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Team Fortress 2 |OT2| Free 2 Play Forever

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Clydefrog said:
What map is this?

- It's a cart map.
- I think it starts with the cart flying down from a really high track (like a rollercoaster.)
- The second part of the map starts with a wall being exploded by dynamite.
- The last part of the map has the each team's cart parallel to each other. You have to push the cart up to some big speaker/jukebox thing. If no one on your team pushes the cart in this part of the map, the cart slowly moves down the track until it ultimately falls off a ledge and you lose.

We played it one night on the GAF server and then NEVER AGAIN even though I've called for it a million times. The last round on that map is possibly the most fun you can have in TF2.


Yeef said:

We played it one night on the GAF server and then NEVER AGAIN even though I've called for it a million times. The last round on that map is possibly the most fun you can have in TF2.

Yeah the last part is super fun. The name panic is fitting for it. I won't forget it now!


Yeef said:
I'm not a big fan of the last point of upward, but other than that I love it.

Hightower before the patch that made the carts move faster uphill was terrible. Matches would last literally 40 minutes to an hour some times. I think part of it was the fact that it came with the engineer update so there were always 5 engineers on each team.

After the patch and with much fewer engineers these days it's great.
Felt like a killbox before the ammo/metal refill nerf also


Corporate Apologist
I don't know, I loved the two climbs being no mans land, the desperate attempt of trying to get a group of 4 or 5 people together with a coordinated spy attack to try and push though only to get crushed by a Krits Heavy at the very last second, ah such fun.


rac said:
Panic is a horrible map that isn't fun. No one should play it, ever.

It really is pretty bad. I could almost see a reason to play single rounds of last section every now and then--every 3 or so maps like a quick change of pace. The first 2 sections are pretty awful, though, and playing through them to get to the amusing 3rd isn't worth it.


The first few areas of Panic are pretty boring. The most exciting thing that happens is the wall exploding at the beginning and the cart killing anyone who stands in its way. But I really dug the last map, leads can change instantly and the concept is unique.


Is there anyway to have the server just play one area? I'd love playing through 2 rounds of Goldrush 1--just attack once and defend once then new map. Having to attack or defend three times in a row gets really dull.


You know, I often say Badlands is one of my favorite maps.

Because it is. The layout is awesome, and I love the verticality in it.

But it so very rarely has that back and forth that good 5-point CP maps like Well and Granary have. ): More often than not, it's a steamroll.


Twig said:
You know, I often say Badlands is one of my favorite maps.

Because it is. The layout is awesome, and I love the verticality in it.

But it so very rarely has that back and forth that good 5-point CP maps like Well and Granary have. ): More often than not, it's a steamroll.

Play more 6v6!

Well, even then the back and forth isn't a guarantee. But when it happens it's divine. There's almost nothing more satisfying then a 20 minute round that bounces back and forth between both team's final points.

It happens now and then in pub servers, though. Things tend to either get bogged down with engies and heavies at the final point or the quick steamroll, though.

Badlands is pretty amazing, though. It's a shame that in TF2 the 24/7 servers seem to be devoted to shit maps--2fort, dustbowl, etc. At least in CS they were with dust2.


6v6 sucks


twice i have done 6v6 and both times it was a horrible experience

so bad

so bad

AND it effectively removes 1/3 of the classes AT LEAST


Has problems recognising girls
Yeah. 6v6 is bullshit, 32v32 is fun for a while, but 24v24 is the sweet spot.

My only problem is I avoid choosing Medic whenever I can, simply because whenever I do, the team becomes way too overpowered and we always steamroll :|


Twig said:
6v6 sucks


AND it effectively removes 1/3 of the classes AT LEAST

Yeah, the bad the

Yeah. 6v6 is bullshit, 32v32 is fun for a while, but 24v24 is the sweet spot.

Big pub games are nice for some mindless fun, but now and then it's nice to think and play at the same time.


speedpop said:
Yeah. 6v6 is bullshit, 32v32 is fun for a while, but 24v24 is the sweet spot.

My only problem is I avoid choosing Medic whenever I can, simply because whenever I do, the team becomes way too overpowered and we always steamroll :|
I think you mean 24 man servers? Making it 12v12. 24v24 is just stupid lol. I prefer 8v8 or 9v9 though.


Unconfirmed Member
speedpop said:
Yeah. 6v6 is bullshit, 32v32 is fun for a while, but 24v24 is the sweet spot.

My only problem is I avoid choosing Medic whenever I can, simply because whenever I do, the team becomes way too overpowered and we always steamroll :|

24v24 is a cluster fuck. 12v12 is the REAL sweetspot


Okay can someone clarify something for me... I used to play TF2 when it first came out.. and started kinda not playing before all these crazy free updates came about (like sniper having a shield to prevent 1 shot backstabs, a bow and arrow??, etc).

I re-installed and this game looks fukin different lol. How do I get all these kick ass new weapons, will it take long?

