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Tekken |OT3|


He touched the black heart of a mod
I'm not gonna trip about T7 customs when Namco actually has made a real effort to give each character alternate and original costume options. Not their fault the only people allowed to play the game the past few years primarily prefer goofy shit.

I do appreciate that, but I find it hard to cheer for joy, because I'm pretty sure Tekken 6 had more of those way back in 08/09, and some of the alternate options for the T7 customs are pulled straight up from Tekken 6. Now I have no problem with that as an additive-- before Tag 2 released, I was hoping they would build off of the great customs that they had in Tekken 6, but they trashed quite a lot of it, and of the few things they did keep, a bunch of it was just the goofy stuff.

Tekken 7 is bringing some of those T6 custom outfits back, and I like that, but I'm not going to shower the team with credit just for porting over old customizations. Like I said before, I was hoping that would be the base that they were going to build off of going forward, but instead they've been sidestepping and going backwards and prioritizing the goofy ice-cream in hand wooden wings BDSM straps customs from Tag 2.

But, credit where credit is due, I do really appreciate that they've given most characters brand new default looks, and that each has at least one brand new alternate costume that can be constructed through customizations.




Hi guys.

It's cool that you didn't worry about a guy who is babbling here every day like a maniac and suddenly hasn't posted here since 19th. That was like 3 years ago, what's wrong with you guys?!

I'm dissapoint.


Only Samantha noticed something. Bless her gentle heart.

Anyway it's not that great. Shit's fucked up. Remember that big tournament at the end of December? The one that big reveal ended being Kuma and Panda? Yeah. That time I inhumanly strained myself to stay awake to 10 in the morning despite dying to sleep and it seems I damaged myself permanently. Since then I maybe had 5 days(not straight) of normal sleep. That's 3 months of fucked up "2 hours of sleep mid day, waking up, barely functioning, falling asleep again" all at random times during day, eg now I slept from 20 to 22.30 and in few hours I'll do again. I'm not feeling very good. When I started writing this post it was good, now it's getting to me again.

I try to hold on. Try to bear with me, I don't know when I'll be able to post again.

Other thing is those gallbladder stones. The diet made me slim down a lot and at first I thought it's gonna be cool but it's not. Since my muscle mass sum is that of a mouse, a fat was what protected my bones and everything. Since that went down everything hurts, back is killing me even on 6 pillows. I'm on painkillers like I was never before, I always fought through pain and used painkillers sparingly. Now I take them to get 2 hours of sleep.

My head's fucked up too. I'm off those anti depression pills and just the side effects after taking them out have worn off(the shivers all over the face, it was awful). But I think the worse thing was a beta blocker drug I took for over 19 years and had to stop. You see this drug also tempers emotions, numbs them, numbs conscience too. I did some bad, terrible things to feel emotions, anything. But my conscience was so silenced that I just didn't give a fuck. Now it's all getting back to me and my conscience starts killing me. Sometimes it's so bad I wanna confess to a priest, thing I never did or even considered doing. (I don't trust them anyway) Not that I can, I'm stuck in my room since forever. This pains me more then any physical thing, sometimes I feel I deserve all this shit for all I did. My doc pushes me to hook me up with both psychiatrist and psychologist(same person), I don't mind but I can't really and told him I need to get some sleep first. 3 months, 3 fucking months. Everyone would go fucking insane.

All other kinds of shit happened but fuck that, too much of it and you guys have your own lives and problems. Note that I'm a Pole. In Poland we have a reverse mentality to Americans when asked "How are you? How are you doing?" Instead of answering: "I'm fine! How are You?" You just list all the worst stuff that happened to you and the other guy counter list all the terrible shit that happened to him. The the person with heavier shit wins. It's fucking true, really. Haha
Tekken stuff:

