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Teen Wolf (Season 5) |OT| Watch your (six) pack.


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While the drama is weak and feels forced, I gotta say that's it nice to see a different side of Scott and Stiles. Stiles is doing all that he can to cover up the fact that he killed Donovan and doesn't seem to regret it much. Scott was a total mess this episode and even with Mason's words the ending was still pretty dark for a character like Scott.
That's one of nice things about this season. So many characters have been pushed outside their comfort zones. I guess you could say the same about any of the seasons, to a certain degree, but this one is especially personal and individual with the challenges it's throwing at Scott's pack. They're all being forced to grow. Even if the execution has been a bit aimless and clumsy, it's good to see new sides to all of these characters.

You have Scott feeling the pressure of leadership and having his confidence shaken by his inability to protect his friends, Stiles being overwhelmed by guilt and unable to confide in anyone, Malia coming into her power and taking a much more assertive role in the pack, Liam maturing enough to support Scott and protect Hayden, Lydia learning to defend herself and develop her abilities further, and loads of secondary characters coming to the forefront and sometimes actually carrying the show when the leads are off on some other business.

This season is too unfocused so far, but there's still time for it to tighten up. It's already covered some interesting new territory with altered and suppressed memories, and the Dread Doctors' whole body modification and waking dream thing, where anyone could be a threat and you're never quite sure when you might drop into a nightmare. I'm excited to see where this goes.


special needs, sexual needs
For the new page:

Thanks Moncole. Now I have to decide which part of his perfect body I should stare at first. The upper part or those huge mass of thighs? I can't focus enough to stare at both at the same time, however I guess I could go back and forth.

The sign is unfortunate. Though maybe it's for our safety, whatever he is hiding must surely be supernatural.


Thanks Moncole. Now I have to decide which part of his perfect body I should stare at first. The upper part or those huge mass of thighs? I can't focus enough to stare at both at the same time, however I guess I could go back and forth.

The sign is unfortunate. Though maybe it's for our safety, whatever he is hiding must surely be supernatural.
I totally stole that pic from T.O.P's post.

The great thing about Parrish is there's plenty of him to go around. Just look.


BTW I'm pretty sure he burned a hole through that sign about two seconds later.


Theo starts giving everyone hugs and Scott is finally suspicious af
Yes well he also started distrusting Kira at the first sign she was having issues, instead of trying to find out why the kitsune spirit in her was going haywire, so he's not the best judge of character tbh.

I don't want to shock you with this deeply personal admission, but I trust Theo so much that I'd let him play my Xbox One when I'm not at home.
I hope The season ends with Scott saying "Theo get the fuck out of beacon hills and never come back or I'll call Chris Argent (throwback!!) to put your ass in werewolf jail you shit" and then Theo leaves and never comes back.

That or he dies, I'll take whatever I can get.

Seriously though, If they do find out that Theo was working with the Dread Doctors and that Theo was the responsible for all of the awful shit they're going through now, them forgiving him and letting him join the pack is just bad writing tbh.
Yes well he also started distrusting Kira at the first sign she was having issues, instead of trying to find out why the kitsune spirit in her was going haywire, so he's not the best judge of character tbh.

I don't want to shock you with this deeply personal admission, but I trust Theo so much that I'd let him play my Xbox One when I'm not at home.

Jesus, just trust him with your first born why don't you


Jesus, just trust him with your first born why don't you
Babies are tough, and adversity builds character. I'm pretty sure you could leave one in a national park and it would toddle its way home eventually. But just a few wrong inputs on my Xbox and all my saves would be gone forever. That's my legacy, OK?

Who could I possibly trust to safeguard that? Only Theo.


For the new page:




That's one of nice things about this season. So many characters have been pushed outside their comfort zones. I guess you could say the same about any of the seasons, to a certain degree, but this one is especially personal and individual with the challenges it's throwing at Scott's pack. They're all being forced to grow. Even if the execution has been a bit aimless and clumsy, it's good to see new sides to all of these characters.

You have Scott feeling the pressure of leadership and having his confidence shaken by his inability to protect his friends, Stiles being overwhelmed by guilt and unable to confide in anyone, Malia coming into her power and taking a much more assertive role in the pack, Liam maturing enough to support Scott and protect Hayden, Lydia learning to defend herself and develop her abilities further, and loads of secondary characters coming to the forefront and sometimes actually carrying the show when the leads are off on some other business.

