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Tekken Tag Tournament 2 |OT| Awaiting the "Final Battle"


Fine, screw majors. Let's just talk about local competition. Take a look at the regional matchmaker place on SRK for 2D games, and then look at TZ.com or even KOR's facebook academy.

I don't watch movies. I don't have a television. I don't eat outside. I buy cheap deoderant/shampoo/soap. I have no furniture. I sleep on the floor. I don't spend any money on fashion and only buy clothes when my previous ones are torn. I share a 2 bedroom apartment with 3 men sleeping in the living room to save on rent/food. I choose this to fund my Tekken hobby from my current income and travel when I can and am capable. Sure, I'm a minority so I'll admit that.

Forget people who travel, let's just look at people who at least try to make a local scene without sacrificing. I know 5 people who actually play Tekken in my city. Yet only 2 of us are willing to meet to play. No matter how much I call or persuade these other guys they're not interested. I travel to Toronto for a bunch of MAJORS, and I knew at least 12 people that live in the area that didn't bother showing up. I went to Montreal for a monthly tournament, again a lot of the people that play the game didn't show up. The best player in Canada (PSN: TheInsaneBoss) is in Montreal and he stopped going to locals. I play (amazing) people online that are amazing like jinandkazama81 who I found out lived in Montreal and they will refuse to show up. There isn't a drive.

Tekken still thrives in Korea/Japan but that's not what your original post was about. A lot of people complain about how Tekken is treated in eventhubs but all these people are doing is barking. You make a statement with actions. You start showing up to things that are at least somewhat convenient to you. If you can't make time for those, then the case is closed. Tekken going to continue to fall further and further into the same circle of relevance games like VF/Skullgirls.

Again, I've reached a point where I don't care. I'll keep playing and travelling because I have fun. But I'm not going to delude myself by expecting Tekken to get the same treatment Capcom players get because the community I'm a part of don't have the same drive as them.

Like Sayah said, be happy with what Tekken has for now and stop feeling persecuted when Tekken isn't getting the same popularity as the Capcom games.

I know what you're saying... but there are places too where people love Tekken and do the things that you say... (especially in the bay area... We Filipinos love our Tekken lol). So, to deprive them too sucks... There are alot of places where they play Tekken and you can treat it like an underground happening because people barely see or take notice.

TBH it sucks for us but hey... we gotta do what we gotta do...



Kazuya Lasers useful now...


Again, I don't like using the term "deprived". Who is depriving the Tekken community of anything? Everybody has a system. The 2D community here immediately offered to lend me their monitors and such to run a Tekken tournament. I took it and unfortunately nobody within the actual Tekken community gave a damn. I ended up having to beg a couple of Montreal players to come by. And even when 2 players showed up there still wasn't enough people to run a tournament. I ended up wasting the equipment the 2D crowd offered me, I wasted the money and time of the actual MTL players that showed up. I have to ask myself, who's fault was this? Do I blame the Capcom players, do I blame eventhubs, who's the blame? Who is the one "depriving" Tekken from reaching SF status here in North America? The answer is pretty obvious, and the "FGC" knows as well and they have every right to have this perception of this community.

DEATH™;58761645 said:

That's been there since TTT2 Vanilla. Devil Kazuya and Devil Jin can do this way back in Prologue with Devil Kaz doing a launcher, juggle filler, TA, Devil Jin does WS+1,2, Lazer tech trap is inescapable.


Fine, screw majors. Let's just talk about local competition. Take a look at the regional matchmaker place on SRK for 2D games, and then look at TZ.com or even KOR's facebook academy.

I don't watch movies. I don't have a television. I don't eat outside. I buy cheap deoderant/shampoo/soap. I have no furniture. I sleep on the floor. I don't spend any money on fashion and only buy clothes when my previous ones are torn. I share a 2 bedroom apartment with 3 men sleeping in the living room to save on rent/food. I choose this to fund my Tekken hobby from my current income and travel when I can and am capable. Sure, I'm a minority so I'll admit that.

