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Team Fortress 2 Official PC Thread. SO. WORTH. IT.

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Yeah I love that one, too.

I hate the frag vids that are just clips. Where's the pizazz! (So basically I hate mine.)

edit: forgot about the penis at the end lol


This fucking game will never drop any bloody items for me. Around 10 hours of playing and all I got was another Backburner. I'm tempted to start going to one of those achievement/idling servers. Is there any downside to doing this? Is valve going to take away my cheater's lament? :p

By the way that TF2ware mod is great. Played a couple of rounds when the event was hosted. Loads of fun. Needs more mini-games though, because it gets quickly repetetive with just a couple of them.


Hazaro said:
What compression options?
I'm guessing you used the record demo feature right?
Ah, no, I Fraps the bits I want to see, then compress that video using VirtualDub.

Frankly, the demo player sucks. D: You have to reload the map every time you want to rewind, trying to move the camera is impossible, etc.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Boonoo said:
Nice videos, twig.
I like that frag vid you posted, as well.
I don't know if I've stuck this here. But this is probably my favorite.

It was ok. A bit too jittery and ADD-like for my tastes. Christ, but I gotta practice with the scout more....how do you approach playing the scout anyway, Boonoo?

The few times I've played Pyro, I've tried switching it up to play it him like a spy, and while I get the jump on people, I can't really kill them.

Scout, I just can't dodge and shoot accurately enough :/


I find a lot of times as pyro that my flames don't hit people even when the fire is surrounding them. If I aim a little bit ahead of them, though, it works out.

Might help in killing people I guess.


It was my account, probably. I honestly made a long and large habit of finding and saving tf2 frag vids of all the classes (as in, not just comp frag vids), and now have this ridiculously long playlist of stuff. I don't post much of it here because I save so much, and I can't always tell what you guys would like, or if it would get old.

As for recording, I may try using Fraps, as I think the desktop at home can take it. It also will probably allow me to record faster and at a better quality with less bugs than what I have to do when I deal with the source recorder. That thing is the primary reason why I only made a handful of videos before just giving up after winter break.


I just looked through those engineer pages that guy made...that's really impressive. I wonder why some people apparently have the page blocked though, where they have to use a proxy. Makes me worry about viruses or something.

I want a doomsday device!


Blizzard said:
I just looked through those engineer pages that guy made...that's really impressive. I wonder why some people apparently have the page blocked though, where they have to use a proxy. Makes me worry about viruses or something.

I want a doomsday device!
When aren't you worrying about something?


java i would definitely ecommend switching back to sourcemod if you can iron out those issues... it seems much more tidy and much less intrusive to me after playing with it on tonight

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
FALLOUT?! Where were ya?! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BUD!!!!

Not a lot of people tonight, but I did get some practice with scout...til Boonoo ruined my fun! :(


Kuro Madoushi said:
FALLOUT?! Where were ya?! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BUD!!!!
Thanks! I went out for sushi, then was drinking and playing MTG with some friends. :D

I didn't get a cake, but I was given a glass of beer with a candle in it. Definitely better than a cake.



I have to admit, there was a certain amount of joy to be had in getting to ban a couple guys tonight. I could get used to that feeling.

(wish I could snipe that well all the time too)


fallout said:
Thanks! I went out for sushi, then was drinking and playing MTG with some friends. :D

I didn't get a cake, but I was given a glass of beer with a candle in it. Definitely better than a cake.


