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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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Haha trump couldn't get a decent photo from his inauguration.


We're too busy celebrating.

and working
I've heard this stereotype many times so I actually bothered to look up whether this is true.


39% of the total population say they are Republican or lean Republican, 48% say they are Democrat or lean Democrat.

Employed: Rep/Lean Rep vs Dem/Lean Dem: 39/48
- Full-time: Rep/Lean Rep vs Dem/Lean Dem: 39/47
- Part-time: Rep/Lean Rep vs Dem/Lean Dem: 37/49
Not employed: Rep/Lean Rep vs Dem/Lean Dem: 36/49

Looks like that's just an untrue stereotype. Democrats are just as likely to be working as Republicans.


To be honest at this point I'm glad Trump won given the attitude of supposed "liberals" these past few months, and past few weeks especially. It's disgusting.

To think that people sat there talking about how Trumps voters would take losing the election badly....then you end up with riots, violence and attempts to overthrow democracy from the side that claims to be tolerant and democratic.

I think it's more that a few bad apples are conflated to be the majority to help build an agenda against those that disagree.
Trump brought back jobs so quickly no one had time to attend his inauguration

What a selfless great man. Best POTUS. Most humble too. #HeMadeAmericaWorkAgain!
You know that part in the Lion King when Scar is looking over his army of Nazi hyenas marching in step? That's kinda what Trump looks like watching the parade.

Zen Aku

If you include protestors, was the crowd for trumps inauguration larger than obamas?

in the 2013 election. Obama's had more than 1 million if I remember correctly.


Also when a Trump supporter mention unity.

This is all I can think of. You all know what happen right before that line.


I voted for President Trump, and it's weird as hell to see him reviewing the troops here at the start of the parade, and just the entire thing. It's beyond surreal.
I had no idea they had marchers in Revolution-era uniforms. That's neat I suppose I guess

toot toot toot

I voted for President Trump, and it's weird as hell to see him reviewing the troops here at the start of the parade, and just the entire thing. It's beyond surreal.

I hope your choices pay off for you Mr. Sir
To be honest at this point I'm glad Trump won given the attitude of supposed "liberals" these past few months, and past few weeks especially. It's disgusting.

To think that people sat there talking about how Trumps voters would take losing the election badly....then you end up with riots, violence and attempts to overthrow democracy from the side that claims to be tolerant and democratic.
Trump didnt win democratically, he lost the popular vote. But GOP fuckery, vote suppression and gerrymandering let him win.


I mean its not like a few days ago we had a thread where a guy who publicly support Trump tried to hired people to riot during today's inauguration.

There's always going to be a few knuckleheads who want to cause trouble, no matter which side you support. By your definition, it's the same line of thought as "Terrorists are Muslims, which means all Muslims are terrorists."

Ironic, given how anyone who wouldn't vote for Clinton was labelled a racist and a xenophobe.

Also funny how people are using the "both sides" excuse, when that has been shot down on gaf so much recently if the one or two Republicans who post here use it.

For the record I'm about balance. I know that there are a number of bad apples on each side, but I've never seen one side have such a large number of vocal bad apples. The hyperbole has been ridiculous.

The sad thing is said people are die hard Obama fans, and I'm sure Obama didn't want to put on the brave face he has but he's shown class in this whole situation. If only his supporters would take a page out of his book.
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