thunker 9000
Does receiving a crate count toward your weekly cap?
Edit: Hey! either he edited his post, or I am completely blind!
Edit: Hey! either he edited his post, or I am completely blind!
I personally think that is false information.KarmaCow said:Crates don't count toward to the drop cap.
Drkirby said:I personally think that is false information.
Kuro Madoushi said:yup
amidst all the trolling
Forgot to tell you guys I got my "meet the medic" lithograph. It's smaller than I thought it would be. And I'm going to get it framed and then take some pics and post
Pff, my Red Heavy statue is laughing all over this.Wallach said:I got my RED/BLU coffee mug yesterday. It is awesome. Also, huge.
It's probably not the lifesize one which is the one I got, fool!derFeef said:Pff, my Red Heavy statue is laughing all over this.Can't wait for the soldier.
Soldier/Demo the best.ArtistDude88 said:I didn't know about this.
Look at Doug, all #1! Now that he quit, he won't be able to defend his title!
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwZomba13 said:Just uploaded a pic on imgur and saw this on the main page thing:
Why are you showing us this?ArtistDude88 said:I didn't know about this.
Look at Doug, all #1! Now that he quit, he won't be able to defend his title!
This is as good a place as any to announce this. The Steam Guard "must have access to one time password via email" authentication functionality doesn't actually work. It's trivially bypassable. With some 'clever hackery' you can get steam to think that steam guard is not available, and it'll let you right in: (Please do not relink or redistribute this screenshot. I figured this out while futzing with my idlers, while moving some f2p idlers to a different computer, and realized something odd was going on when I got that error message for the first time ever. I probably should send an email to valve or something.)Kuro Madoushi said:I thought Steam Guard was supposed to protect against all this? I wonder if there isn't more to the story...
Getting vac banned will cause all your tf2 items to be taken away from you. So it's possible the missing items are the result of getting vac banned (inappropriately or not) and not necessarily the result of getting hacked.EmCeeGramr said:Dude with like 370 hours, Steam Guard enabled, strong password, got his account hacked and his backpack cleared of anything tradeable, and his account was VAC banned.![]()
Grinchy said:Got The Concheror as a drop. I see that the Vintage version of this item goes for a lot. I assume the regular yellow text version goes for nothing?
Yes. I'm glad I got to play, although I was trying to not play Medic at all that night and you guys made me go Medic. I was playing earlier with some friends and was just feeling off all night because of them.XeroSauce said:Thundermountain was intense tonight.
That could be more because of the fact that it was past 1AM EST. That was my reason at least.SteveWinwood said:It also made everyone leave.
Dude, this is NeoGAF. Community forums are viewable by the public and god knows how many people lurk here.yeoz said:This is as good a place as any to announce this. The Steam Guard "must have access to one time password via email" authentication functionality doesn't actually work. It's trivially bypassable. With some network manipulation you can get steam to think the steam guard server is not available, and it'll let you right in:
derFeef said:Pff, my Red Heavy statue is laughing all over this.Can't wait for the soldier.
I noticed a jump in my mem usage too. I tried to launch a game and was told I was low on memory (which has never happened before) and noticed TF2 was using quite a bit more in text mode than it should.Iadien said:Damnit Valve screwed up textmode for me. The memory usage went from 250ish to 800+.
balladofwindfishes said:Water Logged labcoat looks amazing on any hat.
Yeah it does. I've not had any yet but been looking at hats on the wiki and through the store and seeing how nice they look painted that colour.
Should have been fixed with the latest UMC update. That said, I didn't get a chance to test it.Drkirby said:Did you fix the Capture the Flag bug where it doesn't let you finish voting for the next map before changing?
You're right. Dustbowl should be removed altogether. (I'll look into it).Blizzard said:Yay, I got a summer crate. Also, dustbowl showed up for once and one team didn't even get to attack.![]()
I will consider it.(._.) said:add cp_snakewater please. I have never played it on a normal map rotation.
Zomba13 said:Just uploaded a pic on imgur and saw this on the main page thing:[IMG]
:D[/QUOTE]That is the most adorable thing ever.