I noticed my demo man execution went to shit and I'm like: "Wtf now?!" Seems like my trigger finger got slower. The one I go from 2 to 1+2 in Demo man. It's shit now.
Now I gotta change the 2 button placement and after 20+ years of having that one configuration stuck in your head, changing even just 2 buttons is gonna be a cluster fuck. How to change 20 year old habits, muscle memory? Anyway some things are better with this new config like I can punish stuff with 1+2 buttons better, like Paul's d+1+2, Jin's 1+2, or Steve's df+1+2 this stuff comes out faster now so punishes more effectively. Other stuff sucks like Steve. I can't go PKB into 2, d+2, or shoryuken my standard stuff. To do that now I gotta ideally hit f + 3 and 4 only with my thumb alone and that misses inputs, even preemptively buffering the input fails sometimes and I get sway forward or to side. Similar with flicker into 2. Good thing that comes out of it is that I'm trying to adapt new fighting style and learning ways to cover my new weaknesses, adapting. Who knows, maybe my Steve will get better then before.

Guys when I last played Speed(I think) the console didn't last 2 fights, so it's pretty much done. Tekken 6 works without a hitch. Probably because is smartly programmed instead of "fry every processor to make it work" Tag2 does. T6 still looks insane too, especially models and lightning, just look at this:


It's 8-10 years old.
....and I found new love for motion blur, after years of having it off now I'm like "Wow it looks beautiful." I was bothered by it, even hated it before because I couldn't see the frames but now after remembering how every frame of these games look, It doesn't bother me at all. Hope they eventually patch in MB to Tekken 7. It'll make the game look twice as good.

Anyway despite all the shit you read above it's the nights only that are bad, I can be pretty spiffy during day. I can still wreck shit in Tekken, no pity required. On 4-5 bars it actually runs pretty good on modern internet, no more 500-1000 ms lag from 9 years ago. Not as good as Tag 2 but not bad to say drop combos and shit and juggles in T6 must be much more precise then automatic stuff from Tag2. (After few days of playing T6, I'm like shit, you gotta be a surgeon to land a proper combo with Jin here.) Problem is those people...God help me. They are still playing like it's 2008 and some guy with over 22 000 fights and 80% win rate...After getting bodied 2:0 in rounds his best skill was crouch jab into throw. I thought I'd cry from sadness. 22 thousand fights with same character. Other fights looked like a dog was chewing on a controller instead of someone playing. You can find someone really good, but like 3 ppl on 20!

So guys save me from them. Play some T6 with me sometimes. If you install it fights load really fast but I can manage if you don't.

MikeBreezy, last thing I remember before I went down into this endless shit void, was you answering on Discord some not nice shit to my purpose to "Agree to disagree?". It was absurd. Really totally aside the subject of argument. I always thought you were a cool guy so that hit me out of left field. So I need to beat you up for it in Tekken tradition. If you ever gonna be in Europe please go online in T7 so we can slug it out. I need it :p.
Anyway last stuff.

Sudden Eddy Gordo appears.


So you guys can rip me a new one for years now. Swing the punches. Deathfist me in the balls. I deserve it. Just give me that little benefit of doubt before he'll be tested. I still can't see how he'll work in new system without refloats to pick him up or downward hitting bounds for combo. If he suddenly get hit here by all the mids he was invulnerable to before I'd laugh. I must know if he's as low as he was before. I just don't see him getting low poked once and getting up safe. For all the damage he can pull off. But we'll see how it plays out and I fucked up still.

But how insane for me to say it he looks mad cool in that trailer. o_O Awesome model, awesome outfit, cool new moves and combos. Fuck, Eddy's trully badass now?!


Funny that they changed his voice actor again and he still doesn't sound like the ancient voice clips from in battle, lol. But the voice is better then that bland one, just sounds like he's 60 year old. I don't mind.

So you guys want some Eddy gifs?
Say yes.

Or did someone done it already?

Ps. Who I actually feel bit better now after this long ass post. You guys are like therapy. You are the best.


You install that T6, not till' T7 me ;P.

There's Mokujin there and you said you were some deity in T6. ;P
Only disc ever broken having it in console for so long
Alas. Tag 2 is on its way out let alone going back to 6 which I am totally very good at
Even Knee told me this one time I think *cough*


Only disc ever broken having it in console for so long
Alas. Tag 2 is on its way out let alone going back to 6 which I am totally very good at
Even Knee told me this one time I think *cough*

You can probably get T6 in grocery store between carrots and tomatoes for 99 cents. Don't get out of practice, you'll be senile in 3 months by Tekken terms if you stop playing it.