And what's the purpose of all these trades and shit I see in-game.. do those items actually do anything or only give visual effect?


Boonoo said:
Yeah, the bad the
Says the shitty spy.

l2p nub

If you can make 6v6 fun for me, then I will bake you a cookie and mail it to you. I know you can't, which is why I feel safe in making this proclamation. :3


Corporate Apologist
You can get most items in two ways. One is by playing the class and getting Achivement milestones, unlocking weapons for that class as you do so, the second is random drops. You get between 6 and 12 random drops a week, so your will likely get a bunch of weapons that way.

Other then weapons, all the trading is for cosmetic hats. Most hats are class specific, but there are a few all class ones, and recently Valve added the ability to paint them (Along with the ability for there to be unusual version of hat), to add a bit of customization to the characters.

Other then a bunch of balance changes that have added up over the years, the biggest single change IMO to just what the classes can do would be the Enginere being able to pick up his gear.

This page goes over a bunch of the updates, though its a bit dated now too: http://www.teamfortress.com/119/


Drkirby said:
You can get most items in two ways. One is by playing the class and getting Achivement milestones, unlocking weapons for that class as you do so, the second is random drops. You get between 6 and 12 random drops a week, so your will likely get a bunch of weapons that way.

Ohh.. so if I just play consistently I should have everything unlocked relatively soon (completing achievments combined with random drops)?



YakiSOBA said:
Okay can someone clarify something for me... I used to play TF2 when it first came out.. and started kinda not playing before all these crazy free updates came about (like sniper having a shield to prevent 1 shot backstabs, a bow and arrow??, etc).

I re-installed and this game looks fukin different lol. How do I get all these kick ass new weapons, will it take long?

And what's the purpose of all these trades and shit I see in-game.. do those items actually do anything or only give visual effect?

While playing, you get random items at random intervals, but you can also earn them by doing class-specific achievements.

The hats are, for the most part, for cosmetic effect only. There are a few hats that were released with the last update that act as part of a set, and equipping the entire set at once gives you an addition benefit.


YakiSOBA said:
Okay can someone clarify something for me... I used to play TF2 when it first came out.. and started kinda not playing before all these crazy free updates came about (like sniper having a shield to prevent 1 shot backstabs, a bow and arrow??, etc).

I re-installed and this game looks fukin different lol. How do I get all these kick ass new weapons, will it take long?

And what's the purpose of all these trades and shit I see in-game.. do those items actually do anything or only give visual effect?

Each class has three new items that you can earn through achievements.

Pyro, Scout, Sniper, Spy, Solider each have 2 new items and a hat that gives you a small modifier if you wear all three. These can only be found randomly or crafted.

There is a slew of other weapons sprinkled about that can only be crafted or found randomly.

Almost none of the new weapons are direct upgrades (and in most cases a largely vanilla load out is 'best' option), and you really don't need to worry about them at all.

Possible direct upgrades

Ubersaw-medic melee
Equalizer-soldier melee
Sandvich-heavy secondary

I'd say more or less everything else is either A) for specific uses only B) worse for general use or C) a toss up depending on how you want to play.

Since you haven't played in a long time you should get quite a few drops (25ish maybe) in your first week back. After that you get 7-10 drops a week, so in pretty short order you'll have most of the items.

See wiki.teamfortress.com for any questions of what exactly the weapons do or how to craft anything.

If you're after a specific weapon it will probably be easier to trade for it than craft it. You can ask here about trades.


Twig said:
Says the shitty spy.

l2p nub

If you can make 6v6 fun for me, then I will bake you a cookie and mail it to you. I know you can't, which is why I feel safe in making this proclamation. :3

I am the worst spy. For the longest time my "Most Backstabs" was 1 by Scout. Now it's 2 by spy.

If you'd like I could take you on a magical 6v6 journey to tf2lobby.


Corporate Apologist
YakiSOBA said:
Ohh.. so if I just play consistently I should have everything unlocked relatively soon (completing achievments combined with random drops)?

More or less. The newest sets of items, known as the [urk=http://www.teamfortress.com/mannconomy/item_sets/]Polycount sets[/url], can only be had by finding them in random drops, or crafting.

A Basic Run down of Crafting.

2 Weapons from the Same Class -> Make 1 Scrap Metal
3 Scrap Metal -> 1 Reclaimed Metal
3 Reclaimed Metal -> 1 Refined Metal

Polycount weapons can be crafted with 1 Refined and and older weapon. But, since they can be ranodmly found, most people will trade them away for 1 scrap metal or less at this point. After you get a decent amount of duplicate weapons and there are a few of the Polycount Weapons you want to toy with but haven't founds, just try to kindly ask the people you are playing with if they have an extra Weapon to trade.

Now, onto anther topic, hats. Hats can be had a few ways.

