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Team Fortress 2 Official PC Thread. SO. WORTH. IT.

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I'm pretty sure I got more kukri kills last night during my time as sniper than I did with either the rifle or the huntsman. Wish I'd screencapped that time I defended Gorge CP 1 singlehandedly. :eek:


Sciz said:
I'm pretty sure I got more kukri kills last night during my time as sniper than I did with either the rifle or the huntsman. Wish I'd screencapped that time I defended Gorge CP 1 singlehandedly. :eek:

Yeah, that was awesome. I was hauling ass to the point and I found you there by yourself taunting. :lol


Yasae said:
Pyros? It only takes one. If they drop in from above or some other unseen vector, hoo.. Forget it.

It doesn't matter if that's playing skillfully. You can also play skillfully (or better) as the uber recipient and not have a counter for this. Oh well.
*shrug* It can be annoying, but if you can't counter ubers with that, you have rather little to stop an uber from taking out sentries besides a bunch of engineers. I still think that in a lot (most?) places, a good heavy can kill the pyro. Example: Last point of goldrush 1 or whatever the place is that has the mid-level tunnel at the final point. If you go through the ledge as an uber heavy, heading straight for the point, chances are sentries or airblast from spawn-side will shoot you sky high and out of range. If you drop down into the tunnel instead, they're going to have to work to keep you back.

Just remember, they already nerfed scouts which used to be able to stop ubers. If it was too easy for ubers, it might be a bit of a balance problem.

On another note, one of my favorite moments in the last few days was the final steel point (I -think- that was where it was). We were on offense, barely managed to get D, only had like 2-3 minutes left overall, and then Java kicked in the Final Countdown music as we went all out for E. :lol


Blizzard said:
For anyone's information, here's something someone mentioned on the server tonight:

If you're a soldier, and you play with the shotgun or gunboats, apparently the buff banner charge is still counted if you do a bunch of damage and then run back to spawn. If you switch to buff banner, and then go back and hit the resupply cabinet (thus changing your second slot to the buff banner), your meter will go to its appropriate state, i.e. nearly full or full. If you hit the supply cabinet again I assume your meter would go to empty though.

It's presumably a bug and Valve will fix it, but hey, enjoy it while it lasts. :p

To clarify, before when you hit the resupply it acted like a "refresh" or respawn, so that originally you lost your buff banner charge as you also lost most of your stats for that life (although I wonder how you could still get new damage records and have this problem). To fix this, Valve stopped the damage being refreshed but they didn't lock it to while you're equipping the Buff Banner, so essentially you're always building rage no matter what weapon you're using, and can only release it by using the Buff Banner.

And they never went back to fix this, so this new bug/exploit has been in the game since January, and I've been hoarding it to myself. It looks like the gig is up though.

In other news, remember that fake engineer update guy? He finished up the rest of the pages so now there are no question mark boxes, and 8 total machines you can look at: http://manno.com.br/Engineer/

Edit: Not by me, by a guy I subscribe to put up his latest dicking around video, and I noticed that Capndrake was on the server at the time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xemQhMPMyU

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
I've also had another GAF member tell me he'd like to join, but the ping is too high...oh well :(

I think we've got it about half full of Gaffers, but I'd like to see it completely full one day. Then I can practice my invisi-spy-taunt kill on Janga...Javaman :)


Kuro Madoushi said:
I've also had another GAF member tell me he'd like to join, but the ping is too high...oh well :(

I think we've got it about half full of Gaffers, but I'd like to see it completely full one day. Then I can practice my invisi-spy-taunt kill on Janga...Javaman :)

There's probably a lot of GAFers we don't recognize on the server.
Die Kuro :lol


Capndrake said:
It's only 140-150!
I'm talking generally. My connection generally is 90-100 on the server I frequent*, but my connection does occasionally hit 500 and sniping turns into dark magic.



Twig said:
how many times have you played with us


begone, no one here likes you

am i right guys

Botolf is a fire wizard.
Twig is a jerk-wizard.

Lookout mang, there's a little girl with pigtails and she's carrying a moderate amount of water! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
Kuro Madoushi said:
I've also had another GAF member tell me he'd like to join, but the ping is too high...oh well :(

I think we've got it about half full of Gaffers, but I'd like to see it completely full one day. Then I can practice my invisi-spy-taunt kill on Janga...Javaman :)

I've played with you a lot lately. I play as Jason, if that rings a bell.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Iadien said:
I've played with you a lot lately. I play as Jason, if that rings a bell.

