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The 2010 Academy Awards of Something Something

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stupei said:
It's definitely specific to CG and not the genre, I mean look at all the nominations for acting that the three LotR movies got.
Right... You mean the movies that pioneered motion capture acting in live action? Gollum ring a bell? :lol


Drunky McMurder
OneEightZero said:
As the technology gets better and better, it's going to be damned near impossible for a Best Picture winner NOT to have CG in it. That's why I believe Avatar didn't lose because of it's CGI. It can't be the deciding factor anymore.

Of course Avatar didn't lose because of CG. Anybody claiming otherwise is being obtuse.

edit: For example, the two people directly above this reply.


The Crimson Blur said:
I didn't walk away from LOTR thinking it was a "CG film" like a Avatar or a Toys Story. I thought of it as a film with good CG.

Thats where the Academy draws the line. And thats why they are bullshit. They'd make shit black and white again if they could.

I think you should go to bed man.


Raxus said:
This is why Lord of the Rings would never ever win Best Picture.

:eek: :lol

Surely, whether the ACADEMY has anti-CG sentiment or not, the question is "even if they didn't, should AVATAR have won then?"

Some people think so, others think not. I'm certainly in the "no way" category. A gorgeous film, fascinating new technology... can't wait to see a good movie utilize the stuff. But I just think this is one of Cameron's worst films, and easily the most poorly written film he's ever directed. Not best picture material.

The "film experience" I had the most fun with wasn't AVATAR by a longshot. That was Inglorious Basterds. Zombieland was also way more fun. I enjoyed An Eduction more. I preferred A SERIOUS MAN.

One does not need to be elitist or pretentious to simply think that above all else, AVATAR was inadequate.

Ah well, the debate rages on. Bed time.


well not really...yet
District 9 isnt better than either Star Wars or Avatar

District 9 is to Avatar what Dark City was to the Matrix

A good yet inferior film that people like to champion


The Everyman
KHarvey16 said:
Exactly, the special effects were good. If you say special effects have very little to do with it then you've just made my argument for me.
not at all

avatar's end result is a breathtaking, immersive movie.

this is because of the amazing use of technology, the expertly crafted world, and near perfect cinematography. all of which, Cameron is essentially responsible for.


Fail out bailed
The Crimson Blur said:
The fact that people are comparing it to Star Wars in the first place should tell you why it should have won.

Wat? Who cares?
Star Wars is a really fun kid's movie, not really a sparkling example of filmmaking.

Also, Star Wars has a lot of soul. I didn't CARE about the characters in AVATAR.

I HATED the characters in Hurt Locker, but I cared about what happened to them just the same. Even with the botched 3rd act it was a deserved win all around.
That said... again... Neither was my favorite of the year


Ingolrious Basterds was the best movie I've seen all year; granted Tarantino is one of the most polarizing directors currently making movies so it doesn't surprise me that it didn't come close to winning anything huge.

But man, the scene in the bar... it's difficult to argue that that's anything but excellent film-making.

EDIT: I can't believe people who have seen Avatar are arguing that it should have won best picture. Films with no plot don't get to win just because they look pretty.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
I also don't think Up in the Air won any awards, eh ? I thought that movie deserved something.


-COOLIO- said:
not at all

avatar's end result is a breathtaking, immersive movie.

this is because of the amazing use of technology, the expertly crafted world, and near perfect cinematography. all of which, Cameron is essentially responsible for.

And all of which are special effects!


aka ThreeOneFour
Amir0x said:
:eek: :lol

Surely, whether the ACADEMY has anti-CG sentiment or not, the question is "even if they didn't, should AVATAR have won then?"

Some people think so, others think not. I'm certainly in the "no way" category. A gorgeous film, fascinating new technology... can't wait to see a good movie utilize the stuff. But I just think this is one of Cameron's worst films, and easily the most poorly written film he's ever directed. Not best picture material.

Ah well, the debate rages on. Bed time.

Can you really use a clap.gif twice? :lol


The Crimson Blur said:
Eventually people will bitch about the Academy's anti-CG stance so much that they will give it to some shit remake of Wall-E 10 years from now (and snub Avatar 2 and 3 along the way, of course) and then act like they did us all a favor.
I wouldn't say they are bias against, more bias for some movies. It is obvious because comedies, action, and animation movies are snubbed over time pieces independent films and epics. It isn't like those movies really have this larger impact or theme than those other movies, however the main reason why it is more successful is because it appeals more to that given audience.


PantherLotus said:
Is it possible that none of the top 10 were really best picture material?

A Serious Man, Precious and perhaps Up in the Air were all great movies. I'll tell you in 5 years whether or not they're classics, but those three belonged.

Hurt Locker, District 9 and Basterds all fit in the "good, not great" slot for me.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Staccat0 said:
Wat? Who cares?
Star Wars is a really fun kid's movie, not really a sparkling example of filmmaking.


