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Team Fortress 2 |OT2| Free 2 Play Forever

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Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Demos had a bad night against me today.

I was medic, he had me cornered, I just ran around, he kept laying stickies, he detonates them...kills himself... :p

I was engie, running around and up the shack on....goldrush 2? Anyways, he drops down, and I drop ON TOP of him! There's a unique kill icon for that! :D


Blizzard said:
You had a ping of 82 in the screenshot I took...I hardly ever go below 30-60 as far as I remember. I do occasionally have the freeze thing where I can still hear people talking for a couple of seconds.
Plenty of connection errors, shaking pov moments to boot. Sometimes I wanna get my TF2 on in the most unlikely of places, but maybe it's not worth the raaaaaage.
I joined the server earlier this evening, and when I joined I kinda barely heard everyone talking about me, and saw some folks talk about me in chat.

Someone asked if I was good, and I said nope.

Nice to get that kind of welcome though :)

Even nicer when I was a heavy and Pillowknight was medic-ing me defending the cart and I went on like a ten-kill tear with 4 buildings thrown in for good measure.


relies on auto-aim
Boonoo said:
Movement speeds

Heavy GRU is 100
I thought it was 99? Or did they update it?

* Also next match is Sunday @ 12:00pm PST?
Playing the team that lost 0-6 to the team we beat 6-0. Should be fun.

Also I have 2 crates and a bunch of crap. Want the GRU.


Corporate Apologist
Odd, did they lower the speed of the GRU in the last small patch? I could of sworn before the heavy was moving faster then the Pyro.

Edit: I keep seeing different info, the old TF2 wiki says it actually makes the speed 100.1%


Looking at the official Wiki speed page it looks like it's 1v slower than the other 100% classes. 299v rather than 300v. v meaning velocity units.

Speed is measured in-game using the command cl_showpos set to 1, measuring in velocity units (v). The standard movement speed is 100% (that of Spy, Sniper, Pyro, and Engineer). Note forward speed is obtained by pressing the forward, left or right keys, backward speed obtained by pressing the backward key whilst crouching speed is found by pressing the crouch button. Backward speed is generally calculated by 90% of the class's forward speed, whilst crouching is at 33%. Forward and backward speeds are, however, the same when crouching or charging/zooming as a Sniper. During humiliation all classes on the winning team will move 10% faster.
I'm just gonna leave this here:


I really only play as Scout, Sniper and Soldier. Have a lot of crap that I don't use, so any of the new weapons for the Scout or hats for either would be welcome (though I love my Dapper!). I really want a Shortstop... and a Rocket Jumper.
I wonder if they'll ever make the Force-A-Nature not shit.

The scout unlocks were clearly a bit of a mess, they've been tweaked and patched more often than anything else, not to mention they are the only class that had you having to go out of your way to get most of the achievements.

I also don't get why the sandman is considered too powerful by the competitive community, it's a quick use item with a lengthy cool down. The loss of 15hp is a killer to me, getting 1 shotted by soldiers isn't fun. I've heard it discussed as a no brainer to always use it but I find it's usefulness limited.


Sandman, like the Jarate, is very useful as a support weapon. While your teammates are entangled in a conflict you bonk the unsuspecting enemy and your team gets a bunch of free hits. Like the Charge n' Targe it also works pretty well if you need to make a getaway. Bonk the person chasing you and it should give you time to get far away.

From what I've seen of competitive TF2 I don't think it would really work too well there. Teams are too small and the ball is relatively easy to dodge from the ranges that it's useful at.


MrPing1000 said:
I also don't get why the sandman is considered too powerful by the competitive community, it's a quick use item with a lengthy cool down. The loss of 15hp is a killer to me, getting 1 shotted by soldiers isn't fun. I've heard it discussed as a no brainer to always use it but I find it's usefulness limited.

It's not that it's too powerful. The threat of getting stunned is significantly less than sticky traps and headshots. In the end the Sandman is an annoying weapon that slows things down--same with Natascha and Wrangler. I doubt anyone would seriously use it if it wasn't banned. Losing 15 hp just isn't worth it.


MrPing1000 said:
I wonder if they'll ever make the Force-A-Nature not shit.

The scout unlocks were clearly a bit of a mess, they've been tweaked and patched more often than anything else, not to mention they are the only class that had you having to go out of your way to get most of the achievements.

I also don't get why the sandman is considered too powerful by the competitive community, it's a quick use item with a lengthy cool down. The loss of 15hp is a killer to me, getting 1 shotted by soldiers isn't fun. I've heard it discussed as a no brainer to always use it but I find it's usefulness limited.
Yeah, Scout is the one class where the vanilla version of the class is still the definitive version. I haven't tried the Shortstop yet, but looking at its stats leads me to believe that the base scattergun is still superior in most situations. Mad Milk just doesn't seem that useful, and I agree with you about FAN and Sandman.

