StudBuddah gives some commentary on a 200WON T5DR match:
Some things I noticed:
- d+4,1 couldn't be ducked and launched (it jailed)
- f,f+2 had way more range
- u/b+3 had absurd range for a safe, mid, low crush move
Every time you want to play, I'm not online.Sounds good!
I'm trying a ps4 controller and the d-pad is sublime. anyone want to play?
Oh wow.
Edit: More of Heihachi-Kun.![]()
what kind of doge is this?
Harada on the pokemon stream with some tekken flash backs. So expecting to see they announce pokken today
edit: yep we have a trailer. confirmed characters Machamp and Lucario.
Every time you want to play, I'm not online.
And still no sight of Tekken X Street Fighter at all lol.
Reading the English names feels weird^^
So Hitmon Lee and Chan... In Germany, we call them Kicklee and Nockchan.
I gave a Law player a promotion to Marauder today. He was all db4 and b4,3... I cried.
By the way, I noticed that Jin's WS2 misses when blocking Law's Dragon Tail. So I have to crouch cancel and launch him with d3+4, which I find pretty hard to do fast enough.
Really? Now I feel dumb for not knowing this.No, no. Everything misses Law if you do it right after blocking db+4, even Kaz's ws+2 can miss, lol. You have to wait just a little, takes a bit to get used to it.
Really? Now I feel dumb for not knowing this.
You can throw out Lee's WS2,3 right after blocking and Steve's WS1+2 should also be fast enough. Hwoarang doesn't really have a decent WS launcher and I don't know about Xiao and Leo. I should try it out in practice mode.
Leo can ws+2 .
I meant if I can launch him immediately after blocking.
I can only crouch cancel in practice mode. In a real match I don't even try![]()
Anyone wanna explain to me what a Pokken is? Apparently it is Pokemon + Tekken?
Anyone wanna explain to me what a Pokken is? Apparently it is Pokemon + Tekken?
crouch canceling to punish drag's d/b+3? Couldn't you just ff, d+3+4? I used to crouch cancel Devil Jin's T6 laser scraper combo.. d/f+1+2~u,b,f+2,1,2.. that took a bit to get used to.
I see.
But yeah Law is - 37 on block, so there's a lot of time to hurt him. He's just flat like a pancake at first and many mids will whiff. Thinking about it he may be low profile for like first 16 frames of recovery because Kaz's ws+2 is 16 and it can go above him. Steve's ws1+2 is 18-19 so it probably hits him just as Law rises a little more and that Steve's wide vertical swing from low to mid on the ground probably has something to do with it too. He can hit grounded opponents with it while Kaz ws+2 is totally horizontal move.
Mids not equal mids, haha. But I love that diversity in Tekken.
Anyone wanna explain to me what a Pokken is? Apparently it is Pokemon + Tekken?
I'm not familiar with DJin's inputs. Is df1+2 the low that's a bit like Hei's db2?
Crouch cancelling is something that I might have to practice a bit more.
Wait, so Steve's ws1+2 can be used for oki? Oh, and I made a mistake above, I wanted to say it's SLOW enough to hit Law after db4.
I really like the fact that there a different types of mids. Especially as a Ling-user, since AOP makes higher mids whiff, but lower mids still hit her. Like Steve's 3,1,1. If I want to make the first one whiff when I'm in AOP, I have to tap down, then I can launch him. Extremely satisfying
Exactly. Just read through the thread a bit.
I'm not familiar with DJin's inputs. Is df1+2 the low that's a bit like Hei's db2?
Oh yeah Steve's ws1+2 is way underused, by me too. I watched MYK's tutorial on AVP and he said this move can crush some lows even. Sweet.
Btw I fund awesome quick tips guide for Steve.
