Volcynika said:
Sniping is so hilarious, but you can also reallllllly wonder what the hell happened. I had consistent and on the mark headshots, and they didn't register at all. I'm glad no one got mad at me, considering usually I had to contend against two snipers, and that right there is painful. They have the drop on you, and even if you do get one, the other one will pick up and take you out.
Oh lord, how could I forget. Anyone remember the player Goten on the team I was on? :lol
That is the worst shit ever. It happened when I played with MicVlad (who was actually a sniper for once. 0.0) on this random ass ridiculous server full of lulz. I shot the other sniper directly in the head, and it didn't register. I died shortly after. :lol
That's why you have to be fast!

Seriously though, it's kinda terrible taking on two - three snipers at the same time. You have pick the not so obvious locations and hide picking them off one by one, which sucks if they are at spawn because depending on the server, they'll be right back on the lookout. Not to mention when you have spies running around. Shit just isn't safe.

I wish he had a semi-auto sniper rifle or something that did less damage, had no charge, but gave criticals on headshots and from behind...or something. :/
Javaman said:
Same here... I hadn't done any of the achievement farming (cept to help some people get theirs on LMS ages ago). I've unlocked all of the medic weapons, but have yet to get any of the pyro ones. I could really use the backburner, but I don't play pyro enough to make much headway. Usually I start feeling pretty useless and switch to another class I'm better at.
I found it to be flatout boring. Besides, you learn the class better when you unlock things the proper way. The pyro's stuff are easy as hell. Just spycheck everyone, knockback rockets with air blast, toast snipers, and burn burn burn every living thing around. :lol
Won said:
Soooo with the little achievement talk here....how are the chances for Heavy update this thursday? We had no update at all for 3 weeks now, which is already pretty weird and I need some punching action!
I hope it comes and goes so my sniper can get some new toys. >