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Terry Goodkind: The Omen Machine OT [Spoiler warning]

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The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Okay wait...when she jumped into the wagon she blacked out. At this point she is passed out in a wagon near the palace. And...then what? I assumed that someone else was driving it and they didn't notice her or some crap but now its obvious it was just a random wagon with a horse...the horse was startled by the hounds? So it ran into the woods? I think? And the dogs are herding it I guess?


The_Technomancer said:
Okay wait...when she jumped into the wagon she blacked out. At this point she is passed out in a wagon near the palace. And...then what? I assumed that someone else was driving it and they didn't notice her or some crap but now its obvious it was just a random wagon with a horse...the horse was startled by the hounds? So it ran into the woods? I think? And the dogs are herding it I guess?

The wagon was slowly moving when Kahlan jumped into it, I think. The horse Kahlan jumped on was an extra horse trailing behind the wagon on a rope. For some reason. I'm not even certain there was anybody driving the wagon, but I think it was heading for Jit's lair even before Kahlan jumped off it and started riding.

I think Jit just magically organises all this stuff.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Salazar said:
I think Jit just magically organises all this stuff.
Jit is fucking amazing to manage to orchestrate scaring her out of her bed, down a hallway, into a wagon, and herding her several days away into her swamp lair.

I believe Richard will win though. He has a magic sword that kills stuff.


The timeline seems so fucked to me. How did Richard get to Jit's place only a few minutes after Kahlan? Henrik should have been long gone. Kahlan had a seemingly huge head start, plus a horse the whole way.



Richard dropped into a crouch as he landed.

There are hooded, lanky, glowing demon forms dancing all around him, heads thrown back, scary teeth bared, chanting and thumping their feet.

Richard can smell blood. He sees Jit. The lower half of her face is covered in blood, and blood sloshes around in the bowl she is holding.

[I half-expect Terry to insert something about how Richard can tell that Jit is not a good person.]

He looks around, and sees Kahlan across the chamber - trapped in the vine wall. She looks unconscious.

He delivers a chest slam with the heel of his palm and Jit goes flying. He doesn’t want to use his sword on her because Nicci has told him that using magic on Hedge Maids is a really bad idea.

The glowing Jit creatures are mad at him. They try to get in his way but Richard swings the Sword of Truth at them and they fade away when it hits them. They reappear, but they clearly don’t like being hit with the sword.

His attention was riveted on Kahlan. The front of her was covered in blood. He could see ripping bite marks on her abdomen, with rows of smaller, needle-sharp punctures on her shoulders and neck. The blood running down her had at first hidden the fact that she was naked.

[That is a silly amount of blood]

This sends Richard crazy. He sets on the bony creatures - not Jit’s ones - with the sword, shattering limbs, skulls. There seems like no end to the hordes of snatching figures coming from every direction, but Richard is in his fighting trance. Some of them get in close enough to bite him, but most get smashed.

Suddenly, Jit pops up in front of him and throws some black dust in his face.
[Yesssss, Jit still in the game.]

Richard’s body seizes up. Jit is clicking and squealing away. A demon bites deep into his stomach, and another holds a bowl to catch the blood. When some has drained in, the second demon rushes to Jit, and, although she “had trouble drinking”, she downs the lot.

One of the Jit creatures says that Richard will soon, like Kahlan, be among the walking dead.

Richard accepts this as typical villain banter, and wonders why Jit’s mouth is sewn shut.


It came to him. Richard understood Regula’s last message. He just didn’t know if it could do him any good.
[Regula being the Omen Machine.]

His torso and legs are wrapped in thorny vines, but his arms are starting to feel strong again. Kahlan is still unconscious.

Jit is fiddling with snake skins, feathers, powders and stuff over a fire. Smoke from the fire transforms into underworld creatures as it rises.

As Jit worked, and the frolicking creatures taunted him, Richard surreptitiously pulled off small pieces of his shredded shirt, and rolled them between his finger and thumb

He puts little wads of fabric into Kahlan’s ears, and then does the same for himself. Still surreptitiously, I guess.

He remembered what the machine had told him.
Your Only Chance is to Let The Truth Escape

He grins at Jit. Jit scowls back. He says that if they let Kahlan go, he will do whatever they want. They say they don’t need his cooperation.

