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Team Bondi's L.A. NOIRE |OT| Watchin' Faces, Solvin' Cases


NotTheGuyYouKill said:
I asked this a page or two back but I don't think anyone answered, but:

I botched The Golden Butterfly case (one-star) and I wanna do it again. If I choose it from the Cases menu, can I continue the game from there upon finishing the case or will I get kicked back to that menu and in my main playthrough that same ranking and effects remain?

Edit: I am somehow at the bottom of the page. I doubt anyone will read this.
I will. Reverse post order FTW.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
NotTheGuyYouKill said:
I asked this a page or two back but I don't think anyone answered, but:

I botched The Golden Butterfly case (one-star) and I wanna do it again. If I choose it from the Cases menu, can I continue the game from there upon finishing the case or will I get kicked back to that menu and in my main playthrough that same ranking and effects remain?

Edit: I am somehow at the bottom of the page. I doubt anyone will read this.
the latter. sort of. you are literally kicked back to the cases menu. however there is no baring of results from case to case so it really doesn't matter. the only purpose to go back and replay a case is for ranking, trophies, or just plain entertainment.

rhino4evr said:
I guess I dont find the "gameplay" as weak or terrible as others. It really doesn't bother me at all. It's not exceptional, but it's servicalbe enough that I don't get turned off by it
like I said earlier.. objectionably I can't see how one could call driving or shooting terrible. easy? shallow? inconsequential? possibly yes to all three. but broken? difficult? unplayable? absolutely not on all accounts. shit implies fundamentally broken or near unplayable, something that can't be said about either aspect.
firehawk12 said:
Re-play cases is independent of your main playthrough.

borghe said:
the latter. sort of. you are literally kicked back to the cases menu. however there is no baring of results from case to case so it really doesn't matter. the only purpose to go back and replay a case is for ranking, trophies, or just plain entertainment.

Ah damn, that sucks. I guess I'll continue with that same outcome. Thanks.

The Captain chewed me out, so I figured I'd send the pedophile to prison instead of the husband

Evlar said:
I will. Reverse post order FTW.

Oh snap, twist. Didn't see that coming.
I think the annoying thing about getting the questions wrong is that its such a break from how evidence gathering is handled. In the latter, you are immediately supplied with tactile and audio queues that guide you toward success, whereas in the former you're utterly on your own and must rely on your own abilities.

T Ghost

Got my PS3 copy yesterday at BestBuy and it has the pre-order bonus inside. Game looks way more cool with the BW function on.
mickcenary said:
> ... If you take out the gun-play and the not-far-behind-in-utter-mediocrity driving mechanics, all you have is basically a point-and-click adventure. And while that still may tickle your fancy, that's not what this game is holding itself out to be; it would hardly be the package that I - and probably many others - fell in love with.
Actually, yes it is exactly what the game is holding itself to be. Everyone who knew anything about this game knew that it was going to be an adventure game. If you came in expecting GTA, it's nobody's fault but your own.

Also, the shooting is so easy even with auto aim off that I've probably used the cover system ONCE in 10 hours of play. Is the cover system as good as Uncharted or GoW? Fuck no, but it doesn't have to be considering how infrequently it is used. And if you don't like the open world, get your partner to drive. There, no more ruined game flow for you to complain about.
WOW. Holy Fuck does this game have one of the worst endings I have sat through, It happened out of no where and with no conclusion............

How does this game get such a pass for a great story when it is so disjointed


TheFuryMGS3 said:
WOW. Holy Fuck does this game have one of the worst endings I have sat through, It happened out of no where and with no conclusion............

How does this game get such a pass for a great story when it is so disjointed
Did you get the game early? Give others time to finish before telling them what to expect.


So, just played an hour or so. First impressions:

I really like the atmosphere, the music, the actors, the dialogue and the city as well. Really love interrogations. I just started the first traffic desk case, and I love it. Searching for clues is fun for me, and the atmosphere at a crime scene is well done. It really feels like you're a detective at times. The beginning was a bit of a rush, with several flashbacks, movies and cases, but I like this game. Has a nice feeling to it, the oldskool adventure gaming feeling. That's why I love it. I'm not in for the action, I just love to take it slow, and drown myself in the details and atmosphere. But maybe that's easy to do for people (like me) who have played so many adventure games in the past. Loving this game so far!