Every other class at least has 1 useful subclass.


Finally got a Tippler's Tricorne. It was almost impossible to find someone just doing a 1:1 for this.

Also does anyone have a medic mask they want to trade?


I am definitely not good at scout, but the FAN seems really powerful in the hands of some players. I feel like it can do 200+ damage from the two shots, and as I might have pointed out, the shortstop (which does two crits when it crits?) can do like 288 in TWO out of its four shots. Good scouts will practically kill me as a full health heavy if they get close, unless I'm just imagining things. Who knows how they compare in the longrun though. The largest clip size is probably still best.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
So I'm pretty sure that the latency resulted in one of my bullets turning crit in mid-air last night. I fired, heard the retort, then a millisecond later we won, my gun turned glowy, and the bullet I had fired did like 250 damage.

(I was a Sniper from all the way at the bottom of the final Pipeline)
Blizzard said:
I am definitely not good at scout, but the FAN seems really powerful in the hands of some players. I feel like it can do 200+ damage from the two shots, and as I might have pointed out, the shortstop (which does two crits when it crits?) can do like 288 in TWO out of its four shots. Good scouts will practically kill me as a full health heavy if they get close, unless I'm just imagining things. Who knows how they compare in the longrun though. The largest clip size is probably still best.
Yeah, in the end you want the gun that can kill/hurt/finish off the most players in the least amount of time, and the Scattergun is still the best for that.

The FaN is great if you catch someone off guard, but if he has a buddy you're at a huge disadvantage. You also generally need to hit with both shots and get good rolls to get a kill. And you have less air control if you jump around a lot in a firefight.

I haven't tried the Shortstop yet, but it should at least be better than the FaN (for combat) since it doesn't have the blowback. And the slowdown should be nice when fighting other Scouts, which you do a lot.

*Note: Uses Pistol Ammo



Hmm. Apparently the Mad Milk effect doesn't go away when you go to the supply lockers in spawn. That's likely a bug.


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
Confidence Man said:
Did anyone want the new heavy gloves? I found a second one today.

Sure, do you need anything? I have 3 fish, and 2 crates. series 2 and series 1.

I was being nice and gave away a crate for free, I then received 2 crates when I hit trade. yay?
So before I start playing this again this weekend, I'm wondering, is there any way to have the server automatically kick you after a certain number of rounds or amount of time? I have poor self-control when it comes to TF2 and could use some help keeping me from playing it all weekend this time.
Iadien said:
Sure, do you need anything? I have 3 fish, and 2 crates. series 2 and series 1.

I was being nice and gave away a crate for free, I then received 2 crates when I hit trade. yay?

I don't have the fish, so that would be good.

Is your steam name Moose?


rac said:
Does anyone want to start a Gaf team on the ESL tournament. For new medals of course.

Alright I started a team now I just need members.
Here's a getting started guide:

First; it's dumb that the American leagues aren't making these medal deals with Valve (although, as a silver lining something like this would probably ruin the first half of the season between teams not showing up and awful teams just in it for the medals.) The Euro leagues in general are healthier I think, and some of the American leagues could really benefit from some good publicity.

Second it's probably worth noting that this is going to be significantly different than the highlander tournament. 1) 6v6 is just basically different than Highlander (which is more or less just a slightly smaller pub game). 2) You may well need a proper server. 3) Americans might not be allowed because no one wants to play serious matches over the Atlantic. 4) You'll have to actually play 7 weeks worth of games.

Basically what I'm saying is that this isn't something you should get into just for the medals. If you're interested in playing 6v6 that's wonderful, and the more people playing 6v6 the better, but this isn't the place to start.

Stolen from a post I made elsewhere.

I think that tf2lobby.com works well as far as beginning to get you acclimated to the feel of playing standard 6v6 matches rather than the large pub games. A lot of the fun of comp TF2, though, is teamwork and strategy and whatnot, and lobby is sorely missing that to a large degree.

Your best bet is finding 5 like-minded people, starting up a team, and playing together. At the beginning you can either try and find low scrims or just stack a lobby (which, when you're first starting out can present a challenge since your teamwork will be messy, and you may just get out DMed).

As an aside I'm not anything special as far as comp goes (I'm a low/mid scout, and I've only played a season and a half), but I'd be more than happy to help anyone that's interested try out lobby and play some games.


Boonoo said:
Second it's probably worth noting that this is going to be significantly different than the highlander tournament. 1) 6v6 is just basically different than Highlander (which is more or less just a slightly smaller pub game). 2) You may well need a proper server. 3) Americans might not be allowed because no one wants to play serious matches over the Atlantic. 4) You'll have to actually play 7 weeks worth of games.
This pretty much destroys any chance at a gaf team. However if 5 people are interested in doing this I will still be onboard.


