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Tales of Zestiria |OT| - Sorey, Modders did what Bamcouldn't!

Dude Guy

I wanted to play this hearing that it doesn't have a garbage cast like Graces, but I just can't get past that Graces-style battle system. I hated Graces combat so much that I know spending money on this one would ultimately be a regret because it's basically the same framework. And Berseria's MC looks like an edgelord with a stupidly skimpy costume. I miss playing Tales so much though. :(

Is such a thing even possible?!


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
and how you don't get stat boosts when you level up.
You do get a status boost whenever you level up. The only thing that doesn't raise is your Max HP, which gets a whole party boost with an orb that's dropped by certain bosses.

I've seen this misconception before in the thread, so I loaded an earlier save where I was close to leveling up to take before and after screenshots.

Stats on level 13:


Stats on level 14, same equipment:

So for someone who's played all the tales Games since Graces f , would a one playthrough run for platinum be doable? I hate excessive grinding, but I normally fight a lot in the overworld in Tales games so I'm never underleveled - but I normally alternate between moderate-hard. From what I've read , I need to defeat all boss' on Hard...But I'm more concerned about having to defeat the final boss on Chaos and the end game stuff. Thanks.


Rose just joined the team. She already has more personality than Alisha ever did. Why did people get mad again?

Eh, reactions from the Japanese crowd was a bit overblown if you ask me. The game's pretty enjoyable thus far (party member spoiler!)
even if I like Alisha's design and wished she could be a perm member,,,

It's easy to say that Japanese fans overreacted now because we've known for months about what the Japanese fans were angry about, we got not one but two improved ports of the game, and the game was marketed differently over here.

It's so easy to sit back and say that the Japanese fans' reaction was overblown when the context surrounding the game in the West is so different from when it released in Japan.

I don't think personality or Rose had anything to do with the issue people had.

From my understanding the issue was how it was all handled in addition to certain other issues.

You were prepared for it, they weren't. Different mindset going into it. I would've been furious had I found out the way they did.

I'd have been disappointed. But the ire of the Japanese fans had a lot more to it than the Alisha thing. That's just what was widely reported.

I've seen plenty of cases on GAF where people were hyped for a game and when they were let down in the slightest way, people got pissed off. I really don't see much of a difference between Japanese fans and fans in the West in this case. People can get hyped over just about anything. Gamasutra has pointed out that the video game industry and its fans/gamers/whatever are highly invested in this culture of hype where the focus is more on games that have yet to come out than games that have.
Is such a thing even possible?!

For me it is. I know people love Graces combat and I'm not saying it's bad, but I couldn't enjoy it no matter hard I tried to. I like the Abyss/Vesperia style. On the whole I miss a Tales game with the polish of Vesperia but it sadly won't happen again as Bamco is trying to keep to a lower budget.
So I was thinking of getting this or disgaea on ps4. Just beat DQHs. I like both type of games. Thoughts on which one I should get? Just looking for something until Fallout 4.

Tales combat is fast paced , Disgaea is slow paced
Tales wont take an eternity to 100%
Disgaea will take an eternity to 100%


So I've started the PS4 version properly today...

I am now the proud owner of this awesome HAT! :D

Tales combat is fast paced , Disgaea is slow paced
Tales wont take an eternity to 100%
Disgaea will take an eternity to 100%

This is true :p

That said, my plan is Zesty -> Disgaea -> FO4/P4D (EU release same week as FO4).

But I won't 100% anything. Just doing the main story of each and if I care enough to, I can go back and 100% stuff later on :)


never left the stone age
Is this game on the same level as Symphonia or better? Because I've only ever played Phantasia and Symphonia, so I don't have anything to compare this with and it looks nice enough and the battles look fun apart from the obvious camera issues
Is this game on the same level as Symphonia or better? Because I've only ever played Phantasia and Symphonia, so I don't have anything to compare this with and it looks nice enough and the battles look fun apart from the obvious camera issues

Better, but I dislike Symphonia and Phantasia so take that for what it's worth.
Is this game on the same level as Symphonia or better? Because I've only ever played Phantasia and Symphonia, so I don't have anything to compare this with and it looks nice enough and the battles look fun apart from the obvious camera issues

None of the ps3/4 tales games are on Symphonia's level. That said, it's still a pretty fun tales game.