You can probably get T6 in grocery store between carrots and tomatoes for 99 cents. Don't get out of practice, you'll be senile in 3 months by Tekken terms if you stop playing it.
You ain't lying
Got Nier, Horizon,Zelda,Persona between Tekken and now.
Gotta atleast give them time before going into the inevitable Tekken 7 cave
Hi guys.

It's cool that you didn't worry about a guy who is babbling here every day like a maniac and suddenly hasn't posted here since 19th. That was like 3 years ago, what's wrong with you guys?!

I'm dissapoint.


So guys save me from them. Play some T6 with me sometimes. If you install it fights load really fast but I can manage if you don't.

I was hoping you'd found something else fun to do or just taken some distance to avoid exploding with Eddy rage or whatever. Sad that wasn't the case. Hope it works out for you and you get well soon =<

I'll play you in T6.

I like Lili in that. She lacks some stuff but ff3 is a safe launcher and her 2P outfit looks nice.


I was hoping you'd found something else fun to do or just taken some distance to avoid exploding with Eddy rage or whatever. Sad that wasn't the case. Hope it works out for you and you get well soon =<

I'll play you in T6.

I like Lili in that. She lacks some stuff but ff3 is a safe launcher and her 2P outfit looks nice.

Thanks man. Cool we'll get to play again!

You ain't lying
Got Nier, Horizon,Zelda,Persona between Tekken and now.
Gotta atleast give them time before going into the inevitable Tekken 7 cave

Those games mean nothing and you know it. :p

I need to finish like 35 games. ><'

Ok I just imagined all you guys shouting: "Give me dem gifs!" So here you go.







http://i.imgur.com/RnSETbL.gif - Rage Art.


Nice to see you back Gray! I noticed Sasuke's post over the weekend and hoped all was well. I was looking forward to your reaction to Eddy's reveal.

Anyway last stuff.

Sudden Eddy Gordo appears.


So you guys can rip me a new one for years now. Swing the punches. Deathfist me in the balls. I deserve it.



Backlogs are for ignoring
Only new games count &#55357;&#56841;

Eddy looking so good

Those poor backlog games.

I like the stuff they added to Eddy looks like real Capoeira stuff and not dumb fairy fantasy with animation designed by 7 year old like Bob's Rage Art.


Those poor backlog games.

I like the stuff they added to Eddy looks like real Capoeira stuff and not dumb fairy fantasy with animation designed by 7 year old like Bob's Rage Art.
He is a hero
He would do superman flying punches designed for 7 yr Olds

One thing Bob never lacked is haterz




He is a hero
He would do superman flying punches designed for 7 yr Oldsmobile

One thing Bob never lacked is haterz



I wanted him to be Sammo Hung not a cartoon character. :(

I need to check out Eddy in DR and 6. From what I remember he's not that cheap in those.

One thing is great:

Lei chances to be in T7 have grown by 300% from 0! That is...wait.



I wanted him to be Sammo Hung not a cartoon character. :(

I need to check out Eddy in DR and 6. From what I remember he's not that cheap in those.

One thing is great:

Lei chances to be in T7 have grown by 300% from 0! That is...wait.

Bob so serious about being goofy i love it
Those new eddy animations&#128077;&#128077;

Poor Lei players
All 4 of you


I wanted him to be Sammo Hung not a cartoon character. :(

I need to check out Eddy in DR and 6. From what I remember he's not that cheap in those.

One thing is great:

Lei chances to be in T7 have grown by 300% from 0! That is...wait.


I would totally use Bob if he was Sammo Hung. I loved him in Wheels on Meals and Sha Po Lang.


Bob so serious about being goofy i love it
Those new eddy animations&#55357;&#56397;&#55357;&#56397;

Poor Lei players
All 4 of you

Lei is the best. Police Story Lei is the bestest.