Congrats fallout! We must be kindrid spirits since my B-day falls on the 2nd too.
Actually I was probably born the day before but after poking my face out I yelled APRIL FOOL to the doc and disappeared into the folds to be born the next day.:lol :lol :lol


Yeah, I couldn't play last night. I was on earlier hoping to get a game going. When I first joined there were 2 guys speed hacking, and one was playing Don't Stop Me Now over the voice com during the whole thing. I couldn't help but laugh, but they left maybe 10 to 15 minutes after I had joined.


relies on auto-aim
Inkwell said:
Yeah, I couldn't play last night. I was on earlier hoping to get a game going. When I first joined there were 2 guys speed hacking, and one was playing Don't Stop Me Now over the voice com during the whole thing. I couldn't help but laugh, but they left maybe 10 to 15 minutes after I had joined.
That sounds great


Javaman said:
Congrats fallout! We must be kindrid spirits since my B-day falls on the 2nd too.
Actually I was probably born the day before but after poking my face out I yelled APRIL FOOL to the doc and disappeared into the folds to be born the next day.:lol :lol :lol
Yeah, my mom always liked to joke that she was holding me in for dear life.


ZombieSupaStar said:
does tf2 have a memory leak or can it take up to 1.2 gigs of ram normally?
I think that's normal. What's annoying is playing on Vista 64, having TF2, a browser (one window?), and maybe a chat client open...and it using 97% of 4GB of memory. And I'm pretty sure it was enough to make me feel it hitting the disk swapping or whatever, it wasn't just the free instant-free-up memory thing people claim Vista does. :(

*edit* I also got my 6 axekills...it was only 1v1 so I was KINDA cheating but Tyler made me earn it since it was ruined twice when I was at 5. :lol I also go the demo tauntkill achievement when I was just standing around with friends, guess I may not have realized I didn't have it yet.

I joined someone's test server briefly which had lots of custom hats such as darth vader for the pyro, and a big foam finger for the scout. Bob the Builder is TERRIFYING.


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
ZombieSupaStar said:
does tf2 have a memory leak or can it take up to 1.2 gigs of ram normally?

My TF2 usually starts around 400MB and will grow to 1GB, I don't know if that qualifies as a memory leak, but it sure seems like it.


God DAMN compression blasts are overpowered.
Twig said:
What do you mean options?

ps found this via whoever commented on one of those first two videos i posted (i think it was Proven/Tisan)


puts my skills (both tf2 and editing) to complete shame :D (also i think it's better than most frag videos out there just because it's done so well O:)
I guess you can be that good if you get a feel for TF2's laggy hit boxes... Because almost none of those appear to connect.


Yasae said:
God DAMN compression blasts are overpowered.

That shit is hard to pull off. I fail to see how it is even remotely overpowered.
Yasae said:
I guess you can be that good if you get a feel for TF2's laggy hit boxes... Because almost none of those appear to connect.
Well, you can tell that a lot of those shots are not made by the person who recorded the demo. Otherwise the kill reports in the upper right would be white.

So, obviously, it's not going to sync up perfectly for other players. The ones where the recorder was the killer, things are much better.

It's true that TF2 has some super lag compensation, though. I still fucking hate it every time I run behind a wall and THEN die.


Twig said:
It's true that TF2 has some super lag compensation, though. I still fucking hate it every time I run behind a wall and THEN die.
Demoman decapitations are the best for that. You dodge to one side, the demoman charges past you, you breathe a sigh of relief, and THEN you die. I know the demoman can do the turn-to-the-side decapitation at the end, but still. :lol

I should take a break from TF2 so my hands don't get bad. How can I play so much and still be bad. >_> At least on a brighter note, I have my pyro token and only need one more regular metal to get a pyro hat.


I dunno, you seem to be a lot better than I used to think you were. Maybe.

I, on the other hand, was sucking the shit tonight. Just... not a good night for me. Ugh. It's the worst feeling for a game I love so much. ):


Twig said:

That shit is hard to pull off. I fail to see how it is even remotely overpowered.
Really? One skilled pyro could compression blast an uber to where it never hits. The charge compared to the ease of a blast is not a fair trade off. If you're in a corner, forget it. You're going to be blasted till kingdom come.