This season is too unfocused so far, but there's still time for it to tighten up. It's already covered some interesting new territory with altered and suppressed memories, and the Dread Doctors' whole body modification and waking dream thing, where anyone could be a threat and you're never quite sure when you might drop into a nightmare. I'm excited to see where this goes.

In that last picture, something looks off with his mouth. It's like his teeth in between his mouth, or his thoungue or...? It looks weird.

Also, what I'm going to say will be highly controversial but I think that Parrish is way hotter than Theo... Even his physique is better. This is my humble and honest opinion.

Sorry TheoGaf... o:


In that last picture, something looks off with his mouth. It's like his teeth in between his mouth, or his thoungue or...? It looks weird.

Also, what I'm going to say will be highly controversial but I think that Parrish is way hotter than Theo... Even his physique is better. This is my humble and honest opinion.

Sorry TheoGaf... o:
My top three Teen Wolf hunks are Jackson, Parrish, and Theo. As long as one of those are on your list, and you trust Theo implicitly, heart and soul, we're cool.


My top three Teen Wolf hunks are Jackson, Parrish, and Theo. As long as one of those are on your list, and you trust Theo implicitly, heart and soul, we're cool.

Well you see, I'm a materialist so I don"t know about the soul part (ironically) but I would trust Theo with pretty much anything. If he would ask me to walk around with a blindfold in a deserted forest at the middle of the night I would do it.

What's the worst that could happen?

In Theo we thrust. o/
Well you see, I'm a materialist so I don"t know about the soul part (ironically) but I would trust Theo with pretty much anything. If he would ask me to walk around with a blindfold in a deserted forest at the middle of the night I would do it.

What's the worst that could happen?

In Theo we thrust. o/

I completely understand what you mean. I would trust Theo to blindfold me. Tie me up. I'd be willing to let him do whatever. My trust for him is that strong.

Trust no one, but Theo..



Well you see, I'm a materialist so I don"t know about the soul part (ironically)
Me too, but something in my pants definitely reacts to Theo's presence. If it's not a soul, what could it be????

but I would trust Theo with pretty much anything. If he would ask me to walk around with a blindfold in a deserted forest at the middle of the night I would do it.

What's the worst that could happen?

That's the correct answer!

In Theo we thrust. o/

I completely understand what you mean. I would trust Theo to blindfold me. Tie me up. I'd be willing to let him do whatever. My trust for him is that strong.

No wait, I mean yikes. That would be really hard—like very very hard—to deal with. I bet he'd have to do an extremely thorough search to see if I was packing heat or whatever, like to see if maybe I had left something really pointy in my pocket for example. I bet he'd want to take off his shirt and use it to protect his hands in case he found some sort of a weapon on my person and needed to grasp it safely.

That's Theo for you: careful and thorough. The kind of hunk you can trust, whether it's to tie you up for your own good or off a jerk. Have you seen those arms? I bet he could off so many jerks it would blow you away. You know what I mean?


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
this page

y'all need jesus
and a better judge of character


I love how Scott is taking everything Theo is saying and not even questioning it. This could have ALL been avoided if Stiles told the truth earlier.


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
Ever since Colton left, to me the series kinda went south. I watched it on and off, missed most of Season 4 because I found it unbearable, but I have to say Season 5 is really good.

Pacing is great, and the writing is much better. Sad to see that it gets low ratings, but with dvr and vod, it's kinda hard to gauge interest now.


I love how Scott is taking everything Theo is saying and not even questioning it. This could have ALL been avoided if Stiles told the truth earlier.

Common sense is not a good propelling factor for drama. Kira might not have been as shaken up as she currently is if Scott told her the truth about her fox aura. Would have, could have, should have, what's done is done and the drama pushes onward.


This whole scene lol. I can't. Yes it's great that Stiles never once said "Oh btw he was chasing me down and tried to kill me" nope just kept going "he was going to kill my DAD!" bah it just pulled me out of the scene with how easy Theo is able to break them all.