They just need to scale him way down. Even I didn't pick him much in Tag2 because I don't have the time to micromanage 8 stances and every little shit. Sometimes too much is too much. Last time he felt "normal" enough was in DR.

I don't think he was supposed to be this stance heavy initially. He was very simple in T2 but I don't think it's only because technical limitations. He had unique stuff like f,n, was basically a stance new way of movement with new moves.

I would totally use Bob if he was Sammo Hung. I loved him in Wheels on Meals and Sha Po Lang.

I know this may not mean much, but God bless ya Grayfox. Your situation and hardships really do put things in perspective, and serve as a reminder that maybe our problems aren't nearly as bad as we may think. Your perseverance and sense of humor especially are to be admired.

I don't really post much here anymore as I have little to add these days, but I felt this warranted an exception. I do hope you can find some means of relief, and are able to enjoy T7 with the rest of us. Keep up the good work here on Gaf! I'm out.


I know this may not mean much, but God bless ya Grayfox. Your situation and hardships really do put things in perspective, and serve as a reminder that maybe our problems aren't nearly as bad as we may think. Your perseverance and sense of humor especially are to be admired.

I don't really post much here anymore as I have little to add these days, but I felt this warranted an exception. I do hope you can find some means of relief, and are able to enjoy T7 with the rest of us. Keep up the good work here on Gaf! I'm out.

Thank You very much! I think ppl have different problems I don't assume they are lesser but different.

Hope you'll consider posting here more. We need more of you not less. You're a great guy.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Good to see you're in decent spirits, GrayFox, all things considered.

Some curious new customizations being added in with the latest arcade update. Looks like a nice helping of brand new character unique stuff, some old stuff (from Tekken 6 like I said, or old 2p outfit bits), and some stuff pulled from SoulCalibur V's Create-a-Character.

And holy **** at these Gigas and Jack customizations



And Tekken 7 getting Skullomania before Street Fighter


And in case people weren't confused about what he is, Yoshimitsu has this new alien dragon thing head


A lot more here: http://www.tekken-official.jp/news/?p=5903

And on Wonkey's twitter.


Unconfirmed Member
Some really, REALLY good looking stuff in there.

Even the generic stuff like t-shirts looks like it fits much better on their bodies.

Jack looking like Gold Lightan

Gigas looks like that brick guy from Ultimate Muscle.

And of course the JoJo looking Stone Mask.


Eddy has one of his best costumes ever. He looks like the KING!

[edit] Okay, there's some seriously good custom outfits in that link.


@ Gray , man hope you get better. Shit sounds very rough but then again I'm impressed by how well you are dealing with it.
When I'm in town this week i will actually pop in and get a copy of T6 so we can mess around mate. Oh and i will definitely set my notifications on for ps3 lol. Just hit me up whenever you see me playing.


Ugh. I still read this thread sometimes and I prefer not to see this sort of hideousness polluting my eyes.

Please someone create a realistic 3D fighter with interesting characters, deep gameplay, and good aesthetics. Not with the boring UFC personalities. Not with DoAs excessive fan service. And definitely not with SC, VF, and Tekkens repulsive customs.

Hahaha the customisations are wonderful, I'm going to make some MBC level hideousness day one.

Also they added a bunch of casual outfits with every update, so stahp.


Good thing you're back, GrayFox. The gallbladder stones shit sounds painful, so I hope you're through this soon.
Sleep deprivation is one of the worst things ever. You just don't function like a human being without sleep. You feel like shit, weak and as if you were ill. I hope it works out for you and you get your good night's sleep again.

Other than that... I can only say that you're pretty damn strong. I don't know many people who could go through the shit you went through and still be so upbeat and funny. Please stay like that. And stuff like this:

This pains me more then any physical thing, sometimes I feel I deserve all this shit for all I did.
You know it's not true. Stop thinking that, seriously.


Welcome back GrayFox, missed your presence.

I was getting worried as well.

And of course people noticed your absence, you post here constantly. lol


I like these customs the most:

Reminds me of his Tekken 1 outfit but cooler with the symbols:

Totally got the Tekken 3 design on top of his coat:

Really shows the cyborg he is combined with the mask:

Better than his default costume, and no spikes! :

Those are some legit good costumes.