Richard says they need “to know the truth”.

Jit steps up to Richard, grinning, and Richard uses his free hand [Of course, his free hand. You always allow captives a free hand] to grab his knife[Oh, and knives]. He deliberately doesn’t think about hurting Jit, because that will trigger her defences.


In a blink, before the Hedge Maid could have second thoughts or guess what he intended, Richard whipped the knife past her face, carefully avoiding cutting her...With deadly precision, he instead made the tip of the razor-sharp blade sweep in just between her parted lips...and sever the leather strips holding her mouth closed.

Jit’s eyes go wide. Her mouth snaps open, seemingly against her will.

She screams. It is a black scream, a scream of death, a scream from the underworld.

All the glass shatters, everything gets flung up in the air, blood runs from the ears of the people trapped in the walls. The demons start to dissolve.

All Jit’s evil, all her dedication to death, is pouring out of her.

Her face began to melt as her own evil, the death at her core, escaped its prison. Blood veins broke, muscle ripped apart, and her skin split open until her bones were exposed.

Richard begins to think that his earplugs won’t be enough. His body is straining, and he knows that Kahlan, weaker than him, will be struggling quite a bit. A tear rolls down his cheek and he passes out.


”If he lives”, Cara said, “I’m going to kill him”.
[Alas, she is not serious, and a twist that could have redeemed this book goes unused.]

Kahlan and Richard are wrapped in blankets, both still covered in blood, in the back of a wagon. Nicci reckons she can heal them. Zedd finds the earplugs and wonders what they are for.

Nicci explains, knowing as she does about evil shit, that a Hedge Maid’s scream is the sound of the Underworld - it is death to all who hear it, even to the Hedge Maid herself. Almost from birth, their mouths are sewn shut.

Cara asks if the husbands just let the mothers do this. Nicci responds that Hedge Maids suck the blood out of their mates post-coitus. Cara seems impressed.

Richard and Kahlan, because of Richard’s shabby earplugs, still got a bit of Jit’s death scream. Nicci thinks that she can heal them, now that Jit is dead, but she will need to be in a “containment field” - the Garden of Life.

Cara asks why this must be so.

”They have been touched by death. We need a containment field to shield them while we do what we need to do. We need to heal them, but to do so we must also remove that touch of death that is lodged within them. If we try to do that here, that touch of death will call the Keeper of the dead to them and they will die. So we must wait until we can do it in a containment field, in the Garden of Life”.

“Oh”, Cara said. “That makes sense”.

[If you insist, but it’s SO FUCKING BORING.]

Henrik is in the wagon too. He needs a bit of medical attention, but not as urgently as Kahlan and Richard.

Zedd is proud that Richard figured out how to slay Jit. Nicci says that the machine told him how. Zedd asks why it would do that. Nicci dunno, really.

Cara tells everyone to hurry the fuck up.



Body Count: 125 - 2 soldiers, 1 assassin, 7 children, 1 aristocrat, 1 psycho woman, 1 large black dog, 1 Queen, 1 unborn Prince, 1 Jit prisoner, 7 Jit Creatures, 1 bitch Queen, Jit, an estimated 100 demons.
Maimed Count: 8.5 - Jit Creature’s hand, Kahlan's hand and head, Ludwig will be a bit sore, Vika brought to brink of death and back, Henrik permanently traumatised and covered in scratches, Kahlan likewise, Richard stupidly cutting his own arm, Richard bitten in the stomach.
Sexy Time Count: 4.5. I don't know what is up with this low count, everybody. I'm as disappointed as anyone.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Okay, I will give Terry this much credit: the idea of magic users who trap their power inside their bodies and have to sew their mouths shut to prevent its escape is pretty damn cool.

However unless Sal skipped something then the summary blurb lied: the Omen Machine never made any offer to retract anything for any impossible demand. That's what I was looking forward to.


magnificent83 said:
Thanks, Salazar.

Anyways, how much was this, and how many pages because I would be absolutely pissed for buying this.

I believe my Kindle edition was AU$17. I understand that it is 528 pages.

I will be there for the next one. I have a perverse faith that Terry will develop the scattered elements of an interesting plot into something worthwhile.

Hannis and Ludwig are still at large. Still powerful. Still angry.