Wait...you're THAT Jason on F7? Goddamn you must be a ringer! You have a penchant for killing poor medic Kuro. Oh, and in case you didn't know; when I'm calling "Jason??? JASON?? JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASON!!!?!?!?" It's a reference to Heavy Rain. Man...I need another hobby...

Why aren't you with us for GAF TF2 night?!
Friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiend me damn you!!!



that voting mechanism is made by the devil... when somebody votes it makes swooshing noises and spams the chat window and wont disappear from my screen


how many times have you played with us


begone, no one here likes you

am i right guys


Wait...you're THAT Jason on F7? Goddamn you must be a ringer! You have a penchant for killing poor medic Kuro. Oh, and in case you didn't know; when I'm calling "Jason??? JASON?? JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASON!!!?!?!?" It's a reference to Heavy Rain. Man...I need another hobby...

Why aren't you with us for GAF TF2 night?!
Friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiend me damn you!!!


Good God, this thread can get hyper.


Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
Kuro Madoushi said:
I've also had another GAF member tell me he'd like to join, but the ping is too high...oh well :(

I think we've got it about half full of Gaffers, but I'd like to see it completely full one day. Then I can practice my invisi-spy-taunt kill on Janga...Javaman :)
I never knew you could do the invis-spy-taunt. Shudders...


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
Kuro Madoushi said:
Wait...you're THAT Jason on F7? Goddamn you must be a ringer! You have a penchant for killing poor medic Kuro. Oh, and in case you didn't know; when I'm calling "Jason??? JASON?? JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASON!!!?!?!?" It's a reference to Heavy Rain. Man...I need another hobby...

Why aren't you with us for GAF TF2 night?!
Friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiend me damn you!!!


You say my name a lot, I just assumed you were gay for me.


Kuro Madoushi said:
Wait...you're THAT Jason on F7? Goddamn you must be a ringer! You have a penchant for killing poor medic Kuro. Oh, and in case you didn't know; when I'm calling "Jason??? JASON?? JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASON!!!?!?!?" It's a reference to Heavy Rain. Man...I need another hobby...

Why aren't you with us for GAF TF2 night?!
Friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiend me damn you!!!


You should totally speak your post and save it as a wave linked in your next post. I can't help but hear you saying it.


rar said:
that voting mechanism is made by the devil... when somebody votes it makes swooshing noises and spams the chat window and wont disappear from my screen

what are you running at 320x240? I can turn the vote feedback off if you guys want, but I think it's fun to see what others have voted for.

I'm loading pl_swiftwater to the server right now. Let's give it a shot as soon as I can get the AntiTwigAI script going! You can get it http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/download/105583 or get it off the game server (size is 21Megs)

Edit: Nix that. Map crashes the server. I've got to figure out why. Goddamn stupid server.



pourin' out some motherfuckin' baileys


Blizzard said:
*shrug* It can be annoying, but if you can't counter ubers with that, you have rather little to stop an uber from taking out sentries besides a bunch of engineers. I still think that in a lot (most?) places, a good heavy can kill the pyro. Example: Last point of goldrush 1 or whatever the place is that has the mid-level tunnel at the final point. If you go through the ledge as an uber heavy, heading straight for the point, chances are sentries or airblast from spawn-side will shoot you sky high and out of range. If you drop down into the tunnel instead, they're going to have to work to keep you back.

Just remember, they already nerfed scouts which used to be able to stop ubers. If it was too easy for ubers, it might be a bit of a balance problem.
Well hey, it's not like airstrikes in MW. That's cheese on a whole other level. "Yes, you've gotten some kills... So now we'll give you free ones."



Thank you Javaman and Blizzard for making this possible.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaason! Why weren't you there?!??!?!?!

Was fun tonight, though I still think Pacman is the best cause it's just so insane. I wonder what it'd be like with a full server though.


I like Pac-Man but I hate playing it more than like two rounds. One round even. ):

Which map did we play tonight that I should go through for frapsing tomorrow? You decide. O:


The deluxe CP version has a selection or four or so Pac-Man themed songs that it'll play a clip from every time a ghost reaches a multiple of 10 kills. Pac-Man Fever's chorus is one of them.
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