it would make people feel safe that it's a gun free zone and attract more customers

it would make people feel safe that it's a gun free zone and attract more customers
What an insane law... What year is it? People are actually allowed to show their guns in public? So if an actual terrorist walked in with a gun no-one would bat an eyelid until it's too late?
Remind me to never visit Texas, nor America for that matter. The gun law in general is totally fucking nuts, thank goodness I'm English.
A store that sells foodlol, oh well
What kind of establishment do you work at?
The US is incredibly diverse. It's also a huge place geographically. Texas has always had rather lax gun laws.
You cannot open carry in every state.
Not if it's a constitutional right.I thought Republicans were all about the free market deciding.
I find it insane you can buy a gun in general though, that stuff should never be made available to citizens.
Increasing defences increases offence. You are five times more likely to be killed by a gun in the states in the UK.
We had a terrorist wielding a knife in the London Underground last year. He was tazered and he'll serve his time. In America, he'd of been riddled with bullets.
I love America and I do plan to live there once I graduate, but for fuck sake ban guns. It's shockingly medieval.
It's not happening, dude. Half the country won't allow it.
Thankfully you have no constitutional right to carry a weapon onto someone else's property.
A store that sells food
A store that sells food
I find it insane you can buy a gun in general though, that stuff should never be made available to citizens.
Increasing defences increases offence. You are five times more likely to be killed by a gun in the states than in the UK.
We had a terrorist wielding a knife in the London Underground last year. He was tazered and he'll serve his time. In America, he'd of been riddled with bullets.
I love America and I do plan to live there once I graduate, but for fuck sake ban guns. It's shockingly medieval.
Fuck gun nuts.
Man convicted in 'stand your ground' murder retrial
"This case is about provocation, pure and simple," prosecutor Kelli Johnson told jurors in closing arguments. "The law doesn't allow you to create a situation and then claim self-defense."
I live in the Dallas area, and I can confirm this to be very true. I worked at this bank years ago when in college, and I was really taken aback by this HUGE sign posted on the door. At first I thought it was a public notice related to banking regulations or just an advertisement. FYI, they also have (had?) an rifle case in the lobby with about 4 civil war era rifles on display for decades.
I have noticed similarly large signs at car dealerships, restaurants, and stores. The are very noticeable.
apparently it does in Florida.
I find the bilingual signs weird.
So without this sign it's perfectly legal to enter a bank..with a firearm?
That can't be right.
Texas Republicans are all about "them furriners should learn English" unless requiring Spanish might make a sign banning guns easier to make a mistake on, rendering it no longer legally binding. Years ago they made it so that the sign banning firearms from government buildings had to be bilingual, with specific font sizes and some phases in specific colors. All in hopes of making it too hard to get the right sign on a courthouse.
It's not unimportant to say most places don't need to...
I don't believe in guns. I stayed at that hotel during my brother's wedding. I was in awe of the beautiful building. It's a shame to know they support guns that's all.
I wonder how easy it is to get a gun license. It should be as hard as a Doctorate degree. You should go to school for 8 years in order to be a licensed gun owner.
So without this sign it's perfectly legal to enter a bank..with a firearm?
That can't be right.
Open carry, while it varies by state, tend to be pretty wildly permissive. In Georgia, for you can take guns into airports and bars example, (see: Texas now allows students to have concealed carry on public university campuses (despite heavy resistance from faculty, students, police, etc).
Political rallies or meetings? Not so much (surprise!).
What bank doesn't want free armed guards? But yeah its dumb. Glad the free market is working out in this case. It makes sense, the average soccer mom doesn't want to take her kids inside a Starbucks with all these people with AR-15s strapped to their back.
Words cannot express how delicious I find it that the "free market" has decided that far right loons are nuts.
What bank doesn't want free armed guards? But yeah its dumb. Glad the free market is working out in this case. It makes sense, the average soccer mom doesn't want to take her kids inside a Starbucks with all these people with AR-15s strapped to their back.
We had a terrorist wielding a knife in France not even a week ago that was shot dead.
Not that you're wrong with your general point but not all situations are the same.
Yes but had that terrorist live in America the chances of him weilding a gun instead of a knife (and thus making his job of killing people or the easier and more efficient) would've been exponentially higher since they are so easy to get over there. Regardless of policemen tazing or shooting firearms.We had a terrorist wielding a knife in France not even a week ago that was shot dead.
Not that you're wrong with your general point but not all situations are the same.
You forgot the "wielding knife AND a suicide belt AND running at the police station screaming Alah Akhbar". He would have been shot anywhere, and even then the police gave him fair warning to stop before opening fire.
Well yeah.
I'm just saying his point of "only terrorists get shot in the US" is ridiculously wrong.
Sometimes when a cop shoots a guy it's the actual good response.
Granted, it's as common as a red moon but it still happens.
<--- Gun nut here.... Open carry is stupid.I'm also Black so open carry is a quick ticket to death.
Yeah..what?I don't understand this post.
fill me in
How unfair. Businesses can refuse to allow guns into their store, but gays are allowed to waltz right in and demand to be served like fellow human beings?
How unfair. Businesses can refuse to allow guns into their store, but gays are allowed to waltz right in and demand to be served like fellow human beings?
How unfair. Businesses can refuse to allow guns into their store, but gays are allowed to waltz right in and demand to be served like fellow human beings?
but guns aren't peopleHow unfair. Businesses can refuse to allow guns into their store, but gays are allowed to waltz right in and demand to be served like fellow human beings?
but guns aren't people
Yes but had that terrorist live in America the chances of him weilding a gun instead of a knife (and thus making his job of killing people or the easier and more efficient) would've been exponentially higher since they are so easy to get over there. Regardless of policemen tazing or shooting firearms.
Absolutely no argument here.Yeah, you're right.
My point was, simply wielding a knife won't get you shot in France. In my town last week, 2 drivers went into an altercation wielding both machetes, the cop went between them and stopped it. Nobody was injured. Ok, the cop was at risk, but they're taught that is actually part of the job, and it's much easier without guns available everywhere.
people dont gun kills, kills gun people
You're going to have to work on this dont gun kills, kills gun people
Go figure that people carrying rifles strapped across their back made people nervous and the businesses responded in kind.
At least Texas has laws pertaining to this sort of thing.
Why didn't you let people know what 30.06 and 30.07 actually mean OP?
Yes but had that terrorist live in America the chances of him weilding a gun instead of a knife (and thus making his job of killing people or the easier and more efficient) would've been exponentially higher since they are so easy to get over there. Regardless of policemen tazing or shooting firearms.