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The 2010 Academy Awards of Something Something

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Solideliquid said:
I honestly can't understand how people can think Hurt Locker is a better movie than Inglorious B or District 9...

I would have preferd District 9 over everything but just having that POS Avatar losing, I'm willing to take anything in it's place.


a mass of phermones, hormones and adrenaline just waiting to explode
harSon said:
Watch some Sergio Leone films, the opening of IB was a valiant effort at mimicking Leone, but the original is on a completely different level.

Oh, no, I've seen the Leone catalog, I completely understand the homage. For me, however, the environment and character types in IB served to provide a much more palpable sense of angst and dread in me than the Leone originals, that's all...


Here's the difference. You see Star Wars today, and you still get it.

You will watch The Hurt Locker, Inglorious Basterds 20 years from now, and they will be as good then as they are now.

Avatar? Dude, Avatar will just be an old special effects show case of a movie, that looks dated and gives you zero reason to see it.


The Everyman
KHarvey16 said:
"Moving parts?" Why are all of you doing your best to come up with euphemisms for "it had awesome special effects"?
never heard of the expression?

'moving parts' refers to everything that contributes to the result. like the cogs in a watch.

hes saying that it took more directorial prowess to make something like avatar over thl.

i happen to humbly agree.

way more

omg rite said:
The Hangover is already a better theater experience because it was a hilarious comedy. Not saying it's a better movie than Avatar (not that I wouldn't say that) but I love seeing a great comedy in the theater. There's little better movie experience to me than when a crowd is laughing the whole way through. ... Well I mean, if they're supposed to laugh. Laughing during Precious would be different.

The Hangover was only good because of Zach Galifinkis and 'Nard Dawg. The plot, other castmates and story only held them back. It was not great comedy. It was stifling and slow.

My nomination and winner of Best Body Double goes to whoever played Vera Farmiga's ass in Up in the Air.


DeathbyVolcano said:
harSon, if you notice, I was gone for pretty much most of the show until the last hour or so because the people I was watching it with left/went to bed. I didn't even post much anyway other than say how happy I was for a movie. I also left because this award shows are always so incredibly scrutinized that no one can just sit back and enjoy it. Everything just has to be PERFECT AND FUCKING HYSTERICAL LOLOLOLO. People can't enjoy anything. I was getting annoyed, so I left. I tuned back in around Giacchino winning and it wasn't going on as much.

And now I'm gone, you wonderful prick.

i love you


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
omg rite said:
It's pretty arguable. A New Hope is more enjoyable. Of course everything after Empire is lol.

So you didn't think Avatar should have won either, right?

I agree.


Dresden said:
Avatar is a better movie than Star Wars, prequels or otherwise. The only Star Wars movie that is equal to Avatar is Empire Strikes Back; the rest are all unarguably worse.

People rag on Avatar for not having an original story but Star Wars is essentially archetypes-r-us. It almost cynically exploits them.


Dresden said:
And I'm always so wrong.

Oh, thanks for clearing that up.


Dresden said:
Avatar is a better movie than Star Wars, prequels or otherwise. The only Star Wars movie that is equal to Avatar is Empire Strikes Back; the rest are all unarguably worse.

People rag on Avatar for not having an original story but Star Wars is essentially archetypes-r-us. It almost cynically exploits them.
Agreed, Avatar alone is better than both Star Wars trilogies combined.
Just wait till the sequels to Avatar come out, Cameron better get his oscars then.
Dresden said:
Avatar is a better movie than Star Wars, prequels or otherwise. The only Star Wars movie that is equal to Avatar is Empire Strikes Back; the rest are all unarguably worse.

People rag on Avatar for not having an original story but Star Wars is essentially archetypes-r-us. It almost cynically exploits them.

Or no. Star Wars works on far more levels than Avatar does. It has WAY better characters. It has a hell of a lot more meaning, heart. Yes it takes from so many of the classic tales of our history but that is what makes it special. Star Wars is our modern myth. Avatar will never be viewed in the same way.