I really feel like nostalgia clouds a lot of judgment about symphonia. It has really not aged well, gameplay or quality wise


Wow, well maybe I just suck, lol. But then again, and this hurts to admit, I do play on semi-auto, haha.

Though I think that part of it is that I try extra hard to not have any of my party members to not get KO'd at all, because that's a really giant grade penalty.
I wouldn't go as far as to say you suck! Maybe you're just not used to the controls yet, this game is far more complex then previous tales games I've played. It took me 2 tries to take him down, and only because I spent 30 minutes on the first battle trying to figure out why Mikleo's armatization did so much damage at first and then literally didn't budge at at the end.

Also I play on semi-auto too so no need to feel ashamed! I always associated the auto running as a core mechanic of Tales games so I never bothered changing it


I really feel like nostalgia clouds a lot of judgment about symphonia. It has really not aged well, gameplay or quality wise
I played it recently, and this is 100% true.

Anyway, about Zestiria, I always enjoy running games at nearly-perfect-IQ, and between the FPS lock and generally good performance it's really easy with this one. Some downsampled 5k shots I posted earlier in the screenshot thread:


I really feel like nostalgia clouds a lot of judgment about symphonia. It has really not aged well, gameplay or quality wise

I agree there somewhat. I loved Symphonia, but then I ended up liking Abyss a lot more.

But even if Symphonia hasn't aged well, it had some of the most creative puzzles and dungeon design of the 3D Tales games. It was all downhill from there. Vesperia was about on its level dungeon and puzzle-wise and then it went really downhill from there.

For me it is. I know people love Graces combat and I'm not saying it's bad, but I couldn't enjoy it no matter hard I tried to. I like the Abyss/Vesperia style. On the whole I miss a Tales game with the polish of Vesperia but it sadly won't happen again as Bamco is trying to keep to a lower budget.

Zestiria to me feels like a dumbed down Graces with fewer options in terms of artes, spells, and character choice.


It's easy to say that Japanese fans overreacted now because we've known for months about what the Japanese fans were angry about, we got not one but two improved ports of the game, and the game was marketed differently over here.

The ports didn't really change that much from the original PS3 version though. I'm still disappointed they didn't seem to touch the camera at all.


I really feel like nostalgia clouds a lot of judgment about symphonia. It has really not aged well, gameplay or quality wise

I think it's aged well, considering I just spent almost all of October playing it til I platinum'd it (220+ hours, 4 playthroughs, etc).

Gotta admit, I missed the 60fps battles but I got used to it.

I do fully admit though, I prefer Destiny PS1 and I am 100% sure that is due to Nostalgia. (though Destiny PS2 is best <3 )


Yeah, that was my point: you don't need to muck with fusion much at all to play as a casual player.

... If you are talking about Skills, those are Battle Actions in Zestiria. Like, they are literally the same types as the Vesperia ones.

And, you know what? Getting Battles actions is way less obscure in Zestiria than in either Vesperia or Graces:
in Graces you either needed to use a walkthrough, be lucky or have the Titles be linked to the story.

In Vesperia, you need to use a lot of gold and a lot of grinding for ingredients, AND you have issues with knowing where the ingredients are without a lot of work.

In Zestiria... you are told what most of those requirements are, and you then decide if you want to make the effort. Also, you get some via Story too.

I mentioned later however that there aren't nearly as many of those as skills in Vesperia or Graces, and for that matter the Xillias or even Abyss. You get a couple over the course the game and they're useful but it's certainly not as elaborate as skills in those games, nor do I get the impression they intended it to be. It's more of an auxiliary system, something you should watch and configure but clearly not the core of the game's subsystems like Weapon Skills in Vesperia and Zestiria, Titles, the Xillias' Orbs, or C. Cores.

