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Team Fortress 2 Official PC Thread. SO. WORTH. IT.

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Pillowknight, man, can't we be friends? Yesterday you kept joining the other team. It's like you didn't wanna be on my team at all. And Zero kept joining my side too, so we could have had 3 gaffers:)

Seriously, though, Pillowknight does make some good points about the medic. If a medic suddenly leaves, it's probably a good idea to swing around as quickly as possible.

I don't really have this issue on CircleX, however, since I'm never really medic'ed. It seems the only real time I get a medic on me is a questionable uber or when there's a ton of enemies, I charge, and am hung out to dry. But I've begun to change my strategy and just assume I'm lone wolfing the entire time. And if a medic joins me, not to change tactics. I'm still a little rusty, so I'm sure I haven't exactly been wowing the medics, either; but that's okay. I'm actually kind of enjoying the occasional bout with supreme mediocrity.
1-D_FTW said:
Pillowknight, man, can't we be friends? Yesterday you kept joining the other team. It's like you didn't wanna be on my team at all. And Zero kept joining my side too, so we could have had 3 gaffers:)
You guys were already steamrolling , I wasn't gonna come in and help keep the steamroll going. I figured we'd have a better game being on separate teams.


Has anyone seen the plugin / whatever that lets you play sound clips through voice chat?

I'd love to get my hands on that. I've got a massive amount of source material...


SexConker said:
Has anyone seen the plugin / whatever that lets you play sound clips through voice chat?

I'd love to get my hands on that. I've got a massive amount of source material...
Most servers would kick/ban you for it. Except for the 4chan servers of course.


or google search "hldj"


PillowKnight said:
Lies! Yeah that guy was being a dumbass, which is why I switched to medic.

As far as leaving you, that last time I left because a pyro ambushed us, if i'd stayed I wouldve been dead in seconds. If I ran forward, I'd run straight into enemy fire, if I stayed in place the pyro would have eaten me alive. IMO my ubercharge is more valuable than your life in that situation.

In defense of the medic who switches targets, multiple players are much more valuable than a single player, so if someone else is terminal even if you are fighting against huge group of players it's often best to focus on them to get them back into action. This is mucky territory though, I usually heal whoever has the lowest health, which means that the heavy that's standing there firing away will get a bit lonely--it's definitely a trade off but I usually expect the heavy to back off if it's too much for him.

Watching you play, I couldn't help but nitpick, here's what I saw. You need to learn how to pace yourself with your team. If you see yourself surrounded , retreat, before things get rough. It only takes a second to bring a heavy down when four or more enemies are firing. If you manage to find a more advantageous position (Ie, you get to open fire before they get to open fire), or higher ground which makes you a harder target to hit with rockets rockets.

Basically consider your position, there is a huge difference between standing in the open with 40 hp and standing at a corner(or on higher ground) with 40 hp. If a medic runs, a good 90% of the time that's also your cue to run and find a more advantageous position. The position we were in when I ran at the end of the match was a very very poor one; we were on lower ground, the enemy had a very easy route to flank us through, and I couldn't actually see but i'm sure we were outnumbered 3:1 considering how fast you went down.
I killed that pyro the second you were around the corner. :p Its ok, I play medic enough to know the feeling though.

As for my heavy play, yeah I wasn't doing too well that day, but generally if I'm surrounded as heavy(with minigun out) I assume I'll die during wind down unless I'm playing against the worst players in the world, so I might as well test my odds at finishing them off. :p


You know what Valve needs to do? Give the medic a Help key. Press the button when you're a medic and he shouts, "Help!" Or something like that. Something that instantly alerts people a medic is being attacked. A medic hitting E doesn't help since so many people spam that button.


1-D_FTW said:
You know what Valve needs to do? Give the medic a Help key. Press the button when you're a medic and he shouts, "Help!" Or something like that. Something that instantly alerts people a medic is being attacked. A medic hitting E doesn't help since so many people spam that button.



Well you could bind a key to play the Help! voice clip. But that might not bas as... strong (?) as you mean it should be.


I think a distinct "911" scream would be best. And with direction arrows for everyone (like a medic sees E) that lasted for 2-3 seconds. That way it wouldn't linger when he was no longer in danger, but it'd allow people to quickly know what's up.

I suppose people could argue that would make the medic too strong, but based on the fact he's the least played, I think it would be a welcome addition. A quick ambush is still gonna kill him, but at least he'd have a fighting chance against flanks.


Anyone want to add me on steam? To play or whatever. My SteamID is tehcrucible.
I just got this game recently and it's so awesome. I've really only been playing on 24/7 dustbowl servers, though. Best map ever. =D


PotatoeMasher said:
The server seems to have been stuck on Horus all day today.