Unconfirmed Member
Looking at some tweets it seems they're porting over some SoulCalibur 5 parts for Gigas Customize Options. The iron helmet, ox and snake hair of note.


Seems like social media (one person actually) says that Anna Williams is the next character to be revealed. I wouldn't put much stock in it being true though.


Look, it's going to be a Chang or Lei. The only classic character archetypes not to be in the game at this point. They're not going to put in a character who's sharing 70%+ of her moveset with Nina.

As for Zafina, she's probably the least popular and least played character apart from Gon and Dr.B, she's really unlikely to come back.


Look, it's going to be a Chang or Lei. The only classic character archetypes not to be in the game at this point. They're not going to put in a character who's sharing 70%+ of her moveset with Nina.

As for Zafina, she's probably the least popular and least played character apart from Gon and Dr.B, she's really unlikely to come back.

Anna shares like 5-10% of her moveset with Nina. And even some of their moves that are similar have different animations/properties (like blonde bomb).


Anna, from a design perspective, is just too much like Nina. And I always thought her rivalry with her sister was so fucking whack, even as a kid growing up.

Much rather see a Chang and Lei over her.


Anna, from a design perspective, is just too much like Nina. And I always thought her rivalry with her sister was so fucking whack, even as a kid growing up.

Much rather see a Chang and Lei over her.

She plays completely differently from Nina. She stopped being a clone since Tekken 5. It's like saying Eddy shouldn't be in the game because Chloe stole some his moves.

Nina's got WS1 and SS1 tools and Anna's Chaos Judgment transitions alone make her a completely different/unique character. Who else in the cast has an auto low launch punisher?


She plays completely differently from Nina. She stopped being a clone since Tekken 5. It's like saying Eddy shouldn't be in the game because Chloe stole some his moves.

Nina's got WS1 and SS1 tools and Anna's Chaos Judgment transitions alone make her a completely different/unique character. Who else in the cast has an auto low launch punisher?

30 different moves out of 100+ does still make Anna 70% similar to Nina..



Nothing can stop Akuma now.



-12 gauge shotgun added, mid, 11 frames, unblockable.

Good to see you're in decent spirits, GrayFox, all things considered.

And Tekken 7 getting Skullomania before Street Fighter


Hiya dude! Thanks.

Skullomania looks top tier. Opponent should lose 90 hp at start of the round out of principle.

D: GRAY FOX!!!! Welcome back, man!

@ Gray , man hope you get better. Shit sounds very rough but then again I'm impressed by how well you are dealing with it.
When I'm in town this week i will actually pop in and get a copy of T6 so we can mess around mate. Oh and i will definitely set my notifications on for ps3 lol. Just hit me up whenever you see me playing.

Thanks guys, I will when I'll be in decent condition. Also my controller broke. Shit luck.

Good thing you're back, GrayFox. The gallbladder stones shit sounds painful, so I hope you're through this soon.
Sleep deprivation is one of the worst things ever. You just don't function like a human being without sleep. You feel like shit, weak and as if you were ill. I hope it works out for you and you get your good night's sleep again.

I can confirm that. I'm fighting for some sleep but losing 1 : 5.

Other than that... I can only say that you're pretty damn strong. I don't know many people who could go through the shit you went through and still be so upbeat and funny. Please stay like that. And stuff like this:

You know it's not true. Stop thinking that, seriously.

Thanks man, you're a great guy!

And I don't know, about that karma and shit.

Welcome back GrayFox, missed your presence.

I was getting worried as well.

And of course people noticed your absence, you post here constantly. lol

Heya, good to see you!

I like these customs the most:

Reminds me of his Tekken 1 outfit but cooler with the symbols:

Nice shirt, pants don't match his age. Dude is in his fifties. Guy would get laughed at coming to mahjong club wearing that.


In Japan Paul-Ninja makes sense apparently.

I need to take a break. Don't worry guys and thanks for all your kind words.
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