It's another thing when you barge into a bunch of level 3 sentries, get cheesed to death from a heavy with natascha (which should be 50% slow, not 100% - it gets a good amount of lag kills), or there's some other combination of knockbacks. At least those require some effort on apart of the defense. But pyros just walk up and press mouse 2, then press it again, then again, then again. Boom, uber wasted. Heavies aren't heavy at all. They fly back hundreds of feet from a tiny blast.

I strongly dislike features that don't allow you to defend yourself. That's always unbalanced. You should never be able to kill a player - whom you probably didn't get the jump on - without them having some shred of recourse.

I can stand the demo/soldier/scout knockbacks.


I finally got a chance to play with you guys and it was a lot of fun even though we were playing on maps I hardly ever go on. I'm Tits Matador by the way.


Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
Kuro Madoushi said:
a tits approaches!!!! good game jangaroo!!!!
Seeing you and Blizzard double spy rush me on Cashworks is nightmare fuel worthy of ten sleepless nights. Playing without a mic is hard on a side note. And as far as we're concerned Kuro, we need a new truce.
Truce breaker


Yasae said:
Really? One skilled pyro could compression blast an uber to where it never hits. The charge compared to the ease of a blast is not a fair trade off. If you're in a corner, forget it. You're going to be blasted till kingdom come.

It's another thing when you barge into a bunch of level 3 sentries, get cheesed to death from a heavy with natascha (which should be 50% slow, not 100% - it gets a good amount of lag kills), or there's some other combination of knockbacks. At least those require some effort on apart of the defense. But pyros just walk up and press mouse 2, then press it again, then again, then again. Boom, uber wasted. Heavies aren't heavy at all. They fly back hundreds of feet from a tiny blast.

I strongly dislike features that don't allow you to defend yourself. That's always unbalanced. You should never be able to kill a player - whom you probably didn't get the jump on - without them having some shred of recourse.

I can stand the demo/soldier/scout knockbacks.
Natascha used to be almost completely useless, and now it is actually decent sometimes for killing medics and pyros who try to run away in narrow corridors, or for sometimes killing scouts. Re-nerfing it would just make it useless again in my opinion. :(

And if it's a good heavy, they will (as far as I know) focus on pyros pretty quickly, and kill one or two near ones, unless there are 2-3 pyros plus a sentry gun, or unless the pyros are really good.


Orellio said:
rtv and nominate functions plz

Yeah, it does suck not having those. I'm going to dig around more tomorrow if I get a chance.
Here's the voting configuration. As far as I can tell it should be working...

// *****************************************************************************
// Module 12: Voting Functionality
// Desc : There are two types of vote. System started where an admin has
// triggered a vote or User started where a user has started a vote
// The following cvars control the configuration of the voting
// *****************************************************************************

// Allow voting 1 = on, 0 = off (this cvar controls ALL voting, except votes
// started via the admin ingame menu or ma_votequestion / ma_votercon admin
// started votes)
mani_voting 1

// Defines the last number of maps played to not show in random votemap lists
mani_vote_dont_show_last_maps 3

// Defines the time in minutes a extend vote will add to the timeleft counter
mani_vote_extend_time 10

// Defines the whether the a map can be extended
mani_vote_allow_extend 1

// Defines amount of time in seconds a vote will be allowed for
mani_vote_allowed_voting_time 30

// Defines whether a random map vote will be displayed towards the end of
// the map
mani_vote_allow_end_of_map_vote 1

// Number of extensions a map is allowed via user vote or random map vote,
// 0 = infinite
mani_vote_max_extends 2

// Number of rounds to extend by if mp_winlimit is not 0
mani_vote_extend_rounds 2

// Define the file to use for random map vote
// 0 = mapcycle.txt, 1 = votemaplist.txt, 2 = maplist.txt
mani_vote_mapcycle_mode_for_random_map_vote 0

// Define the file that admin can select from for admin
// started vote.
// 0 = mapcycle.txt, 1 = votemaplist.txt, 2 = maplist.txt
mani_vote_mapcycle_mode_for_admin_map_vote 0