Far Cry 2 dev: LA Noire "derivative, uninspired"

Clint Hocking, the outspoken creative director of Far Cry 2 and Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory now working at LucasArts, has gone against the critical consensus for LA Noire and denounced it as "derivative, uninspired and narcississtic".

The proclamation came on Twitter, with reference to the ongoing argument between the games industry and US film critic Roger Ebert about whether games can be considered art.

"1hr in. Moriarty was right re games as kitsch. Derivative, uninspired, narcissistic. Nothing original to say, & said badly. #LANoire" posted Hocking, clearly unmoved by Cole Phelps' first steps towards detective status.

The Moriarty reference is to Brian Moriaty, a veteran games designer who sided with Ebert's 2010 assertion that "games can never be art" in a GDC presentation this year. Moriarty proclaimed himself the first developer to side with Ebert, and claimed that games are instead a form of kitsch art - that is, designed to sell commercially.

There's no doubt that LA Noire will meet the latter criteria, but plenty would dispute Hocking's claim given the game's reception thus far and the effect it's had on Take Two's share price. We'll have our own review up shortly - it's been delayed for the extremely boring reason that Jon's been so busy with E3 prep, he hasn't had time to finish writing it.
NotTheGuyYouKill said:
After 1 hour of play, sweet. He's just as bad as a troll.
Also, a guy that helped create Farcry 2 should not be pointing out flaws in ANY GAME.

LQX said:
Did you get the game early? Give others time to finish before telling them what to expect.
The fuck? He beat the game and gave impressions of the ending. He's supposed to wait a week before doing that?
So how much combat is there? Really don't want to get this and it be like Red Dead which had awful and way too much combat. The whole investigation stuff seems neat, just hope the gameplay doesn't ruin it like it has for most of Rockstars previous games.
BattleMonkey said:
So how much combat is there? Really don't want to get this and it be like Red Dead which had awful and way too much combat. The whole investigation stuff seems neat, just hope the gameplay doesn't ruin it like it has for most of Rockstars previous games.
Very very little combat. Especially if you avoid the side-missions.


DevelopmentArrested said:
After 1 hour of play, sweet. He's just as bad as a troll.
Also, a guy that helped create Farcry 2 should not be pointing out flaws in ANY GAME.

The fuck? He beat the game and gave impressions of the ending. He's supposed to wait a week before doing that?
Well yeah, I don't want to know what to expect from the ending. Its only been 2-3 days.

TheFuryMGS3 said:
With all do respect, I will state my opinion when I am damn and ready not when you are
Change your pad.


Net_Wrecker said:
You can always just turn the vibration off, but leave the music on AUTO so that when you've found everything, the music stops. As long as it keeps going, your know there are more things to pick up...somewhere.

Replying a little late as I posted that right when I went to bed, but yeah... that's how I have it set up at the moment. Seems to be a good compromise I guess.
TheFuryMGS3 said:
WOW. Holy Fuck does this game have one of the worst endings I have sat through, It happened out of no where and with no conclusion............

How does this game get such a pass for a great story when it is so disjointed
Cant be worse than Halo 2 ending
LQX said:
Well yeah, I don't want to know what to expect from the ending. Its only been 2-3 days.
Terrible logic. Why bother putting out reviews for games? Don't want to know what to expect from the game until AFTER I beat it. Ummmm..
Next time, he should wait one year before telling people his opinion just to be safe.


The Lamp said:
Yeah, I don't like the way clue-finding in this game really works. Regardless of whether you have hints or music on or off, there's a set number of clues in an environment you're expected to pick up to get a perfect case, and there's useless items thrown around the environment to make it harder for you. So you walk around and tap A/X until you run into something important. And when you run into something important, you know it is, because you'll zoom in and log it. It's almost oversimplified and overcomplicated at the same time. And once the clues are found, the crime scene is now useless to you.

