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Tales of Xillia |OT| - Teach me about Bazongas!


I really don't understand the Loot Lord trophy. I've been going around opening bags and shiny spots but I only get 2 or 3 that count towards the trophy for every 10 I collect.


Just because I am enjoying this game a lot, my fucking ps3 slim is doing all it can to die. Let me finish the game first, please. >_>

Anyway, I am playing this on hard and you guys weren't kidding when you said its not hard at all. Even the boss I just fought
went pretty well.

Never needed to use items, but I guess thats because the Fairy Circle (?) chain ability from Elize and Milla MILLIA feels overpowered, it simply leaves you with full health, unless you are not inside the circle, but still, you have the Jude and Elize ability that heals everyone on the field. :lol

I also noticed the cat girl form the beginning of the game (whats her name again?) is voiced by Ali Hillis right? She sure knows how to choose good characters to do the voice work. :p

Going after
now. Huh, lets see what happens... Anyway, I cant help but
feel Alvin is suspicious with all these secret conversations... I am not buying its a woman at all. He disappears all the time too... I am feeling the betrayal coming.

I really don't understand the Loot Lord trophy. I've been going around opening bags and shiny spots but I only get 2 or 3 that count towards the trophy for every 10 I collect.

I dont know, maybe it only counts the first time you open it? I mean, the treasures respawn right?


I'm going through the bonus dungeon and opening every bag and shiny spot I see, I was at 770 when I posted initially and now I'm only at 772. I'll see if closing the game and reloading does anything.

edit: ok yup, LuuKyk is right, it only counts the first time you pick up the loot. In case anyone is struggling with this trophy.


he's Virgin Tight™
I can't stop playing the damned game. Its good :p! Just beat that flying boss after that annoying trek through rocks and terrain. The monsters there kicked my ass until I realized.... I had skills I could active! :O! XD!

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I think the big fields have potential but they need to work on them substantially. Also towns have always been illusionary in most Tales/RPGs, though I was still disappointed that most towns were so small compared to fields. Leronde being only one street...
I always figured it was a railway station because of the middle of the ground in the town looking like parts of a rail system.

Half the time, I was wondering where the hell the train was!

But no, what I mean is that the towns are hardly interactive in comparison to other Tales towns. So you have a select number of people to talk to, the same voice clips being played over and over again to give off a sense of life when there kind of really isn't that much evidence of it, you can only go into certain homes (ie: not just every building you see has an entrance in it, and you can't just loot everyone's house now outside of drawers), you don't get as much worldbuilding as you'd expect because you're not talking to enough people from different backgrounds for the town and world at hand, and essentially they boil down to hubs for sidequests, shops, and main narrative events. Outside of that, there is probably little incentive to explore them completely. I find that to be an issue with town design in terms of exploration as the towns merely seem to act as not really setpieces for main events, but hubs for the player to pick and choose events and watch main events from. I can't help but to be slightly reminded of Sonic Unleashed or Sonic Adventure/Sonic 06's hub towns as a consequence, and those are towns from platformers.

I also... felt that the towns were too clean outside of one or two of them. You know what I mean, right? Sometimes towns just have shit laying about to convey the feeling of them being organic. Sharilton and
were the only two towns that I legitimately enjoyed on that front, just because despite the illusion of scale and acting as hubs for players, they felt more organic and had better tone than the other towns did. Those two did tone very right.

I could probably talk about the map structures and designs, but I kind of think that might be self-explanatory. I do think it's an unfortunate case of present RPG town map design, but I was hoping that Xillia would stick to its roots a little bit more.

The big fields will only live up to their potential if they stop committing the fatal errors in terms of dungeon/field design that they do.