Forget people who travel, let's just look at people who at least try to make a local scene without sacrificing. I know 5 people who actually play Tekken in my city. Yet only 2 of us are willing to meet to play. No matter how much I call or persuade these other guys they're not interested. I travel to Toronto for a bunch of MAJORS, and I knew at least 12 people that live in the area that didn't bother showing up. I went to Montreal for a monthly tournament, again a lot of the people that play the game didn't show up. The best player in Canada (PSN: TheInsaneBoss) is in Montreal and he stopped going to locals. I play (amazing) people online that are amazing like jinandkazama81 who I found out lived in Montreal and they will refuse to show up. There isn't a drive.

Tekken still thrives in Korea/Japan but that's not what your original post was about. A lot of people complain about how Tekken is treated in eventhubs but all these people are doing is barking. You make a statement with actions. You start showing up to things that are at least somewhat convenient to you. If you can't make time for those, then the case is closed. Tekken going to continue to fall further and further into the same circle of relevance games like VF/Skullgirls.

Again, I've reached a point where I don't care. I'll keep playing and travelling because I have fun. But I'm not going to delude myself by expecting Tekken to get the same treatment Capcom players get because the community I'm a part of don't have the same drive as them.

Like Sayah said, be happy with what Tekken has for now and stop feeling persecuted when Tekken isn't getting the same popularity as the Capcom games.

Really gotta applaud that enthusiasm and effort.

Myself, I love the game and want to see the community grow, but I most definitely haven't put in as much effort as you or some other people have. I've only gone to one tourney my entire life so yeah.

But I don't know if it's healthy to sacrifice THAT much bro. :p

Don't make your life harder b/c of Tekken. As far as your comments on local play, the addition of online this generation is probably the reason you won't see a lot of people coming out to locals. Whereas before T6/TTT2, I'd imagine Tekken locals were more active. Now people just play from their home and are too tired or lazy to go out anywhere after work/school/etc. But then you'd think the same would apply for 2D players but it doesn't. SO you have a point.

And I definitely don't think Tekken players should feel persecuted. Don't know why there's any need to. Tekken may be dwindling but it's still doing a whole lot better than most other fighters. The online community is very active and Tekken players haven't had to deal with all the bullshit that some other FG fans had to go through. We're technically very privileged actually because this gen, we've received the best treatment and the best fanbase service. SCV was rushed. SFXTK had crazy tons of DLC. Vanilla MvC3 was lacking in pretty much even basic features essential in a fighter. ETC. And even today, Marvel fans are daily hoping for a patch. Whereas Tekken got instant patches for any problems that were found.

Yeah, if anything, we need to be happy with what we got.


The 2D community here immediately offered to lend me their monitors and such to run a Tekken tournament. I took it and unfortunately nobody within the actual Tekken community gave a damn. I ended up having to beg a couple of Montreal players to come by. And even when 2 players showed up there still wasn't enough people to run a tournament. I ended up wasting the equipment the 2D crowd offered me, I wasted the money and time of the actual MTL players that showed up.

I can't darn imagine that we won't go on that... that straight up sucks... Can't say anything about that.

I'm not from Canada so I can't speak for them, but that surely sucked... I dunno what's up...


It's not just isolated in Canada. On KOR's Tekken Academy Sweet Johnny Cage (The organizer of ECT) basically called everyone out. He basically asked why the hell is he spending money from his pocket (more about earnings from ECT) to fly the winner to TFC when Tekken is one of the least registered games there? He's asking them why he doesn't do it for a game like SFxT or MvC3 instead? He's another influential member of the FGC 2D crowd that is trying hard to bring the Tekken community back on its feet considering the rich history the American scene had from the TTT-T5 days but look how far his generosity brought him?


