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Teen Wolf (Season 5) |OT| Watch your (six) pack.

I hope Parrish makes out with Jackson at some poiint.


I think tomorrow night Theo will be revealed as the true hero of this show. He's willing to accept people for the way they are, and doesn't pass judgement. Having watched helplessly as his little sister drowned to death, Theo understands feelings of remorse, helplessness and guilt. Theo is willing to accept
Void Stiles
, while Scott isn't. Theo will shape a brave new pack full of super villains that will rule the world loving, caring and friendship. He will help Liam, Stiles, and Lydia realize their potential as world destroying forces of evil and kill help everyone.

Theo is love.

Theo is trust.

Just watched the most recent episode.

You know, one of my favorite things about Jeff Davis' writing is how his characters situationally become unable to clearly communicate what they think happened, thus creating artificial tension.

So true.


And it was the worst written most transparent way to do it too. Like, Scott looked fucking like, he didn't even wanna read the lines.
So true.


And it was the worst written most transparent way to do it too. Like, Scott looked fucking like, he didn't even wanna read the lines.
What's funny is that earlier in the season Stiles asked Scott if he still trusted Peter and Scott was all like "i dunno man there might be some good left in him..." So even when you factor in that Scott thinks Stiles smashed Donovan's skull with the wrench it STILL doesn't make sense because Scott has seen Peter do horrible shit but now that Stiles did something in self defense he kicks him out of the fucking pack. Let's not forget the dumbass let Deucalion go either.

I wonder if it's really all bad writing or if Jeff is trying to tell us that Scott can be a huge hypocrite.



I think tomorrow night Theo will be revealed as the true hero of this show. He's willing to accept people for the way they are, and doesn't pass judgement. Having watched helplessly as his little sister drowned to death, Theo understands feelings of remorse, helplessness and guilt. Theo is willing to accept
Void Stiles
, while Scott isn't. Theo will shape a brave new pack full of super villains that will rule the world loving, caring and friendship. He will help Liam, Stiles, and Lydia realize their potential as world destroying forces of evil and kill help everyone.

Theo is love.

Theo is trust.

What a beautiful and entirely accurate tribute to the most caring and accepting character on the show. Jackson's gorgeous outside is rivaled only by Theo's gleaming inside. Theo has such a warm and generous spirit that I think it's actually transformed his outward appearance into the hunk we see today.

You rightly reminded us of the tragic scene where Theo witnessed his sister's death. The overwhelming emotion on his face said everything. It was clear in that moment that he'd made up his mind to help everyone he met in the way that was best for them. Maybe that means framing certain people for murder. Maybe that means removing certain people's throat areas with his claws. Theo works in mysterious ways, but you can be sure he always has everyone's best interests in mind.

He's Theo, and he's here to help.


What's funny is that earlier in the season Stiles asked Scott if he still trusted Peter and Scott was all like "i dunno man there might be some good left in him..." So even when you factor in that Scott thinks Stiles smashed Donovan's skull with the wrench it STILL doesn't make sense because Scott has seen Peter do horrible shit but now that Stiles did something in self defense he kicks him out of the fucking pack. Let's not forget the dumbass let Deucalion go either.

I wonder if it's really all bad writing or if Jeff is trying to tell us that Scott can be a huge hypocrite.
In Peter's defense, he can rock a deep v-neck. That Stiles, though... what a sketchy character.

But really, I hope Scott's excruciating boneheadedness is a deliberate plot point and not just bad writing.


Monocle, I would like an elegant coffee table book of all the posts you've made in Teen Wolf GAF please.
Me too, if I may say so, but only if it was bound in a material dense enough that a hunk would strain to pick it up. It's totally meta, you see. A book about hunk appreciation enabling real life hunk appreciation.

My plan is to wheel the first copy of the first edition over to Comic-Con 2016 and have Cody Christian sign the cover with one of those metallic gold markers. He probably shouldn't read it though.


So true.


And it was the worst written most transparent way to do it too. Like, Scott looked fucking like, he didn't even wanna read the lines.