Every game has some obscure or tedious abilities to find. It's nice that Zestiria tells you (Graces needed at least some kind of hints for some of those titles...), but in Graces and Vesperia you can play through normally and get enough. I don't feel any game, including Zesitira, asks you to make a big investment just to be able to get ones that will let you beat the game.

This isn't true though? I mean, if you don't muck a lot with fusion you are guarenteed to get stronger through randomly getting new weapons and fusing them randomly, as well as levelling up.

If you do muck a bit with it, you MIGHT get moments where you get weaker because you are losing a union, but that's all, and that's already "mucking a bit with it".

I don't feel you get weaker often in Zestiria, so I'm not arguing that. I do think, however, that "stagnation" is easier (more "acceptable") in Zestiria's core subsystem than it is in many previous games. It reminds me a lot of FFX's equipment system in fact. You can keep a lot of the same skills you had a good deal earlier in the game, or just do things randomly as you said, and even if you're not really getting skill arrangements that are much better than what you had many hours before, you can still push through well enough. I myself remember just trying to preserve the all stats Union bonus on Sorey for many hours since I didn't feel like using the synthesis system to build anything that could be better and more elaborate, and I never felt like the game tried to punish me for doing that. A game like Graces or Xillia 2, even on Normal, would be noticeably harder or more constrained if I let my Titles or Allium Orb stagnate in the same manner by sticking to a Title or Orb Element I preferred for so long, however.

I do think it's a testament to the flexibility of the system, it would suck for a lot of people if the game expected otherwise, but that is quite a difference from Zestiria's main subsystem versus something like Graces or Xillia. I think other games are much more structured to push you down a path of increasingly elaborate and greater abilities in their core growth system, while in Zestiria's you're given more of a choice in how and when your equipment skills get to a level of complexity and strength.

This is more untrue for Graces than Zestiria, though Vesperia was not bad about that.

Graces, however, had a lot of titles gated between random activations that severly increased one's power. Same for equipment. So someone with a walkthrough and someone without would have a DRASTIC difference in power really quickly. It was easy, by the time you left the initial Kingdom, to be almost as strong as a player in normal when coming back from the moon.

I guess if you count a guided run or a run where you're intentionally trying to make yourself really strong early things change quite a bit. But I'm guessing most people aren't doing that in their first experience through the game. Most people are playing through with the assumption that there's a normal growth curve that's good enough to get them through the game. I think Graces did well enough at that for most situations.

I think Zestiria's growth curve, when considering what the average player will go through, is noticeably flatter than a typical Tales game since you have more choice in how and when you get things, there's more of a zero-sum game to what skills you have rather than most previous games' "you can learn and retain everything" approach, and some of the abilities some previous games would just hand out are a tad trickier to obtain. It doesn't make the game harder, but it does noticeably change how character progression feels.

That's not what happens at all in Graces though...

How so? From the perspective of the normal difficulty (keep in mind this is my whole point here, I'm speaking from the perspective of the average player in their first run who I'm assuming is NOT regularly consulting guides, doing a ton of excessive grinding/farming, or playing on the hardest difficulties they can get to), you really aren't pushed to use Dualizing much. I don't remember really using it much at all in my first play through, using the titles I learned over the course of the game and just buying equipment was more than enough to get past anything. Maybe people didn't necessarily like it, but Titles were easy to understand, could be highly automated, and in a first playthrough usually flooded in a decent enough rate that you didn't have to watch it much if you didn't want to. You got more complexity added to the mix when Dualizing became a real factor in victory. It's how it went down for me and this seems to have been what happened with a lot of other people. In what context, besides the higher difficulties and post game I already mentioned, does this not happen?


The ports didn't really change that much from the original PS3 version though. I'm still disappointed they didn't seem to touch the camera at all.

Same. Would've liked to have seen some attempt :/

Oh well, at least a solid 30 fps is way better than my experience on PS3 during JP release.

