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Team Fortress 2 |OT2| Free 2 Play Forever

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GAF Server IP:
Steam Community group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Neogaf-TF2


Boonoo said:
(except for the currently OP heavy)

(and pyro needs a buff and heavy needs a nerf)
Psh, you people saying heavy is overpowered.



bluddtheersty said:
Fine with me but why all of a sudden, the pings have started to rocket through the roof? I'm getting above 1000 ms in almost all of the games i have tried joining and i'm speaking post-update here.Also tried restarting my router/modem to no avail.

STEAM! What have you done? :D

Are you sure steam is to blame? Have you tried pinging google, yahoo, hotdinoporn and other notable sites?

Here's your R rated pic twig. I don't like this at all.



marked forever
Javaman said:
Are you sure steam is to blame? Have you tried pinging google, yahoo, hotdinoporn and other notable sites?

Here's your R rated pic twig. I don't like this at all.


Twig got banned again. :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :D :D :D :D :lol :D :D :lol


I just looked at the Minecraft map, and it's just so awesome. I don't have a clue how well it plays, but we really need to try it out sometime. It's a small payload map so it will work with a small amount of people. I couldn't find a working download to the newest version which is pl_minepit_b5 (at far as I know it's the latest one). I had to download that one from a server. I'm not too sure what the differences are between beta 4 and beta 5 of the map, so I'm sure both would work for now.


I have not used cocaine
Inkwell said:
I just looked at the Minecraft map, and it's just so awesome. I don't have a clue how well it plays, but we really need to try it out sometime. It's a small payload map so it will work with a small amount of people. I couldn't find a working download to the newest version which is pl_minepit_b5 (at far as I know it's the latest one). I had to download that one from a server. I'm not too sure what the differences are between beta 4 and beta 5 of the map, so I'm sure both would work for now.

There's two people!


fallengorn said:

You know... the third map is the one where both carts start off sliding down the ramp.

Oh yeah, that's a fun map. First 2 sections are pretty ancillary though, as you've noted the carts sliding backwards sort of defeats the need to win the first two rounds.


Boonoo said:
I lean towards soldier and demo for several reasons. They both strike a great balance between mobility, offence and defense.

Both are able to either spam from behind the lines if you're feeling a little hesitant or duke it out in the front lines. This ability to spam, I think , is key. It allows newer players to contribute from a relatively safe position without dying every two seconds. There's nothing worse than spawning as a heavy and slowly running to the front lines only to get headshot. Soldier/demo are able to better contribute without putting themselves in harms way. As you've said this spam can be pretty worthless at the beginning, but it doesn't take too long for a demo or soldier to gravitate towards the proper corners or sentry farms. There's a difference between mindful and mindless spam.

And while most new players will have trouble in any sort of 1v1 situation (except for the currently OP heavy), I wouldn't necessarily shy away from the class because the mechanics have a learning curve.
That said, even new players will be able to do some damage in the thick of things.

More so than heavy or pyro I think that with these two I think that you can really feel it as you get better; in that regard they offer a new player a smoother experience curve. With heavy/pyro the actual mechanics are simple enough that your deaths will often be a result of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Learning the maps is still important for soldier/demo, but you're much less at the mercy of that knowledge.

Mainly, though, I'm just feeling prejudiced towards heavy/pyro, and I think they teach you sloppy habits. (and pyro needs a buff and heavy needs a nerf)

I think you're right about going medic being the most useful thing someone new can do, but I don't think it's the most fun (in that you're really relying on , and personally I've never had much luck learning from the people that I'm healing.
Pyro needs a damage buff and a nerf on airblasts (since countering two people with one mouse click is far too easy.) Ironically that would be the pyro before its completely unnecessary update. It's partially mitigated by how many defensive points you get, the flare gun upgrade (just right - not too powerful or too weak,) and the homewrecker. Homewreckers are wonderful against saps. They would be great against enemy buildings, too, if you managed to get close enough. Unfortunately that's a much harder road to hoe.

I don't know what you're talking about with "Heavies are OP." Played against them with soldier, demo, pyro, scout, and occasionally sniper. Didn't find anything OP.
nob said:
I would say yes to soldier but no to demo. Demo at good levels requires perfect understanding of class ranges, and has no easy direct fire capabilities. If you start in that situation the most likely thing to learn is camping demo, which isn't that great for the team. Same reason I wouldn't recommend early engies or heavies, starting those early before you have the basics down just teaches bad habits.

I would say start with Soldier, because he has good health and does good damage, but has the ability to just point and shoot. As you progress you would learn all of the class ranges by the way they fight you and start learning the maps. Then move on to Medic, because by then you should have been able to see how other medics work and have a better idea of how to get an uber going. Then its pretty much open. Scout isn't a good beginner class, but it will bash teamwork, movement and understanding of when you can fight into your head. Pyro will teach you how important range is in TF2, Demo will teach you how to create and defend choke points, Engie will teach you about indirect teamwork, spy will teach you patience and ambushing, Sniper will help you learn target priority, and heavy will teach you how to deal with crowds and knowing when to retreat and when to fight.
The only problem I have with soldier is the damage ramp-off via rocket distance. It makes no sense. The direct hit is good when dealing with heavies, but it still takes a minimum of three good shots to kill them.

Heavies simply can't have the advantage because they can outlast most battles. That's what makes them appear OP.

Ninja Dom

Hi Guys.

Long term PS3 Team Fortress 2 player here (60 hours worth). Just got my new MacBook and bought Team Fortress 2 for that.

Any tips? Coming from the PS3 version even the Server List is confusing. I've added the NeoGaf server but nobody is ever on there.


Ninja Dom said:
Hi Guys.

Long term PS3 Team Fortress 2 player here (60 hours worth). Just got my new MacBook and bought Team Fortress 2 for that.

Any tips? Coming from the PS3 version even the Server List is confusing. I've added the NeoGaf server but nobody is ever on there.

On youtube there's a nice series of videos called "how to play <class name>". It gives a pretty nice overview of each of the classes, so you'll be able to see what differences there are over what you're used to.


Subconscious Brolonging
Ninja Dom said:
Hi Guys.

Long term PS3 Team Fortress 2 player here (60 hours worth). Just got my new MacBook and bought Team Fortress 2 for that.

Any tips? Coming from the PS3 version even the Server List is confusing. I've added the NeoGaf server but nobody is ever on there.

Just sort by ping and pick a server that's nearly full and playing on a map you like.


Ninja Dom said:
Hi Guys.

Long term PS3 Team Fortress 2 player here (60 hours worth). Just got my new MacBook and bought Team Fortress 2 for that.

Any tips? Coming from the PS3 version even the Server List is confusing. I've added the NeoGaf server but nobody is ever on there.
Don't know much about the PS3 version, but I assume it hasn't had any post-launch support. Lots of things have been changed and added since the game was first released.

The GAF server is empty throughout the day, then full for a couple of hours every night (generally around 10 PM EST; sometimes later, sometimes earlier.

If no one is on the GAF server you can check out the GG and F7 servers. Lots of GAF regulars play on them.


Otherwise just search for a random server, sort by latency.

Best way to learn is to just play. If you have a mic don't be afraid to ask questions while playing.


Corporate Apologist
Java, the Gaf server says it needs to be updated. Why does it not work the night I have off from work ;-;


Drkirby said:
Java, the Gaf server says it needs to be updated. Why does it not work the night I have off from work ;-;

It's updating right now. Must have been a small stealth update.

I think Yasae is loosing it haaha.

Team Fortress 2
Fixed a bug in the Steamworks internal stats reporting
Just a bunch of server side junk.

Checking bootstrapper version ...
Updating Installation
Updating 'Team Fortress 2 Content' from version 167 to version 168

11.30% downloading ./orangebox/tf/bin/server.dll
29.00% downloading ./orangebox/tf/bin/server.dylib
59.48% downloading ./orangebox/tf/bin/server.so
71.72% downloading ./orangebox/tf/maps/graphs/cp_dustbowl.ain
71.72% downloading ./orangebox/tf/maps/graphs/cp_granary.ain
71.72% downloading ./orangebox/tf/maps/graphs/cp_gravelpit.ain
71.72% downloading ./orangebox/tf/maps/graphs/cp_well.ain
71.73% downloading ./orangebox/tf/maps/graphs/ctf_2fort.ain
71.73% downloading ./orangebox/tf/steam.inf

Checking/Installing 'Team Fortress 2 Materials' version 71

Checking/Installing 'Base Source Shared Materials' version 8

Checking/Installing 'Base Source Shared Models' version 4

Checking/Installing 'Base Source Shared Sounds' version 4

Updating 'OB Linux Dedicated Server' from version 59 to version 61

72.98% downloading ./orangebox/bin/crashhandler.so
78.84% downloading ./orangebox/bin/engine.so
79.40% downloading ./orangebox/bin/libtier0_s.so
80.11% downloading ./orangebox/bin/libvstdlib_s.so
97.82% downloading ./orangebox/bin/steamclient.so


Drkirby said:
Maybe, would you be so kind as to define what said section 8 is so I can better answer your question.
Section 8 is government housing for low income families. My mother was on Section 8 for a little while in 2007. In that case they paid half the rent instead of relocating her to their, ahem, projects. You've got to be exceptionally poor to qualify, and the waiting list takes years to get through.

It also happens to be a soldier line, i.e. are you so helpless that the Guvamint™ has to do everything for you, stop whining, etc. Essentially boot-strapper speak. It's meant in jest.

There are leeches on the system for sure, but it helped us when we needed it.


Yeef said:
That's a different Section 8. The soldier is talking about the military Section 8.

Maybe you're being facetious, but this is the internet, damn it! It's serious business!
They both fit. Seems kinda Section 8-ish on Valve's part.

EDIT: Actually we're both wrong.



Yeef said:
Maybe you're being facetious, but this is the internet, damn it! It's serious business!
I was being chaotic in the Eric Neigher thread. Nobody on GAF could see through that, nor consider any number of different terminologies for a copy editor. It's their way or the fucking highway. That's the internet in a nutshell. The internots.

Facetious isn't far away... But alas, I have actually been on Section 8 housing assistance.


Yasae said:
I don't know what you're talking about with "Heavies are OP." Played against them with soldier, demo, pyro, scout, and occasionally sniper. Didn't find anything OP.

OP might be overstating things somewhat, especially in controlled environments. But it's gotten to the point that in pub games all it takes to start a team winning is to stack 2 or 3 Natascha heavies on the team (esp on payload maps). And then both teams have 3 Natascha heavies and things get real boring as people creep across maps.

There are two distinct things with the heavy, though, that I'd go so far as to say are unbalanced.

1) Natascha--the slowing effect is annoying bullshit that the game could do without. If they have to keep it they should 1) have slowdown scale with damage/distance, you should't be able to plink away at someone for 2 or 3 damage and slow them to a crawl and 2) slowdown should scale up the longer you're firing on someone so that the initial hits don't do too much but after a few seconds you can really slow. That said getting rid of slowdown completely would be great.

2)Movement speed while revved up is too fast now. A heavy can now keep up with the cart when it's going at max speed while firing. I'd suggest lowering it back to what it was.

I think making him spin up and down faster were good changes. It was a pain trying to spin down fast enough to escape before.

The only problem I have with soldier is the damage ramp-off via rocket distance. It makes no sense.

Without the damage ramp-off soldiers could just stand in the back of the map and spam choke points like no tomorrow and to great effect. It would be awful. I think there's actually an old tf2 blog post about it. Let me try and find it.


Boonoo said:
2)Movement speed while revved up is too fast now. A heavy can now keep up with the cart when it's going at max speed while firing. I'd suggest lowering it back to what it was.
I'll have to check again. I could have sworn that if it's x4 (I don't remember what it maxes out at), you go slightly slower than it with your gun spun up.

At any rate, I agree with Boonoo -- it's annoying when Natascha doesn't slow people down enough, so it clearly needs a buff. Scouts are still way too hard to hit, especially when they jump four feet in the air despite the supposed slowdown. :mad:


Boonoo said:
OP might be overstating things somewhat, especially in controlled environments. But it's gotten to the point that in pub games all it takes to start a team winning is to stack 2 or 3 Natascha heavies on the team (esp on payload maps). And then both teams have 3 Natascha heavies and things get real boring as people creep across maps.

There are two distinct things with the heavy, though, that I'd go so far as to say are unbalanced.

1) Natascha--the slowing effect is annoying bullshit that the game could do without. If they have to keep it they should 1) have slowdown scale with damage/distance, you should't be able to plink away at someone for 2 or 3 damage and slow them to a crawl and 2) slowdown should scale up the longer you're firing on someone so that the initial hits don't do too much but after a few seconds you can really slow. That said getting rid of slowdown completely would be great.

2)Movement speed while revved up is too fast now. A heavy can now keep up with the cart when it's going at max speed while firing. I'd suggest lowering it back to what it was.

I think making him spin up and down faster were good changes. It was a pain trying to spin down fast enough to escape before.
2 is a good suggestion, if ancillary. I really don't die to Natashas more often because they're not more powerful. Pyros can kill you with one mouse press on many of the newer maps, and Valve approved that with flying colors.

I would still be fine with a 50% slow rate and -15% damage mod like I suggested in the old thread.
Without the damage ramp-off soldiers could just stand in the back of the map and spam choke points like no tomorrow and to great effect. It would be awful. I think there's actually an old tf2 blog post about it. Let me try and find it.
Yeah, but you can dance around rockets easily at long range. Demos spam choke points non-stop already, not to mention their ludicrous crits. Valve doesn't care about that, either.