That's the most stupid thing with the server. If nobody plays a map, it will not change. Yesterday, we had to play Horus for 30-35 minutes to finally change the map.

So, you just need two courageous people.

Of course, if Horus wasn't in the rotation, this problem wouldn't exist.
n0b said:
I killed that pyro the second you were around the corner. :p Its ok, I play medic enough to know the feeling though.

As for my heavy play, yeah I wasn't doing too well that day, but generally if I'm surrounded as heavy(with minigun out) I assume I'll die during wind down unless I'm playing against the worst players in the world, so I might as well test my odds at finishing them off. :p
Try running every once in a while, you might be surprised. I see what you mean though, medics cant really see what you're fighting so the only indication you're about to go down is to see how fast your HP goes down.

Stalker that's a pretty awesome idea, i've often hit the medic call button in hopes someone will notice and save me.


Played a couple of games on The Ville #1 today, seems to be a good server, though most people are pretty quiet.

They had a couple of customs called Wolf and Toy Fort that I think would work great on the GAF server. Wolf is a gravelpit style three point cap map while Toy fort is a five-point push cap map. Both maps are small/medium, very action heavy and the meatgrinding can go either way.

Worth a look, imo.


Yeah I usually hit the Medic button as a quick way of saying I need health. Or just say in the mic "low on health".

I usually stick to TheVille, circleX, and [-Q-] servers nowadays too. GAF if regulars are on and it's not a dumb map.


I haven't been paying attention to the TF2 server for awhile and it's changed a lot... No Crits? Hmm... I'll have to play to see how awesome or awful it is.


Davidion said:
Played a couple of games on The Ville #1 today, seems to be a good server, though most people are pretty quiet.

They had a couple of customs called Wolf and Toy Fort that I think would work great on the GAF server. Wolf is a gravelpit style three point cap map while Toy fort is a five-point push cap map. Both maps are small/medium, very action heavy and the meatgrinding can go either way.

Worth a look, imo.

I was one of the first servers with those maps. No one liked them. So took them out.


Server will be coming to an end in February. I've had 4 "chargebacks" on donations in the past few days. Amazon is showing them as claimed as "fraudulent" use of cards used to make donations. Pretty sad if thats true that people did that! I mean get real! So now as of this posting, Been hit with $60.00 I owe to Amazon.. and server costs are $50.00 monthly. So when it goes down next month, you guys know why.
Icy said:
Yeah I turned on badlands. and LIke i've explained, it doesn't matter if its a great map or shitty map. Large downloads = Fail. Badlands Classic is a larger download than Horus. 55mb.

Icy, I'll be the last to trash customs in general, 'cause there are definetely some I like such as Castle and Casbah. Oh, and Warpath. But Horus...I seriously have not come across anyone (except you perhaps) that likes that map. Would you consider taking it out of rotation?
Icy said:
Server will be coming to an end in February. I've had 4 "chargebacks" on donations in the past few days. Amazon is showing them as claimed as "fraudulent" use of cards used to make donations. Pretty sad if thats true that people did that! I mean get real! So now as of this posting, Been hit with $60.00 I owe to Amazon.. and server costs are $50.00 monthly. So when it goes down next month, you guys know why.

You've had a very bad run with charge backs. First on paypal where all the money was lost, then on amazon. Maybe you should consider giving out the names of those people, i'm sure amazon has sent you some account information , ie amazon accounts. Maybe you can link the posters to their amazon account and the mods can do something about it.


Icy said:
Server will be coming to an end in February. I've had 4 "chargebacks" on donations in the past few days. Amazon is showing them as claimed as "fraudulent" use of cards used to make donations. Pretty sad if thats true that people did that! I mean get real! So now as of this posting, Been hit with $60.00 I owe to Amazon.. and server costs are $50.00 monthly. So when it goes down next month, you guys know why.

... well fuck.


PillowKnight said:

You've had a very bad run with charge backs. First on paypal where all the money was lost, then on amazon. Maybe you should consider giving out the names of those people, i'm sure amazon has sent you some account information , ie amazon accounts. Maybe you can link the posters to their amazon account and the mods can do something about it.

thats the problem. When donations come through I only get the transaction ID #. No names. When a charge back happens, only information given is the dollar amount. A lot of people pay in similar amounts.. $5.00, $10.00, $20.00, so on and so forth. So when I back track it out i get like 3-4 people per transaction amount tier. So I have no way to even know if it was specific auth # or any of that. I would have thought that people on NeoGAF wouldn't pull something that, but its happened. And I"m not just gonna deal with it anymore. Especially since the chargebacks come out of my bank account.
thats the problem. When donations come through I only get the transaction ID #. No names. When a charge back happens, only information given is the dollar amount. A lot of people pay in similar amounts.. $5.00, $10.00, $20.00, so on and so forth. So when I back track it out i get like 3-4 people per transaction amount tier. So I have no way to even know if it was specific auth # or any of that. I would have thought that people on NeoGAF wouldn't pull something that, but its happened. And I"m not just gonna deal with it anymore. Especially since the chargebacks come out of my bank account.

