Tekken threads in gaming = a bunch of people who loved Tekken 3
Tekken threads in gaming = a bunch of people who loved Tekken 3
Soul Calibur is the same way but with either 1 or 2.
DEATH;120810718 said:The more I hear from what Tekken's direction goes, and the people's responses everywhere, I'm more depressed than excited...
Did he actually leave?Dang, Harada just BOUNCED. He know the crowd was gonna mob him if it wasn't TXSF :lol
DEATH;120810718 said:The more I hear from what Tekken's direction goes, and the people's responses everywhere, I'm more depressed than excited...
Tekken threads in gaming = a bunch of people who loved Tekken 3
Tekken threads in gaming = a bunch of people who loved Tekken 3
I'm still hoping he'll announce TxSF too, because why announce "only" Tekken 7 at SF4 finals instead Tag2 finals?
We don't know anything about direction Tekken's going.
DEATH;120841471 said:- Of course Solo will come back. I loved the tag system, but it's something I can deal with.
- Character reduction. As a guy who spent a bit of time in martial arts, being a fan of martial arts, and inspired me to dwell on art, this thing hurts. First of all, I love the huge AND diverse characters and the characters accurately and discliplined representing them or giving them their own flavor, which is the art in martial art. It's like battling philosophies both character wise and player wise. And each char represents each art greatly. Losing one hurts for me. I guess to deal with this, I'm just gonna draw and draw and draw, or probably make 3D models someday...
- Those things I can deal with, but people complaining about the game because it wasn't like Tekken 3? Obviously people who complained is just mad salty when losing and I understand that, but casualifying the game? And trust me, those same people will complain again when their wishes get granted and still get whooped hard by the TTT2 vets. People do not know what they want. I go on GAF, Tumblr, Twitter, DA and sites and I kept being proved right everytime I think the problem with Tekken is the consumers are a bit too misinformed/ignorant/prideful to admit they need improvement. Good thing general Tekken movement will still stay, but darn it if they pull out a Tekken Rev on us. Justify it as you want, that game is no fun and boring to play, even without stats.
Harada gave us a glimpse of what would happen in the next game...
TR still has oki. Don't buy into the hyperbole please.
http://www.twitch.tv/srkevo1/b/546556277?t=8h11m11sAre Tag 2 finals up anywhere yet?
How many hours till we get the announcement from now?
5How many hours till we get the announcement from now?
Whether we like it or not... all those people in the gaming section are the guys that make it possible for Tekken to have the budget it does. If they didn't have it their way we wouldn't have gotten the series to the point it is today. Let's try to welcome them with open arms. And if T7 ends up sucking, there will always be Virtua Fighter or the next Tekken after that to indulge inBut I find that extremely unlikely. Tekken 7 will have an arcade release so I'm sure they'll give us something great to cater to that market.
Will it be an arcade game?T7 will be exclusive to arcades for at least 9 months to a year. So if it comes out in Fall 2015/Winter 2016, we won't see it on consoles until 2016 or 2017. By then I wonder if they will still be interested haha... But being a number title, it's going to have heavy story elements so I'm sure some will still come for that stuff.
DEATH;120841471 said:Harada gave us a glimpse of what would happen in the next game...
T7 will be exclusive to arcades for at least 9 months to a year. So if it comes out in Fall 2015/Winter 2016, we won't see it on consoles until 2016 or 2017. By then I wonder if they will still be interested haha... But being a number title, it's going to have heavy story elements so I'm sure some will still come for that stuff.
Pretty sure the announcement leak only informed about T7 coming to consoles.
Tell me you don't really believe f2p mod of TTT2 is really anything important for both Harada and Tekken future. Have you seen other Namco f2p games? They are all simplistic because they are only f2p cash ins.
It said multiple consoles. So that means Arcade/PS4/XO/PC. And judging by money that Namco can make, Arcade will most surely get it exclusively for a while.
You're right, the hardcores like us aren't going to make Tekken sell well.Whether we like it or not... all those people in the gaming section are the guys that make it possible for Tekken to have the budget it does. If they didn't have it their way we wouldn't have gotten the series to the point it is today. Let's try to welcome them with open arms. And if T7 ends up sucking, there will always be Virtua Fighter or the next Tekken after that to indulge inBut I find that extremely unlikely. Tekken 7 will have an arcade release so I'm sure they'll give us something great to cater to that market.
thisLOL, I am soooooo glad I kept my expectations low.