Yeah you're right about that. Right now I feel that they're only going to replace movelists when they come out with a Tekken 8. After this we'll probably see a TxSF expansion since I doubt it'll be a full brand-new game, ride off of that into TTT3 maybe and then T8 idk years from now.
I just don't see us getting new moves lists until T8 hits since I think that'll be a timeskip with a "revival" of the franchise. Hell, something else I doubt they'll do but I wouldn't mind if Namco came out with a "Tekken Flashback" game that's basically 1+2 remixed with HD graphics, new properties, just throwbacks.
Either way they gotta do something because it's no fun using the same exact movelist from game to game with maybe slightly different properties and maybe 2 new moves.
Yeah, I'm not holding my breath for Tekken 8. Most of the old Tekken fans will be senile when it comes out.
I believed in TxSF for 6 years but not anymore. It doesn't exist, it never did. They were just lying for more then half a decade. From TxSF assets they made Revolution, T7 and Akuma. There, done.
It's even logical when one is to backtrace what Harada said in the interviews. One crucial time when he was specificaly asked once again about TxSF, Harada said that the unveil (of TxSF) must be something special, that they can't just announce it like normal, it must be a big surprise.
Well, Akuma was certainly a shocking surprise, and that's what Harada meant. This was that surprise TxSF reveal. Akuma is the TxSF. Pathetic.
What gives it more proof is what Murray said right after the Akuma Trailer premiere. "I hope now people will stop asking about TxSF for awhile."
I know Murray later said that TxSF is still in development but I stopped believing the bullshit they want to feed the fans for the next half a decade.
I wouldn't be even surprised if the deal with Capcom already expired and the Akuma is a new signed deal.
I remember very well when Harada said that TxSF is a part of "Fighting Game Festival".
First game was TTT2, second was SfxT and third was supposed to be TxSF.
The festival is long gone and they developed like 5 different games ignoring TxSF project that landed in the trash.
The streets would be red if the hat wasn't there tho
Nice one.