People like me?
I'm saying if any legislation or anything I'd passed to strip away anyone's rights, believe me I will have a problem like you won't believe.
He's been sworn in. We can't do anything.
Protest when something actually happens though.
Politicians say things. History proves they don't always follow through. Fingers crossed every American is represented.
When he says people like you is a stagering group of people that are being complacent (or just concern trolling) what is happening is a "This is bad, but we have to wait and see if its really happens".
Theres is never a good Time to Protest:
-Says racial shit against Mexicans - is not a good time to Protest.
-openly talks sexual assault - is not the time to protest.
-Campaing is filled with xenophobic , islamophopic , anti LBGTQ rethoric - is not the time to protest.
-promise to change a lot of laws that can harm millions of american - is not the time to protest
-win the election under questionable elements going around and double fdown on bigotry- is not the time to protest.
-Is sworn in amd make a speach that fucking echoes Facist president while at the same time select a cabinet full of people with checked History of not caring about the people -is not the time to protest.
So when is that time? When i get fucking killed by a militant police because of my color of my skin? When thousand of people actually die because of laws that protect those that need it are taken away?
Fuck thay shit, "now is not the time to protest" has just become fucking moving goalpost , because at the end the people who cry for this crap are really indifferent to what could happen.