Tobor said:
Oh, thanks for clearing that up.
Just thought I'd lend you a hand.

But Avatar is still better than Star Wars.
MiamiWesker said:
Or no. Star Wars works on far more levels than Avatar does. It has WAY better characters. It has a hell of a lot more meaning, heart. Yes it takes from so many of the classic tales of our history but that is what makes it special. Star Wars is our modern myth. Avatar will never be viewed in the same way.
It's thirty-plus years of hype. Avatar is a better made, better written movie.


H.Cornerstone said:
My greatest moment of the Oscars was when my sister asked me why Avatar wasn't nominated for best makeup...

ohh.. and the Hurt Locker winning.

Lol, my sister asked me the exact same thing.
I personally think Inglourious Basterds deserved BP over The Hurt Locker, but I can accept that win.

What I can't accept is Hurt Locker winning best screenplay. THAT is a fucking joke. I don't care how much that guy risked his damn life for that Playboy article, the story structure is fucking lazy as shit.


You people think Avatar is better than Star Wars? I'm outta here before bad taste consumers my entire being!

Dresden said:
Who's 'you people'?

Oh you know, white people.

I was talking about people that think Avatar is this definitive film. It won the awards it should have and lost the one's it shouldn't have. It will be remembered as the film that finally got the ball rolling on 3D and unsurprisingly it won an award for that. The Hurt Locker is a film that will be remembered for being one of the best, if not the best, war films released.


Subconscious Brolonging
DeathNote said:
2-10 do not equal number 1. sorry.

did you really just list harry potter as an example? are you stupid? the harry potter is a killer franchise and will not be forgotten

Considering the box office rat race of the past few years, I wouldn't expect Avatar to be #1 for very long. And I was referring to the individual HP films. The franchise will stay in peoples minds obviously because it's still running but I imagine most have no idea which HP film is more successful than any other or can even distinguish between them at this point.


VelvetMouth said:
I would have preferd District 9 over everything but just having that POS Avatar losing, I'm willing to take anything in it's place.
What's with this sort of attitude? Did James Cameron lay a steaming deuce in your oatmeal or something?


AstroMan said:
Oh you know, white people.

I was talking about people that think Avatar is this definitive film. It won the awards it should have and lost the one's it shouldn't have. It will be remembered as the film that finally got the ball rolling on 3D and unsurprisingly it won an award for that. The Hurt Locker is a film that will be remembered for being one of the best, if not the best, war films released.
Waltz with bashir came out in 2008 and was a much better war film than hurt locker. I came in with no expectations of hurt locker and came out thinking the movie sucked.


OneEightZero said:
1) Nope

2) He didn't fuck around for ten minutes before reading the winner. He came out and read that shit. :boss

3) Nope. He was pretty hilarious tonight, though.

4) Excellent statement. ^_^

Why was Clooney so hilarious?


Unconfirmed Member
Was I the only one who thought District 9 was robbed? Didn't win a damn thing despite being the best Sci-Fi movie of the last few years.


Professional Schmuck
AstroMan said:
Oh you know, white people.

I was talking about people that think Avatar is this definitive film. It won the awards it should have and lost the one's it shouldn't have. It will be remembered as the film that finally got the ball rolling on 3D and unsurprisingly it won an award for that. The Hurt Locker is a film that will be remembered for being one of the best, if not the best, war films released.

The bold makes me want to ask you where exactly you think it ranks in the pantheon of great war movies.
Calcaneus said:
I feel like Tarantino is gonna be another one that the Oscars never gets right while he's in his prime, only to give it to him in his 60s.

Maybe so. He'll be like Martin Scorsese winning for The Departed. Good film but no way is it his best.