It's not just isolated in Canada. On KOR's Tekken Academy Sweet Johnny Cage (The organizer of ECT) basically called everyone out. He basically asked why the hell is he spending money from his pocket (more about earnings from ECT) to fly the winner to TFC when Tekken is one of the last registered games there? He's another member of the FGC 2D crowd that is trying hard to bring the Tekken community back on its feet considering the rich history the American scene had from the TTT-T5 days but look how far his generosity brought him?

I guess I'm part of the problem. I didn't go to ECT despite it being a one and half hour drive away from me. D:

I was really planning on at least registering but that didn't go as planned.


I guess I'm part of the problem. I didn't go to ECT despite it being a one and half hour drive away from me. D:

I was really planning on at least registering but that didn't go as planned.

I'm sorry I'm not trying to point fingers at anyone. And it doesn't necessarily have to be a problem. It's perfectly cool if people don't want to travel with to tournaments. If people don't want to, it's perfectly cool, they don't owe anybody anything. BUT, we just have to be content with the ripples caused for the people observing in the background.


It's not just isolated in Canada. On KOR's Tekken Academy Sweet Johnny Cage (The organizer of ECT) basically called everyone out. He basically asked why the hell is he spending money from his pocket (more about earnings from ECT) to fly the winner to TFC when Tekken is one of the last registered games there? He's asking them why he doesn't do it for a game like SFxT or MvC3 instead? He's another influential member of the FGC 2D crowd that is trying hard to bring the Tekken community back on its feet considering the rich history the American scene had from the TTT-T5 days but look how far his generosity brought him?

Last registered, like lowest turnout? Cause I could understand why people won't go to ECT and not because they don't care... You don't organize a tourney near finals week. Even the other games are lower (It's still good, but its a bit lower...)

It might be bleak for now, but we are in a transition from the veterans going out and young guns going in... the young dudes need the dough...

EDIT which point out to the topic the fgc thread talked before... we got too many tournaments, the special appeal of having a tourney is lost now since its like a monthly affair. And supporting each tourney becomes tedious, and stressful at times. People cant attend every tourney while the organizers need the players to support...


It wasn't finals week just for the Tekken community, it was finals week for everyone. The Capcom community showed up.

Morale of the story is, Tekken as a game deserves better from its community. The Tekken community in general doesn't deserve special treatment until they prove they have the same drive the Capcom community has.


It wasn't finals week just for the Tekken community, it was finals week for everyone. The Capcom community showed up.

Not trying to discredit this but... why would someone go again there if EVO's right around the corner? I know it sounds like making excuses but not everybody has a feasible way to go, as like I said, even the other games are bit lower (not much but lower). I'm not trying to cover up our community's lazyness but you gotta look at some stuff too realistically. Everybody's waiting for the big summer tourney... If we don't show up at EVO, then yeah, we suck to the core (as if we sucked enough already)...


DEATH™;58765541 said:
Not trying to discredit this but... why would someone go again there if EVO's right around the corner? I know it sounds like making excuses but not everybody has a feasible way to go, as like I said, even the other games are bit lower (not much but lower). I'm not trying to cover up our community's lazyness but you gotta look at some stuff too realistically. Everybody's waiting for the big summer tourney... If we don't show up at EVO, then yeah, we suck to the core (as if we sucked enough already)...

I don't know the answer to this, there could be 1000 reasons, there could be 0 reasons. Bottom line is, the Capcom community did and the Tekken community didn't and hence they will reap the benefits.


Since your Wii remote seems like it's paired and working, the only thing I can think of that might be causing your problem is the TvC stick settings. Make sure the slider in the top left corner on the stick is set to "DP" so the stick is read by the game as dpad input and not left or right stick. I haven't needed to change anything else in the game settings to get my stick to work.

Thanks, that did it. I hadn't even noticed the option to put the stick in d-pad mode. I've always read it as LS OR RS instead of LS DP RS.


DEATH™;58709745 said:


What's written there?