Yeah, this season is fucking stupid. All of the intrapack drama and conflict is forced as fuck and the main cast are utterly ineffectual. Come on, Stiles, why don't you tell Scott about how Donovan tried to KILL you?

Theo is the living representation of all of that plot induced stupidity and for that he must die.
If Theo joins the pack after this then LMAO

good luck trying to make it seem like good writing and not a complete joke.

Anyway, drama still doesn't make sense. I hate that they killed Corey off, but Theo still lives. I mean, Werechamelon? That's fucking awesome and you know it. Besides that... I don't know what to think, really. I wanna say that this season is really shitting on the characters, but really it's only Scott and the Sheriff (So far.) I felt like what was carrying this season up until this point were the side characters (Corey, Mason, Hayden.) and the other main characters (Malia, Lydia, Kira, Liam) But now that we're back to the central characters the fabricated drama is so apparent. I mean, why wouldn't Stiles say "He was chasing me, Scott. I had to bring down some shit from high up that killed him." why is Scott believing Theo over HIS FUCKING BEST FRIEND FOR YEARS WHO HAS BEEN WITH HIM THROUGHT ALL THIS SHIT. Why would The Sheriff believe a kid he's NEVER talked to over his god damn son?

Theo is the embodiment of all the shitty drama this season and that's why I don't like him at all.

On the other hand we have some serious development of Malia, Lydia, Kira, and Liam. We even get to see what Mason can bring to the pact and that's great. This season put Parrish on an unexpected role and we get to see how he reacts to it. We get to see that Melissa is the best Mom and that Lydia's mom doesn't give a single shit about the supernatural.

btw, did that punch by Stiles to Theo in the preview look human to you guys? :0
Okay so..Scott isn't Theo's final goal, Stiles hates him (or will hate him) Kira is out of town, Lydia is dealing with Parrish, and Malia couldn't care less about him. It seems his goal was... (Spoilers)
Liam? Liam and Hayden, I guess they're the "Pack" he was looking for.


special needs, sexual needs
This whole Scott/Stiles drama is so boring. Come on Scott how long have you know Stiles and you won't even hear him out?? Yet you believe stupid sexy flawless Theo? Maybe Scott got lost in Theo's dreamy eyes.

Speaking of Theo...I'm so jealous of his hair and his eyebrows and his face and ugh gonna go cry myself to sleep.

Theo did protect Stiles while confessing to Papa Stiles. That's what a true friend does. He's such a great friend. Seriously e lied to a cop for Stiles.

I was going to rage if Scott said yes to turning Hayden.

Now Parrish in a jail cell leads itself to many interesting plot developments like being shackled to the bed with those nemeton thighs ready for some action. Please Sheriff Parrish I need to be stripped searched and my cavaties explored.


Okay so..Scott isn't Theo's final goal, Stiles hates him (or will hate him) Kira is out of town, Lydia is dealing with Parrish, and Malia couldn't care less about him. It seems his goal was... (Spoilers)
Liam? Liam and Hayden, I guess they're the "Pack" he was looking for.



Okay so..Scott isn't Theo's final goal, Stiles hates him (or will hate him) Kira is out of town, Lydia is dealing with Parrish, and Malia couldn't care less about him. It seems his goal was... (Spoilers)
Liam? Liam and Hayden, I guess they're the "Pack" he was looking for.

If that is his end goal im just going to laugh and shake my head really hard.


They're obviously setting up the departure of the old gang!

Liam is the new Scott
Mason is the new Stiles
Girl is the new Allsion or Lydia
Theo is Derek


(I haven't watched past the first episode)


I liked the opening of this episode. All moody and blue, with that music and Scott's narration (which was actually him talking to his beautiful and supportive best bro Theo?). Nice. I also liked how Parrish got that new name tag, after probably losing his old one during his latest naked walk through the forest to burn up monsters. How many name tags has he lost by now? Does he do a naked forest walk for each individual dead monster? Because I seem to recall a scene with Parrish and a lot of dead monsters around the Nemeton. Maybe that was just Lydia's vision or Parrish's dream—I don't remember. Anyway, that's a lot of new name tags (and uniforms!) if we assume Parrish gets a new one for each monster he burns up with his hot body. Personally, I'm charmed by the idea of Parrish getting a present from Sheriff Stilinski every time he walks nakedly through the forest with flames licking his chiseled muscles. Now, I can't claim to be an expert on proper etiquette in these situations. I have had only one or maybe two dozen personal experiences with fiery hunks in secluded areas. But I will tell you this: I am inspired by Sheriff Stilinski's example. From now on, I'll make sure that any hunk who uses his natural hotness to burn off his clothing in front of me receives a small memento to mark the occasion. Something practical, like a gallon of body oil or a 64 GB iPod Nano, filled to capacity with the first half of my personal list of lifestyle tips for hunks (narrated by me).