Whenever that happens, just restart the idler. Sometimes they just lose connection to steam for whatever reason. It happens fairly often to me, and I need to restart two or three everytime I idle.Yeef said:I don't know what Valve did, but for some reason 1 of my accounts got all its drops (including 2 summer crates) and another got 0.
Yeef said:I don't know what Valve did, but for some reason 1 of my accounts got all its drops (including 2 summer crates) and another got 0.
I LOVE how Balaclavas are Forever looks on Max's head. God damn.balladofwindfishes said:Water Logged labcoat looks amazing on any hat.
Valve is perfectly aware of idling and has been for some time and it's not against their policy. In the past you needed a third party program to idle or to be connected to an actual server. Then they patched it so that you can just use the TF2 client in text mode and/or offline practice. Robin is on the record as saying that idlers will never be banned.derFeef said:Okay I just read up on this textmode idle thing and the alt-account. Can't Valve just track the items if you give it to your main account and remove it? Not that I will ever do it, but it just sounds unsafe and a bad idea in the first place.
Banning would be too harsh, I agree. I am just not sure how reliable this whole thing is. I am just getting into TF2 again and like I said - I played this game almost 600 hours already, but had never luck with hats (got only 2 vintages) or other things I wanted. If you say it is a fair and safe method to push your luck a bit, then I am fine with it.Yeef said:Valve is perfectly aware of idling and has been for some time and it's not against their policy. In the past you needed a third party program to idle or to be connected to an actual server. Then they patched it so that you can just use the TF2 client in text mode and/or offline practice. Robin is on the record as saying that idlers will never be banned.
Ikuu said:Not sure why they would, nothing wrong with having more than one Steam account or idling.
Zomba13 said:Been idling for a while on both my accounts. Got 2 coolers on my main and 1 on my alt along with 3 crate 19s so far. Got a Quick-Fix and Disciplinary Action drop that I needed so that's good. Not had a drop for a while now though so I think I'm done? Had 6 weps and 2 crates on my alt and not had a weapon drop in around 2 hours I think.
webrunner said:do crates count as your 'drop' for the 30-70 mins? I've ben idling for 3 hours on my account and just got two weaps and a crate.. in comparison in about 4:30 another account has 3 crates, three weapons, and a name tag.
Crates work on a different timer, so you didn't lose out on any item drops by getting crates instead.webrunner said:do crates count as your 'drop' for the 30-70 mins? I've ben idling for 3 hours on my account and just got two weaps and a crate.. in comparison in about 4:30 another account has 3 crates, three weapons, and a name tag.
Yeef said:Free players should now have a * in front of their names. This is purely satiate my own curiosity and I'll likely remove it eventually.
what kind of F2P abuse is going on, exactly?EmCeeGramr said:Uh-oh... more people on SPUF, Reddit, and SA are reporting cleared backpacks and VAC bans... including VAC bans on the fucking Steamworks version of Spacewar, a non publicly released demo meant to show off Steamworks support.
It might not be hackers. It might be whatever they've done to VAC to stop F2P abuse is now throwing up tons of false positives and wiping backpacks of mostly everything.
Yeah, I definitely think this is the case. It's more likely that vac bans are causing item backpacks to be cleared out than the nebulous "hackers" that everyone loves to blame.EmCeeGramr said:Uh-oh... more people on SPUF, Reddit, and SA are reporting cleared backpacks and VAC bans... including VAC bans on the fucking Steamworks version of Spacewar, a non publicly released demo meant to show off Steamworks support.
It might not be hackers. It might be whatever they've done to VAC to stop F2P abuse is now throwing up tons of false positives and wiping backpacks of mostly everything.
yeoz said:Yeah, I definitely think this is the case. It's more likely that vac bans are causing item backpacks to be cleared out than the nebulous "hackers" that everyone loves to blame.
Golden ticket? Waah? The riftwalker item? If it's that, that's achievement based and does not count towards your drops.Dreams-Visions said:Does this "golden ticket" count against my item drops? If so, I'm gonna be pissed.
Dreams-Visions said:Does this "golden ticket" count against my item drops? If so, I'm gonna be pissed.