My dream for a clue-based game is where you just search around the environment, they DON'T tell you what is a "correct" clue to log or record, you just look for everything you can that might help you, and maybe you'd be able to photograph evidence for observation later. Also, clues wouldn't be so black and white, good or bad. It wouldn't be like...oh...here's this useless cigarette.....and here's this bloodstain.

I don't know, I just feel like the way LA Noire does it encourages a very shallow type of detective investigation. You walk around until you bump into something outrageously significant, it's neither subtle nor encourages you to think or explore for the sake of piecing together events in an environment. I've never looked around to have to think "hmm....how did those bloodstains trail there...and then curve around there....and disappear here all of a sudden?" The game doesn't make you think like that, which is a pity. It just makes you walk around the blood trail tapping X until Cole stoops over and examines something significant. It's very unintuitive and disappointing in that regard, for a clue-finding game to be so shallow.

Still enjoying the game so far, but I really want a sequel. A sequel that gets rid of the open-world, designs intricate, polished levels for each case (similar to Heavy Rain), that allows Cole to be much more interactive with the environment (using a gun or tools, or shoot off locks or something), and a game that uses a much less subtle interrogation and clue-finding system. I'd imagine it'd be more frustrating for new gamers, but I don't want my detective game to be so shallow and thoughtless, otherwise it kinda destroys its justification for existing.

Again, a little late in replying, but I couldn't have said it better. The general intention is good, but the execution is leaving much to be desired.
TheFuryMGS3 said:
With all do respect, I will state my opinion when I am ready, not when you are

In spite of a few lucky Gaffers getting it early, this game isn't even out yet in Europe. So, with all due respect, get yourself well acquainted with the spoiler tag before you even think of posting anything regarding the end game.

And my jaw dropped at the FC2 devs trying to slag this game off. This comes after Cage's comments - what have TB done to deserve such public vitriol? Personally, I'm just glad I don't have a superfluous amount of diamonds to find, any respawning checkpoints to take care of, or a broken fast travel system to contend with.
MarshMellow96 said:
In spite of a few lucky Gaffers getting it early, this game isn't even out yet in Europe. So, with all due respect, get yourself well acquainted with the spoiler tag before you even think of posting anything regarding the end game.

Please state where a spoiler is in my post?

Oh thats right I didn't include one..............


DevelopmentArrested said:
Terrible logic. Why bother putting out reviews for games? Don't want to know what to expect from the game until AFTER it. Ummmm..
Not that I really care about what the rage dude posted... There's a difference between knowing what to expect from a GAME and what to expect from a game's ENDING. You can, for instance, post an informative review on Portal 2 that describes the mechanics and general vibe and makes a purchase recommendation without saying anything whatsoever about the last 15 minutes.
TheFuryMGS3 said:
Please state where a spoiler is in my post?

Oh thats right I didn't include one..............
I don't care because, as I said, I don't take you seriously. BUT.

If you don't like an ending to a game that's been out for a handful of days, and not released at all in several major territories, you don't say WHY you didn't like it. At all. The stuff you said COULD be spoilery if I thought you were reliable.
end game stuff being talked about? Fuck it I am out until I am done with this game..

edit: I trust everyone to be cool and spoiler stuff but when it happens on accident what can you do.
JetBlackPanda said:
end game stuff being talked about? Fuck it I am out until I am done with this game..
LOL way to react calmly

Evlar said:
Not that I really care about what the rage dude posted... There's a difference between knowing what to expect from a GAME and what to expect from a game's ENDING. You can, for instance, post an informative review on Portal 2 that describes the mechanics and general vibe and makes a purchase recommendation without saying anything whatsoever about the last 15 minutes.
if one random junior poster on a message board influences your expectations on something that much, you have bigger problems in life


"Kitsch. Derivative, uninspired, narcissistic. Nothing original to say, & said badly. "

That sums up how I felt playing Far Cry 2 perfectly.
Really digging the game so far. Couple hours in. Have had one crash (ps3 fatty 60gig), when I did a side mission, it locked up as I was chasing the guy down the street :/ Seemed fine if I just skipped that and went about the case.