When I heard Steve gets free qcf+1 and combo after side or back wall push I was like:
Oh no, it's the overhead bound move that looks like 1+2+5.![]()
I actually know these things, but I'm not able to use them. I can only fight with Steve in theory
And yeah, ws+1+2 is underused. It's also a cool mindgame in full crouch. I eat a lot of df+1 or db+2. I'm afraid to duck because my opponent might launch me. It's a bit like Lee's slide or ws+2,3. Crouching opponents can be scary![]()
What are the other two projects? From the looks of it, Rise of Incarnates isn't one of them.
Please let one of them be SoulCalibur VI.
2 more?
I feel something warm inside.
Even if Rise of Incastrates is one of the titles, the other can be:
Urban Reign 2
Tekken Zero (15 year old Heihachi)
Tekken RPG
Tekken x GrayFoxPL Fuck Off Already
If ROI counts, I want SoulCalibur VI to be the other title. If not that, then a SoulCalibur crossover with Final Fantasy.![]()
Never seen it in match videos, but now backsway seems 100 times more useful to me. In my most hated situation - cornered, I can try 1 jab or db+1 then sway back and try to wall push or risk b4,2 and if opponent will catch up I can try b+1 ch after jab.
I'm no Sun Tzu but it's at least some kind of idea.
Generally I saw lately b+3_4 canceled from jabs as a pretty good alternative for 3,1,1 general thing I do because after 121 people like to duck for some reason. But this, this isn't bad. Look at that - b3,1 is 0 -1 on block and +6-7 on hit and leave them crouched, that could really mess someone's day up. I gotta use this more now. b+3,2 is a total yolo or you mastered predicting highs. Launch punishable, but back at the wall I might as well do it, if I'm gonna get wallsplated by 235 different options there's no place to whine for trying anything.
Tekken x GrayFoxPL Fuck Off Already
If ROI counts, I want SoulCalibur VI to be the other title. If not that, then a SoulCalibur crossover with Final Fantasy.![]()
Hey SoulCalibur x Star Wars happened (Darth Vader for ever!) so anything's possible.
Guys, you got this wrong. We already got Tekken Card Tournament, so the next game is obviously going to be Tekken: Chain of Memories, where Lars shows off his flashy keyblade and fights Jin in his mysterious castle. His comrades are going to be Alisa and Kuma.
Guys, you got this wrong. We already got Tekken Card Tournament, so the next game is obviously going to be Tekken: Chain of Memories, where Lars shows off his flashy keyblade and fights Jin in his mysterious castle. His comrades are going to be Alisa and Kuma.
I remember when they first revealed Yoda and Darth Vader. I was so hype back then.
How did Namco even manage to secure rights for those two, I don't know but I was glad it happened.
I'd play this. I'd kill off Alisa at the start by throwing her into a group of lvl 1 cactus people.
Also change Larsesesesses'es name to "uf+3 - Got that memorized?"
You're the one who posted the gif that started all of this, haha. I thought you would have watched it.Lots of people are liking Gravity Falls, maybe I'll give that a watch.
Lars: "Hey Alisa, bet you don't know why the sunset's red. You see, light is made out of lots of colors and out of all those colors, red is the one that travels the furthest" *smirk*
Alisa: "Appu-foowaado-surii-sama, why do you tell me this?"
Lars: "I don't know, I'm drunk"
God, I would hate the characters so much...
Yeah, something hard to predict, I guess LucasArts really wanted to push Unleashed.
I loved playing as Vader and his Force mechanics were really well thought off.
I'd say this - best playable Vader ever made.
SW fighting game made by SC dev team = Legendary.
There is a gifset of that scene all over tumblr, which is where I got that gif from.You're the one who posted the gif that started all of this, haha. I thought you would have watched it.
The scene that gif is from is also hilarious. AMBULANCE. I heard a girl just got BURRRNNED.
Yeah, I would love a Star Wars game made by SC dev team. Would be awesome.
I would also LOVE it if SC team made a Fire Emblem fighting game. Like that would be one of the best things ever.
There is a gifset of that scene all over tumblr, which is where I got that gif from.
My personal favorite episodes are the dance party where Pacifica is introduced and the Bunker episode from season 2, but there's a lot of quality episodes.
EDIT: Here's the scene, Tera: