If you just want the items, here's the quickest way. It's still time-consuming, but what Demo wouldn't want to sport those sweet shutters? (They should give you an in-game point if you aren't facing toward your stickies when you set them off.)
- Start a new game.
- Watch for someone to offer up a rare item. If everyone drops their cash before the Heavy, hit your Escape key, then the right arrow at the bottom of the screen twice, and Start New Game. It'll go straight back to people dropping their cash or items again.
- When the round starts, go All In. Or alternatively, go one round on a Call, and see if your target folds or not. (This is useful for whichever one is your cautious one. For me, it was Tycho.) Then go All In. You'll probably scare off several of the players, hopefully not your target.
- If you win and don't get your item, repeat. If you lose, restart. You don't have to win the tournament, just bust the player with the item.
Yeah, it's a lame way of doing it, but after earning two of them legitimately, I just wanted to get the rest of the items so I didn't have to stress, or felt like I was wasting my time on cash-only tournaments. Now I can enjoy the game for what it is, instead of the unlocks.