There is a renegade Mord Sith who has been talking shit about Cara.

They can't possibly just hang around the palace waiting for bad shit to happen over the span of another book.

The_Technomancer said:
However unless Sal skipped something then the summary blurb lied: the Omen Machine never made any offer to retract anything for any impossible demand. That's what I was looking forward to.

The blurb did indeed lie. Which potentially bespeaks the flimsiness of Terry's editorial relationship with TOR.

Unless that blurb refers to the 3 novel arc, and the demand will come in the next book. Richard had better be fighting fit and angry as hell at Hannis when the next book starts. Priority #1 has to be to mess Hannis up.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Salazar said:
The blurb did indeed lie. Which potentially bespeaks the flimsiness of Terry's editorial relationship with TOR.
Well fuck this book. The Omen Machine itself was the only thing I was really interested in.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Not really reading this thread in detail till I decide if I want to get the book (how is it, anyway?), but im asking cause I just realized he released a book before this called The Law of the Nines. Never heard of it, apparently it's a thriller that takes place in the future in the parallel world Richard created. What.

Any good/do I need to read this first?


John Harker said:
Any good/do I need to read this first?

No on both counts.

This book is quite bad. There's not enough action, the decision-making is terrible, and the familiar strengths of key characters are bizarrely underplayed.

That said, I was entertained by it.


Puddles said:
Just reading those excerpts is enough to make my Thing rise up.

I just want to know if the dogs were real, or if Kahlan was standing in the back of a moving wagon kicking imaginary dogs away for hours on end.

John Harker said:
wtf, this book isnt on the nook store till Nov 15th?! am I reading that right?

Edit: Whoops, I dunno about the Nook store.

I know people could change their Amazon region in order to buy it earlier. I don't know if that is possible for other e-book stores.


Oh, and Zedd completely destroyed Jit's lair with Wizard's Fire.

Stood there and reduced the whole thing to ash.

They didn't indicate whether or not they retrieved any of the still-alive people in the walls before doing this. Probably not - given Richard and Kahlan's urgent medical condition. Most of them would have died from Jit's death-scream, though.

So boss points for Zedd, right at the end.


Aliens ate my babysitter
Wow, even by Terry's low standards that sounded absolutely retarded. Thanks for the entertainment :D


Keen said:
Wow, even by Terry's low standards the sounded absolutely retarded. Thanks for the entertainment :D

I aim to write my own sequel, if I find time in between academic years. Terry has shown me the way. Write two pages. Bang. Next chapter.


Aliens ate my babysitter
Do it, I'd rather feed you than the Yeard!

Edit: reminds me of when I read the Jester by James Patterson, chapters were a page and a half, drove me nuts. Horrible book as well!


I realise that I shouldn't let it bother me, but Richard knowing to plug his ears is getting to me.

Also, canon dictates that you can only have Mord Sith if you are a Rahl. Hannis's Dad was killed by Panis Rahl, though. Is Hannis Panis's secret bastard ?

At least the next book should be out mid to late next year. Even allowing for Terry spending days on a single paragraph.


"There is a story I have long wanted to tell".

Autobiography ? The rise and rise of Terry ?

Let it be so. Oh please, let it be so.

His next story, to be released likely by January 2012 (you watch) about Richard's mother.

Lots of rape and death in that one, since Richard is the product of Rape and Panis/Darkhen Rahl will be ruling.

I can't stop laughing at the thought.

Salazar, I hope you will be there to chronicle this next turd when it comes out.


gburgess10 said:
Salazar, I hope you will be there to chronicle this next turd when it comes out.

Looking forward to it. I agree that it won't be long at all.

I like to think that what Terry is going to publish in the interim is a novella (nasty, brutish, short) about Hannis Arc. I fear, however, that it will be something unforeseeably tedious.

What is known so far about Richard's mother.

Born to the First Wizard, Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander, she grew up playing in the halls of the Wizard's Keep. She had a favorite leather ball that she liked to play with until one day that she lost it. Zedd would replace it, but not with one exactly like it, to show her a point.

She was kidnapped, but only after her own mother, Erilyn, was murdered by a quad. Eventually, she was saved by a woman named Abby who had made the decision to sacrifice her own daughter's life to save her instead. Zedd had already saved her daughter, however. To ensure his daughter's safety, Zedd cast a death spell to make everyone believe his child was dead, and used her false death as his reason for creating the Boundary that would separate the Midlands and D'Hara for years.