I'm pretty much 50/50 on interrogations. At times, its tough to figure out what tree to go with, and like others have said, the things Cole says don't really gel with the questioning. I guess its just something that I'll get better with as I get farther along. Also, driving sucks, lol. Just let my partner take the wheel as much as possible.

Really impressed so far.
TheFuryMGS3 said:
Please state where a spoiler is in my post?

Oh thats right I didn't include one..............

I'm not saying anything about that particular post; I'm saying that if you want to flaunt the end game in our faces in future posts, do it with a degree of caution i.e. use spoiler tags.


works for Gamestop (lol)


A code redemption page on Rockstar's L.A. Noire website lists the release date of the Nicholson Electroplating Arson Case as June 21.

There has been no official announcement from Rockstar just yet.


rhino4evr said:
I guess I dont find the "gameplay" as weak or terrible as others. It really doesn't bother me at all. It's not exceptional, but it's servicalbe enough that I don't get turned off by it

That is what I said basically; it doesn't make me want to take the game back/stop playing it, but it definitely takes me out of the game and frustrates me.


DevelopmentArrested said:
LOL way to react calmly

if one random junior poster on a message board influences your expectations on something that much, you have bigger problems in life
Excuse me? You think I have problems in life? Based on that little reply?

EDIT: I think my point was pretty obvious: The discussion was about end-game spoilers. You started talking about reviews. They don't have much to do with each other.


cnizzle06 said:
Disappointment in ending= Spoiler?

Gaf being Gaf.
What, is no one reading my posts or something?

It's not the statement "I'm disappointed in the ending" which is spoilery. It's the "I'm disappointed in the ending because..." which is. Specifically, everything after the word "because".
I like the total disregard that Cole and the entire LAPD have for the rights of their suspects. I've searched so many places without a warrant. Some of the suspects even called me out on it and Cole just ignored them.

Just like the real police.
It is interesting to watch the Rock Star honeymoon period end so you can judge a game more accurately. Their games tend to cast a spell with atmosphere that makes people (particularly reviewers) ignore game mechanics and repetition. I saw the recent "is anyone else not enjoying Red Dead Redemption" thread and obviously GTA IV progressed out of the "Oscar-quality story" honeymoon pretty quickly.

I've learned that with every release of theirs to weather the early storm of "OMG I have never seen anything like this!" from the midnight release enthusiasts and people with two hours into the game, and wait for the real impressions from people with 12 to 15 hours ("It's the same thing every time! And driving takes forever! I can't skip cutscenes! My character controls like a turtle!")

It seems like they've perfected the art of the game that overwhelms you with a first impression so that by the time you realize how shallow the gameplay is, you've already told your friends to buy it. Not a bad business model.
Imperial Hot said:
I like the total disregard that Cole and the entire LAPD have for the rights of their suspects. I've searched so many places without a warrant. Some of the suspects even called me out on it and Cole just ignored them.

Just like the real police.

L.A. Noire seems to be somewhat influenced by the LAPD "Hat Squad." Also, bear in mind Miranda rights won't come into fruition until the '60s, I believe. Heh.

I should check Mulholland Falls out.
with some fairness to the Far Cry 2 dev, it seems he's disputing the notion that LA Noire is *art*, by siding with Moriarty who like Ebert believes that games are not, and cannot ever be considered art.

in other words, he's saying 'LA Noire, like all games, is far from being art'. by extension he must therefor believe that Far Cry 2 isn't art either.

i think it's a fair perspective for a dev to have however good or bad their game was. that said, i do not agree with that perspective, and i firmly believe that more than a few games qualify as 'art' in any definition of that term other than the ones which include 'except when in a video game' as part of it.

he's calling ALL games Kitsch, and i don't see why he can't do that, even if i don't agree with the assessment.