Hopefully this won't be an issue with Berseria (and that it'll have decent multiplayer too)


I'm liking the story better here than in the last few, because it feels like a classical RPG, it really feels like you are exploring. The fragments of stories woven together shows that towns and people have their own problems and the towns are not just a field trip stopping point. But it seems most new gamers like for everything to be streamlined I guess?
I'm on the fence here. Wanting to buy it, but keep hearing how its the worst in the series.

Whats so bad about it?

If you liked the previous games then get Zestiria. People saying it's the worst in the series are probably the same people who can only parse things in two qualities; absolute shit and absolute perfection.

Buy it.

Well the porting team can only do so much without the input of the original devs who are most likely focusing on Berseria.

Looking forward to this one too. I would like them to close the gap between JP/NA release dates but it's probably going to be about the same as Zestiria's I'm guessing.


Anyway, about Zestiria, I always enjoy running games at nearly-perfect-IQ, and between the FPS lock and generally good performance it's really easy with this one. Some downsampled 5k shots I posted earlier in the screenshot thread:

pssh 1080 to 5k isn't as noticeable as 900 to 1080 :p

in seriousness the game's art direction is growing on me, i still find it's kind of weird compared to vesperia but I'm really liking it


People who are saying that Zestiria is the worst in the series most likely never played the game.

I feel like US complaints were so overblown only because they heard it from some vocal people during JP release, thinking it's the majority opinion.
That one dumb tumblr post and the whole Amazon thing (which happens to everything) did damage to people outside of Japan.


I'm a little confused with part of the story.

So basically the pope left the church because he was a coward, started doing underhanded things as the pope by selling fake addictive elixer to make money for the town he was taken into? By just bailing he indirectly caused the death of the cardinal chick by her going mad with desperation of a lack of unity among the people due to the pope's irresponsibility of going AWOL?

Lol, this was a bad "gray area" example, its still black and white after all because at the very end, the pope made horrible decisions throuought the episode that effected large amounts of people and just used his victimization as a scape goat to avoid taking any major repsonsibility for his choices. They should have had the story let him turn himself in, and the residents along with Sorey conclude to shut down the elixer sales, use the school to learn to mine for that fire crystal stuff at the result of the fire temple being nearby and go into trading. The conclusion of that section of the story was horribly done imo.

Excuse if I may have missed an NPC or some scene that clears this up a bit more, maybe its not as awful as I think.


Is such a thing even possible?!

Graces was a hot mess of a game with meh combat, a terrible story, and uninteresting characters. Easily my least favourite Tales of the last generation, but that's just me. That's pending playing more of Zestiria, of course, but I'm really enjoying the game so far despite how simple many of it's elements are.

But then, I never seem to like the "popular" Tales games, Abyss and Vesperia aside.


Graces was a hot mess of a game with meh combat, a terrible story, and uninteresting characters. Easily my least favourite Tales of the last generation, but that's just me. That's pending playing more of Zestiria, of course, but I'm really enjoying the game so far despite how simple many of it's elements are.

But then, I never seem to like the "popular" Tales games, Abyss and Vesperia aside.

Lol, have you played or know much about Tales of Destiny 2 the japan only one? Literally half of the party are a bunch of nobodies. And when I mean nobodies I am not being dramatic. You could literally switch out a support NPC with a basic side story and it would fit. I know I hate on that game a lot but it was just sooo damn bad its almost funny.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Zesteria is a middle of the road entry into the series. It's not great. it's not terrible. it's just alright. I personally am enjoying it more than I did Xilla 2.
I personally am enjoying it more than I did Xilla 2.

I don't know if I'd go that far. I enjoyed both Xillia games quite a bit. More than Graces f for sure. Probably not as much as Vesperia.

The equipment skill system is really throwing me off. Even 20 hours in, I only get the basic gist of it.


I don't know if I'd go that far. I enjoyed both Xillia games quite a bit. More than Graces f for sure. Probably not as much as Vesperia.

The equipment skill system is really throwing me off. Even 20 hours in, I only get the basic gist of it.