Later, she was raped by a young Darken Rahl, who had no idea of her true identity. This caused her to be with child. Zedd then went on to cast a wizard's web over himself and his daughter and escaped over to Westland, raising another boundary that separated the two lands. The wizard's web made people forget who he was and hid her son, Richard Rahl, and the identity of her child's father from the world.

While in Westland, she eventually married a man named George Cypher, who already had a child of his own, Michael Cypher.

She was killed in a house fire while Richard and Michael were still young. She had run into the house and saved the two young men, but ran back into the house to save a Night Wisp named Ghazi, but was unsuccessful.

Zedd is such a dick.

And running back into a burning house to save a fucken Night Wisp. What the fuck.
Salazar said:
Looking forward to it. I agree that it won't be long at all.

I like to think that what Terry is going to publish in the interim is a novella (nasty, brutish, short) about Hannis Arc. I fear, however, that it will be something unforeseeably tedious.

Hannis is no hero (at least not to Goodkind).

Richard is Goodkind's "hero."

So unfortunately, a Hannis origins story will likely not be forthcoming.

Though it might not be tedious- Panis was a fucking badass, and Zedd was no doddering old man either.


braves01 said:
Good job, Salazar. GAF should have more of these digest threads. An Atlas Shrugged digest thread would be fun.

A Feast For Crows

Brienne Chapter:

Nothing happened in this chapter.


braves01 said:
Good job, Salazar. GAF should have more of these digest threads. An Atlas Shrugged digest thread would be fun.

It is an exceptionally therapeutic way to get through terrible books, I must say.

Terry gets some spooky fucking tweets.



I started reading one of his book once and it didn't really made me want to continue though.
I'm usually wry of GAF's group-hate on anything, because it seems to me most people will hate something to death around here out of the inertion. But on this one I can sort of agree, his books seems quite childish. Not because of the rape or the dildos or whatever, but it's like they were written by a 15 years old boy.


dude said:
Not because of the rape or the dildos or whatever, but it's like they were written by a 15 years old boy.

I have a tiny bit of experience at working at a publishing house and dealing with an author everybody knows is rubbish.

I have to believe that there are people at TOR who are embarrassed to put Terry's books out. Just plain abashed and bemused.


So did Goodkind just retconn the entire last Richard and Kahlan book? Where they put the "bad" people in one world and the "good" people in another? Because there are suddenly bad people in their world, so unless he actually explains what happened I find it funny that the previous 12(?) books were for naught.


TheBranca18 said:
So did Goodkind just retconn the entire last Richard and Kahlan book? Where they put the "bad" people in one world and the "good" people in another? Because there are suddenly bad people in their world, so unless he actually explains what happened I find it funny that the previous 12(?) books were for naught.

No retcon.

Richard stayed in the world with magic. Of necessity, really, because he is a magical dude.

Magical villains still abound. Just the ravening millions of communist anti-magic scum have been disposed of.

I don't think he necessarily put all the bad people on one side of the line. He just ditched the people who didn't want magic to exist in the world where it doesn't exist. A bunch of those were Imperial Order thugs, but he erased their memories in transit to their new world. I don't know if that eliminated or decreased their nastiness as human beings, but there is always the possibility that Richard doesn't give a fuck. Or that he feels some deep optimism about the tabula rasa conception of human moral dispositions. Give murdering rapists a fresh start and they will be ok. It's not like he checks on that world, or could if he wanted to; I think it was an irreversible separation.

Everyone could be dead. They might have dug the world's biggest rape pit. Who knows.

Richard just believes deeply in the hierarchic model of social and political agency that the presence (and his possession) of magic creates. Some people are fucken powerful, minus any deliberative regulation. Richard is one of these people. Fuck you if you don't like it. The Imperial Order, for all their grimy misanthropy, were fiercely egalitarian. A large part of their objection to magic was its distortion of social authority; they didn't particularly like monarchs either. Their nature as a political group was a bit tainted by the fact that they were led by an evil motherfucker with black eyes, the power to invade minds, a fondness for rape and murder, moral indifference to the excesses of his troops. But they had a point.