// Defines how many minutes before the end of the map that a random map vote
// is started
mani_vote_time_before_end_of_map_vote 19

// Defines how many maps can be in the end of map vote
mani_vote_max_maps_for_end_of_map_vote 6

// Allow team swap option as part of Extend map on end
// of map vote (CSS Only)
mani_vote_end_of_map_swap_team 0

// Defines the vote percentage required to set map
mani_vote_end_of_map_percent_required 60

// Defines the vote percentage required to set rcon vote
mani_vote_rcon_percent_required 60

// Defines the vote percentage required to set question vote
mani_vote_question_percent_required 60

// Defines the vote percentage required to set map vote
mani_vote_map_percent_required 60

// Defines the vote percentage required to set random map vote
mani_vote_random_map_percent_required 60

// This cvar determines how the players see the votes during voting
// 0 = quiet mode,
// 1 = show players as they vote but not their choice,
// 2 = Show voted choice but not player,
// 3 = show player name and their choice
mani_vote_show_vote_mode 3

// Following cvar now has 2 modes of operation
// 0 = alive players will see vote menu,
// 1 = alive players will need to type vote to access the menu,
mani_vote_dont_show_if_alive 0

// Allow user started votemaps
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_map 1

// Allow the users to extend maps if time based
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_map_extend 1

// Allow the users to kick players by vote
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_kick 0

// Allow the users to ban players by vote
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_ban 0

// Defines the vote percentage required to set an extend map vote
mani_vote_extend_percent_required 60

// Percentage of votes required from players before map change
mani_vote_user_vote_map_percentage 60

// Time after a new map starts that voting is allowed
mani_vote_user_vote_map_time_before_vote 1

// Minimum number of votes required to change a map (override vote percentage)
mani_vote_user_vote_map_minimum_votes 4

// 0 = only when no admin on server, 1 = all the time
mani_vote_user_vote_kick_mode 0

// Percentage of votes required from players before kick occurs
mani_vote_user_vote_kick_percentage 60

// Time after a new map starts that voting is allowed
mani_vote_user_vote_kick_time_before_vote 60

// Minimum number of votes required (override vote percentage)
mani_vote_user_vote_kick_minimum_votes 4

// 0 = only when no admin on server, 1 = all the time
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_mode 0

// Percentage of votes required from players before kick occurs
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_percentage 60

// Time after a new map starts that voting is allowed
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_time_before_vote 60

// Minimum number of votes required (override vote percentage)
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_minimum_votes 4

// Time in minutes for the ban, 0 = permanent ban
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_time 30

// 0 = ban by ID, 1 = ban by IP, 2 = ban by ID and IP
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_type 0

// Allow rock the vote
mani_vote_allow_rock_the_vote 1

// Defines the vote percentage required to set map
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_percent_required 60

// Time before rockthevote can be started after a new map starts
mani_vote_time_before_rock_the_vote 1

// Number of nominations included in the vote
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_number_of_nominations 4

// Number of random maps chosen from votemaplist.txt
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_number_of_maps 6

// Percentage of players on server required to type rockthevote before
// it starts
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_threshold_percent 60

// Minimum number of players required to type rockthevote before it starts
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_threshold_minimum 4

// This controls the default mode a player will have their 'show vote progress'
// set to when they first ever join your server. This setting is applied to
// the player's stored record withing player_settings.dat it does not control
// whether the vote progress functionality is on or off.
// 0 = player settings default to off, 1 = player settings default to on
// 1 = default on, 0 = default off
mani_player_settings_vote_progress 1


For anyone's information, here's something someone mentioned on the server tonight:

If you're a soldier, and you play with the shotgun or gunboats, apparently the buff banner charge is still counted if you do a bunch of damage and then run back to spawn. If you switch to buff banner, and then go back and hit the resupply cabinet (thus changing your second slot to the buff banner), your meter will go to its appropriate state, i.e. nearly full or full. If you hit the supply cabinet again I assume your meter would go to empty though.

It's presumably a bug and Valve will fix it, but hey, enjoy it while it lasts. :p

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Jangaroo said:
Seeing you and Blizzard double spy rush me on Cashworks is nightmare fuel worthy of ten sleepless nights. Playing without a mic is hard on a side note. And as far as we're concerned Kuro, we need a new truce.
Truce breaker

I completely forgot about that truce, buddy! Honest!!!! I just haven't seen you on in so long, and I missed ya so it must have slipped my mind.

And it's not like *I* told blizzard to go after you too; you must have sniped him one too many times as well! He also robbed me of one kill as well!

FINALLY, I think you got as good as you gave. I think we killed each other an equal number of times. I just wanted to make sure you think twice when you're sniping. :D

I agree. New truce. You didn't snipe me once this night, I think. All your kills against me you either meleed or had help, so I'm good. :)




Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
Kuro Madoushi said:

I completely forgot about that truce, buddy! Honest!!!! I just haven't seen you on in so long, and I missed ya so it must have slipped my mind.

And it's not like *I* told blizzard to go after you too; you must have sniped him one too many times as well! He also robbed me of one kill as well!

FINALLY, I think you got as good as you gave. I think we killed each other an equal number of times. I just wanted to make sure you think twice when you're sniping. :D

I agree. New truce. You didn't snipe me once this night, I think. All your kills against me you either meleed or had help, so I'm good. :)


I swear to god. When I was Blue on Cashworks, I literally turned around when you said "behind you" while the match was still counting down before the gate opened. I'm paranoid and scarred for life. And yes, I agree we need a new truce.
Edit: And Java, I'm sorry for the few kills I got on you. You just happened to be an innocent bystander in my crossfire with Blizzard.


Blizzard said:
Natascha used to be almost completely useless, and now it is actually decent sometimes for killing medics and pyros who try to run away in narrow corridors, or for sometimes killing scouts. Re-nerfing it would just make it useless again in my opinion. :(

And if it's a good heavy, they will (as far as I know) focus on pyros pretty quickly, and kill one or two near ones, unless there are 2-3 pyros plus a sentry gun, or unless the pyros are really good.
Pyros? It only takes one. If they drop in from above or some other unseen vector, hoo.. Forget it.

It doesn't matter if that's playing skillfully. You can also play skillfully (or better) as the uber recipient and not have a counter for this. Oh well.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Jangaroo said:
I swear to god. When I was Blue on Cashworks, I literally turned around when you said "behind you" while the match was still counting down before the gate opened. I'm paranoid and scarred for life. And yes, I agree we need a new truce.
Edit: And Java, I'm sorry for the few kills I got on you. You just happened to be an innocent bystander in my crossfire with Blizzard.

Actually, aside from spawn, almost every time I've warned you I *was* actually there. Just be especially careful if I'm typing it instead of saying it.

Maybe this will make you feel better, Janga! :D



Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
Kuro Madoushi said:

Actually, aside from spawn, almost every time I've warned you I *was* actually there. Just be especially careful if I'm typing it instead of saying it.

Maybe this will make you feel better, Janga! :D

Did does nothing to soothe my fear. Damned spies. The only thing I can think of to counteract this would be if I played as spy and just cloaked myself away in a corner for the remainder of a map. But than I wouldn't be credit to team.


Jangaroo said:
I swear to god. When I was Blue on Cashworks, I literally turned around when you said "behind you" while the match was still counting down before the gate opened. I'm paranoid and scarred for life. And yes, I agree we need a new truce.
Edit: And Java, I'm sorry for the few kills I got on you. You just happened to be an innocent bystander in my crossfire with Blizzard.

Haaha. That's ok. I'll make sure it balances out in the end if you know what I mean. HintHintNudgeNudge.
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