Glad you guys enjoyed part 1 last night. I will continue with part 2 at around 9 - 9:30 PM EST tonight. I'll probably try to tweak some settings to see if I can get rid of that pixelation.


It's not prob, man. It's still there for later viewing. I'm going to finish it off tomorrow night after my final. I stopped at SS2.


It's not prob, man. It's still there for later viewing. I'm going to finish it off tomorrow night after my final. I stopped at SS2.

You done for today?

And guys, support streams man... http://www.twitch.tv/consolecombat/old

This guys are hype...

P.S. The AtP Live episode made me realize I need to contribute more. I might not be able to feasibly go to tourneys now but I'll do everything that I can to give confidence for some who can...

*gonna make a tutorial now*
DEATH™;58709745 said:


Ps ggs to muhnner and famicom...

You guys are good...

Mid-crushing moves are disgusting. I finally figured out what annoys me most about this game and it's the crush system.

This guy the other day was hopkicking me out of lows repeatedly. Then when he does Wang's d+4, it crushes MY hopkick and the follow up launches me. I was livid.


Mid-crushing moves are disgusting. I finally figured out what annoys me most about this game and it's the crush system.

This guy the other day was hopkicking me out of every single low. Then when he does Wang's d+4, it crushes MY hopkick and the follow up launches me. I was livid.

There's no such thing as mid-crush though... The uf+3 just went faster than the Deathfist by probably a frame...
DEATH™;58977241 said:
There's no such thing as mid-crush though... The uf+3 just went faster than the Deathfist by probably a frame...

It might not technically be mid-crushing, but some moves/characters have properties that make mids whiff when it feels like they shouldn't. That deathfist appears to be going right over Lars' head just as Paul is getting hit.

Wang's stupid hitbox definitely makes a lot of stuff whiff.


It might not technically be mid-crushing, but some moves/characters have properties that make mids whiff when it feels like they shouldn't. That deathfist appears to be going right over Lars' head just as Paul is getting hit.

Wang's stupid hitbox definitely makes a lot of stuff whiff.

That's Wang's design...
Iffy hitbox + great backdash + b+1 Parry + Good whiff punishers = Nightmare to hit.

And yeah... that's pretty much it... At least you got the idea... Hitbox evasion =/= Crush


DEATH™;58977241 said:
There's no such thing as mid-crush though... The uf+3 just went faster than the Deathfist by probably a frame...

Lars's U/F+3 has a frame that crushes mids. You can test it. Hwoarang can do LFS, 3~f,3 and if Lars blocks the first hit he'll be at -2. Lars can immediately u/f+3 which is a 16 frame move beating a 14 frame mid hitting move when he's already at negative frames. Law's d+2,3 can crush a lot of Hwoarang's quick Mids. Ling's AOP into anything will crush almost 85% of Hwoarang's mids. The same thing also happens with moves like Nina/Anna's d+3,2 or Lili's Matterhorn.
I get the idea but I still don't think calling it 'mid crush or crushes mid' is correct since some moves can evade certain mids but not ALL mids like the way hopkicks can low crush everything. Sure Lars can u/f+3 some mids but can he crush say.... Mishima's d/f+4? Feng's f+3,4? Shoulder Barges? No? Then it's not crushing.

It's just some funky hitboxes/hurtboxes.

Hitbox evasion =/= Crush




People started using the term "mid crush" as a way to describe those moves that go under mids, because there's no real mechanical name for them. When we say that, we're fully away that it doesn't follow the rules of the actual crush system. The thing is, when other people see/hear that term being throw around, they mistake it as such. It's really just a buzz term.

But yes, moves that go under mids are absolute horse shit and the game is full of high reward moves that do that. Lars lightning screw is at least a lot less reliable with it in Tag 2 though.
Lars's U/F+3 has a frame that crushes mids. You can test it. Hwoarang can do LFS, 3~f,3 and if Lars blocks the first hit he'll be at -2. Lars can immediately u/f+3 which is a 16 frame move beating a 14 frame mid hitting move when he's already at negative frames. Law's d+2,3 can crush a lot of Hwoarang's quick Mids. Ling's AOP into anything will crush almost 85% of Hwoarang's mids. The same thing also happens with moves like Nina/Anna's d+3,2 or Lili's Matterhorn.