You know, I'd just sort of attributed it to him acting out the scene... but it is Tyler Posey. I should have known that that pain was coming from somewhere real.


Speaking of Stiles could they even bring back Void Stiles? They kind of got rid of that problem already so Theo seems to be barking up the wrong tree there.
Speaking of Stiles could they even bring back Void Stiles? They kind of got rid of that problem already so Theo seems to be barking up the wrong tree there.
Jeff Davis has said that the Nogitsune is not in Stiles anymore... But it could have left a mark or an influence on Stiles which is what Theo calls "Void Stiles"



Oh, hello. I didn't see you there. Don't mind me, I'm just preparing for the finale tonight, where the glory of Theo's plan will be revealed. You can come along if you want to. I'm almost finished.



Very well, let's be off.



That's Matilda. She's been seized by a hunk fixation. You mustn't pay her any mind; she's better off than those poor souls in the ward.

Come along then.

You go ahead.


Here we are.


Come, sit next to me. We'll wait together.


For Theo...
So, with 5A done and over I will post this here briefly.
For any who missed me, HI. LOL.

Melissa P. is HILARIOUS. She's also got a bit of a naughty sense of humor. She is super kind and gracious and LOVES her fans. She is also very petite and delicate.

She mentioned that filming starts today for 5B. And that this episode was a critical episode for where the series in general is headed. Everything happening tonight is BIG.

She was right.

The Super Moon and the Dread Doctors experiment was a rousing success and now we have a DARK PACK to counter the regular pack.

Don't normally post but i really dislike this season to teen wolf .
The writing made no sense sometimes and comedy factor also was really not there this season .
That's not how I wanted Corey back? Like honestly how fucking dare you Jeff Davis? You piece of shit? Why isn't Theo dead and gone? Also why Josh? No one even knows Josh? I mean we knew Tracy for like 20 minutes so that makes sense but fucking Josh? Why would you do this to Mason? Honestly fuck off? I need my good guys to win? And nice feint with Liam? Like he would have been irredeemable if he killed Scott. Also, how did Liam get thru the mountain ash? Also, if he did it because of the Super Moon then why wouldn't Scott, The Alpha, not be able to? Why did Scott lose even when he had the power of the Super Moon? The Alpha? Why is Mason, an innocent gay, going through something like this? How would you feel if your potential boyfriend was brought back as a Zombie? Like fuck this god damn disgusting piece of shit ending? Fuck everything about this season? I'm so fucking pissed?

AND ALSO I would bet money that the Zombie Pack is going to be Derek's Pack 2.0 (Remember that? lol) and half of the actors are going to leave the show.

And also what was their success? What?
That's not how I wanted Corey back? Like honestly how fucking dare you Jeff Davis? You piece of shit? Why isn't Theo dead and gone? Also why Josh? No one even knows Josh? I mean we knew Tracy for like 20 minutes so that makes sense but fucking Josh? Why would you do this to Mason? Honestly fuck off? I need my good guys to win? And nice feint with Liam? Like he would have been irredeemable if he killed Scott. Also, how did Liam get thru the mountain ash? Also, if he did it because of the Super Moon then why wouldn't Scott, The Alpha, not be able to? Why did Scott lose even when he had the power of the Super Moon? The Alpha? Why is Mason, an innocent gay, going through something like this? How would you feel if your potential boyfriend was brought back as a Zombie? Like fuck this god damn disgusting piece of shit ending? Fuck everything about this season? I'm so fucking pissed?

AND ALSO I would bet money that the Zombie Pack is going to be Derek's Pack 2.0 (Remember that? lol) and half of the actors are going to leave the show.

And also what was their success? What?

Oh my.
And one more thing, Stiles strength is not human. Void Stiles is a thing and it's more than Angry Stiles and I KNOW IT

AND ALSO malia wanting to kill her mom kind of makes sense since she's being seeing all the horrible things she's done

who is kira? lol

Fuck jeff davis for Corey. f u c k jeff davis for what he did to Corey

edit: y'all dont understand i'm legit mad im fuming im angry im pissed im vengeful
I'm so.....






edit: i'm never going to rewatch this episode like I do with every other episode. Seriously, that zombie pack scene probably left me with PTSD


Haha, that fakeout. Scott didn't want to bite Hayden because he thought she was too weak to survive it. Should've seen that coming.

