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Team Fortress 2 |OT2| Free 2 Play Forever

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What's the deal with the scout force a nature gun? I seem to do a lot better with it than the scatter gun, but I don't really see any other scouts using it. I don't know if, once you get past a certain skill level the scatter gun becomes better for some reason, maybe.
moojito said:
What's the deal with the scout force a nature gun? I seem to do a lot better with it than the scatter gun, but I don't really see any other scouts using it. I don't know if, once you get past a certain skill level the scatter gun becomes better for some reason, maybe.
The scattergun is a much better weapon IMO. 6 shots versus 2 (if you miss, get bad rolls or face more than 1 enemy, you don't want to be holding a FaN), you'll have a much easier time attacking enemies while airborne (unless you get really good at it with the FaN) and the shots don't knock your enemies out of range.

The FaN is good for CTF if you're going for the flag (and don’t need to kill people), or those times when there's a spot on the map you need that 3rd jump for.


Admins, don't leave gravity on low after you leave. OKTHX

GAF Server IP:
Steam Community group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Neogaf-TF2


moojito said:
What's the deal with the scout force a nature gun? I seem to do a lot better with it than the scatter gun, but I don't really see any other scouts using it. I don't know if, once you get past a certain skill level the scatter gun becomes better for some reason, maybe.
I used the Force of Nature just long enough to get "Caught Napping." It's great for quick hit and run tactics when you're picking off stragglers, but it's not as good as the scatter gun in any situation. I've also found that because of the crazy firing speed I end up firing both shots sometimes even when I only want to shoot one and the reload time is a bitch.


Hey guys - I think I've convinced Java to put the recently released pl_minepit (aka, the Minecraft map) into the rotation. You may want to grab it and throw it into your maps folder preemptively, although it's only 3MB:


As someone who has spent too much time in Minecraft, let me just say that it's kind of mind blowing to run around and explore. Look forward to playing it with a proper crowd to see how the balancing is.


Remy said:
Hey guys - I think I've convinced Java to put the recently released pl_minepit (aka, the Minecraft map) into the rotation. You may want to grab it and throw it into your maps folder preemptively, although it's only 3MB:


As someone who has spent too much time in Minecraft, let me just say that it's kind of mind blowing to run around and explore. Look forward to playing it with a proper crowd to see how the balancing is.
I take it fpsbanana got their virus problems fixed?


Blizzard said:
I take it fpsbanana got their virus problems fixed?

The sticky thread in their Help forum indicates it (being the one from two months ago) has been resolved. Not sure if there's a more recent one.


Yasae said:
Let me just sit in this corner while nobody shoots at me...

I tried to go sniper a few times tonight but did not have success. I actually had fun on Egypt though. I was healing odd classes (next time, RD, we must use das uberspy) as well as trying to heal/uber normal people at important times, and it seemed fun even when we weren't taking the first map point.

Of course, the other team didn't make it as far as we did so the teams may well have been unbalanced. That seemed to happen a lot tonight, one way or the other.

Anyway, I think TF2 is really nice when you can relax and goof off a little. Sometimes there are heart-pounding last-minute victories, but it's stressful to have that all the time.


AcciDante said:
The server was full for like an hour straight tonight :(
Set it up to auto-join while you play on another server. That's what I did. Granted, it's probably annoying for the people on that other server when you suddenly disappear (especially if you're an engineer or medic), but nuts to them!


So when trading comes out, anyone interested in the Pyro's Beanie?

Crafted a pyro specific hat since its one of my more played classes, and naturally got the one pyro hat I'm not a fan of :p


Corporate Apologist
Nope, I also don't like it.

Well, little kids stole the mouse ball to my main mouse, so I guess if I want to play TF2 for the next few day I'll be using a spare laptop mouse my parents had. If it doesn't turn up later tonight, I'll just order a replacement from Amazon. But $30 down the drain :/


Zerokku said:
So when trading comes out, anyone interested in the Pyro's Beanie?

Crafted a pyro specific hat since its one of my more played classes, and naturally got the one pyro hat I'm not a fan of :p

I also have a pyro's beanie if someone wants to trade and doesn't like Zerokku :D


Drkirby said:
Nope, I also don't like it.

Well, little kids stole the mouse ball to my main mouse, so I guess if I want to play TF2 for the next few day I'll be using a spare laptop mouse my parents had. If it doesn't turn up later tonight, I'll just order a replacement from Amazon. But $30 down the drain :/

You could always use this as an excuse to upgrade!

If you're not looking to spend much I've heard the Microsoft Intellimouse 3.0 is great.


AH! haha. I didn't even know you could pop the balls out of those.

Perhaps more importantly, how does that even work? Do you keep your fingers on the ball at all times, kind of like a round track pad, or do you flick it around and catch it at the right time?


Corporate Apologist
Boonoo said:
AH! haha. I didn't even know you could pop the balls out of those.

Perhaps more importantly, how does that even work? Do you keep your fingers on the ball at all times, kind of like a round track pad, or do you flick it around and catch it at the right time?
You have to move the ball at all times, a bit like a normal trackball in an arcade.