If it helps you're really only suppose to look at the skills, look at the ones you want, the bonuses you want and focus on building a character based on those powered skills, you could try to jack of all trade but you would really only make yourself or your characters a "Mario", okay at everything, but the best at nothing. Its not that complicated actually, the game really should have done a forced menu tutorial. I learned more by goofing around in the menu.


I'm on the fence here. Wanting to buy it, but keep hearing how its the worst in the series.

Whats so bad about it?
If you're a fan of the tales series, I suggest you buy it. The combat system is much more refined than in the other games, gives you a lot of options in terms of strategy (in the way they limit your attacks using SC). That being said, the biggest flaw I have with the game is the camera in tight spaces. It can get to the point where you don't even see sorey and his attacks. Also there's a lot to learn in the systems so you might take a long time to learn everything
How do you do side-quests in this game? I talk to people with the green exclamation mark to accept their side-quests, but it does not tell me where to go nor is it logged anywhere in the menu.
If it helps you're really only suppose to look at the skills, look at the ones you want, the bonuses you want and focus on building a character based on those powered skills, you could try to jack of all trade but you would really only make yourself or your characters a "Mario", okay at everything, but the best at nothing. Its not that complicated actually, the game really should have done a forced menu tutorial. I learned more by goofing around in the menu.

Yeah, I felt like the game did a really bad job at explaining the whole thing. So are you saying that I shouldn't be looking at a piece of equipment's base stats? Because I've been upgrading to new weapons and such every time I get the chance in a new town.

How do you do side-quests in this game? I talk to people with the green exclamation mark to accept their side-quests, but it does not tell me where to go nor is it logged anywhere in the menu.

Talk to the other human party member that walks around the world map with you. Their discussion options usually include the sidequests. There doesn't seem to be a quest journal in this game, which is irritating.


Is there a picture of the skill sheet/grid along with appropriate labels? I was thinking of making one because I'm not sure if you can access the skill sheet when trying to Fuse equipment. Right now I'm going into the Fuse menu then going back out into the regular menu to check what I gain or lose when fusing equipment that's already equipped to my character.
I'm just wondering, is there a specific reason why Shiina's tracks use live instruments while Sakuraba's don't? I know Sakuraba composed way more tracks but it would have been neat if at least a couple of them utilized live instruments. The only reason I could think of might be tied to Shiina working at Namco while Sakuraba's a contractor? That being said, Sakuraba's music samples sound higher quality than in past Tales games.
How do you raise HP? I know about the herbs, but increasing your level doesn't do it. Just got Edna.
You occasionally get a key item from defeating bosses that raises the party's HP.


Yeah, I felt like the game did a really bad job at explaining the whole thing. So are you saying that I shouldn't be looking at a piece of equipment's base stats? Because I've been upgrading to new weapons and such every time I get the chance in a new town.

Talk to the other human party member that walks around the world map with you. Their discussion options usually include the sidequests. There doesn't seem to be a quest journal in this game, which is irritating.

Not always a good idea, if you fuse old weapons or armor they can end up better for a longer amount of time, if you have good skills combonations you really want to stick with them. Go out into the feild and farm monsters for equipement drops for fusing up to 10, then you can get them blessed for a super bonus on skills.
Not always a good idea, if you fuse old weapons or armor they can end up better for a longer amount of time, if you have good skills combonations you really want to stick with them. Go out into the feild and farm monsters for equipement drops for fusing up to 10, then you can get them blessed for a super bonus on skills.

What do you mean by super bonus? I've blessed some +10 items and didn't notice anything all that super about them.
Not always a good idea, if you fuse old weapons or armor they can end up better for a longer amount of time, if you have good skills combonations you really want to stick with them. Go out into the feild and farm monsters for equipement drops for fusing up to 10, then you can get them blessed for a super bonus on skills.

Hmmm. Okay, I'll have to take a look at this stuff. Thanks.

Also, how do you bless your equipment?


never left the stone age
I really feel like nostalgia clouds a lot of judgment about symphonia. It has really not aged well, gameplay or quality wise

That's why I'm asking, because if it isn't better than Symphonia (by todays standards) it's not worth playing :p
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