Oh look, it's trusty Theo to the rescue with Scott's inhaler. Just another pebble on his mountain of helpful deeds.

I relate to Stiles' dismay when he opened his toolbox and saw that the largest wrench was missing because he had taken it to bonk Donovan in the head. Don't you just hate it when your best power drill or your sharpest hacksaw isn't where it's supposed to be because you had to use it on a human? Look, I detest frivolous spending as much as the next guy, but at this point my tool collection is in such disarray that I'm about ready to buy two spares of everything. I know Theo would understand. Remember that time when he sensibly busted his fake dad's hand with that hammer? I'll bet he couldn't find that hammer the next time he needed to do some hand busting. Poor Theo, that must have been frustrating.

There goes Theo again, talking about saving lives rather than killing one another. Theo: the great mediator. The moral center of Scott's pack. If there was any reason to doubt his good intentions, this episode already erased it. What a sweet and pure young man. His symmetrical face and soothing voice speak to his strength of character.

Oh hey, another highlight with Theo. This time he's sitting with his good bro Scott and talking about love, and how having a good pack is even better than bondage with chains and stuff. Theo, you big softie. I know you're just trying to be nice and supportive, but that doesn't mean you have to keep the chains out of the picture. Sometimes chaining up semi-nude hunks is the best way to show how much you love them. I'm reminded of that one episode where Scott and Stiles had Jackson shirtless and handcuffed in the back of a stolen van. Good times. They forgot to pick a safeword though. I'm still sort of confused about that.

I know you were worried that I was going to stop talking about Theo, but fear not! That moment where Scott gave Theo his hearfelt thanks for going to straighten things out with his friends was truly moving. Beautiful thoughtful Theo always knows exactly how to help the friends of his friends who are also his friends. Theo is finally getting the love and appreciation he deserves.

Oh Parrish, stop being so dramatic. More than half of my college boyfriends were harbingers of death.

Check out Liam with that smoldering stare (which may or may not signify murderous intent). He's going to be a great hunk when he grows up.

You see, Stiles? Malia is an understanding girlfriend. There was no need to be a big stoopid and try to keep the badass who loves you in the dark. Communication is key.

Aww yes, that music when Lydia is reading about the Wild Hunt and Parrish flashes his sexy demon eyes! This is my jam.

Theo, no! I have to admit that was upsetting. In my opinion it was rude of you to hit Lydia in the face while doing an Emperor Palpatine snarl. That type of thing is somewhat counterproductive to building friendship and trust, which we both know are two of your core values. I hope you have a coupon for Baskin-Robbins, because nothing short of a triple scoop in a waffle cone is going to keep Lydia from being cross with you. Sit in a corner and think about what you did, naughty hunk.

Whoaaaaa wait, I didn't say to get naked! No no, don't get dressed. This is actually the most helpful thing you possibly could have done. Blaze on, you carnal whirlwind.

"You're showing me plenty right now." Yes Malia, get it! (Leave some for me though.) I hope you fully grasp the profound nature of the gift fate has placed at your feet, Malia. Theo standing right in front of you, naked, offering his help? Girl. GIRL. Treasure this moment. Hold it in your heart forever, as I will.

"I'm trying to help all of you." Straight from the mouth of the golden Adonis himself, as the air around him quivers at the touch of his tawny skin. What more do you need? This devastating vision of masculine potency makes a good point about Scott too. His leadership is at an all time low. Truthfully, he could use a vacation. Shift his burdens onto a pair of handsomer shoulders for a while. It would be a good change for everyone.

Check out Parrish getting his Superman on. I should have known he couldn't be contained.

Theo is so modest, claiming not to be perfect. But we all know the truth.

Liam vs Scott! Wow, Liam's mad. You can't blame him though. I would also be furious if my werewolf dad ignored my texts.