The reason why so many people think there are so many encounters is because:
  • Well, they're playing on Hard. This is why higher difficulties typically do in Tales sometimes.
  • The environments are pretty dang big, with a lot of space to cover. This is the sort of thing that bigger dungeon rooms in past RPGs have communicated to the player --that encounters are more frequent than they really are and they would like to get through the map as quickly as possible despite the map being larger than other rooms/other dungeons. Many RPGs used to do this: Final Fantasy IV, Phantasy Star II, Lufia, Genso Suikoden, etc. It's not something you often see now, but when you see something like Time and Eternity and Tales of Xillia doing it (and both of these games are complete opposite ends of the scale in terms of enjoyment and resources), you're left scratching your head a little and wondering if they've learned anything at all about past games' dungeon/field design in the history of the RPG genre
  • Additionally, the fields are littered with nothing but sparklies and duffel bags most of the time. That is your reward for exploration most of the time. Unless you're hunting for trophies or are a completionist, you're probably not going to explore every single nook and cranny (including the holes you go into) for the treasure. There isn't much incentive, then, for standard players to look through your field environment. They tried to facilitate an incentive by making "collect 800 duffel bags" worth grade/trophy, but that kind of incentive doesn't provide any sort of meaning to the player at all outside of being a collectathon worthy of Donkey Kong 64. Someone I know calls stuff like this "Twilight Princess Syndrome" and he's not that far off...
  • Slower walking/running speeds also kind of hamper player enjoyment in these larger areas, too.
  • Possible solutions: certain parts of the fields should house certain monster types (a la the Calm Lands), fields should have some sort of NPC to facilitate exploration and don't have all the sidequests in towns (caravan NPCs, merchant NPCs, traveler NPCs, etc), increase the walking speed, explain why the fields are significant in terms of world building, minibosses on larger fields (ex: like Suikoden III had -- not just the fell arm beasts, mind you! Every field/dungeon should have one), etc. Just make them important enough to explore!
I probably pay more attention to this stuff than I should, but having played hundreds of these games, my attention's probably rightfully shifted into how stuff is designed, haha.

He can't make a decision for himself. Everything he does, he does it because Milla said so.

He's a not-crazy/not-completely-stupid Ivar.
Thank you.


My issue with the fields aren't that they're bland or anything like that but ... why are there like 40 enemies in some fields? And then like four chests per area (two hidden!) and five separate screens? Just kind of bothersome filler when I want to collect everything.

On the bright side, I finally stopped fighting every enemy!

He can't make a decision for himself. Everything he does, he does it because Milla said so.

He's a not-crazy/not-completely-stupid Ivar.

I don't see this necessarily as a problem since the game doesn't hide the fact that everyone considers this a bad thing anyway.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
My issue with the fields aren't that they're bland or anything like that but ... why are there like 40 enemies in some fields? And then like four chests per area (two hidden!) and five separate screens? Just kind of bothersome filler when I want to collect everything.
Tons of enemies on the screen in order to make the fields seem lively or in order to give the fields' size some sort of merit, when other things could have been done to ensure the field design is proper.

And yes! Chest/actual treasure placement is also an issue for me, because--again--the fields are facilitated more in the material treasures' favour than anything else... when you can also earn some of those via normal battles, too. Given the game's heavy reliance on the shop build system, it probably shouldn't be much of a surprise, but it's really not something I appreciate at all when sometimes you can find some of the weapons you've built the shops up enough to purchase in dungeons/fields, and sometimes the materials you find aren't even worth much anymore because you've progressed your shops to a point that make those items almost irrelevant. When you find a sparkly or a duffel bag, it'll add that icon to the map, but that doesn't mean it'll always be there to harvest.


So for someone who loved Vesperia but couldn't finish Graces (got pooped out), is this a buy?

(The main thing I'm concerned about is how dull those fields look, I don't think the series doesn't need to go to 3D, the fixed environments worked great.)

early in the game, in first chapter everything looks super dull and flat yeah. I think later it's a bit better, not much. The towns sure get better, after seeing how pathetic the early one is don't get discouraged.

Overall, looks like they wanted to make something like FF12 overworld, but it ended up way smaller, very dull and flat version of that PS2 game on PS3 :b they didn't have the budget/time for it imo, feels rushed.

The game is not a looker but I'm having lots of fun with the combat, skits and sub events are very good, main story is ok so far, nothing offensively bad or amazing. I don't think any of the characters are annoying, even the child one (Elize). I'd say pretty good cast overall.

I love the combat but feels very easy on moderate, now I'm level 30+ and spamming link arte + chaining after it's just too easy to pull off with right stick shortcuts, I feel invincible but it sure feels satisfying :b


Tragic victim of fan death
He can't make a decision for himself. Everything he does, he does it because Milla said so.

He's a not-crazy/not-completely-stupid Ivar.

Once you beat the game, read my big spoilered post from a while back. It goes into exactly why I don't like Jude.
they really needa figure out how to show damage models for these characters... it really does kill most 'feels'.

fight, kinda easy.... most fights are kinda easy after you get guard skills and a bunch of capes lol.


Does the EX dungeon EVER END? Feels like I been here forever. At least there are save points periodically unlike most EX dungeons but still, ugh. Going through this dungeon multiple times will be a nightmare, I just want to be level 99 and level 100 shops already. In fact the shop one is gonna take FOREVER.


Tons of enemies on the screen in order to make the fields seem lively or in order to give the fields' size some sort of merit, when other things could have been done to ensure the field design is proper.

Graces spoiled me with the like 3 enemies per screen :x
Probably because of system limits~

And yes! Chest/actual treasure placement is also an issue for me, because--again--the fields are facilitated more in the material treasures' favour than anything else... when you can also earn some of those via normal battles, too.