Teddman said:

Yeah, I'm sure it's because the Academy hates CG -- not because the performances were serviceable at best and the Avatar screenplay was simplistic garbage that gave the actors little-to-nothing to work with. Can you honestly say that any of the cast deserved an acting nomination? Zoe Saldanna does better than average but her pathetic phony caterwauling probably pushed her off a list largely populated by acting veterans and a Hollywood darling like Bullock.


OneEightZero said:

So just stupid looks the whole time? I wish I had seen it.

BTW: Chinese internet is so slow, most of these gifs only give me the first second and then start to loop, so if there is mroe to this gif, you have to explain it.


Dead said:
District 9 isnt better than either Star Wars or Avatar

District 9 is to Avatar what Dark City was to the Matrix

A good yet inferior film that people like to champion
Except that Dark City was a better film than the Matrix. Matrix was more entertaining, but the Dark City was better.


Dead said:
District 9 isnt better than either Star Wars or Avatar

District 9 is to Avatar what Dark City was to the Matrix

A good yet inferior film that people like to champion
At least in case of D9 whole plot wasn't obvious from watching the trailer alone.


well not really...yet
KHarvey16 said:
And all of which are special effects!
Right, because writing plays no part in creating the world

protip: Cameron wrote all that stuff before it was turned into special effects
The Crimson Blur said:
I didn't walk away from LOTR thinking it was a "CG film" like a Avatar or a Toys Story. I thought of it as a film with good CG.

Thats where the Academy draws the line. And thats why they are bullshit. They'd make shit black and white again if they could.

Oh stop.

Do you want to know why AHBUHDAR lost? The real dirty secret?

James Cameron is a VERY polarizing person in Hollywood, especially after Titanic.

There are people that would flatout not vote for him.

The main reason he won the GGs was because it's voted on by the Hollywood Foriegn Press and in many ways, that shielded him from the backlash.
Staccat0 said:
Wat? Who cares?
Star Wars is a really fun kid's movie, not really a sparkling example of filmmaking.

Star Wars IS science Fiction RE-WRITTEN. Every sci-fi flick that exist does so due to what Star Wars did.


border said:
Yeah, I'm sure it's because the Academy hates CG -- not because the performances were serviceable at best and the Avatar screenplay was simplistic garbage that gave the actors little-to-nothing to work with. Can you honestly say that any of the cast deserved an acting nomination? Zoe Saldanna does better than average but her pathetic phony caterwauling probably pushed her off a list largely populated by acting veterans and a Hollywood darling like Bullock.
Saldanna for sure (though the performance is aided by animators), and I thought Stephen Lang was one of the best villains in recent memory. Would've liked to see a supporting nomination.
Dead said:
District 9 isnt better than either Star Wars or Avatar

To me it was. I grew up in South Africa during apartheid. Watching D9 brought back so many memories and OMG moments that it had a a far greater impact on my life than Star Wars and Avatar. SW and Avatar is pure entertainment while District 9 actually resonates with your life because you've lived it.
ryutaro's mama said:
Oh stop.

Do you want to know why AHBUHDAR lost? The real dirty secret?

James Cameron is a VERY polarizing person in Hollywood, especially after Titanic.

There are people that would flatout not vote for him.

The main reason he won the GGs was because it's voted on by the Hollywood Foriegn Press and in many ways, that shielded him from the backlash.
Sounds like he got Mickey Rourke'd.


Fail out bailed
CassSept said:
At least in case of D9 whole plot wasn't obvious from watching the trailer alone.
and it had better acting and I prefered the art direction.
Bentendo said:
Can someone tell me what the hell Sean Penn was talking about?
THIS!? It was sooooooooo wierd.


Kills Photobucket
Teddman said:

Problem is that while good, I woudn't call any of the performances in Avatar award worthy.

Also, this argument is nothing new. People have believed that voice acting is just a s legitimate as physical acting and that they should be able to get nominated. Digital acting was also heavily discussed with The Lord of the Rings and many people arguing that Andy Serkis was deserving of a best supporting actor nomination.


The Crimson Blur said:
I didn't walk away from LOTR thinking it was a "CG film" like a Avatar or a Toys Story. I thought of it as a film with good CG.

Thats where the Academy draws the line. And thats why they are bullshit. They'd make shit black and white again if they could.

LOTR was a good film with good CG. Avatar was a pedestrian, poorly written film full of high-school level philosophy with good CG. That's the line the Academy draws - a line for good films.

Hell, Forrest Gump (which I can't stand, btw) was heralded for its stealth use of CG effects for various things and that still won best picture.

Teddman said:
I thought Stephen Lang was one of the best villains in recent memory. Would've liked to see a supporting nomination.