Did you see the way that Theo—that scintillating picture of youthful vigor who is cherished by all sensible people—shouted at the Dread Doctors? I'm not one to gloat, but allow me to gloat: I called it! Theo really does want a pack! He's not just gorgeous and trustworthy and dependable, he's honest too. I hate to point out the obvious here, OK, but if the definition of heroism is standing up to bad guys, then Theo is a true hero. In fact, it's no stretch to suggest that Theo is a gleaming pillar of moral and physical perfection. I probably don't even have to mention how he encouraged Scott to help Mason's kinda-boyfriend Corey when he barfed all that silver. What a lovely friend and an invaluable asset to Scott's pack. He even constructed that comforting scenario about how Stiles killed Donovan by crushing his skull with a wrench, just to protect Scott from the tragic details of what really happened. And he totally covered for Stiles when his dad started asking inconvenient questions. That poor hunk was about to cry! All of you judgmental jerks who said cruel and untrue things about Theo should be deeply ashamed of yourselves. If you have any self-respect at all, look at Theo's stubble, the contour of his jaw, his pillowy lips and bright eyes, and realize the error of your ways.

"What's UV going to show us?" Parrish asks. You precious thing. Besides the dense halo of luminous residue several blocks in diameter, centered on my residence? Nothing you need to trouble your hunky head about, boo.

Liam's role as worried werewolf son and angsty werewolf teen developed an adorable new dimension in this episode: concerned werewolf boyfriend. That's right, everyone. If last episode's super helpful hashtag #Layden didn't make their relationship official, now it's definitely a thing. Good luck you crazy kids. I see why Liam was surprised by Hayden's silver nosebleed, but he forgot something. She had just finished kissing on a hunklet, so her reaction was perfectly natural.

Eww, that girl totally chewed off her entire fingernail. No thank you. It was kind of rude of that Dread Doctor to break her neck in front of Malia a short time later, but truthfully she got what she deserved for taking her habit to such an icky extreme.

I don't know about you guys, but when I imagine myself helping Parrish remember something by sparring with him in a forest until he takes my hands in his hands and then notices a supernatural tree stump with a large quantity of charred bodies piled around it, my pants start steaming.

Man, that Dread Doctor did Corey dirty. I have to admit it was cool, the way he stabbed that poor invisible gay boy with his sword cane, but it was also pretty mean. IMO you should never stab people unless you have a good reason, or you really want to.

I would be Theo's lawyer. No really, it would be my pleasure to put myself through Harvard Law School at my own expense if it meant I'd get to sit in a room with Theo looking right at me, like directly into my eyes, while I give him legal counsel about some people he might have had to murder or whatever.

I agree with Parrish: he is a very good deputy. I still can't shake my deep conviction that he'd do his job much better without that uniform covering up his best assets, though.

I don't want to offend anyone, but I'm against evil doctors entering bisexual nightclubs unless they are hunks. However, I'll make an exception for the Dread Doctors, because their fight with Scott, Liam, and Theo (!) was damned cool. Those guys can throw down. Maybe I was just caught up in the moment, but I think that might have been one of Teen Wolf's least cheesy fight scenes. I was genuinely into it.

I think I can finally say that the Dread Doctors are effective villains now. Everything they're about is starting to work for me. They bring mayhem to Beacon Hills with their test subjects on the loose, and a general sense of menace with how they seem able to show up anywhere, accompanied by those snazzy electromagnetic anomalies. More than that, I love how they're a direct physical threat. They're very hands-on, and they're tough. They don't shy away from direct confrontations. Their costume design and creepy aura and sheer physicality give them a more charismatic presence than you'd expect from stoic masked figures. These guys are so much cooler than the berserkers of Season 4. And they're way more menacing than Kate Argent was, as much as I liked her scrappiness and sass.

