty basic, but the game is so easy that you don't really need it. Magic works differently too. You need to get magic stones in order to use magic, but they're pretty plentiful so you aren't really going to run out. And in order to execute skills or attacks you need to keep your "stamina" meter up. Regular attacks take up 5 points, I think, and some skills take at least 20 points to execute. It's... different, I guess.

Meh, difficulty doesn't really bother me, just one of those bullet-list points kind of thing. And, really, I don't expect difficulty out of Suikoden really :x Even if this is pseudo spin-off territory.

Combat, though ... :( Oh well.

But the voicework is top-notch, and the animated cutscenes look nice. Story's intriguing so far (and I'm honestly getting the most out of that), and the main character--even though he isn't a silent protagonist--is somewhat enjoyable. The rest of the game looks kind of dour in terms of the graphics/colour palette. I wish this had been sprite-based, or the backgrounds should have been 2D because I don't like the colour palette much. Oh, and towns and the HQ are point and click. And the camera in environments is pretty bad.

Well, good on that at least. A shame about the camera and (some/most of) the visuals, though. Not really surprised on the latter after the initial impressions from the announcement though.


I believe you have to level it up a little. That's what I did, anyway. Though I wonder if you can get in with it being a vanilla Rare weapon. You can always try the perilous dreamer's flange for level 9, since if it's good enough for Floor 10, it should be good enough for floor 9. Edit: I heard that Perilous Valkyraffe (I think it's called that in the English version) works too.

Actually I have a Valkyraffe +1 with perilous and no dice.


What exactly are the requirements? I thought it was just
value? Can't you just dualize over and over until it's satisfied?


Obviously not. I have all the F arc gear from the final dungeon. +8 on most. I'm guessing it doesn't like some of the quality type or something.


Membero Americo
New DLC out I hear (you need to search to see it).

School costumes for $3.99 apiece, plus angel, turtlez, and cardboard box attachments.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
What exactly are the requirements? I thought it was just
value? Can't you just dualize over and over until it's satisfied?
Yeah, that's pretty much what you do. Max level for a weapon is +99.

Actually I have a Valkyraffe +1 with perilous and no dice.
I never used that weapon, but I believe it needs to be levelled up a little more if it's not working out right now.

I just used the Dream Flange for Lv 10 and a Rare weapon at Lv 9 (can't remember what level it's at and I can't check at the moment since I'm not home). You could use the Dream Flange for Level 9 and 10.

"Dualizing? Better save." Every. Single. Time.

On that note, I think I did solve that conundrum I had earlier. If you dualize, say, Attack onto two weapons and then dualize those two together to extract the effect, one of the weapons will keep the effect. I only did the one test where I remembered to check but it seems to be the case. I'll try more when I get home~
Do you know why the weapon would retain the effect? It's not something I really explored in-depth.

I'm just picturing that one group of people I never, ever use just sitting off to the side eating dinner all by themselves. Unloved by their cruel leader.
silently plotting rebellion
I've always wondered what Suikoden would be like if it had an S-Link sort of thing but you could reverse the S-Link if you don't use the party member enough or you don't talk to them enough so you'd have to re-recruit them again or something. :lol

Meh, difficulty doesn't really bother me, just one of those bullet-list points kind of thing. And, really, I don't expect difficulty out of Suikoden really :x Even if this is pseudo spin-off territory.

Combat, though ... :( Oh well.
Suikoden games are usually easy, but this is easier than typical games. The combat also has this thing where you could pair up ancestor and student characters to have them learn new skills. Pretty neat.

Oh, and the strategist fights on the front-lines this time.

Well, good on that at least. A shame about the camera and (some/most of) the visuals, though. Not really surprised on the latter after the initial impressions from the announcement though.
Yeah, the game really suffers with regards to presentation, but the story's pretty good. More political intrigue than Tierkreis, though it still have a focus on supernatural stuff too. I don't like numerically scoring stuff, but I'd probably give it a 7 at least so far based on the narrative and some of mechanics in the game. (Also voice acting and music. The Beginning theme combining with Into a World of Illusions/Main Theme made me nostalgia.)


Been playing this for a week or so as I just finished Xiii-2 not to long ago. The battle system is AMAZING. I love fighting in this game. Story is better than average for a tales of game, characters are also better than average. However, coming off of XIII, Xenoblade, the Last Story, and XIII-2, othe OST in Graces is very lacking. Everything else is pretty top notch though.
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