I am about to start the summoning ritual in Nia Khera and I am already tired of Xillia's fields. There isn't a lot of incentives to explore and I dislike playing "Where is Waldo?" for material spots and Aifread's treasures. I actually prefer Graces's narrow hallways fields (ironically, I preferred Legendia's dungeons to Graces').
So far, I am not a fan of the combination of TP and AC. The Assault Counter seems to be more restrictive than strategic. It worked in an absolutely fantastic way in Graces, so hopefully it will get better as I level up (and the counter number also goes up) and I get more skills.
Some questions:
- The materials found in the fields' flashing spots are used exclusively to upgrade the shops? The only reason to horde them is to basically wait for the multiplier?
- There isn't any weapon/items synthesis or upgrade? It all depends on being able to buy stuff from the store?
- No more cooking? Just buy a dish (1 per recipe) and use it before a fight... and that's all there is to it? No automatic usage? So, if I run out of dishes, I can't do anything until I arrive to a town and buy more?
- During over limit, you can chain between any linked artes? There isn't a tree/hierarchy and you can only use 1 distinct arte per OL chain (meaning, no spamming the same arte over and over). It would be like this: over limit -> arte 1 -> R2 -> linked arte -> arte 2 -> linked arte?
Early in the game you can reach the Xagut Floodmeadows from Nia Khera. It has lots of valuable materials for upgrading shops very quickly. And of course you can change the difficulty at any time.
Tried it on easy. 2 hits and I am dead