David H Wong said:
It is interesting to watch the Rock Star honeymoon period end so you can judge a game more accurately. Their games tend to cast a spell with atmosphere that makes people (particularly reviewers) ignore game mechanics and repetition. I saw the recent "is anyone else not enjoying Red Dead Redemption" thread and obviously GTA IV progressed out of the "Oscar-quality story" honeymoon pretty quickly.

I've learned that with every release of theirs to weather the early storm of "OMG I have never seen anything like this!" from the midnight release enthusiasts and people with two hours into the game, and wait for the real impressions from people with 12 to 15 hours ("It's the same thing every time! And driving takes forever! I can't skip cutscenes! My character controls like a turtle!")

It seems like they've perfected the art of the game that overwhelms you with a first impression so that by the time you realize how shallow the gameplay is, you've already told your friends to buy it. Not a bad business model.

So basically:

"I will only pay attention to negative views and scores."
David H Wong said:
It is interesting to watch the Rock Star honeymoon period end so you can judge a game more accurately. Their games tend to cast a spell with atmosphere that makes people (particularly reviewers) ignore game mechanics and repetition. I saw the recent "is anyone else not enjoying Red Dead Redemption" thread and obviously GTA IV progressed out of the "Oscar-quality story" honeymoon pretty quickly.

I've learned that with every release of theirs to weather the early storm of "OMG I have never seen anything like this!" from the midnight release enthusiasts and people with two hours into the game, and wait for the real impressions from people with 12 to 15 hours ("It's the same thing every time! And driving takes forever! I can't skip cutscenes! My character controls like a turtle!")

It seems like they've perfected the art of the game that overwhelms you with a first impression so that by the time you realize how shallow the gameplay is, you've already told your friends to buy it. Not a bad business model.
if you've played the games for numerous hours and have enjoyed it for numerous hours, maybe we shouldn't discount those initial hours as being a big part of the experience. if i had a blast for twelve hours before i started to get bored... you can't ignore that i had a blast for twelve hours.

and if you're using the driving complaint as one directed at LA Noire... then it's not a matter of opinion, it's flat out wrong. driving from location to location is completely optional.

GTA 4 didn't have an oscar quality story. it remains one of my favourite games this generation, and while i played it for a few hours when it first came out, i put the majority of my time into it a year or more after it came out, and really enjoyed the entire experience.

you're making just as big a mistake to wait for a backlash to a highly praised thing to start, as you are avoiding the initial hype. in order to get to the root of the matter, you have to wait until the backlash period is over, and people are coming into the game having heard both the hype, and the backlash.

i've had real actual enjoyment with this game so far, even if i've been tricked into enjoying it.

i still enjoyed what i played so far.


David H Wong said:
It is interesting to watch the Rock Star honeymoon period end so you can judge a game more accurately. Their games tend to cast a spell with atmosphere that makes people (particularly reviewers) ignore game mechanics and repetition. I saw the recent "is anyone else not enjoying Red Dead Redemption" thread and obviously GTA IV progressed out of the "Oscar-quality story" honeymoon pretty quickly.

I've learned that with every release of theirs to weather the early storm of "OMG I have never seen anything like this!" from the midnight release enthusiasts and people with two hours into the game, and wait for the real impressions from people with 12 to 15 hours ("It's the same thing every time! And driving takes forever! I can't skip cutscenes! My character controls like a turtle!")

It seems like they've perfected the art of the game that overwhelms you with a first impression so that by the time you realize how shallow the gameplay is, you've already told your friends to buy it. Not a bad business model.

News flash - not everyone is going to enjoy every game. I thought GTAIV was and still is the best game of this generation, but I do understand the criticiscm of it. Do you think every Rockstar title has "shallow" gameplay? Rockstar can market like a motherfucker though, no question.


Personally I think waiting for a backlash to get a game is one of the easiest ways to spoil your experience with the it. Instead of taking the game for what it is, sprinkled with the release hype around it, you'll be nitpicking it every step of the way.

I'd rather enjoy a game for what it is with an open mind, than play it after people have dissected the game for what it isn't.
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