None of the distance modifiers make sense, they're just arcadey holdovers.


Yeah, the Natascha stuff is less about it's effectiveness and more about it just being annoying. Instead of Natascha I'd be pretty happy with something like the 2 mini guns that are in alien swarm. You can choose between 1 that has quicker spin up down and movement speed but less damage and one that's more damage but is all around slower movement wise.

Here's the blog post on the damage modifiers. I think they work pretty well especially when you get rid of the default random damage spread. Distance modifiers are absolutely necessary with hit scan weapons, but I can see a reason to not have them on projectiles. I'd say the main reason for their being on projectiles is to prevent the random rocket from halfway across the map ruining your day.

I'll have to check again. I could have sworn that if it's x4 (I don't remember what it maxes out at), you go slightly slower than it with your gun spun up.

That may be right. It might be that heavy moves at x3 now instead of 2 or 1.


Not really feeling that map pl_cashworks. I like the look of it and it has some cool segments but it just feels too long.


Will QA for food.
(._.) said:
Not really feeling that map pl_cashworks. I like the look of it and it has some cool segments but it just feels too long.

One thing about the GAF server is the short time spent on each map. If we run a full length, 20 minute cashworks maps, then there's only one turn of offense/defense, and the other team never has a chance to go.

I definitely enjoy the map though.


Corporate Apologist
We need to do an Arena mode night again, I don't think I have ever seen an Arena map get voted on.

I would say also a CTF night, but I personaly hate every CTF map I have tried and assume the less poppular ones are most likely even worse.


Will QA for food.
Drkirby said:
We need to do an Arena mode night again, I don't think I have ever seen an Arena map get voted on.

I would say also a CTF night, but I personaly hate every CTF map I have tried and assume the less poppular ones are most likely even worse.

Arena is fantastic, and teaches you quite a bit about how to stay alive. It would be great to run Arena ONLY for a night.


Corporate Apologist
EvilMario said:
Arena is fantastic, and teaches you quite a bit about how to stay alive. It would be great to run Arena ONLY for a night.
Yeah, staying alive is something I need practise on. Arena is 1 death and your done, right?


Will QA for food.
Drkirby said:
Yeah, staying alive is something I need practise on. Arena is 1 death and your done, right?

Yes. Arena is round based with two objectives. 1) Kill everyone on the other team before they kill your team, and/or 2) Capture the point which becomes available for capture after a set amount of time.

Arena really taught me how not to die as a Heavy, and when to run as a Medic. It also taught me you don't want to be the last person on your team alive if you're a Spy. :lol


Drkirby said:
We need to do an Arena mode night again, I don't think I have ever seen an Arena map get voted on.
They're not available for voting because Java has them disabled. Boonoo or someone posted a good arena server a week or two ago (it might be at the end of the old thread).


Yeef said:
They're not available for voting because Java has them disabled. Boonoo or someone posted a good arena server a week or two ago (it might be at the end of the old thread).

Arena servers I go to.



(._.) said:
Not really feeling that map pl_cashworks. I like the look of it and it has some cool segments but it just feels too long.

Think that is bad, try Thunder mountain. That thing takes forever, especially if both teams get to attack.


Javaman said:
Think that is bad, try Thunder mountain. That thing takes forever, especially if both teams get to attack.
Yeah, that map can drag on at times but, I like the way that map is designed. It is segmented into different stages which is much more bearable.


Corporate Apologist
Really wish they would make Pipeline 1 big map rather then 2 useless maps and one short one. Sure, it may be a bit overly long then, but it would be great!


Hmm. So, I finally managed to get enough items to craft a random hat. I had the last 3 scrap metal I needed, lined them up, hit smelt and it said "crafting server unavailable". I try a few times, no change. Exit out of the game, load it back up and the scrap metal and the items I used to create them are all gone. Is this kind of thing common? If it is I'll just stop the crafting now, I think.


Will QA for food.
moojito said:
Hmm. So, I finally managed to get enough items to craft a random hat. I had the last 3 scrap metal I needed, lined them up, hit smelt and it said "crafting server unavailable". I try a few times, no change. Exit out of the game, load it back up and the scrap metal and the items I used to create them are all gone. Is this kind of thing common? If it is I'll just stop the crafting now, I think.

This is probably my worst nightmare.

I've crafted 4 hats now (all random crafts with metal), and never had anything similar happen.


Disaster averted! On the next game I played I had the refined metal as a 'random' drop. I guess that must be some system they have for handling that situation. I got a "modest pile of hat" as well. Good times :D
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