This has got to be a damn joke. Lang in avatar a supporting nomination? For that over-wrought caricature of a "space marine". He couldn't have been more cliched and generic if he tried, I was actually physically embarrassed by the marine portrayals in Avatar and his ridiculous role, particularly near the end was just cringe worthy.


DarkJediKnight said:
Star Wars IS science Fiction RE-WRITTEN. Every sci-fi flick that exist does so due to what Star Wars did.
Star Wars is 40's pulp scifi written with pseudo-Japanese warriors.


border said:
Yeah, I'm sure it's because the Academy hates CG -- not because the performances were serviceable at best and the Avatar screenplay was simplistic garbage that gave the actors little-to-nothing to work with. Can you honestly say that any of the cast deserved an acting nomination? Zoe Saldanna does better than average but her pathetic phony caterwauling probably pushed her off a list largely populated by acting veterans and a Hollywood darling like Bullock.

Definitely. I'll accept the argument, but it doesn't matter, there wasn't a performance in the movie worthy of a nomination CGI or no.


well not really...yet
teiresias said:
LOTR was a good film with good CG. Avatar was a pedestrian, poorly written film full of high-school level philosophy with good CG. That's the line the Academy draws - a line for good films.

Hell, Forrest Gump (which I can't stand, btw) was heralded for its stealth use of CG effects for various things and that still won best picture.
That must explain why Avatar was nominated by the WGA
Tobor said:
I did a post just like that right after I saw Avatar. Even if I except every point you make, it's still a better movie than Avatar.

It's more entertaining and I didn't see the ending coming from a mile away.

And don't forget the magical
goo that the alien spent 20 years collecting so he'd have enough to power the docking ship and STILL had enough for it AFTER a good amount splashed on Wikus' face.

C'mon man...

Point is, I disagree with your assessment that it is greater than AHBUHDAR.

And you disagree with me.

But I gave you reasons why.


Teddman said:
Saldanna for sure (though the performance is aided by animators), and I thought Stephen Lang was one of the best villains in recent memory. Would've liked to see a supporting nomination.

But all Stephen Lang did was stomp around and screech while spouting his hilariously terrible dialogue extolling the virtues of "SHOOTING FIRST AND ASKING QUESTIONS LATER"?

I mean, if this is your example of one of the best villains in recent memory, than one must only logically conclude your memory is short or you just have vastly different expectations for what makes something 'good.'

I for one prefer my villains to not be cardboard cutouts married to preachy screeds about saving the environment; your mileage obviously varies (as does the Academy).


Fail out bailed
DarkJediKnight said:
Star Wars IS science Fiction RE-WRITTEN. Every sci-fi flick that exist does so due to what Star Wars did.
Moon says hi! As does Alien and Blade Runner. As does anything based on a Dick novel.
As does Children of Men.


-COOLIO- said:
then you have an odd definition of special effects. it sounds like it's called 'being a director'

Dead said:
Right, because writing plays no part in creating the world

protip: Cameron wrote all that stuff before it was turned into special effects

Manipulating digital environments. That stuff wasn't there. The cinematography is in a computer. When you see any great CGI sequence in any movie ever, you don't say, "wow, the director did a great job directing this scene!" No, you say it was a great special effect. If realizing worlds like in Avatar is worthy of a best director Oscar than someone making an animated film should also be able to win.


:lol :lol

Roger Ross Williams: Oh my god. This is amazing. Two years ago when I got on an airplane and went to Zimbabwe, I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I'd end up here. This is so exciting. This is so exciting. So exciting.

Elinor Burkett: ...Let the woman talk. Isn't that the classic thing? In a world in which most of us are told and tell ourselves that we can't. Liyana, the band behind this film, teaches us that we're wrong. Against all odds they did, so we can. So the bottom line is, to me, my role models and my heroes, Marvelous and Energy, Tapiwa, Goodwell, the whole rest of the band and especially Prudence.

Roger Ross Williams: And Prudence who is here. Who is back there. Prudence is here tonight. This is for Prudence.

Staccat0 said:
Wat? Who cares?
Star Wars is a really fun kid's movie, not really a sparkling example of filmmaking.

Also, Star Wars has a lot of soul. I didn't CARE about the characters in AVATAR.
I guarantee you John Williams contributed a lot to the passionate feelings people have toward Star Wars.


a mass of phermones, hormones and adrenaline just waiting to explode
The two most egregious errors in the awards tonight, IMO, were IB losing the screenplay award and The White Ribbon failing to win best foreign film over El Secreto De Sus Ojos, which I found to be interesting but ultimately pretty forgettable...


universalmind said:
So glad IB got rolled. What an overrated film.

It grew on me. High school/university students 20 years from now are probably renting Inglourious Basterds pretty regularly, and would be not very interested in Avatar and Hurt Locker.

Hurt Locker was more deserving than Shakespeare in Love, Dances with Wolves, or Forrest Gump.

Full disclosure: I think the Oscar's barometer is fubar.
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