I'll pass even if Americans are allowed, since in addition to the above reasons, it looks like you have to download and use some third-party anti-cheat client, so it's kind of a hassle all around.

*edit* From the gaming forum thread:
balladofwindfishes said:
Want a polycount hat?

4 refined + polycount weapon = set hat for that weapon

GRU = KGB + Reclaimed
Vita-Saw = Ubersaw + Reclaimed
Rocket Jumper = Still Not Known :(

These recipes were just found a few hours ago, but were added in the last patch.



Oh my. Who could be doing these terrible things?


Jenga said:
TF2 just updated anyone got patch notes?

and the sandman is wonderful, anyone who doubts it doesn't use it

Here are the changed files...

8.45% downloading ../orangebox/tf/bin/server.dll
21.55% downloading ../orangebox/tf/bin/server.dylib
44.45% downloading ../orangebox/tf/bin/server.so
53.83% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/player/items/demo/demo_tricorne.dx90.vtx
53.83% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/player/items/demo/demo_tricorne.mdl
53.84% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/player/items/demo/demo_tricorne.phy
53.89% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/player/items/demo/demo_tricorne.vvd
53.91% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/player/items/demo/drinking_hat.dx90.vtx
53.92% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/player/items/demo/drinking_hat.mdl
53.92% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/player/items/demo/drinking_hat.phy
54.00% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/player/items/demo/drinking_hat.vvd
54.03% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/weapons/c_models/c_pistol/c_pistol.dx90.vtx
54.04% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/weapons/c_models/c_pistol/c_pistol.mdl
54.04% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/weapons/c_models/c_pistol/c_pistol.phy
54.19% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/weapons/c_models/c_pistol/c_pistol.vvd
54.23% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/weapons/c_models/c_shotgun/c_shotgun.dx90.vtx
54.23% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/weapons/c_models/c_shotgun/c_shotgun.mdl
54.23% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/weapons/c_models/c_shotgun/c_shotgun.phy
54.39% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/weapons/c_models/c_shotgun/c_shotgun.vvd
54.60% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/weapons/c_models/c_engineer_animations.mdl
54.77% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/weapons/c_models/c_engineer_arms.dx90.vtx
54.81% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/weapons/c_models/c_engineer_arms.mdl
55.51% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/weapons/c_models/c_engineer_arms.vvd
55.59% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/weapons/c_models/c_heavy_animations.mdl
55.66% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/weapons/c_models/c_heavy_arms.dx90.vtx
55.69% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/weapons/c_models/c_heavy_arms.mdl
55.97% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/weapons/c_models/c_heavy_arms.vvd
56.06% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/weapons/c_models/c_pyro_animations.mdl
56.20% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/weapons/c_models/c_scout_animations.mdl
56.30% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/weapons/c_models/c_soldier_animations.mdl
56.36% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/weapons/c_models/c_soldier_arms.dx90.vtx
56.39% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/weapons/c_models/c_soldier_arms.mdl
56.58% downloading ../orangebox/tf/models/weapons/c_models/c_soldier_arms.vvd
56.64% downloading ../orangebox/tf/resource/ui/backpackpanel.res
56.64% downloading ../orangebox/tf/resource/ui/notificationqueuepanel.res
56.66% downloading ../orangebox/tf/resource/modevents.res
57.81% downloading ../orangebox/tf/resource/tf_danish.txt
58.99% downloading ../orangebox/tf/resource/tf_dutch.txt
59.57% downloading ../orangebox/tf/resource/tf_english.txt
60.74% downloading ../orangebox/tf/resource/tf_finnish.txt
61.97% downloading ../orangebox/tf/resource/tf_french.txt
63.19% downloading ../orangebox/tf/resource/tf_german.txt
63.85% downloading ../orangebox/tf/resource/tf_hungarian.txt
65.00% downloading ../orangebox/tf/resource/tf_italian.txt
65.97% downloading ../orangebox/tf/resource/tf_japanese.txt
66.94% downloading ../orangebox/tf/resource/tf_korean.txt
67.92% downloading ../orangebox/tf/resource/tf_koreana.txt
68.87% downloading ../orangebox/tf/resource/tf_norwegian.txt
70.07% downloading ../orangebox/tf/resource/tf_polish.txt
71.22% downloading ../orangebox/tf/resource/tf_portuguese.txt
72.21% downloading ../orangebox/tf/resource/tf_romanian.txt
73.40% downloading ../orangebox/tf/resource/tf_russian.txt
74.33% downloading ../orangebox/tf/resource/tf_schinese.txt
75.55% downloading ../orangebox/tf/resource/tf_spanish.txt
76.70% downloading ../orangebox/tf/resource/tf_swedish.txt
77.68% downloading ../orangebox/tf/resource/tf_tchinese.txt
78.10% downloading ../orangebox/tf/scripts/items/items_game.txt
78.14% downloading ../orangebox/tf/scripts/talker/response_rules.txt
78.25% downloading ../orangebox/tf/scripts/game_sounds_weapons.txt
78.28% downloading ../orangebox/tf/scripts/hudlayout.res
78.41% downloading ../orangebox/tf/sound/weapons/pan/melee_frying_pan_01.wav
78.53% downloading ../orangebox/tf/sound/weapons/pan/melee_frying_pan_02.wav
78.67% downloading ../orangebox/tf/sound/weapons/pan/melee_frying_pan_03.wav
78.81% downloading ../orangebox/tf/sound/weapons/pan/melee_frying_pan_04.wav
79.08% downloading ../orangebox/tf/sound/weapons/pan/pan_impact_world1.wav
79.34% downloading ../orangebox/tf/sound/weapons/pan/pan_impact_world2.wav
79.60% downloading ../orangebox/tf/sound/weapons/pan/pan_impact_world3.wav
79.60% downloading ../orangebox/tf/steam.inf