Barring some (Dingy Puffballs, steal4life), it honestly seems faster to just gather them rather than fight. I dunno, I haven't felt the need to grind them yet (though I probably will at some point, Chapter 4 with only ~90 Weapon and ~50ish rest) so maybe my opinion will change. I just hate all the hidden chests :( I keep running around looking for them and get sad when it's like an 30% Resist Cape and some bottles I never use.

I don't mind the shop system as a concept. It feels weird for a Tales game, sure, but it's not a terrible system. I'd say the same for a lot of the little changes here and there on various systems: Not necessarily bad systems, just awkward considering past Tales titles.


Neo Member
at the last part of the game; going to fight
Giaus and Muzet
so now at the moment just cleaning up side-quests/sub-events

now currently getting all those devil beasts weapons...kinda disappointed with the game's length; the first two chapters were about 10-12 hours each... 3&4 where about half that
at the last part of the game; going to fight
Giaus and Muzet
so now at the moment just cleaning up side-quests/sub-events

now currently getting all those devil beasts weapons...kinda disappointed with the game's length; the first two chapters were about 10-12 hours each... 3&4 where about half that

Ya I finished in 28 hours not really rushing


they really needa figure out how to show damage models for these characters... it really does kill most 'feels'.
indeed, I think they never used blood in any tales of games. at least from what I can remember.

about fell arms, do they get stronger if I kill enemies with them equipped or what? If not I could use better weapons.


Things are taking awhile to kill in hard mode. Just relying on mostly spells and link artes since I can't just keep leveling up my shops and buying equipment all the time.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
And that's why it was rated Cero C in the end.

Graces spoiled me with the like 3 enemies per screen :x
Probably because of system limits~

Barring some (Dingy Puffballs, steal4life), it honestly seems faster to just gather them rather than fight. I dunno, I haven't felt the need to grind them yet (though I probably will at some point, Chapter 4 with only ~90 Weapon and ~50ish rest) so maybe my opinion will change. I just hate all the hidden chests :( I keep running around looking for them and get sad when it's like an 30% Resist Cape and some bottles I never use.

I don't mind the shop system as a concept. It feels weird for a Tales game, sure, but it's not a terrible system. I'd say the same for a lot of the little changes here and there on various systems: Not necessarily bad systems, just awkward considering past Tales titles.
Probably because of limits, haha.

Oh, scy, you should use the maps on the Japanese Wiki since they'll show you where all the hidden paths are.

But I guess it goes without saying that I just hate it when games waste the player's time by doing some innocuous nonsense for the sake of spectacle as opposed of doing it for practicality. That's what these fields say to me all the time.

I don't mind shop build as a concept either, but its execution simply leaves so much to be desired. Especially since much of the build focuses on discounts, too. So you're getting to level 100 for discounted items that you're probably going to buy earlier on depending on how you play the game. Or you're getting to Level 100 for completion because you've unlocked the true power of the Fell Arms.

Does the EX dungeon EVER END? Feels like I been here forever. At least there are save points periodically unlike most EX dungeons but still, ugh. Going through this dungeon multiple times will be a nightmare, I just want to be level 99 and level 100 shops already. In fact the shop one is gonna take FOREVER.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Welcome to my pain, Bladenic.

Welcome. Enjoy your stay. (30 floors)


...well, okay. First time through, it's 20 floors. Second time through, it's 25 floors. Third time through, it's 30 floors. But you have to do the whole dungeon over again whenever you beat the boss before getting warped out.

Still... :)


I hope they don't censor the blood in the western release like Namco Bandai loves doing (Xenosaga 3 for example).

Oh and Dark Schala, I used Rowen's Splash trick. So awesome lmao. I got bored around 4000 hits, but I imagine I'll have to get way higher than that to get a lot of levels.

In fact I kind of want to do a Rowen playthrough now. He's so awesome. And he's less dependent on Overlimit than Rita was too.

Edit: 30 floors by the end? UGH. And do you have to beat the boss all 3 times for the trophy?

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Oh and Dark Schala, I used Rowen's Splash trick. So awesome lmao. I got bored around 4000 hits, but I imagine I'll have to get way higher than that to get a lot of levels.

In fact I kind of want to do a Rowen playthrough now. He's so awesome. And he's less dependent on Overlimit than Rita was too.

Edit: 30 floors by the end? UGH. And do you have to beat the boss all 3 times for the trophy?
If I did it twice, you can do it once. :)

Yeah, like I said, everyone's broken since there isn't much in place to hold them back a bit. And that trick's much easier when you have a turbo controller. So you could just leave it on and it'll go for the overflow limit if you really wanted to. It's boring, but yeah, the multiplier is worth it on higher difficulties. I did it manually since I don't have a turbo controller.