You put your index and middle fingers on the ball, and just move the ball with the two of them. It tends to work out that your index finger does the bulk of moving it along the X axis, and your middle finger mostly moves it on the Y, but this isn't something you will really realize without just staring at what movements your fingers are making. Its great to minimize movements, since all you have to do is move to fingers rather then your whole arm or wrist, and is also good if you have little desk space. If needing to move the courser across the whole screen, I will tend to just launch the ball a bit quickly sweeping my fingers across it and letting go for a moment.

When playing something like TF2 the sensitivity is high enough where I don't normally have to flick it, but when browsing the internet I do, which isn't a problem since the cursor stop when it hits the edge of the screen.

And luckily, my mouse ball finally turned up. I was sitting in my bed with my closet door open, looking at my PSP games while on the phone, and I noticed they hid it on that shelf, behind a box of pens.

Also, they aren't supposed to come out easily, but since its 8 years old the bit of plastic that keeps it in has worn down to nothing, so you can pop it in and out.

One other nice thing about the mouse is that it makes the computer more "my computer", since most people have no clue how to work the thing and move it around with the palm of their hands.

Edit: Here is a guy reviewing it, so you have an idea of how it works http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnaxEZlvwN4


Corporate Apologist
I wonder if trades will have to be 1:1, or if I could trade my Flare Gun for 20 hats. Also wonder if they will bar trading metal or items not publicly available, like Max's Head, the Earbuds, Cheaters Lament, Community Items, ect.

I would love it if you could get a Merc Badge Collection :lol


I have a feeling you will only be able to trade hats that can be crafted and weapons of equal value. 'm sure the drop system is also going to get some tweaks in preparation for trading.

I'll have a Heavy duty rag and a Magistrates wig up for trade when the time comes if anybody is interested.


RocketDarkness said:
You sure flew up in the air high, Twig. Also, I'm glad you're unbanned. =)
Yeah way high up.

I'm assuming what happened is a pyro airblasted me right before you stabbed me. But I couldn't be too sure at the time as my eyes had glazed over with resignation as I bemoaned my complete and utter lack of ability to kill even one of those fifty red punies despite the invulnerability.

O woe is me.


Hey, look it's me!
(getting backstabbed in a ditch)

Also, I don't know why you feel the need to use voice modulation on just me in those clips, but that is definitely not my voice. ;(


Corporate Apologist
God damn are the guys on there tonight annoying. They are from some AG clan? And you know something is wrong when this happens!



I know Dog will probably pass it along to java anyways, but

≈AG≈ Cl±wn

Were calling out gay slurs tonight, I know java doesn't care for that so I figured I'd let you know. DrKirby can attest to it as well.


Zerokku said:
I know Dog will probably pass it along to java anyways, but

≈AG≈ Cl±wn

Were calling out gay slurs tonight, I know java doesn't care for that so I figured I'd let you know. DrKirby can attest to it as well.

They can be pretty trollish at times; I'll let them know to tone it down on the server.


Boonoo said:
They can be pretty trollish at times; I'll let them know to tone it down on the server.

Im with Dog, ban em if they wont pay attention to the rules. Right on the intro page it says to keep that xbox live shit out of the server. If I wanted to hear homosexual slurs and racial epithets I'd go to a normal pub.


Corporate Apologist
Yeah, I sort of support the idea to ban them outright. Its not often I am stuck playing TF2 with my expression as :|

Were me and you Zerokku the only ones even pushing the cart in that last game? I just held down the right button and the crouch key and almost nothing stopped me the whole way.


You were the only person pushing it for the most part. I was dicking around as a punching heavy for half the game, before I realized how terrible they were and went spy.


Boonoo said:
They can be pretty trollish at times; I'll let them know to tone it down on the server.

Slipping up is ok, but if they've been warned and they keep it up it's splitsville. They are normally ok though. I've played with them quite a bit in the past.


Corporate Apologist
Zerokku said:
You were the only person pushing it for the most part. I was dicking around as a punching heavy for half the game, before I realized how terrible they were and went spy.
I sort of realized they couldn't be that good since I only died 11 times in 3 rounds and I was just pushing the cart. I don't think a single sniper of theirs even managed to kill me, a few got some hits in and I kept getting hit by Jaratee, but they couldn't get past my defense of crouching behind the cart :lol

The demo tried to get me, but since I kept holding right down I think after the first death only a single pipebomb even got me. The bulk of my deaths were 10 feet from the final caps on stage 2 and 3.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Drkirby said:
God damn are the guys on there tonight annoying. They are from some AG clan? And you know something is wrong when this happens!

Haha, in that pic right there, I came in as scout, came across a pyro took him out with the help of a pyro teammate ran down scored the payload after hopping around like a mad man whacking a spy, got killed by explosion, I left right after.


Volcynika said:
Needs more STEEL.

As of the time of posting, these servers and more are playing Steel.

Go cry more on their servers, babby.

ps lol at overreaction to people tossing around "gay" etc

Yeah I don't particularly like it but whatever, dudes. Shit happens. Far more annoying were those Naruto drawings of penises and penises.


Twig said:

As of the time of posting, these servers and more are playing Steel.

Go cry more on their servers, babby.

ps lol at overreaction to people tossing around "gay" etc

Yeah I don't particularly like it but whatever, dudes. Shit happens. Far more annoying were those Naruto drawings of penises and penises.

Good for those severs, but I'd rather play it on the GAF server. So quityerbitchin!

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