Updating 'Team Fortress 2 Materials' from version 73 to version 74

79.61% downloading ../orangebox/tf/materials/backpack/player/items/demo/drinking_hat.vmt
79.61% downloading ../orangebox/tf/materials/backpack/player/items/demo/drinking_hat_large.vmt
79.61% downloading ../orangebox/tf/materials/models/player/items/all_class/dueling_medal_bronze.vmt
79.61% downloading ../orangebox/tf/materials/models/player/items/all_class/dueling_medal_gold.vmt
79.61% downloading ../orangebox/tf/materials/models/player/items/all_class/dueling_medal_platinum.vmt
79.61% downloading ../orangebox/tf/materials/models/player/items/all_class/dueling_medal_silver.vmt
79.61% downloading ../orangebox/tf/materials/models/player/items/demo/demo_tricorne.vmt
79.62% downloading ../orangebox/tf/materials/models/player/items/demo/inquisitor_blue.vmt
79.62% downloading ../orangebox/tf/materials/models/player/items/demo/witchhunter_blue.vmt
79.62% downloading ../orangebox/tf/materials/models/player/items/engineer/train_hat.vmt
79.62% downloading ../orangebox/tf/materials/models/player/items/engineer/train_hat_blue.vmt
79.62% downloading ../orangebox/tf/materials/models/player/items/heavy/heavy_stocking_cap_blue.vmt
79.62% downloading ../orangebox/tf/materials/models/player/items/pyro/pyro_chicken.vmt
79.63% downloading ../orangebox/tf/materials/models/player/items/pyro/pyro_chicken_blue.vmt
79.63% downloading ../orangebox/tf/materials/models/player/items/pyro/sombrero_blu.vmt
79.63% downloading ../orangebox/tf/materials/models/player/items/pyro/sombrero_red.vmt
79.64% downloading ../orangebox/tf/materials/models/player/items/soldier/soldier_samurai_blue.vmt
79.64% downloading ../orangebox/tf/materials/models/player/items/soldier/soldier_samurai_horn.vmt
79.64% downloading ../orangebox/tf/materials/models/player/items/soldier/soldier_samurai_red.vmt
79.64% downloading ../orangebox/tf/materials/models/player/items/spy/spy_beret.vmt
79.64% downloading ../orangebox/tf/materials/models/player/items/spy/spy_beret_blue.vmt

Checking/Installing 'Base Source Shared Materials' version 8

Checking/Installing 'Base Source Shared Models' version 4

Checking/Installing 'Base Source Shared Sounds' version 4

Updating 'OB Linux Dedicated Server' from version 66 to version 68

80.59% downloading ../orangebox/bin/crashhandler.so
85.17% downloading ../orangebox/bin/engine.so
98.28% downloading ../orangebox/bin/steamclient.so
Javaman said:
There aren't any on the server. Equal opportunity.
I'll kick spectators though to make room. (and sometimes no names)
Good to hear! I got kicked by steam, and then when I tried to re-join got some "reserved.." message so I just figured they were in. Must have been steam strangeness.


Steam's been acting up lately. A few days ago my favorite server list got completely wiped. It didn't happen all at once though. One server disappeared, then a few hours later another did and on until they were all gone.


PillowKnight said:
Good to hear! I got kicked by steam, and then when I tried to re-join got some "reserved.." message so I just figured they were in. Must have been steam strangeness.
You are probably a "no name" according to Java. :p Java is an ass like that.
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