Whoa, that bounty hunter lady Braeden is back? I wonder if this means Derek will show up next season.

Mah gawd, it's a hunk overload! First Theo nearly blinds the continental US by baring his sublime body, then Parrish fuels the flames with his fiery hotness again? This is a blessed episode.

Hmm, so basically Theo wants the coolest pack with the coolest versions of Scott's friends, and he wants to let Scott have a vacation from being a terrible leader? Who could fault him for that? That's an excellent plan. And Stiles was so amped by this idea that he touched Theo's face! He touched it kind of hard though, with his knuckles. Twice. That's not really the proper way to touch a hunk, but we'll let it slide. Stiles is passionate about the future!

Awwww damn! Personally when I get mad I try not to deck my friends in the face or puncture them in the stomach with my claws or kidnap their dad, but people react to stress differently. Some hunks are a little too hot blooded for their own good. Theo had a bad day and lost all of his old friends after a series of mild to moderate overreactions, so he made some new friends out of a bunch of dead kids we've met before. This is actually awesome! I can honestly say I love the idea of a dark pack led by Theo. I love that the Dread Doctors are still active, and I love that Theo got what he wanted in such a twisted way. Now Scott's pack have a good reason to rally together and teach that hunk not to be so cranky.

Damn, what an episode! Bring on 5B!


special needs, sexual needs
Jeff Davis better buy me a new TV and well a whole new room because when Theo came into that cave all naked...well lets just say there should have been a flash flood warning.

The whole inhaler thing though, its not Theo's fault after all maybe he just got the regular inhaler and the Wolf's Bane one mixed up. Hey! It happens.

AND!!! He even brought them back to life. I mean can your friends bring the dead back to life? Didn't think so.

I'm also convinced that Parrish's meaty and delectable thighs could deflect bullets anyway.

Great episode! Wait for 5B will be a long one.


Can we acknowledge what a great job Cody Christian did in this episode? He absolutely sold those brutal moments. Lydia's scenes made me want to cry a little. And the rest of the cast brought their A game too. This show can get extremely cheesy at times, but you simply can't fault these wonderful actors. They do great work.

fuck teen wolf
Bruh. It's apparent now that 5A and 5B have been structured as one long season. This finale was essentially a transitional episode stuffed with lots and lots of setup. That's why there are so many loose ends. Yes, the story could have been a lot tighter. Don't give up on it yet. If I'm right about this, 5A got most of the exposition out of the way in order to prime 5B to deliver rapid-fire blasts of drama. It could be amazing.

If you're going to be mad at anything, be mad that we have to wait until next year for the season to continue. Personally I'm stoked as hell about the possibilities. This episode left almost every character in an intensely motivated place. It's exciting.

Jeff Davis better buy me a new TV and well a whole new room because when Theo came into that cave all naked...well lets just say there should have been a flash flood warning.
Well that answers my most pressing question, which is what really happened when I blacked out right before a geyser apparently reduced my house to a pile of sticky rubble. Guess it was simply a natural biological reaction to a sight that human eyes aren't equipped to handle.

The whole inhaler thing though, its not Theo's fault after all maybe he just got the regular inhaler and the Wolf's Bane one mixed up. Hey! It happens.
Yeah, there were a lot of reasons Theo could have been carrying a poisoned inhaler around. Maybe he meant to give it to a Dread Doctor. Who knows? I carry one with me in case an asthmatic mutant creature tries to sell me car insurance. I don't mind the mutant creature part, I just hate salespeople.

AND!!! He even brought them back to life. I mean can your friends bring the dead back to life? Didn't think so.
All that stuff I said about Theo being our savior turned out to be more accurate than we could have known. He literally resurrected that pile of dead chimera kids. † Praise Theo †

I'm also convinced that Parrish's meaty and delectable thighs could deflect bullets anyway.

Great episode! Wait for 5B will be a long one.
Based on what he Parrish did to those bars, he's literally a superhero. So yeah, it's a safe assumption that he's bulletproof. What kind of monster would shoot at such a nice hunk though? He's just trying to clean up his neighborhood.
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