DeathbyVolcano said:
harSon, if you notice, I was gone for pretty much most of the show until the last hour or so because the people I was watching it with left/went to bed. I didn't even post much anyway other than say how happy I was for a movie. I also left because this award shows are always so incredibly scrutinized that no one can just sit back and enjoy it. Everything just has to be PERFECT AND FUCKING HYSTERICAL LOLOLOLO. People can't enjoy anything. I was getting annoyed, so I left. I tuned back in around Giacchino winning and it wasn't going on as much.

And now I'm gone, you wonderful prick.

We're on a massive forum, people live blog every single event, whether it's politics, sports, film or video game related. You constantly berating people for disagreeing with your opinions is a hell of a lot more annoying than live blogging and constant negativity.

Get over yourself and stop acting like such a drama queen.


Fail out bailed
I really enjoyed UP, BTW but I feel like the first 20 minutes of that film is what won.

Coraline was better overrall IMO and had a unique and important message: "Your parents love you even thought they are boring dicks. Nice adults are probably kidnappers or pedos."


-COOLIO- said:
never heard of the expression?

'moving parts' refers to everything that contributes to the result. like the cogs in a watch.

hes saying it took more directorial prowess to make something like avatar over thl.

i happen to humbly agree.

I don't see the point in rewarding what is essentially a guy setting up these enormous challenges for himself and producing something that excels in one facet of film while doing nothing else that would even get noticed by the lowliest clerk working blockbusters straight to DVD aisle. It's a beautiful film and I enjoyed it for that reason, but that's all it has going for itself. That's it.


I was blown away (as it were) by The Hurt Locker and am delighted that it won Best Picture. Watching it on the big screen - not a terribly easy task, mind you, when it's widest release was roughly 500 theaters - was an amazingly tense experience. Since then, I've been telling friends that The Hurt Locker was my favorite movie of the year, so I'm glad to see that the Academy agreed with me. Kudos to Kathryn Bigelow for all of the richly deserved awards.

wizword said:
Avatar is legendary like star wars. District 9 is going to become a pretty legendary sci-fi film too. I am surprised people think that this isn't going to be a film that 10 years old are goign to watch in 2020. Because I would imagine similar to those movies, avatar will be that for our children generation

my ass it is


aka ThreeOneFour
AFreak said:
Why was Clooney so hilarious?


Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
these award shows are annoying because they force people to compare two completely different movies on the same merits. nowhere else would avatar be compared to the hurt locker, but eh...

loved both. now i've just gotta catch up on all the films i still didn't get around to seeing: up in the air, inglorious basterds, a single man... shame 'moon' wasn't entered, would have been nice to see it get some recognition.

also disappointed i missed the insanely hot tom ford :(


harSon said:
We're on a massive forum, people live blog every single event, whether it's politics, sports, film or video game related. You constantly berating people for disagreeing with your opinions is a hell of a lot more annoying than live blogging and constant negativity.

Get over yourself and stop acting like such a drama queen.

Live-blogging during sporting events, Who the fuck does that?!


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
So now that Hurt Locker cleaned up do you think that guy who is suing them has a better or worse chance of getting his money?

AstroMan said:
You people think Avatar is better than Star Wars? I'm outta here before bad taste consumers my entire being!

Oh you know, white people.

I was talking about people that think Avatar is this definitive film. It won the awards it should have and lost the one's it shouldn't have. It will be remembered as the film that finally got the ball rolling on 3D and unsurprisingly it won an award for that. The Hurt Locker is a film that will be remembered for being one of the best, if not the best, war films released.

joke post?


Dresden said:
Just thought I'd lend you a hand.

But Avatar is still better than Star Wars.

It's thirty-plus years of hype. Avatar is a better made, better written movie.

District 9 is better than Avatar. District 9 is not better than Star Wars. Therefore...


The Crimson Blur said:
The fact that people are comparing it to Star Wars in the first place should tell you why it should have won.


People comparing it to Star Wars are just a bunch of nutties, that each year jump on whatever hype train is in the fast lane to $

This year they are gonna pick something else, next year something else etc
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