Wow. Way to fuck things up guys. I wish I was more surprised. How the fuck are you going to DONATE something and then try to get it back?
These people need to be found and banned.

Is there any other way to accept donations that will give a clear record of where the donations come from?

What's wrong with Paypal? That should at least clearly show who the money is coming from.

Are there any other donation alternatives online? Do websites that accept donations go through this shit all the time? I wish I knew more about it so I could help.
If the server is going down in Feb, can we go ahead and run the big GAF tourney in the next two weeks??

Let's do it. 4 teams of 6-8. Choose your players wisely!


omgimaninja said:
If the server is going down in Feb, can we go ahead and run the big GAF tourney in the next two weeks??

Let's do it. 4 teams of 6-8. Choose your players wisely!

Throw teams together. Decide on a time,date,etc and I'll throw a pass up. You guys decide how you want it done and itll be set up as such. Just tell me what you decide to do.


vultureparade said:
Wow. Way to fuck things up guys. I wish I was more surprised. How the fuck are you going to DONATE something and then try to get it back?
These people need to be found and banned.

Is there any other way to accept donations that will give a clear record of where the donations come from?

What's wrong with Paypal? That should at least clearly show who the money is coming from.

Are there any other donation alternatives online? Do websites that accept donations go through this shit all the time? I wish I knew more about it so I could help.

Even though the donation page shows this nice amount of donations.. I think last I checked the reversals count for $280.00 total but that amount isn't figured into the total on the front. Front page shows total donations received without subtracting the reversals.


If you guys run a tourney, I'd suggest 6v6 or 8v8 and DEFINITELY have class-limitations. Just run cevo config or something.

As for tourney, I'm in!! Pick me, pick me!
Best classes: soldier, sniper, demo.

As for when Icy's server goes down... we should all choose a particular server to migrate to!
I'll volunteer to help plan the GAF tourney. I came up w/31 players off the top of my head who I see on the GAF server alot. This could easily field 4 teams if everybody wants to participate.

I'm throwing together an excel sheet to put down: Steam name, GAF name, and preferred class.

I recommend Icy, Pillow, Javaman, and Rphilman as Team Captains based on the amount of time they've been on the server. They can then choose players for their team based on the current tourney class restrictions Icy suggested awhile back.

For class restrictions, let's make it simple: if 6v6 1 class each, if 8v8 class limit is 2

If you want to join the tourney and are not in this list, please reply w/your name and preferred classes.

captain jacko - engie, medic, pyro, soldier
cheeto - scout (or anything)
confidence man
crushed - pyro
davidion - soldier,demo....medic/pyro/scout
dygit pyro
firestorm - medic, spy
hitokage - soldier
icy - cheater
javaman - engineer
joefu - heavy
kak infected
kimisan - spy, anything
lukeman - engineer, pyro
lue yeb
penguinarmyleader - soldier
puyo - medic
robotaholic - heavy?
rphilman - sniper. period.
stalker u
storyteller - medic, pyro
ultra cajun
vulture parade - demo
won - spy?
yakisoba - soldier, sniper, demo

List will be updated with names added/removed


YakiSOBA said:
If you guys run a tourney, I'd suggest 6v6 or 8v8 and DEFINITELY have class-limitations. Just run cevo config or something.

As for tourney, I'm in!! Pick me, pick me!
Best classes: soldier, sniper, demo.

As for when Icy's server goes down... we should all choose a particular server to migrate to!

TheVille and CGC Online are both fun places. CGC Online runs 32 players on a couple.


Scored 3/100 on an Exam
KimiSan - (I haven't played in a while but I'm getting back soon :p) I guess Spy, I can play any class though I guess (yeah, spy)


If you want to add classes I play: Medic, Spy (lol useless), um engineer and/or soldier?

Medic and Spy are all I'm anywhere near good at :(
"$455 / $50/mo = 8 months.

Icy, where did the money go?"

"Even though the donation page shows this nice amount of donations.. I think last I checked the reversals count for $280.00 total but that amount isn't figured into the total on the front. Front page shows total donations received without subtracting the reversals."

455-280=$175 $175/50 = 3.5 months :(
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