1) Random Drops. These can take a while, you may be lucky and find one your first week, you may play for a month and not find one.
2) Crafting. You can get a random hat by crafting together 3 Refined Metals (This though is equal to 54 weapons), or the Polycount set specifcially hats for 4 Refined and an item from the Polycount Set. You can also get a new hat by crafting 2 random hats together, but at this point you are likely better to just trade it.
3) Item Shop! This one is new, if you want them fast you can just pay, but they aren't cheap, ranging from $5-$18. You do get a Mann Co. Cap for buying any item in the shop though, which is pretty nice, and there are $.49 items, so if you are willing to pay $.50 for a cap, you can.
4) Trading. Just like it sounds, you can trade most items in the game, though most of the time people are going to want hats for other hats.

Here is a Wiki on a bunch of this stuff to look over:


Thanks guys.. add me I'm Yakis0ba on STEAM :) Will see u on the battlefield!

Are there GAF nights sometimes with full on voice chat and organized winning vs pubs? :)


Corporate Apologist
We mostly just play on the GAF Server, currently being run by Javaman, though its likely going to be switching to a new server in a month or so being set up by Remmy. Fills up quite nicely at night, the server rotation is mostly made up of Payload, Capture Point, Attack and Defend, and King of the Hilll. I forget if we still have any Capture the Flag maps left on it, I know there is no Arena though.


You probably shouldn't craft most weapons or hats, since you can probably get them for cheaper through trade. If you start getting duplicate weapons, just ask to trade them away for a weapon you don't have.

In general, the polycount weapons are worth more than the normal weapons, you can usually trade away a polycount weapon for at least 1 scrap.

I would recommend asking in this thread about any trades you make before doing so, just so you don't get scammed.


YakiSOBA said:
Thanks guys.. add me I'm Yakis0ba on STEAM :) Will see u on the battlefield!

Are there GAF nights sometimes with full on voice chat and organized winning vs pubs? :)

You can add me, my STEAM ID is MUJU.


Corporate Apologist
cooljeanius said:
How do you even get a backstab as scout
It could be the %s1% glitch that pops up every now and then "You have healed 85 health as a %s1%, your new best".

I remember it once showed I was killed by <killername>, at first I thought it was an odd joke name until I realized it was anther glitch where it just didn't know what to put there.

These tend to pop up after major updates and get quietly fixed from what I notice.


Boonoo said:
I am the worst spy. For the longest time my "Most Backstabs" was 1 by Scout. Now it's 2 by spy.
1) Exactly my point. Spy is not boring, it's just hard AND YOU SUCK NYAH NYAH.
2) scout wat
If you'd like I could take you on a magical 6v6 journey to tf2lobby.
sounds horrendous
Drkirby said:
It could be the %s1% glitch that pops up every now and then "You have healed 85 health as a %s1%, your new best".
You can heal yourself with the assistance of scout milking these days.

YakiSOBA said:
Thanks guys.. add me I'm Yakis0ba on STEAM :) Will see u on the battlefield!

Are there GAF nights sometimes with full on voice chat and organized winning vs pubs? :)
GAF server is full almost every night for a few hours from about 9 to midnight EST.

We don't usually stack against pubs. That's boring. All chat is on because we're cool people and not uptight crazies who hate socializing - in other words, don't expect well-organized team play. Almost all of the team play we do is just because we know each other well enough to play as a team without constant voice communication.

Also, GAF people suck at the game (except me 'cause I'm the best).


desh said:
I've been thinking about trying out this 6v6 stuff. How do I access tf2lobby exactly?

You sign up, and they give you an id number. You post that number on your community page. You can see it in mine.


Then you should more or less be good to go.

Stick to the basic classes.


With medic you need to learn heal order--buff the demo as long as possible (until he jumps too far away). Then stick to your soldiers. One of them will sometimes equalize to mid while the other jumps. Pop some on scouts when possible.
Make sure you know who your pocket is and stick with him. Always be healing someone, and if you have uber and are under attack pop before you drop (good rule of thumb is if you drop below 100 hp with enemies around).

With Soldier and Demo you'll need to learn the jumps to mid. 6v6 is almost entirely based around mobility, so you need to get your horizontal jumps under control. There are pretty well accepted jump paths to mid on the maps (gran and blands are the most common lobbies). If you're the designated pocket stick with your medic. You pocket him, not the other way around.

If you're playing demo learn trap locations, jumps to mid, and how to land pipes. You'll be doing a lot of area denial and straight up killing.

With scout learn the paths to mid and know who to kill. Be sure to call out enemy locations, and watch the flanks.

Communication is key. Make sure you have a mic and make sure you use it. Let people know when you've killed someone, when you're dead, when you hear them get uber, when you see them moving, etc.


are good resources.

I main scout and am nothing special, but I've been playing comp for a year or so, so I can help out if you have any questions.

Edit: With tf2lobby you're going to get a good slew of bad games. It's not so bad when you're facing better players and just get rolled, but it's no fun when people start trolling with offclasses and what not, or the designated medic switches or drops.

There are usually some good people around, and if you ask for help they will tend to help you out--with jumps etc.

Edit 2: What class were you looking at playing?
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