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Team Fortress 2 Official PC Thread. SO. WORTH. IT.

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Son of Godzilla said:
You say that like me playing TFC not two days ago is abnormal :(

Really, I can't fucking stand Well. It's just not fun, I'm not sure why people like it more than Granary. I really enjoy clashing in the middle on Granary, Well's mid is way too fucking exposed. Hell, cap for cap Granary is just plain more fun than Well. The only thing positive I can say about Well is that the 4th cap being easier to defend that Granary's... makes it different than Granary.

Also it doesn't help that I just played a game where my team was convinced running 6 engies would lead us to victory.

It was worded harsher than I intended. I was just curious cause I've seen a lot of grumbling on the internet among the old guard and how Valve butchered some of the remakes. Between Well and the Dustbowl comment, I was just wondering if nostalgia was part of it.

6 engies will pretty much ruin any map though.

EDIT: And I was curious more about you wanting a CTF of Dustbowl than the current boring form. How long have you had it? Have you played Dustbowl on evenly matched teams with default settings? Cause I think the most satisfying thing you can do in the game is have your team win Stage 3 of Dustbowl. If you're basing this on limited play, I'd really recommend trying another server with balanced teams. It's pretty awesome when you finally break the defenses and make the final push for the capture.
No, I like Dustbowl. I don't think I've shat on it in this thread, and if I have I've long since changed my mind. Attack/Defend is just completely different than Control Point is what I meant, and I'd love to give it a try. By boring I meant specifically that aspect of the map. There's something far more hectic about having to track a flag on defense than simply every stupid attacker being able to win the game. I guess not boring, just underwhelming.

And my opinion of CP Well has nothing to do with any map in any game that shares the name.


Setec Astronomer
Son of Godzilla said:
No, I like Dustbowl. I don't think I've shat on it in this thread, and if I have I've long since changed my mind. Attack/Defend is just completely different than Control Point is what I meant, and I'd love to give it a try. By boring I meant specifically that aspect of the map. There's something far more hectic about having to track a flag on defense than simply every stupid attacker being able to win the game. I guess not boring, just underwhelming.
Icy said:
1 person isn't everbody.
"1 person" was who supported it in the first place! I hate it, and everyone that's mentioned it in-game hates it. :p

You should stop listening to lone idiots. ;)


Icy said:
1 person isn't everbody.

Anyone who expressed an opinion about it was against it. Like people said, it does make Granary somewhat playable, but it borks Dustbowl badly. I like the third stage in DB and we never play it anymore.


Bitches love smiley faces
Dustbowl is such a grind now on the second part now.

Change back the respawn rates, otherwise I'm just going to COD4. :p


Doytch said:
Anyone who expressed an opinion about it was against it. Like people said, it does make Granary somewhat playable, but it borks Dustbowl badly. I like the third stage in DB and we never play it anymore.

well let me see if I can set it per map..


Hitokage said:
"1 person" was who supported it in the first place! I hate it, and everyone that's mentioned it in-game hates it. :p

You should stop listening to lone idiots. ;)

I see maybe 4 people here complaining. we need at least 13 for me to change anything. I'm a lazy fuck.
it really does make the map unplayable...theres a reason for the respawn rates...theyre there for a reason. Dont make it shorter so everyone can just keep throwing their bodies out there to stop the attackers.


I have to be honest, I'd rather lose fast than win slow. I always appreciate a change in pace as opposed to the same thing over and over and over again until the map changes.


What's the deal with the .5 second captures on Well 5? I literally was right behind a scout and before my rocket could fly 10 feet he'd captured it. He was the sole guy and capped it literally once he stepped on it.

Is this the new setup from Valve? You just have to tag it and it's captured, or is it plugin related?

I saw it the other day and the other team says we captured it this way too. That's weak if it's a Valve change.


Puyo: I'm better than what you saw today. My lag was terrible (the internet connection in general). Pyros got their revenge today from my lousy shots. Had about a one hour window where it was halfway decent. When I got killed by a train that was literally on the other track, that's when I know my internet is el sucko for the day.


1-D_FTW said:
What's the deal with the .5 second captures on Well 5? I literally was right behind a scout and before my rocket could fly 10 feet he'd captured it. He was the sole guy and capped it literally once he stepped on it.

Is this the new setup from Valve? You just have to tag it and it's captured, or is it plugin related?

I saw it the other day and the other team says we captured it this way too. That's weak if it's a Valve change.


Puyo: I'm better than what you saw today. My lag was terrible (the internet connection in general). Pyros got their revenge today from my lousy shots. Had about a one hour window where it was halfway decent. When I got killed by a train that was literally on the other track, that's when I know my internet is el sucko for the day.

plugins can't modify capture points as they are set by the maps themselves.


jeremy70583 said:
For what? complaining about something that we didnt like and never asked for? I dont get your logic...

go back several pages. for the past 2 months the same person or people who asked for the spawn rate to change again were the same people who asked for it a while back and then complained it broke the game. and now.. we're back to that. baka.
Lol...shoulda just left it at default...some people wont like it, but like i said earlier...there is a reason for the timers being what they are.


omgimaninja said:
Icy, all the time you've spent changing the server why don't you just hop and play with us instead? :D

well i made the mistake of upgrading to vista... and yeah.. I get 1/4th the framerate I did in XP... so install I go back to XP this weekend. NO TF2 for me. Been playing WoW and working on a website.


Setec Astronomer
Icy said:
go back several pages. for the past 2 months the same person or people who asked for the spawn rate to change again were the same people who asked for it a while back and then complained it broke the game. and now.. we're back to that. baka.
Some of us learned our lesson the first time.
Icy, you said you need atleast 13 people to bitch to change it back to normal because your too lazy...yet you change it to 0 just to spite people...come on man just put them back to default.


Icy said:
go back several pages. for the past 2 months the same person or people who asked for the spawn rate to change again were the same people who asked for it a while back and then complained it broke the game. and now.. we're back to that. baka.

If that's referring to me, I didn't bring the issue up. Somebody else said you should install it. And I thought it would fix Granary, which it did to an extent. But I foolishly ignored how it would destroy Dustbowl and quickly learned my lesson by playing the actual game.

But I guess begging isn't enough. Once you uninstall Vista and actually play the map, you'll realize how hated the timer is.

So people is more like 1.5 person. You happily installed the plugin after 1 person asked and I think my positive assessment was after you already installed it and threatened to go all the way to INSTASPAWN (and the LOL about the 5 pages of bitching it would generate.)

EDIT: Just saw it was changed to instaspawn. This was threatened after the second post. So this is revisionism by Icy. Sorry, but it is.

Second edit: So maybe there were 3 people who were briefly and foolishly championing it. It doesn't change the fact it sucks to have to beg and gravel and be treated to even worse punishment.


Icy said:
well i made the mistake of upgrading to vista... and yeah.. I get 1/4th the framerate I did in XP... so install I go back to XP this weekend. NO TF2 for me. Been playing WoW and working on a website.


and how are you getting such bad framerates with vista? I run vista and get around- 40-70 depending on the level.
~Puyo's TF2 Of the Year Awards~

Worst Admin: Icy
100% sure his "E" key works: Nob
Player I have yet to kill ONCE: Zero
The "Where's Poochy?" Award: Quellex
Coolest voice: Sharkie
Best Name: F YO COUCH
Team player: Javaman
Hardest name to pronounce: XIZKSIZKZXK
Soooooooo Annoying as Spy: Giganticus >_<


omgimaninja said:
~Puyo's TF2 Of the Year Awards~

Worst Admin: Icy
100% sure his "E" key works: Nob
Player I have yet to kill ONCE: Zero
The "Where's Poochy?" Award: Quellex
Coolest voice: Sharkie
Best Name: F YO COUCH
Team player: Javaman
Hardest name to pronounce: XIZKSIZKZXK
Soooooooo Annoying as Spy: Giganticus >_<
I claim moneyhatz


All spies are retarded, in its current state its an unfair class. Limit optic camo by time constraints. I am so tired of getting killed, just cuz. Twitch should dictate FPS games, not patience. Fuck this bs. Anybody followed TGL? Did people learn how to exploit spies in matches?
All spies are retarded, in its current state its an unfair class. Limit optic camo by time constraints. I am so tired of getting killed, just cuz. Twitch should dictate FPS games, not patience. Fuck this bs. Anybody followed TGL? Did people learn how to exploit spies in matches?
Ahaha , bitter tears!


You just want to start another huge argument about spies don't you? They're the hardest class I've ever played in any FPS game ever. 'Nuff sed.


PillowKnight said:
Ahaha , bitter tears!

Not to willingly sound pathetic but it literally angers me especially when i am "TRYING". MASSIVE CONCENTRATION TO AIM DOT ON RETARDED TF2 HITBOXES.... *SLASH*OH TEH NOES YOU LOSE MANG, BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME. Its almost as futile as rolling the fucking prize shit on old mcdonald soda cups. Ugh poor poor poor balance. I cant believe these fuckers optimized counter strike at one point in time, it dosent show.

Theoneguy, did you ever play another FPS competitively or anything. Twitch>>>>anything spy related. Enough said. wow. The hardest classes to be amazing at are scout,soldier and demoman.


Scored 3/100 on an Exam
I'm gonna ignore warcock's silly remarks but just say that regardless Spy is so damn fun to play, and very different than any other competitive FPS experiance.

Also -- We're playing on east now, feel free to join.


KimiSan said:
I'm gonna ignore warcock's silly remarks but just say that regardless Spy is so damn fun to play, and very different than any other competitive FPS experiance.

Also -- We're playing on east now, feel free to join.

Kimi, I like(really really hate) your spy work! :) (however, I think if you changed from demoman more often that you'd do a little better)


Setec Astronomer
Not to willingly sound pathetic but it literally angers me especially when i am "TRYING". MASSIVE CONCENTRATION TO AIM DOT ON RETARDED TF2 HITBOXES.... *SLASH*OH TEH NOES YOU LOSE MANG, BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME. Its almost as futile as rolling the fucking prize shit on old mcdonald soda cups. Ugh poor poor poor balance. I cant believe these fuckers optimized counter strike at one point in time, it dosent show.
Get a spotter who can defend against spies for you. You know, teamwork.

Oh, and spies require a different skillset to be successful; doesn't mean they're as cheap as demomen. :D


Not to willingly sound pathetic but it literally angers me especially when i am "TRYING". MASSIVE CONCENTRATION TO AIM DOT ON RETARDED TF2 HITBOXES.... *SLASH*OH TEH NOES YOU LOSE MANG, BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME. Its almost as futile as rolling the fucking prize shit on old mcdonald soda cups. Ugh poor poor poor balance. I cant believe these fuckers optimized counter strike at one point in time, it dosent show.

Theoneguy, did you ever play another FPS competitively or anything. Twitch>>>>anything spy related. Enough said. wow. The hardest classes to be amazing at are scout,soldier and demoman.

Spies are completely useless in a competitive TF2 setting though. If you're a good enough team, there should be no reason to fear them. Just don't expect to get that in a pub. I love being spy and find them balanced.


Setec Astronomer
WhatRuOn said:
What is this nonsense?
They're just my bane. I honestly think that every class except maybe pyro could make a case for being "overpowered", but the class that I have the most trouble with are demomen. ;)


Theoneguy, did you ever play another FPS competitively or anything. Twitch>>>>anything spy related. Enough said. wow. The hardest classes to be amazing at are scout,soldier and demoman.
No, I've never played any game competitively ever. I don't think I'm good enough, so I don't bother. I mean, I do all right as demoman and soldier in TF2, and usually get in the top 3 on the scoreboard (unless I'm just having a bad day... which seems to happen a lot lately). But "all right" isn't "good". And TF2 is the only FPS I've ever been even "all right" at.

As Firestorm pointed out, though, I don't think spies would be that useful in a truly competitive environment, where the teammates all know each other, so I'm not sure what playing competitively has to do with anything. O:

I will agree that good scouts are awe inspiring.

No one knows that I'm Twig. ;_;

/me hops on East.


Respawn is back to normal. Reserved slots are back on.

New game MOD. Called WARCOCK Mode.

When WARCOCK enters the game, it becomes a 23 spy vs 1 bitch Death Match.


Bitches love smiley faces
Hitokage said:
They're just my bane. I honestly think that every class except maybe pyro could make a case for being "overpowered", but the class that I have the most trouble with are demomen. ;)
Same here... for some reason, maybe people are just getting better at demo, they're giving me the worst time.
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