Don't feel so down about those standings. Given the hype and anticipation ADwD had, I would not be surprised if sales of the book were ridiculously front-loaded. Goodkind still has his fans and so it shouldn't be all that surprising that a new book which returns to Richard and Khalan would do well.


Silexx said:
Don't feel so down about those standings. Given the hype and anticipation ADwD had, I would not be surprised if sales of the book were ridiculously front-loaded. Goodkind still has his fans and so it shouldn't be all that surprising that a new book which returns to Richard and Khalan would do well.

I'm not surprised, nor even that dismayed, that The Omen Machine has sold so many copies.

I hope it becomes a popular reading group choice. What I do want, really, is for Terry to slacken off on this idea of himself as a writer of lean thriller prose. He can't do it. There are numerous other literary things he can't do, but he manages to entertain in failing to achieve them. He is the reigning champ of fantasy hacks, as far as I am concerned, and having earned that throne, he should sit on it.


Salazar said:
I'm not surprised, nor even that dismayed, that The Omen Machine has sold so many copies.

I hope it becomes a popular reading group choice. What I do want, really, is for Terry to slacken off on this idea of himself as a writer of lean thriller prose. He can't do it. There are numerous other literary things he can't do, but he manages to entertain in failing to achieve them. He is the reigning champ of fantasy hacks, as far as I am concerned, and having earned that throne, he should sit on it.


I still can't believe it took me until halfway through The Confessor to finally say "Fuck this" and drop the series completely. I did, though, eventually go to Wikipedia in order to finally find out how it all turned out.

And kudos to you for providing us with an entertaining run down of the book, because I feared that morbid curiosity may had eventually gotten the better of me and would have gone out to read up the book myself.


Darkness no more
I've only read 3 chapters so far and it's starting out pretty bad. They are trying to magically watch Richard and Kahlan through bedroom mirrors? What are they waiting to see?!


Darkness said:
I've only read 3 chapters so far and it's starting out pretty bad. They are trying to magically watch Richard and Kahlan through bedroom mirrors? What are they waiting to see?!

definitely not any sex, because other than rape, there's none of that in this book


I stopped reading these books around the time Richard was kidnapped and taken to that big city.

The amount of preaching from the author throughout the book was too much. From what I've read it gets worse. I bought all the books for 10 cents each from the library so no biggy.


Arment said:
I stopped reading these books around the time Richard was kidnapped and taken to that big city.

He was sort of kidnapped by the Sisters of Light in Stone of Tears, after he started experiencing magical headaches. And then Nicci captured him in Faith of the Fallen, which was probably for the best as he got to build the gnarly statue that brought down the regime.

Brother Narev, when he finally arrives to see the statue, orders Richard to destroy the statue. Richard takes up the hammer and points to the crowd, telling them that the Order only wishes to destroy beauty, only wishes to enslave humanity under the doctrine of faith unsupported by the true value of life. He swings the hammer and shatters the statue in one blast. The people are in outraged shock, looking at a pile of rubble where once stood the most glorious object they have ever seen. Immediately they revolt, proclaiming that the Order will not enslave them any longer. They attack the Imperial Order, and Altur'Rang falls to the hands of the rebels.


Faith of the Fallen could have been good except for the pages and pages of objectivist propaganda Richard said as a mouthpiece for Terry. It is one of the better books past the first two in my opinion.


TheBranca18 said:
Faith of the Fallen could have been good except for the pages and pages of objectivist propaganda Richard said as a mouthpiece for Terry.

Faith of the Fallen is where I gave up the series. The preaching had just gotten too thick. And the interesting side characters like Zed and Richard's brother barely got a chapter. I should have given up at the start of book 2 (hey bad stuff is happen, but we're going to ignore it), but I was listen to the on tape at the time. My local audiobook rental store had a limited selection of fantasy at the time, so I was "stuck" with the series for a month or so.


TheBranca18 said:
Faith of the Fallen could have been good except for the pages and pages of objectivist propaganda Richard said as a mouthpiece for Terry. It is one of the better books past the first two in my opinion.

Agreed this is the last one I listened to I have the audiobooks. Faith of the fallen had some good points but because it's a goodkind book it just drags on and on and on I use to fall asleep at certain parts.
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