Theo is a good driver. I would love to fall asleep in his car while he's driving through the rain.

I have a separate but related fantasy about getting Theo out of the car long enough to soak his t-shirt completely. What happens next is too saucy to put into writing.

I'm not sure how I feel about Parrish behind bars. On one hand, it's nice to know exactly where to find him so you won't miss out if he decides he needs to be shirtless. On the other hand, hunks deserve to be free.

I've just about had it with Scott and Stiles' terrible communication. Maybe the Dread Doctors should have slapped Scott around some more, because so far they've failed to knock any sense into him at all. How hard is it to sit down with your best friend and have a conversation?

I thought it was kind of cold for Scott not to turn Hayden into werewolf. Liam is going to be pissed. That said, while it may be indelicate to point this out, the simple fact is that Hayden is not a hunk, so her prospects for shirtless werewolf scenes are pretty much nil. At the end of the day, that was probably the deciding factor in Scott's difficult choice.

Teen Wolf tonight bitches!

Hnnnnnnng, Jackson. I miss Jackson.

Look at Jackson's face. He has such a great face.

Ever since Colton left, to me the series kinda went south. I watched it on and off, missed most of Season 4 because I found it unbearable, but I have to say Season 5 is really good.

Pacing is great, and the writing is much better. Sad to see that it gets low ratings, but with dvr and vod, it's kinda hard to gauge interest now.
The show picked up in a big way in Season 3B. And I agree, Season 5 is blowing Season 4 out of the water.

cannot wait for theo to die
You must not be aware that Theo is actually the hero of this story.


theo is a creep tbh

I'm sure it's something else but it kind of makes sense. I mean it's dumb, but it's not too far fetched.

I think it's just because it's dumb that I hate it lol. Why would Liam and Hayden even trust Theo after all the shit that happened now. Oh but I forgot no one talks to each other in this group of friends so any issues other people know wouldnt come up :)


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
this season is trash and if it wasnt ending next week I'd drop it


this season is trash and if it wasnt ending next week I'd drop it
The only disappointing aspect for me is the bad writing for the central characters. That's not as much of a liability as it could have been thanks to the considerable focus on secondary characters. S5 is developing them way more than S4 did, and giving them plenty to do. There's lots to like about this season. It's easily above S3A and S4 at this point.
this season is trash and if it wasnt ending next week I'd drop it
Ending? This is only part 1 :)

Edit: I kind of don't want things between Stiles and Scott to get fixed next monday, I want to see Stiles remind Scott that Scott trusted Theo over him throught the rest of the season.
Do you know what would be great. Stiles dying so Scott has to feel crushed and guilty for the rest of the show's run

Plus it would clear up more room in Dylan's schedule for bigger projects.


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
Do you know what would be great. Stiles dying so Scott has to feel crushed and guilty for the rest of the show's run

Plus it would clear up more room in Dylan's schedule for bigger projects.

Dylan is signed on for Season 6 lol

MTV keeping dat Teen Wolf monies in, god knows they need it until they can get more hits under their belt!


Price's recap for this episode unsettled my delicate constitution. The idea of Scott sucking on Neptune's D? Oh my stars. It's a good thing I had this fainting couch installed in my room.

Do you know what would be great. Stiles dying so Scott has to feel crushed and guilty for the rest of the show's run

Plus it would clear up more room in Dylan's schedule for bigger projects.
This strikes me as an obviously terrible suggestion. Stiles is probably the best main character. Dylan is easily the best actor on the show, and a fan favorite. There's nothing to indicate he's tired of working on Teen Wolf, or that his career is suffering from his commitment to it. Whatever cheap drama could be wrung from Stiles' death would be soured by the loss of the show's human center and its best source of humor.

Sorry, I didn't mean to trouble you. I'm still alive.
You're not allowed to expire until we get our Theo special where he spends the entire hour buck naked, moving from the shower to the sauna to the shower again, then to various locations around Beacon Hills. He could even make a conjugal visit to Parrish's cell. In fact, there could be a second special just for that.
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