Leo's low stance will also go under some mids as well, it went under Lili's d/f+3 once.


Hey, AAK. Are you interested in fighting my friend Redeemer after I finish the tutorial tonight? I'm thinking I'll stream a FT5 or maybe even FT10 if you two want while I commentate it. Might be fun and is great Marduk (and possibly Jin) experience for you.


Sorry for yet another double post, but I just realized that UFGT is on this weekend. Should I just save the last part for Monday?


Hey, AAK. Are you interested in fighting my friend Redeemer after I finish the tutorial tonight? I'm thinking I'll stream a FT5 or maybe even FT10 if you two want while I commentate it. Might be fun and is great Marduk (and possibly Jin) experience for you.

Yo, sure I don't mind.


Thanks for the games man, You can definitely tell there's shades of a solid old school player with his mentality and backdash execution. I got away with Julia insanity LOL.


NP man. Was fun to watch and even do some commentary. So, yeah. Final part of the guide should be on Monday.

Also, one note I wanted to make here. I'm not trying to jump in Kadey's space by doing all of this streaming. I've just been doing a lot of it lately for this guide and to test settings and see what my machine can do. While I don't mind streaming for people when she's not (if they want), she is still the boss streamer of fighting game GAF. :p

I figure I should just point that out since I all of a sudden started streaming for like 4 days in a row lol.


I might start up a stream just for the hell of it

The cost of equipment wouldn't be an issue but I dunno if my laptop can handle it

It'll be great though. You can all listen to me rant and sigh at the TV every time I get hit


I might start up a stream just for the hell of it

The cost of equipment wouldn't be an issue but I dunno if my laptop can handle it

It'll be great though. You can all listen to me rant and sigh at the TV every time I get hit

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees. DO IT.

NP man. Was fun to watch and even do some commentary. So, yeah. Final part of the guide should be on Monday.

Also, one note I wanted to make here. I'm not trying to jump in Kadey's space by doing all of this streaming. I've just been doing a lot of it lately for this guide and to test settings and see what my machine can do. While I don't mind streaming for people when she's not (if they want), she is still the boss streamer of fighting game GAF. :p

I figure I should just point that out since I all of a sudden started streaming for like 4 days in a row lol.

The more streamers the better I would think. I would stream stuff but don't think my laptop could handle it.

And if there happens to be days where people are simultaneously streaming, then everyone besides Kadey can stop. I prefer that HD goodness with those soundtracks. :p


Ah damn :( I'm playing it right now.... DAMN I'm rusty. Can't do anything that I want to come out.

Just going against the comp in special sparring. Good god I'm complaining about Ling's AOP but Lion & Pai's stances are equally frustrating!
But most probably I just suck


The most obnoxious thing about Lion is his lows. He even has a low that forces you into sideturned. Very obnoxious character. I consider him the Lili of VF.


Soooo many bad habits carry over from Tekken to VF too haha. I keep trying to buffer inputs by holding guard into P for a grab or K for a circular. And the hardest thing for me is to stop trying to punish after blocking wakeup attacks :lol.


Soooo many bad habits carry over from Tekken to VF too haha. I keep trying to buffer inputs by holding guard into P for a grab or K for a circular. And the hardest thing for me is to stop trying to punish after blocking wakeup attacks :lol.

Wake up attacks are easily seeable though. If you have a reversal, go nuts.

It's his friend's stream. At least that's what I recall him saying.
JayCee is soo much fun. Hate to say, but Changs were always my least favourite Tekken girls. I could just never find anything interesting about them. But they gave Julia some cool stuff in this game.

AAK or anybody else got any tips?
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