Oh, you know you can use Milla's (chapter 4 skill spoilers)
for this too, right? I used that trick, too, after Negative Holder wasn't completely cutting it anymore.


Oh, scy, you should use the maps on the Japanese Wiki since they'll show you where all the hidden paths are.

I'm in Chapter 4 so probably not that big of a deal to keep running along walls for a few more areas ;X

I don't mind shop build as a concept either, but its execution simply leaves so much to be desired. Especially since much of the build focuses on discounts, too.

Dump ~10 level worth of materials -> SWEET NEW STUFF! -> Wait, no discount on the last tier? Guess I'll wait! -> Rinse, repeat.

I've upgraded my Weapons twice so far: Once in Chapter 1 and once again at the end of Chapter 3.


So shop bonuses are affected by battles and time, it says.

Is there a set amount or is it a just random number of battles/time?


these single character arena fights are hard... what do I get by beating them? do I have to do it for every character?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
It doesn't have legs or arms flying around or anything, but generally if someone's stabbed/cut/injured/killed during the story, they show the bleeding, pools of blood, or blood spatter.

Wow, really? I have always been annoyed that despite Tales games constantly having scenes where someone helps out and gets injured they just kinda kneel to the ground and everyone freaks out, but the character model always looks the exact same.


Wow, really? I have always been annoyed that despite Tales games constantly having scenes where someone helps out and gets injured they just kinda kneel to the ground and everyone freaks out, but the character model always looks the exact same.

Well in this game, a certain person gets impaled by multiple ice spikes yet there is no blood at all. Makes it look like they didn't die because I'm pretty sure that would cause a lot of blood. Blood is nothing to shy away from and it naturally comes with violence so it needs to be shown.


So i made it to the part where
You learn about Elize's past and teepo's memory thing gets taken away.
i thought it was funny he still acts the same in battle and stuff right after that part lol.


When this game was compared to FFXIII I was expecting so much worse than what we got. There isn't an enormous lack of side quests and sub events that I've seen besides the odd omission of hot springs and a cameo battle (time constraints, I'm guessing). And it's nice not needing a damn guide in my lap to follow to the letter lest I miss a 20-second window for activating a quest. I like the fields better than Graces as well because of the better music, free camera, and more side areas that aren't barred off. The towns have always looked big but were small in reality, and the identical ports don't bother me because Abyss had quite a few ports that were all uniquely designed yet they were just as empty and forgettable as Xillia's.

Milla is awfully predictable and boring though.

It seems to me the comparisons to FFXIII came from lack of time/budget to implement everything they intended, rather than intentional streamlining and focusing on a heavily guided cinematic experience like I was fearing.


Someone tell me specifically how to get to
Elize's house
in the southeast portion of Mon Highlands. There are only two caverns (containing chests) in that portion and they don't lead to it.


It doesn't have legs or arms flying around or anything, but generally if someone's stabbed/cut/injured/killed during the story, they show the bleeding, pools of blood, or blood spatter.

It isn't enough to get a M rating is it? I know that Ace Attorney 5 got the same rating in Japan and got a M rating here.


I started playing tales of xillia for a minute and Millia asks Jude about his parents. Millia then asks if Jude has an Oedipus Complex, something she read in a book.

If you don't know the story behind him, he was a mythological king in ancient Greece who was prophesized to kill his dad and marry his mom. He was abandoned, saved by shepards, turned out to be a self fulfilling prophecy and unknowingly married his mom.

Now, Tales of Xillia does not seem to take place on Earth, it isn't logical that they would know about ancient greek mythology so I came up with a bunch of really silly theories because I thought too hard about a throwaway skit in a tales of title.

The area in ToX takes place on Earth.....25 trillion years in the future. Humans evolved to specifically look like anime characters and shoot laser beams out of their hands with ease. Rowen is actually Rowan Atkinson, whom you might know from blackadder or mr bean. He survived World War 3, but was directly hit by a nuclear missle and gained superpowers. Jude is a biblical name, also called Julien. In the world of toX however The Beatles song "hey jude" is sung as a sea shanty.

Evidence to support this theory includes Jude being a medical student. You know who else was a doctor? Dr House. Who was House played by? Hugh Laurie. What else was Hugh Laurie in? Blackadder. Who else was in Blackadder? Rowan Atkinson, who is Rowen 25 trillion years into our future.

My logic is airtight.
so... saints row 4 next week, but ff14 beta this weekend...

i just met
. about how much time do i needed set away if i'd hope to finish this by tuesday?
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